
  • Nabonidus 16


  • Q005413
  • Nabonidus 16



  • cylinder
  • Neo-Babylonian
  • Larsa
  • Royal Inscription
  • Nabonidus


IMG [EX001] BM —

  [EX002] NBC 02508 + VA 10971

  [EX003] BM 091143

  [EX004] IM 058186

  [EX005] IM 058183

  [EX006] IM 059824

  [EX007] L 70.17

Nabonidus 16

Column i
i 1i 1

[md]na-bi-um-na-ʾi-id LUGAL .DINGIR.RA.KI

(i 1) Nabonidus, king of Babylon, shepherd chosen by the god Marduk, the one who provides for Esagil and Ezida, the one who makes sattukku-offering(s) abundant, the one who renovates the cult centers of the great gods, (the one who has) generously providing hands, the one who provides abundantly for all temples, the one who provides for the sanctuaries, the one who makes gifts splendid, the indefatigable envoy who (succeeds) in reaching high mountains, the shepherd who deliberates (and) sets the people of (his) land on the right path,

i 22

[re]-é-a-um ni-bi-it dAMAR.UTU

i 33

[za]-ni-in é-sag-íl ù é-zi-da

i 44

mu-ṭa-aḫ-ḫi-id sa-at-tu-uk-ku

i 55

mu-ud-di- ma-ḫa-zi DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

i 66

i-da-an za-ni-na-a-ti

i 77

mu-ṭaḫ-ḫi-id gi-mi-ir É.KUR

i 88

za-ni-in -re-e-tim mu-šar-ri-iḫ i-gi-se-e

i 99

na-áš-pa-ri la a-ne-ḫi

i 1010

ka-ši-du ša-di-i e-lu-tim

i 1111

re-é-a-am mu--ta-lu

i 1212

mu--te-ši-ir ni-ši ma-a-tim

i 1313

ša dAMAR.UTU dEN.LÍL DINGIR.DINGIR a-na za-na-nu ma-ḫa-zi

(i 13) the one whose name the god Marduk the Enlil of the gods steadfastly called for kingship to provision the cult centers and renew (their) sanctuaries, (the one) whose lordship the god Nabû the overseer of the totality of heaven and earth made the greatest among all (of the kings) who sit upon (royal) daises, (the one) at whose side the god Nergal the almighty, the circumspect Enlil of the netherworld marches into battle and war, (on) whose head the god Sîn and the goddess Ningal placed an eternal crown, (and) for whom the god Šamaš and the goddess Aya opened the ways of justice, whom the great gods magnificently choose in their steadfast [heart(s)], whose name they made import[ant], (and) whose [lord]ship they made great, son of Nab[û-balāss]u-iqbi, wise prince, am I.

i 1414

ù ud-du-šu -re-e-ti

i 1515

šu-um-šu ki-ni- iz-ku-ru a-na šar-ru-ti

i 1616

dna-bi-um pa-qid kiš-šat AN-e ù KI-tim

i 1717

i-na nap-ḫa-ar a-ši-ib BÁRA

i 1818

ú-šar-bu-ú be-lu-ut-su

i 1919

d.ERI₁₁.GAL dan-dan-ni

i 2020

dEN.LÍL er-ṣe-tim mu-ut-tal-ku

i 2121

i-na -ab-lu ù ta-ḫa-zi

i 2222

il-li-ki i-da-a-šu dEN.ZU ù dnin-gal

i 2323

a-ge-e du-úr UD.MEŠ i-pi-ir ra-šu--šú

i 2424

dUTU ù da-a ṭu-da-at mi-ša-ru

i 2525

ú-pa-at-tu-šu DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

i 2626

i-na ku-un [lìb-bi]-šú-nu ra-bi- ut-tu-šu

i 2727

ú-ba-ʾi-[lu] šu-um-šu

i 2828

ú-šar-bu-ú [be]-lu-ut-su

i 2929

DUMU mdna-bi-um-[ba-lat]-su-iq-bi

i 3030

ru-ba-a-am e-em- a-na-ku

i 3131

ì-nu-um dUTU be-lu GAL-ú šá AN-e ù KI-tim

(i 31) When the god Šamaš, the great lord of heaven and earth, shepherd of the black-headed (people), lord of humankind, (with regard to) Larsa, his beloved city, (and) Ebabbar, the seat of his happiness, which had fallen to pieces (and) turned into ruins in distant days, (and) over which sand dune(s) and dust heap(s), (as well as) massive pile(s) of earth, were heaped, so that its ground plan could not be determined (and) its design could not be seen,

i 3232

re-ʾu-ú ṣal-mat SAG.DU be-lu te--še-e-tim

i 3333

larsa.KI a-lu na-ar-mi-šu é-babbar-ra

i 3434

šu-ba-at ṭú-ub lìb-bi-šú šá ul-tu UD.MEŠ ul-lu-tim

i 3535

in-na-mu-ú e-mu-ú kar-mi-

i 3636

ba-aṣ-ṣa ù tu-ru-ba ši-pi-ik e-pe-ru

i 3737

ra-bu-tim e-li-šu -ša-ap-ku-ma

i 3838

la uṣ-ṣa-ab-bu-ú ki-su-úr-šu

i 3939

la in-na-aṭ-ṭa-la ú-ṣu-ra-ti-ša

i 4040


(i 40) during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar (II), a former king, son of Nabopolassar, the sand dune(s and) pile(s) of earth that were heaped over the city and that temple were removed and he discovered the foundation(s) of the Ebabbar of Burna-Buriaš, a former king who had come before (him). He then sought out the foundation(s) of an ancient king (who came) before Burna-Buriaš, but did not find (them).

i 4141

DUMU mdMUATI-ap-lu-ú-ṣur ba-aṣ-ṣa ši-pi-ik e-pe-ri

i 4242

ša e-li URU ù É šu-a-tim

i 4343

ša-ap-ku in-na-ši-ir-ma te-me-en-na é-babbar-ra

i 4444

ša mbur-na-bur-ia-áš LUGAL pa-na-a a-li-ik maḫ-ri

i 4545

i-mu-ur-ma te-me-en-na LUGAL la-bi-ri šá la-am

i 4646

mbur-na-bur-ia-áš ú-ba-ʾi-i-ma la i-mu-ur

i 4747

e-li te-me-en-na mbur-na-bur-ia-áš

(i 47) On top of the foundation(s) of Burna-Buriaš that he had seen inside it, he (re)built Ebabbar and had the god Šamaš, the great lord, dwell therein.

i 4848

ša -re-eb-ša ip-pa-al-sa é-babbar-ra i-pu--ma

i 4949

dUTU be-lu GAL-ú ú-šar-mi -re-eb-šu

i 5050

É šu-a-tim a-na mu-ša-ab dUTU EN GAL-ú

(i 50) (As for) that temple, its processional way was (too) tiny for the residence of the god Šamaš, the great lord, and the goddess Aya, his beloved bride, and its construction was (too) small.

i 5151

ù da-a kal-la-tim na-ra-am-ti-šu

i 5252

ta-al-la-ak-tu-šu i-ṣa-at-ma

i 5353

[ṣu]-uḫ-ḫu-ru ši-pi-ir-šu

i 5454

[i]-na-an-na i-na MU.10.KAM i-na u₄-mu BALA-e-a

(i 54) [N]ow, during (my) tenth year, in the days of my favorable reign, during my eternal kingship, which the god Šamaš loves, the god Šamaš, the great lord, remembered his original residence.

i 5555

da-am-qa i-na šar-ru-ti-ia da--tim

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

ša dUTU i-ra-am-mu-šu₁₄

ii 22

dUTU be-lu GAL-ú iḫ-su-su šu-bat-sa reš*-ti-tim

ii 33

ša zi-qu-ra-tim ge-gu-<na>-a-šu1

(ii 3) With regard to the ziggurat, his (Šamaš’) sacred building, his heart joyfully prompted (him) to raise up its superstructure higher than the one in the past and (then) he waited for me, Nabonidus, the king who provides for him, to return Ebabbar to its (original) place (and) to (re)build the seat of his happiness like (it was) in distant days.

ii 44

re-e-ši-ša e-li ša pa-nim ul-li-ma

ii 55

li-ib-ba-šu ḫa-di- ub-lam-ma

ii 66

a-na ia-tim dMUATI-.TUKU LUGAL za-ni-ni-šu

ii 77

é-babbar-ra a-na -ri-šu tu-úr-ru

ii 88

ki-ma šá UD.MEŠ ul-lu-tim šu-ba-at ṭu-ub lìb-bi-šú

ii 99

e-pe-šu ú-qa-a-wa₆-an-ni

ii 1010

i-na -bi-it dAMAR.UTU be-lu GAL-ú it-bu-nim-ma

(ii 10) By the command of the god Marduk, the great lord, their four winds, the [great] stor[ms], rose up, (and) the sand dune(s) that were covering the city and that temple were removed and the foundation(s) of Ebabbar, the awe-inspiring shrine, the urāšu-building of [si]nging, the residence of the god Šamaš and the goddess [A]ya, and the ziggurat, his (Šamaš’) exalted sacred building, the eternal cella, the chamb[er of their] desire, their foundation(s) became visible and their ground plans could be seen.

ii 1111

ša-a-ri er-bet-ti-šu-nu me-ḫe-[e ra-bu]-tim

ii 1212

ba-aṣ-ṣa ša e-li URU ù É ša-a-šu

ii 1313

ka-at-ma in-na-si-iḫ-ma é-babbar-ra

ii 1414

ki-iṣ-ṣi ra-áš-ba ú-ra-ša [za]-ma-ri

ii 1515

mu-ša-ab dUTU ù d[a]-a

ii 1616

ù zi--ra-ti ge-gu-na-a-šu ṣi-[i]-ri

ii 1717

ku-um-mu da-ru-ú maš-ta-[ku] la-le-[šu-un]

ii 1818

te--en-šu-un in-na-mi-ir-ma

ii 1919

in-na-aṭ-ṭa-la ú-ṣu-ra-ti-šu-un

ii 2020

ši-ṭi-ir šu-um ša mḫa-am-mu-ra-

(ii 20) Inside of it (Ebabbar), I discovered an inscription bearing the name of Ḫammu-rāpi, an ancient king who had built Ebabbar and (its) ziggurat for the god Šamaš on top of the original foundation(s) 700 years before Burna-Buriaš. I became frightened, worried, and anxious.

ii 2121

LUGAL la--ri ša 7 ME MU.AN.NA.MEŠ

ii 2222

la-am mbur-na-bur-ia-áš

ii 2323

é-babbar-ra ù zi-qu-ra-ti

ii 2424

e-li te-me-en-na la-bi-ri

ii 2525

a-na dUTU ib-nu-ù

ii 2626

-er-ba-šu ap-pa-li-is-ma ap-la-[aḫ]

ii 2727

ak-ku-ud-ma ar-ša-a ni-iq-it-ti

ii 2828

ki-a-am aq-bi a-na li-ib-[bi-ia]

(ii 28) I spoke to m[y heart] as follows, saying: “A king who came before me built (this) temple and had Šamaš, the great lord, dwell therein.”

ii 2929

um-ma LUGAL a-li-ku ma-aḫ-ri-ia

ii 3030

É i-pu--ma dUTU be-lu ra-bu-ú

ii 3131

ú-ša-ar-mi -re-eb-šu

ii 3232

ia-ti É šu-a-tim [mu-ša-ab dUTU ù da-a]

(ii 32) (But as for) me, I raised (my) hands (and) bes[eeched the lord of lords to build] that temple, [the residence of the god Šamaš and the goddess Aya], in the most befi[tting] place, [saying]: “O Enlil of the gods, prince Marduk, without you no site can be laid out (and) its ground plan(s) cannot be created. Who can do anything without you? O lord, at your exalted command, I will have what(ever) pleases you done.”

ii 3333

i-na a-šar šu-us?-[su-mu a-na e--šu]

ii 3434

áš-ši -ti ú-ṣal-[la-a EN EN.EN um-ma]

ii 3535


ii 3636

ba-lu-uk-ka ul in-na-an-da šu-ub-ti

ii 3737

ul ib-ba-áš-ši-mu ki-su-ur-šu

ii 3838

ša la ka-a-šú ma-an-ni mi-na-a ip-pu-

ii 3939

be-lu i-na -bi-ti-ka ṣi-ir-ti

ii 4040

ša e-li-ka ṭa-a-bi lu-še-ep-pe-

ii 4141

áš-ra-a-ti dUTU dIŠKUR ù dU.GUR

(ii 41) I frequently visit[ed] the shrines of the gods Šamaš, Adad, and Nergal with regard to (re)building that temple and they (the gods) wrote out in[side] it (a lamb) an auspicious omen concerning the lengthening of my days and the building of (that) temple.

ii 4242

a-na e--šu É šu-a-tim -te--[e]-ma

ii 4343

UZU dum- ša a-ra-ku u₄-mi-ia

ii 4444

ù e-pe- É -ṭu-ru i-na lìb-[bi]-šu

ii 4545

áš-ni-ma al-pu-ut pu-[ḫa-da]

(ii 45) For a second time, I performed an exti[spicy] (lit. “I touched the la[mb]). They (the gods) made sure that a firm ‘yes’ regarding the success of m[y work] was present in my extispicy.

ii 4646

an-na ki-i-ni ša šá-la-mu ši-[ip-ri-ia]

ii 4747

ú-šá-áš-ki-ni i-na ter-ti-ia

ii 4848

a-na a-mat dAMAR.UTU be-lu šu-úr-bi-ia ù a-na a-mat

(ii 48) I trusted in the word of the god Marduk, my supreme lord, and in the word(s) of the gods Šamaš and Adad, the lords of divination, and my heart rejoiced, (my) liver cheered up, I myself was happy, (and) my face beamed.

ii 4949

dUTU ù dIŠKUR EN.MEŠ bi-ri at-ka-al-ma

ii 5050

i-li-iṣ lìb-bi ka-ba-at-ta ip-pa-ar-da

ii 5151

iḫ-di ra-ma-ni im-mi-ru zi-mu-ú-a

ii 5252

ad-ka-am-ma um-ma-na-a-ti dUTU ù dAMAR.UTU

(ii 52) I mustered the workmen of the gods Šamaš and Marduk those who wield hoes, hold spade(s), (and) carry basket(s) and I [laid] a great commission (on them) to (re)build Ebabbar, the [awe-inspiring] shrine, [and the ziggu]rat, the exalted dais. I then made expert craftsmen [con]front its (Ebabbar’s) site. They examined (its) foundation (and) surveyed (its) (original) appearance.

ii 5353

ṣa-bi-it al-lu na-áš GIŠ.MAR za-bi-il GIŠ.DUSU

ii 5454

a-na e-- é-babbar-ra ki-iṣ-ṣi [ra-áš-ba ù zi-]-ra-tim

ii 5555

BÁRA-ša ṣi-i-ri ra-bi- ú-[ma]-ʾe-er-ma

ii 5656

um-man-nu mu-du-ú a-šar-ša -ta-[am]-ḫir

ii 5757

te-me-en-na i-ḫi-ṭu-ma ú-ṣa-ab-bu-ú si-ma-a-tim

ii 5858

i-na ITI ša-al-ma i-na UD ŠE.GA ša é-babbar-ra

(ii 58) In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, with regard to Ebabbar, the beloved temple of the god Šamaš and the goddess Aya, the cella (and) seat of their divinity, the chamber of their desire, I (re)laid their brickwork according to the[ir] original appearances, over [the foundation(s) of] Ḫam[mu]-rāpi, an ancient king, and put their foundation(s back) in the(ir) correct position(s). I built that temple anew as (it had been) in ancient times and appropriately adorned its structure.

ii 5959

É na-ra-am dUTU ù da-a pa-pa-ḫi šu-ba-at

ii 6060

i-lu-ti-šu-un maš-ta-ku la-le-šu-un

Column iii
iii 1iii 1

ki-ma si-ma-ti-šu-[un] re--ta-a-tim

iii 22

e-li [te-me-en-na ša] mḫa-am-[mu]-ra- LUGAL la-bi-ri

iii 33

li-ib-na-at-su-un ad-di-ma

iii 44

-te-ši-ir te--en-šu-un

iii 55

É šu-a-tim ki-ma la-bi-ri-im-ma

iii 66

e--ši- e---ma

iii 77

us-si-mi ši-ki-in-šu é-dur-an-na

(iii 7b) (As for) Eduranna, his beloved temple, I raised its superstructure just like the one of the distant past (lit. “distant days”). I built (and) completed Ebabbar for the god Šamaš and the goddess Aya and (then) made its processional way beautiful.

iii 88

É na-ra-mi-šu ki-ma šá UD.MEŠ ul-lu-tim

iii 99

ul-la-a re-e-ši-šu

iii 1010

é-babbar-ra a-na dUTU ù da-a

iii 1111

e-pu- ú-ša-ak-li-il-ma

iii 1212

ú-ba-an-na-a ta-al-la-ak-tu-

iii 1313

pa-pa-ḫi šu-ba-at i-lu-ti-šu-un ṣir-tim

(iii 13) (As for) the cella, the seat of their exalted divinity, whose foundation(s) were set in place at the side of the ziggurat, to make (it) befit their great divinity, I made (it) as bright as day for the god Šamaš and the goddess Aya, my lords, and raised (it) as high as a mountain.

iii 1414

ša i-te-e zi-qu-ra-tim re-tu-ú te-me-en-šú

iii 1515

a-na si-ma-at i-lu-ti-šu-num

iii 1616

ra-bi-tim šu-lu-ku

iii 1717

a-na dUTU ù da-a EN.MEŠ-e-a

iii 1818

u₄-mi- ú-na-am-mi-ir-ma

iii 1919

ú-za-aq--ir ḫur-sa-ni-

iii 2020

ša a-na LUGAL ma-na-ma la im-gu-ru

(iii 20) That which the god Šamaš, the great lord, had never granted any king, he granted to me, the king who reveres him, and he presented (it) into my hands.

iii 2121

dUTU be-lu GAL-ú ia-tim LUGAL pa-li-iḫ-šú

iii 2222

im-gu-ur-an-ni-ma i-ir-a-am -tu-ú-a

iii 2323

é-babbar-ra a-na dUTU ù da-a

(iii 23) I piously built Ebabbar for the god Šamaš and the goddess Aya, my lords, as (it had been) in ancient times and returned (it) to its (original) place.

iii 2424

EN.MEŠ-e-a ki-ma la-bi-ri-im-ma

iii 2525

da-am-- e---ma

iii 2626

a-na áš-ri-ša ú-te-er

iii 2727

ṭup-pi NA₄.GIŠ.NU₁₁.GAL ši-ṭi-ir šu-mi

(iii 27) (As for) the alabaster tablet bearing the name of Ḫammu-rāpi, an ancient king, that I had discovered inside of it, I placed (it) with an inscription bearing my name and firmly established (it there) [for] ever.

iii 2828

ša mḫa-am-mu-ra- LUGAL la-bi-ri

iii 2929

ša -re-eb-šu ap-pa-al-sa

iii 3030

it-ti ši-ṭi-ir šu-mi-ia áš-ku-un-ma

iii 3131

ú-ki-in [ana] du-úr u₄-mi

iii 3232

a-na ša-at-ti dUTU be-lu šu-úr-bu-ú

(iii 32) On this account, O Šamaš, supreme lord, exalted one, lord of everything, king of heaven and earth, light of the lands, look with pleasure upon this temple and grant me a l[on]g life (lit. “a life of l[on]g days”), the attainment of very old age, a firmly secured throne, (and) a long reign.

iii 3333

ša-qu-ú be-lu gim-ri

iii 3434

LUGAL AN-e ù KI-tim

iii 3535

nu-úr KUR.KUR É šu-a-tim ḫa-di- nap-lis-ma

iii 3636

ba-la-ṭa₄ u₄-mu ru-[qu-ú]-ti

iii 3737

še--e lit-tu-tu ku-un-nu GIŠ.GU.ZA

iii 3838

ù la-ba-ra pa-le-e a-na ši-rik-ti šur-kam

iii 3939

i-na -bi-ti-ka ṣi-ir-ti

(iii 39) By your exalted command, O Šamaš, great lord, may this temple grow old in your presence for eternity. Make my hands conquer the black-headed (people), as many as see your bright light, (and) make (them) bow down at my feet.

iii 4040

dUTU be-lu ra-bu-ú É šu-a-tim

iii 4141

ma-ḫa-ar-ka lu-la-ab-bi-ir

iii 4242

a-na da--a-ti

iii 4343

ni-ši ṣa-al-ma-at qaq-qa-du

iii 4444

ma-la i-ba-ar-ra-a nu-úr-ka nam-ri

iii 4545

šu-uk-ši-da -tu-ú-a

iii 4646

šu-uk-ni-šu še-e-pu-ú-a

iii 4747

da-a kal-la-ti ra-bi-tim

(iii 47) May the goddess Aya, the great bride, constantly say good thing about me to you in your exalted cella.

iii 4848

i-na ku-um-mi-ka ṣi-i-ri

iii 4949

ka-a-a-na li-ta-mi-ka

iii 5050


iii 5151

dbu-ne-ne su-uk-kal-lum

(iii 51) May the god Bunene, the vizier with whom you deliberate, reveal favorable signs for me daily.

iii 5252

mi-it-lu-uk-ti-ka u₄-mi-ša-am-ma

iii 5353


iii 5454

i-da-a-ti du-um--ia

1For the topos of raising up a ziggurat higher than before, see Frayne, RIME 4 pp. 376–377 Samsu-iluna E4.3.7.3 Akkadian version lines 13–16 and 83–85.

Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-20, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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sys=/home/oracc/www/p4.d project=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/ribo/babylon7 sub=/home/oracc/ribo/babylon7/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst out=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/ribo/babylon7/outlined.lst/1 list=/home/oracc/ribo/babylon7/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/list sort=/home/oracc/ribo/babylon7/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1 csi=(null) tsv=/home/oracc/ribo/babylon7/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1/pag.tsv max=/home/oracc/ribo/babylon7/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1/max.tsv mol=/home/oracc/ribo/babylon7/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1/zoom.mol pkey=(null) pgin=(null) page=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/ribo/babylon7/outlined.lst/1/1-z2-p1.div zout=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/ribo/babylon7/outlined.lst/1/1-z2.otl item=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/ribo/babylon7/Q005/Q005413 prox=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/ribo/babylon7/Q005/Q005413 meta=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/ribo/babylon7/Q005/Q005413/meta.xml html=(null) ltab=(null) hilite=(null) pub=/home/oracc/ribo/babylon7/02pub/p4.d use=/home/oracc/ribo/babylon7/02pub/p4.d txtindex=(null) t_sort=(null) t_tsv=(null) t_max=(null) t_mol=(null)

struct isp_config ip->default_cfg

leftmenu=1 select=0 sort_fields=subgenre sort_labels=subgenre head_template=1 2 3 cat_fields=designation,popular_name,language,provenience,object_type cat_links=(null) cat_widths=20,30,15,15,20

struct isp_config ip->special_cfg

leftmenu=1 select=0 sort_fields=period,genre,provenience sort_labels=Time,Genre,Place head_template=1 2 3 cat_fields=designation,primary_publication,subgenre|genre,period,place|provenience cat_links=(null) cat_widths=auto,17,17,17,17

struct isp_glosdata ip->glosdata

dir=(null) web=(null) let=(null) lmax=(null) ent=(null) xis=(null) ltab=(null) lbase=(null) lpath=(null) ecpath=(null) emax=(null) ipath=(null)

struct isp_itemdata ip->itemdata

langs=de en nlangs=2 xtflang=en lmem=(null) item=Q005413 fullitem=(null) block=(null) proj=ribo/babylon7 htmd=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm html=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/ribo/babylon7/Q005/Q005413/Q005413.html dotted=(null) index=22 page=1 pindex=22 zoom=2 zpag=1 zindex=16 prev=Q005412 next=Q005414 tmax=(null) xmdxsl=/home/oracc/lib/scripts/p4-xmd-div.xsl bld=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/ribo/babylon7/Q005/Q005413/Q005413.html hili=(null) not=0

struct isp_list_loc ip->lloc

type=www lang=(null) method=file key=(null) dbpath=(null) dbname=(null) path=/home/oracc/bld/ribo/babylon7/lists/outlined.lst

struct isp_srchdata ip->srchdata

tmp=(null) bar=(null) count=0 gran=(null) list=(null) new=0 adhoc=0 zmax=73


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