Nabonidus 15

Column i
i 1i 1

dna-bi-um-na-ʾi-id LUGAL TIN.TIR.KI

(i 1) Nabonidus, king of Babylon, the attentive prince chosen by the god Marduk, the one who provides for Esagil and Ezida, the one who makes sattukku-offering(s) abundant, the exalted ruler who is entrusted with (the care of) all of the temple(s), the governor who provides, the one who abundantly provides for sanctuaries, the shepherd [who deliberates] (and) sets the people of [(his) land] on the right path,

i 22

ru-bu-ú na-a-du ni-bi-it dAMAR.UTU

i 33

za-ni-in é-sag-íl ù é-zi-da

i 44

mu-ṭa-aḫ-ḫi-du sa-at-tuk-ki

i 55

-šak-ku ṣi-i-ri pa-qid gi-mir É.KUR

i 66

ša-ak-ka-na-ak-ka za-ni-nu

i 77

mu--pa-ar-zi-ḫu -re-e-ti

i 88

re-é-a-am [mu--ta-lu]

i 99

mu--te-ši-ru ni-ši [ma-a-ti]

i 1010


(i 10) the one whose name the god Marduk the wisest of the gods, the one who [...] the entirety of a[ll of] the lands steadfastly ca[lled for kingship], (the one) [whose lordship] the god Nabû the overseer of the [totality of] heaven [and earth] made supreme among all (of the kings) who si[t upon (royal) daises], (the one) at whose side the god Nergal the alm[ighty], the cir[cumspect] Enlil of the netherworld marches into fie[rce] war, on whose head the god Sîn and the goddess Ningal placed an eternal crown, (and) for whom the god Šamaš and the goddess Aya opened the ways of justice,

i 1111

na-ap-ḫa-ar KUR.KUR ka-[li-ši-na]

i 1212

šu-um-šu ki-ni- iz-[ku-ru a-na LUGAL-ú-ti]

i 1313

dna-bi-um pa--du [ki--ša-at]

i 1414

ša--e [ù er-ṣe-tim]

i 1515

i-na ku-ul-la-at a-[šib BÁRA.MEŠ]

i 1616

ú-ša-áš-qu-ú [be-lu-ut-su]

i 1717

d.ERI₁₁.GAL da-an-[da-an-nu]

i 1818

dEN.LÍL er-ṣe-tum mu-[un-dal-ku]

i 1919

i-na ša--mu da-an-[ni]

i 2020

il-li-ku i-da-a-šú

i 2121

dEN.ZU ù dnin-gal

i 2222

a-ge-e du*-úr UD.MEŠ1

i 2323

i-pi-ri ra-šu--šu

i 2424

dUTU ù da-a

i 2525

ṭu-da-at mi-ša-ri ú-pa-at-tu-šu

i 2626

DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.GAL i-na ku-ú-nu lìb-bi-šú-nu

(i 26) whom the great gods magnificently blessed in their steadfast heart(s), whose lordship they made great in the four quarters (of the world), by whose command they made all of the settlements reside (in peace), whose fate they determined to provision the cult centers and renew (their) sanctuaries, son of Nabû-balāssu-iqbi, wise prince, am I.

i 2727

ra-- ik-ru-bu-šu

i 2828

i-na ki-ib-ra-a-ta er--et-ti

i 2929

ú-ša-ar-bu-ú be-lu-ut-su

i 3030

ku-ul-la-at da-ád-me

i 3131

a-na -bi-ti-šu ú-še-ši-bu

i 3232

za-na-nu ma-ḫa-zi

i 3333

ù ud-du-šú -re-e-ti i-ši-mu ši-mat-su

i 3434

DUMU mdna-bi-um-ba-la-at-su-iq-bi

i 3535

ru-bu-ú e-em-qu a-na-ku

i 3636

i-nu-šu é-amaš--ga

(i 36) At that time, (with regard to) Eamaškuga, the temple of the goddess Ningal the pure lady of everything the pure sheepfold that is inside the city Kissik, which a long time ago had become weak (and) whose walls had buckled, [I removed] its [buckled] walls that had become weak [and (then)] I examined (and) [checked its original] foundation(s) and (thereby) secu[red its brickwork] on top of [its original foundation(s).

i 3737

É dnin-gal be-let gi-mi-ir el-le-ti

i 3838

su-pu-ru e-el-li

i 3939

ša -er-ba URU.KISIG*.KI

i 4040

ša i-na la-ba-ri i-ni-šu

i 4141

i-qu-pu i-ga-ru-šu

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

i-ga-ru-šu [qa-a-a-pu-ti]

ii 22

ša i-ni-šu [ad-ka-a-ma]

ii 33

te-em-me-en-[šu la-bi-ra]

ii 44

a-ḫi-iṭ [ab-re-e-ma]

ii 55

e-li [te-em-me-ni-šu la-bi-ri]

ii 66

ú-ki-[in li-ib-na-at-su]



ii 1'1'

šu-um? [...]

(ii 1') nam[e ...].

ii 2'2'

i-nu-[šú ...]

(ii 2') At that [time, ...] wai[ted for me and ...] in [...] ... [...].

ii 3'3'

ú--[a-an-ni-ma ...]

ii 4'4'

i-na [...]

ii 5'5'

PAT TE [...]

ii 6'6'

d[nin-gal ...]

(ii 6') [O Ningal, ...], the [pure] l[ady of everything, ... when you are] joyous[ly dwelling] in E[maškuga], which is inside [the city Kissik], speak good things about [Nabonidus], the king [who provides for you] (and) built [your cella], all day long. Daily, make [my] de[eds] find acceptance [in the presence of] the god Sîn [..., your] belov[ed], (and) speak go[od (words) about me].

ii 7'7'

be-[let gi-mi-ir? el-le-?]

ii 8'8'


ii 9'9'

x [...]

ii 10'10'

i-na é-[amaš--ga]

ii 11'11'

ša -er-ba [URU.KISIG.KI]

ii 12'12'

e-el-ṣi- [i-na a-šá-bi-ki]

ii 13'13'

dam-qa-a-ta d[na-bi-um-na-ʾi-id]

ii 14'14'

šar*-ri [za-ni-ni-ki]

ii 15'15'

e-*- [ku-um-mi-ki]

ii 16'16'

at--e [ud-da-kam]

ii 17'17'

u₄-me-šam-ma [ma-ḫa-ar]

ii 18'18'

dEN.ZU [...]

ii 19'19'


ii 20'20'


ii 21'21'


ii 22'22'

-bi du-[um--ia]

1du*-úr “eternal”: The text has GI-úr.

Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-20, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as