Nabonidus 11

Column i
iCompletely missing

Completely missing

Column ii
iiii Lacuna


ii 1'1'

[...] x x x x x x x x x

(ii 1') [...] [...] its ground plan could not be found, i[ts] structure [...] before me [... during joy]ous celebrations.

ii 2'2'

[... ú-ṣu]-ra-ti-šá la ut-tu-ú ši-kin-šu

ii 3'3'

[...]-ra-am?-mu-ú (x)-qa-am pa-ni-ia

ii 4'4'

[... i-na ḫi-da]-a-ti ù ri-ša-a-ti

ii 5'5'

[... é]-ul-maš šu-a-tim ul-tu pa-ni qaq-qa-ru

(ii 5'b) [... (of)] that Eulmaš, from the surface of the ground, [I dug do]wn [...] and the (original) foundation(s) of Narām-Sîn [...]. Then, I saw an inscription bearing his name and the work of [th]at [...] was not (well) constructed. [... (of)] Narām-Sîn, I dug down (a further) three cubits and [... togeth]er with (those of) [its] two ziggur[ats, ...] ... [...]

ii 6'6'

[... ú-šap?]-pil-ma te-me-en-na mna-ra-am-dEN.ZU

ii 7'7'

[...] x-ma* ši-ṭir šu-mi-šu ap-pa-lis-ma

ii 8'8'

[... šu-a]-tim la ka-ṣi-ir ši--ir-šu

ii 9'9'

[...] mna-ram-d30 3 KÙŠ ú-šap-pil-ma

ii 10'10'

[... a]-di 2.TA ziq-qur-re-[e-ti-šú]

ii 11'11'

[...] x x [(x)] x [...]



Column iii
iiiiii Lacuna


iii 1'1'

x [...]

(iii 1') (No translation possible)

iii 2'2'

x [...]

iii 3'3'

man?-[nu? ...]

iii 4'4'

x [...]



Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-20, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as