Neriglissar 02

Column i
i 1i 1

d.ERI₁₁.GAL-LUGAL-ú-ṣur LUGAL [ba]-bi-lam.KI

(i 1) Neriglissar, king of [Ba]bylon, whom the god Marduk the great lord (and) the god who created him selected in his steadfast heart and (then) granted to him a widespread people and entrusted him with shep[her]ding the black-headed (people); in whose hands the god Nabû the overseer of the tota[li]ty of heaven and earth [le]t grasp a just scepter (and) legitimate rod in order to make (his) subjects prosper; [to wh]om [the god] Erra the majestic one of the gods [ga]ve his weapon(s) to kill [ene]mies (and) conquer foes; [wh]om the great gods in their assembly prono[unced] to act as the one who provides for them by taking care of Esagil, Ezida, and Emeslam the exalted cult centers (and) ... of the gods of Babylon; [Ne]riglissar, king of Babylon, <am I>.

i 22

ša dAMAR.UTU be-lu ra--ù DINGIR <x> ba-nu-šu

i 33

i-na ku-un li-ib-bi-šu ut-tu-šu-ma

i 44

ni-šim ra-ap-ša-a-ti -ru-ku-šu-ma

i 55

ṣa-al-ma-at --dam a-na re-[ʾe]-e

i 66

ú-ma-al-lu-ú -tu--šu

i 77

ša NÍG.GIDRU i-ša-ar-ti -pa-ri ki-i-nim

i 88

ša dAG pa--id ki--[ša]-at

i 99

ša--e ù er-ṣe-ti

i 1010

a-na šu-um-mu-ḫu ba-ʾu-ú-la-a-ti

i 1111

[ú]-ša-at-mi-iḫ -tu--šu

i 1212

[ša za]-ʾi-i-ri na-a-ri a-a-bi ka-ša-dam

i 1313

[d]èr-ra ša-ga--ru DINGIR.DINGIR

i 1414

[id]-di-nu-šu ka-ak-ku-šu

i 1515

[ša] DINGIR GAL.GAL i-na pu-úḫ-ri-šu-nu

i 1616

za-ni-nu-ut-su-nu e--ša iq-[bu]-šu

i 1717

a-na za-na-na₇ é-sag-íl é-zi-da

i 1818

ù é-mes-lam ma-ḫa-zi ṣi-i-ru?-ti?

i 1919


i 2020

[d].ERI₁₁.GAL-LUGAL-ú-ṣu-úr LUGAL .DINGIR.RA.[KI] <a-na-ku>

i 2121

[ì-nu-ma? d]AMAR.UTU be-lu ra--ù KI? A? x x x x x x

(i 21) [When the god] Marduk, the great lord, ... an abundance of [wat]er in full spate, by the will of the deity Ninšiqa [and] through the wisdom granted by the god Ea, with the competence provided by the god Marduk, (and) the choice [decisi]on of the god Šamaš, he makes me successful; former [...], to/for Borsippa, Ezida, the bīt-guršu, ... very plentiful gifts (and) offerings they entrust (to me) ... I provide for Esagil and Ezida, (and) keep the shrines of the gods in good order. I made inscriptions (written) in my name (and) [plac]ed (them) inside them (the shrines).

i 2222

[]-e nu-úḫ-šu gap-šu-ti ina ṭe-em₄ dni-in-ši-qa

i 2323

[ù] i-na -me- ša dé-a -ru-ku

i 2424

i-na le-ʾu-ú-ti ša dAMAR.UTU i--šu

i 2525

i-na [di]-in na-as-qu ša dUTU? ú-ša-lam-an-ni

i 2626

[...] KI ma-aḫ-ri a-na (blank) bár-sipa.KI

i 2727

é-zi-da É gur-šu x x x x x ḪU x x

i 2828

IGI. šu-um-mu-ḫu ni-qu i--ip-pu E x x NI x E

i 2929

é-sag-íl ù é-zi-da a-za-an-na-an

i 3030

e--re-e-ti DINGIR.DINGIR -te--še-er

i 3131

ši-ṭir MU-ia ab-na-a -er-bu--šú-nu [-ku]-un

i 3232

ì-nu-mi-šu li-bi-il-ḫé-gál-la PA₅ dUTU.È .DINGIR.RA.KI

(i 32) At that time, Lībil-ḫegalla, the eastern canal of Babylon, [which] a former king had had dug, but had not constructed its bank with bitumen and baked bricks: I had [the canal] (re)dug and I (properly re)constructed its bank [and (thereby) I a]massed [an abun]dance of cease[less] water in the land.

i 3333

[ša] LUGAL ma-aḫ-ri ú-ša-aḫ-ru-ma1

i 3434

i-na ku-up-ri ù a-gur-ri la ik-ṣú-ru su-uk-ki-šu

i 3535

[PA₅] ú-ša-aḫ-ri-ma su-uk-ki-šu ak-ṣu-úr-[ma]

i 3636

[nu]-uḫ-šu -e i-na la na-pa-[ar-ku-ti]

i 3737

[ú]-na-ak-ki-mu i-na ma-a-ti

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

ia-ti e-em- mu-ut--en-nu

(ii 1) (As for) me, the wise (and) pious one, the king who knows how to revere the gods, I had Lībil-ḫegalla (re)dug so that a plentitude of water can enter the land [and] I (re)constructed its b[a]nk. I firmly established inside it an abundance of ceaseless water.

ii 22

LUGAL pa-li-ḫu DINGIR.DINGIR mu-du-

ii 33

li-bi-il-ḫé-gál-lu ú-ša-aḫ-ri-ma

ii 44

-e ḫé-gal-la ina ma-a-ti e-re-bi-[ma?]

ii 55

ab-na-a su-[uk]-ki-ša

ii 66

-e nu-uḫ-ši ša la na-pa-ar-ku-ti

ii 77

ú-ki-in i-na -re-eb-šu

ii 88

I NI? IR? TI? x x a-ši-ib .DINGIR.RA.KI

(ii 8) ... reside in Babylon, in which I poured out an abundance of water, ... goodness in their hearts ... Neriglissar, king of Aga[de], ... the god Mār-bīti ... legitimate ..., in an earlier time, [in his] heart ... an abundance of everlasting water, in ...

ii 99

ša qer-bi-šú aq--a -e nu-uḫ-šu

ii 1010

i-na li-ib-bi-ši-na da-mi-iq-ti x [x (x)]

ii 1111


ii 1212

E? x d.ERI₁₁.GAL-LUGAL-ú-ṣu-úr LUGAL a--[].KI

ii 1313

dA-É da?-x-a-šal? x x x ki-i-num

ii 1414

u₄?-mu? ul-li-i li-ib-bu-[-šu] x x

ii 1515

Ú MI? IS? DU? x KA? AP? x x x x

ii 1616

-e nu-uḫ-šu da--ú-tim

ii 1717


ii 1818

i-na -bi-ti dAMAR.UTU LUGAL DINGIR.DINGIR DINGIR ba-nu-[ú-a]

(ii 18) By the command of the god Marduk, the king of the gods, the god who creat[ed me], and the god Erra, the warrior of war[riors, (...)] ... his morning (meal), the day of [...] ... [...] may [...] be firmly in place and ... good thi[ng]s before [you]. ... shepherdship; may he kill his enemies; may his appearance shine; may the black-headed (people) be ha[ppy (about it)] like the moon when rising (and) the sun while s[hi]nin[g]; ... the god Nabû ... the kin[gs of the re]gions of [the entire] inhabited world, who sit on ... strong ... for ... may (it/they) be placed in your mouth. For eternity ...

ii 1919

ù dèr-ra qar-ra-ad qar-[ra-de (x x)]

ii 2020

[(x)] NA x x NA BI É x [x x]

ii 2121

še-ri-šu u₄-um [...]

ii 2222

LI? NA? DU an-dul-la BI? NA A x [x (x)]

ii 2323

li-ku-un-ma dam--[a]-ti maḫ--[ka] IGI x x x x

ii 2424

x x RA? TA? PA? x x x LI x x x x x

ii 2525

LI ʾ x re-ʾu-ú-ti

ii 2626

li-na-ar a-a-bi-šu

ii 2727

li-na-am-ri ta-mar-ti-šu

ii 2828

ki-ma d30 a-na ni-ip-ḫi

ii 2929

ki-ma dUTU a-na nu-[wu]--[im]

ii 3030

ṣa-al-ma-at --dam li-iḫ-[du-ù]

ii 3131

SAG? KI? dAG? x x [x] E? x AN x [x]

ii 3232

A NA? x x x [x x] ŠÁ A NI ŠI NA

ii 3333

LUGAL.LUGAL [ki]-ib-ra-a-ti ša [ka-al] te--še-e-ti

ii 3434

a-ši-ib KAR RI x [x x] TI? x dan-nu-ti

ii 3535

a-na x x x MI? x x x x

ii 3636

li--ša-kin i-na pi-i-ka

ii 3737

a-na UD.MEŠ da-ra-ti

ii 3838


l.e. 1l.e. 1


(l.e. 1) Collated.

1LUGAL ma-aḫ-ri “a former king”: As already pointed out by R. Da Riva (SANER 3 p. 124), the unnamed previous builder of the Lībil-ḫegalla canal was none other than Nebuchadnezzar II.

2IG TA NA x [(x)] A IG TA NA RA AB “...”: M. Worthington (personal communication) tentatively proposes reading the signs as iq-ta-na-ab-[ba]-a ik-ta-na-ra-ab “they were constantly spea[kin]g (and) blessing.” P.-A. Beaulieu (personal communication) tentatively suggests reading the second half of the line as ik-ta-na-ra-ab-bi is-si-ma? “they were constantly spea[kin]g (and) he shouted and.”

Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-20, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as