Nabopolassar 15

Column i
i 1i 1


(i 1) Nabopolassa[r], strong king, king of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, the one who makes the foundations of the land firm, pious prince, protégé of the gods Nabû and Marduk, favorite of (the god) Šamaš (Šaššu), beloved of the goddess Aya, the warrior of war[riors] whom the aweso[me] god Erra allowed to attain his desire, the humble (and) respectful one who strives after the rites of the great gods, the king whose deeds surpass those of the kings, his ancestors, am I.

i 22

LUGAL da-núm

i 33


i 44

LUGAL MA.DA-šu-me--im ù ak-ka-di-i

i 55

mu-ki-in -di MA.DA

i 66

ru-ba-a-am na--dam

i 77

ti-ri-iṣ -at

i 88

dna-bi-um ù dAMAR.UTU

i 99

mi-gi-ir ša--šu

i 1010

na-ra-am da-a

i 1111

qar-ra-ad qar-ra-de-[e]

i 1212

ša dèr-ra ra-šu-ub-[bu]

i 1313

ú-ša-ak-ši-du-šu ni-iz-ma-su

i 1414

à--ri-im ša-aḫ-ṭam

i 1515

mu--te--e-em sak-ke-e-em

i 1616


i 1717

LUGAL ša ep-še-tu-šu

i 1818


i 1919

šu-tu- a-na-ku

i 2020

e-nu-ma ša--šu

(i 20) When (the god) Šamaš (Šaššu), the great lord, came to my side and [I] killed [the Subarean (Assyrian) and turned the land of] my [ene]my into a mound [of] ruins (lit. “a mound [and] ruins”),

i 2121

EN ra--ù

i 2222

i-da-a-a il-li-ku-ma

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

[su-ba-ru-um a]-na-ru

ii 22

[ù MA.DA za-ʾe-e]-ri-ia

ii 33

[ú-te-er-ru] a-na DU₆

ii 44

ù ka-ar-mu

ii 55


(ii 5) at that time, I built anew Eʾedina, the temple where she can relax, for the Divine Lady of Sippar the exalted princess, my lady and made (it) as bright as day.

ii 66


ii 77

ru-ba-tim ṣi-ir-tim GAŠAN-ia

ii 88

é-edin-na É ta-ap-šu-úḫ-ti-šu

ii 99

e--ši- e-pu--ma

ii 1010

ki-ma u₄-mi-im ú-na-mi-ir

ii 1111

a-na ša-at-tim dNIN ZIMBIR.KI

(ii 11) On account of this, O Divine Lady of Sippar, supreme [la]dy, whenever I complete this temple and you take up residence inside it, for me Nabopolassar, the king who provides for you prolong (my) kingship until the distant future, just like (my) establishing the brickwork of Sippar and Babylon for eternity.

ii 1212

[be]-el-tim šu-úr-bu-tim

ii 1313

e-ma É šu-a-ti

ii 1414


ii 1515

ta-ra-am-mi-i-im -re-eb-ša

ii 1616

ia-a-ši dna-bi-um-IBILA-ú-ṣu-úr

ii 1717

LUGAL za-ni-in-ki

ii 1818


ii 1919


ii 2020

ku-un-na-am a-na ṣi-a-tim

ii 2121

šar-ru₄-tim šu-ul-bi-ri-im

ii 2222

a-na u₄-mi-im re-e--tim

Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-24, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as