Nabopolassar 05
Obverse | ||
Lacuna | ||
1'1' | (1') [He (the god Šazu) made a g]ood [lamassu walk beside me], (and) allowed (me) to success[fully undertake (every) task in everything that I di]d. He made [the god Nergal, the almighty on]e of the gods, march at [my] side; [he killed my enemies] (and) cut down [my] opponents. | |
2'2' | ||
3'3' | [dNÈ.ERI₁₁.GAL dan-dan]-⸢ni⸣ DINGIR.MEŠ ú-ša-⸢li-ik⸣ i-da-[a-a] | |
4'4' | ||
5'5' | [aš-šu-ru-ú ša ul-tu] UD.MEŠ ru-qu-te ku-ul-la-at ni-ši-im i-bé-lu-[ma] | (5') [(With regard to) the Assyrians, who from] distant days had ruled over all of the people [and] had made the people of the lan[d] suffer [under their (text: “his”) heav]y [yoke, I, the weak (and) power]less one who constantly seeks out the lord of lor[ds (Marduk), with the power]ful [strength] of the gods Nabû and Marduk — [my] lord[s] — I barred them (lit: “their feet”) [from the land of Akkad] and had (the Babylonians) ca[st off] their yoke. |
6'6' | [i-na ni-ri-šu ka-ab]-⸢ti⸣ ú-ša-az-zi-qu ni-ši-<im> ma-a-[ti] | |
7'7' | ||
8'8' | [i-na e-mu-qu ga-áš]-⸢ra-a⸣-ti ša dna-bi-um ù dAMAR.UTU EN.⸢MEŠ⸣-[e-a] | |
9'9' | [ul-tu KUR-ak-ka-di-i] še-ep-⸢šu⸣-nu ap-ru-us-ma ni-ir-⸢šu-nu ú-ša⸣-[ad-di] | |
10'10' | [ì-nu-šu né-met-ti-dEN].⸢LÍL⸣ ša-⸢al⸣-ḫe-e ba-bi-lim.KI ša LUGAL ma-aḫ-ri ú-x-[...]1 | (10') [At that time, (with regard to) Nēmetti-Enli]l, the outer wall of Babylon, which a king of the past had [...] ... not ... [...] neglected ... and on the outside, the wall (and) outer [wall ..., the powerle]ss (and) reverent one who constantly seeks [out the lord of lords (Marduk), ...] I examined (and) [... (its) origi]nal [...] my extensive [people], whose [lead-rope(s)] the gods Nabû and [Marduk placed in my hands] |
11'11' | ||
12'12' | [...] x-ši-im i-zi-ib-ma a-na ki-da-a-nim BÀD šal?-[ḫu-ú? ...] | |
13'13' | ||
14'14' | ||
15'15' | [... re?]-⸢eš?⸣-ti-i ú-ki-x [...] | |
16'16' | [... ni-ši?]-⸢ia⸣ ra-ba-a-te ša dna-⸢bi-um ù⸣ [dAMAR.UTU ṣe-re-es-su] | |
17'17' | [...] (traces) [...] | |
Lacuna |
1ú-x-[...] “... [...]”: Possibly ú-⸢še?⸣-[pi-šu-ma?] “he b[uilt].”
2la ú-x-[...] “not ... [...]”: Possibly la ú-⸢ša?⸣-[ak-li-lu?] “he [did] not [complete].”
3Possibly read this line as [te-me-en-šu? la-bi]-⸢ri?⸣-im a-ḫi-iṭ [ab-re-e-ma?] “I examined (and) [inspected its ol]d [foundation and (then)]”; compare Npl. 3 (C32) ii 37.
Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-24, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as