Nabopolassar 04

Column i
i 1i 1


(i 1) Nabopola[ssar], strong king, ki[ng of Babylon], king of the land of [Sumer and Akkad, exalted] ru[ler, the one who reveres the god] Uraš and the goddess Ištar, t[r]ue she[ph]erd, protégé of the gods Nabû and [Mardu]k, am I.

i 22


i 33

LUGAL MA.DA-[šu-me--im u ak-ka-di-i]

i 44

-ša-[ak-ku-um ṣi-i-ri pa-liḫ d]ú-raš u d-tár

i 55

RE.[É].UM ki-nam [ti]-ri-iṣ -at

i 66

dna-bi-um ù [dAMAR].UTU a-na-ku

i 77

ì-nu-um ì- ra--ú-tim

(i 7) When the great gods called (my) exalted name for dominion over the land, they entrusted me with a scepter (as) a gift to constantly guide my people (and) he (the god Marduk) [le]t my hands grasp an exalted staff [t]o subjugate the insubmissive.

i 88

a-na be-lu-ut ma-a-ti šu-ma-am ṣi-ri-im

i 99

ib-bu-ú ḫa-aṭ-ṭa ši-ri-ik-ti

i 1010

a-na ri-te-ed-de-e ni-ši-ia

i 1111

i--pu-ù-ni GIŠ.-pa-ri-im ṣi-ri-im

i 1212

[a]-na ku-nu- la ma-gi-ri-im

i 1313

ú-ša-at-mi-iḫ -tu-ú-a

i 1414

in u₄-mi-šu-ma na-ap-ḫa-ar um-ma-ni-ia

(i 14) At that time, I imposed (the carrying of) basket(s) on all of my workmen (and) made (them) carry hoe(s and) spade(s). (With regard to) the people of the upper and lower land(s), whose lead-rope(s) the gods Nabû and Marduk placed in my hands, the god Erra the [(...)] lord ... who go[es] at my right side, the bail[iff ...], the wise (and) [gre]at one [...] ... [I mus]tered the extensive work[men of the gods Enlil, Šamaš, and] Marduk [and ...] on (all) four sides.

i 1515

tu-up-ši-ik-ku lu e-mi-id

i 1616

GIŠ.al-lu GIŠ.mar-ri-im lu ú-ša--ši-im

i 1717

ni-šì ma-a-ti e-li-ti ù ša-ap-li-tim

i 1818

ša dna-bi-um ù dAMAR.UTU ṣe-re-es-su

i 1919

a-na -ti-ia ú-ma-al-lu-ú

i 2020

dèr-ra be-li [(x x)] x x il-li-[ku?]

i 2121

im-ni-ia ra-bi-ṣu? x x er-ša [ra]--a

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

[...] x DI [x] x AN NI RI/?

ii 22

[... ad]-kam-[ma] um-ma-[na-at]

ii 33

[dEN.LÍL? d]UTU? u? dAMAR.UTU ra--a-tim? [...]

ii 44

x x x x a-na IM LÍMMU.BA [...]

ii 55

ì-ni-u₄-mi-šu -met-ti-dEN.[LÍL šal-ḫu-ú-šu]

(ii 5) At that time, I built anew Nēmetti-En[lil, its (Babylon’s) outer wall] and made (it) as bright as day for the god Marduk, [my] lord. I strengthened the protection of Esagil and Babylon (and) allowed the citizens of Babylon to live (there) in peace. I constantly made Babylon, the cult center of the great lord the god Marduk worthy of praise, just like it was in earlier times.

ii 66

e-eš₁₅-ši- lu ab-ni-ma a-na dAMAR.UTU be--[ia]

ii 77

ki-ma u₄-mi-im lu ú-na-mi-ir

ii 88

ma-aṣ-ṣa-ar-ti é-sag-íl u .DINGIR.MEŠ

ii 99

lu ú-da-ni-in DUMU.MEŠ ba-bi-lam.KI

ii 1010

šu-ub-ti ne-eḫ-ti lu ú-še-ši-ib

ii 1111

ba-bi-lam.KI ma-ḫa-az EN ra--im dAMAR.UTU

ii 1212

ki-ma ša u₄-mu-um ú-ul-lu-tim

ii 1313

a-na ta-na-da-a-ti lu -ta-ka-an

ii 1414

dAMAR.UTU dEN.LÍL ì- a-ši-ir ki-ib-ra-a-tim

(ii 14) O Marduk, Enlil of the gods who directs the (four) quarters (of the world), look with pleasure upon my good deeds and, by your exalt[ed] command, [grant me a]s a gift to [my] royal majesty a just scepter, a firmly-founded throne, a dynasty (lasting) until the distant future, (and) the ability to ma[rch] through the four quarters (of the world), on high (mountain) peaks.

ii 1515

e-ep-še₂₀-ti-ia da-am--a-tim

ii 1616

ḫa-di- na-ap-li-is-ma ḫa-aṭ-ṭa

ii 1717

i-ša-ar-tim GIŠ.ku-sa-a šu-ur-šu-da

ii 1818

pa-le-e u₄-mu-um re-e-qu-tim

ii 1919

in ki-ib-ra-a-tim ar-ba-ʾi-im

ii 2020

in re-ša-an e--a-tim ši-ta-ad-du-ḫi

ii 2121

in --ti-ka ṣi-ir-tim

ii 2222

[a]-na ši-ri-ik- šar-ru-ti-[ia šu-ur-kam]

Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-24, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as