Sargon II Babylonian 3

Column i
i 1i 1

[a-na] dINANNA be-let KUR.KUR ti-iz-qar-ti DINGIR.MEŠ

(i 1) [For] the goddess Ištar, mistress of the lands, (most) eminent of the gods, [(most) valiant] of the goddesses, [...] fierce, terrifying flood, [(...) who] is endowed with [...] ... majestic, [...] awe, [...] ... the firmament (of the heavens), [...] ... [...] humble, [... who give]s judgment and decision, [...] purification rites, [...] which is inside Uruk, [the great lady], his lady:

i 22

[qa-rit-ti?] i-la-a-ti

i 33

[x x x (x x)] a-bu-bu ez-zu šug-lu-tu

i 44

[x x x (x x)] x za--na-át

i 55

[x x x (x x)] QAR TI šag-ga-pur-tu

i 66

[x x x (x x)] pul-ḫa-a-ti

i 77

[x x x (x x)] x Ú ŠAT bu-ru-mu

i 88

[x x x (x x)] AḪ? ZU-šu-un ŠI? DA? AT?

i 99

[x x x x (x)] šá -rum

i 1010

[x x (x) ga-mi]-ra?-át šip-ṭu u .BAR

i 1111

[x x x (x x)] šu-luḫ-ḫu

i 1212

[x x x x (x)] x šá -reb UNUG.KI

i 1313

[be-el-ti GAL]-tu₄ GAŠAN-i-šu

i 1414


(i 14) [Sargon (II), king of Assy]ria, king of the world, viceroy of Babylon, [king of (the land of) Sume]r and Akkad, prince who provides for her,

i 1515

[LUGAL (KUR)-šu-me]-ru u URI.KI NUN za-a-nin-šá

i 1616

[a-na TI? ZI].ME?-šú GÍD.DA u₄-me-šú la-bar BALA-šú

(i 16) [In order to ensure] his [good health], to prolong his days, to lengthen his reign, [to ...] his [...], (and) to overthrow his enemy,

i 1717

[x x x] x-šú sa-kap .KÚR-i-šu

i 1818

[é-an]-na šá dšul-gi LUGAL maḫ-ru

(i 18) [(With regard to) Ean]na, which Šulgi, a previous king, had had built and which had become old, (with regard to) this temple, whose walls had buckled, whose bondings had disintegrated, whose parapet had become ruined, whose foundation had collapsed, (and) whose reconstruction had not occurred to (any of) the kings, (his) predecessors

i 1919

ú-še-pi-šu-mu il-li-ku la-ba-riš

i 2020

É šu-a-tu₄ É.GAR₈.MEŠ-šú i-qu--mu

i 2121

up-ta-aṭ-ṭi-ru rik-su-ú-šu₁₄

i 2222

sa-mit-su us-sar-ri-ḫu-ú-mu

i 2323

iḫ-ḫar*-mi-mu tem--en-šú

i 2424

ina lìb-bi LUGAL.MEŠ a-lik maḫ-ru

i 2525

la ib-bal-ki-tu - šip-ri-šu

i 2626

i-nu-šú LUGAL-ú-kin LUGAL KUR--šur LUGAL KIŠ

(i 26) At that time, the great lord, the god Marduk, gave excellent judgment to Sargon (II), king of Assyria, king of the world, viceroy of Babylon, one who was chosen by the god Asari, and increased his understanding.

i 2727

GÌR.NÍTA TIN.TIR.KI ni-bit dasar-ri

i 2828

EN GAL-ú dAMAR.UTU GEŠTU.II ṣir-ti -ruk-šum-ma

i 2929

ú-rap-pi- ḫa-si-is-su

i 3030

[a-na] ud-du-šu ma-ḫa-zu u -re-e-ti

(i 30) He (Sargon) directed his attention [to] renovating the abandoned cult centers and sanctuaries of all the gods of the land Akkad. He was assiduous toward the sanctuaries of Eanna, the abode of the goddess Ištar, mistress of the lands, his lady. (With regard to) the outer enclosure wall of Eanna in the lower courtyard, he tore down its parapet and laid bare its foundation.

i 3131

kal DINGIR.MEŠ na-du-tu šá KUR-URI.KI GEŠTU.II-šú GÁL-ši-ma

i 3232

áš-rat é-an-na šu-bat dINANNA GAŠAN KUR.KUR GAŠAN-i-šú

i 3333


i 3434

É.GAR₈ é-an-na ki-da-a-nu

i 3535

šá ki-sal-li šap-li-i

i 3636

sa-mit-su is-suḫ-ma ZÁLAG-ir te--en-šú

i 3737

URU₄.MEŠ-šú ina te-- ik-ri-bu

(i 37) With fervent entreaties, prayers, and expressions of humility he (Sargon) laid its foundations (anew) and he fixed its foundation on the breast of the netherworld (as secure) as a mountain. With the work of the god Kulla, the chief builder, and (with the help of) artisans who know (their) craft, he raised its top with (ritually) pure bricks and completed its construction. He made (it) superior to what had been there before and carried out the plans correctly.

i 3838

ù la-ba-a-nu ap-pi id-di-i-mi

i 3939

tem--en-šú ina i-rat ki-gal-la

i 4040

ú-šar-ši-id šá-du-ú-ú-a-

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

ina ši-pir dkulla .ŠITIM.GAL-la

ii 22

ù UM.ME.A mu-de-e šip-ri

ii 33

ina SIG₄.ḪI.A -tim SAG.ME-šú ul-li-mi

ii 44

ú-šak-li-il ši-pi-ir-šú

ii 55

UGU šá pa-an ú-šá-tir-ma

ii 66

-te-ši-ra ú-ṣu-ra-a-ti

ii 77

ana šat-ti šip-ru šá-a-šú dINANNA GAŠAN KUR.KUR

(ii 7) On account of this, may the goddess Ištar, mistress of the lands, look upon this work with pleasure and may she bestow a (long) life on Sargon, king of Assyria, king of the world, viceroy of Babylon, the king who provides for her! May she say good things about him before the god Marduk, king of the gods! May she go (with him) as his helper in strife and battle!

ii 88

ḪÚL- lip-pa-lis-ma

ii 99


ii 1010


ii 1111

LUGAL za-a-nin-šá liš-ruk TI.LA

ii 1212


ii 1313

MUNUS.SIG₅-šú lit-tas-qar

ii 1414

ina šá-áš-mu ù ta-ḫa-zu

ii 1515

lil-lik re-ṣu-ú-šu

ii 1616

GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ lem-nu-ti-šú li-šab-bir-ma

(ii 16) May he smash the weapons of his enemies and may he achieve whatever he wants! May he subjugate at his feet all rulers who are not submissive to him! By the command of the goddess Ištar, beloved of the lord of the gods, may he increase (his) good fortune! May long life, happiness, and gladness be bestowed on him and may his reign be long! May he make the foundation of his throne secure for future days and may he control (all) regions (of the world)!

ii 1717

li-im-ṣa-a ma-la lìb-bu-

ii 1818

gi-mir ma-al-ku la kan-šú-<<nu>>-ti-šú

ii 1919

li-šak-ni-šá še-pu--šu

ii 2020

ina -bit dINANNA na-ram-ti EN DINGIR.MEŠ

ii 2121

li-iṣ-ṣi-ib bu-ʾa-a-ru

ii 2222

TIN UD.MEŠ GÍD.DA.MEŠ ṭu-ub lìb-bu

ii 2323

na-mar ka-bat-ti liš-šá-rik-šum-mu

ii 2424

li-ri-ik pa-lu-ú-šu₁₄

ii 2525

SUḪUŠ GIŠ.GU.ZA-šú ana u₄-mi ṣa-a-ti

ii 2626

li-šar-šid-ma li-ma-ʾe-er

ii 2727


ii 2828


(ii 28) May he exercise the rule over the people who are of privileged status (and) freed from taxation by the great gods! During his reign may those ones freed from taxation not be in disorder! May he decrease their negligence and may he remove their sin! Let turmoil be unknown to them (and) may he make their heart(s) rejoice! Like the foundations of Uruk and Eanna, may their foundations be firm!

ii 2929

ma-al-ku-ut-su-nu li-tep-pu-

ii 3030

šá šu-ba-re-e šu-nu-ú-tu ina BALA-šú

ii 3131

a-a ib-ba-ši e-šit-su-un

ii 3232

e-gi-it-su-nu li-maṭ-ṭi₅-ma

ii 3333

li-pa-as-si-is ḫi-ṭi₅-it-su-un

ii 3434

saḫ₄-maš-tu₄ lu-ú ik-kib-šu-nu-mu

ii 3535

li-šá-li-iṣ kab-ta-at-su-un

ii 3636

ki-ma tem?--na UNUG.KI

ii 3737

ù é-an-na

ii 3838

li-ku-ú-na -da-šu-un

ii 3939


(ii 39) Copy of the inscription, dispatch to/of the palace of Assyria; copied and collated.

ii 4040

šu-bul- É.GAL KUR--šur.KI

ii 4141

šá-ṭir-ma IGI.KÁR

Based on Grant Frame, Rulers of Babylonia: From the Second Dynasty of Isin to the End of Assyrian Domination (1157-612 BC) (RIMB 2; Toronto, 1995). Digitized, lemmatized, and updated by Alexa Bartelmus, 2015-16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as