Šamaš-šuma-ukin 5

oFor lines 1–5, see Ashurbanipal Babylonian 23
o 66

a-na MUL dAMAR.UTU mug-dáš-ru x NE ŠU x (x) ḪA (erasure) šá-qu-ú nam-ru

(o 6) For the star of the god Marduk, mighty ... exalted, [br]ight, the god Šiḫṭu, lord of catchwater, spring ... (and) wide seas, who produces (both) rain and flood, the god Imdudu, who roams through heaven and netherworld, lord of the wind blast ... and storm, who establishes the inundation, the god Nabû, the bright one who holds the lead-rope of earth and netherworld, star of East and West ..., at whose appearance the Igīgū gods and the Anunnakū gods hap[pily] ... who dwells in Ezida, which is inside Borsippa, [(...) his lord]:

o 77

dGU₄.UD EN kup-pu nag-bi x ta-ma-ti DAGAL-tim mu-šab-šu-ú ŠÈG u ILLU

o 88

dim-du-du mut-tal-li-ku šá AN-e u KI-tim

o 99

EN šib-ṭu šá-a-ru x [x] u? -ḫe-e šá-ki-nu (erasure) ri-iḫ-ṣu

o 1010

dAG -bu?-ú ta?-mi-iḫ ṣer-ret er-ṣe-tim ù ki-gal-li

o 1111

MUL dUTU.È ù dUTU.ŠÚ.A ZA x [x] x Ú ŠU x [x]

o 1212

šá ana ta-mar-ti-šú dí-- u da-nun-na-ki ḫa?-[diš?] x x MEŠ x [x (x)]

o 1313

a-šib é-zi-da šá -reb bár-sipa.KI [...]

o 1414


(o 14) Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, viceroy of Babylon [...] had (this) ... made and a boat ... it was brought with difficulty ... procession ... for the conveyance of his great lordship, (for his) going and returning [..., the god Šidd]ukišarra, who administers all of heaven and netherworld ... for his descent where water, the life of the land, the well-being of the house ...[...]

o 1515

ú-še-piš-ma GIŠ.? x x x x [...]

o 1616

mar-ṣi- ib-bab-la x x (x) ?-di-iḫ x x x [...]

o 1717

[a]-na ru-ku-bu be-lu-ti-šú GAL- a-la-ku u ta-a-ru x [...]

o 1818

[dšid]--ki-šár-ra pa-qid kiš-šat AN-e u KI-tim x x [...]

o 1919

[x x] a-na E₁₁-šú e-ma mu-ú ZI- KUR ba-laṭ ZI- É kiš-x [...]

r 20r 20

[x (x)]-ak-ku- ṣi-i-ru šit-ra-ḫu bu-kúr dasar-ri rap-[šú ...]

(r 20) ... august, splendid, son of the god Asari (Marduk), who has bro[ad understanding ...], the god Mudugasâ, supreme, ruler ... lord of ingenious things, martial, who in counsel [...] expert of all the temp[les] ...[...] the one who makes opposing forces agree, who administers everything [...], who has broad understanding, scribe of Esagil, who wa[tches ov]er the Igīgū gods and [the Anunnakū gods], who bears the tablet of the fates of the great gods, who supervises every[thing], capable, wise, god who[se] rule is pre-eminent, lord of Borsippa, who dwells in Ezida, the great lord [his] l[ord],

r 2121

dmu-du₁₀-ga-sa₄-a šur-bu-ú ma-lik x x x x AN x x [...]

r 2222

EN nik-la-a-ti da-pi-nu šá ina mil-ki x [...] x MEŠ [...]

r 2323

NUN.ME kiš-šat É.[MEŠ?] x x x ú DUB [...] muš-[...]

r 2424

sa-niq mit-ḫur-ti pa--du kul-la-ti [x] DU x [...]

r 2525

rap-šá uz-ni ṭup-šar é-sag-íl ḫa-[a-a]-iṭ dí-- u [da-nun-na-ki]

r 2626

na-ši ṭup-pi NAM.MEŠ DINGIR.DINGIR GAL.GAL a-ši-ir ka-la-[ma]

r 2727

le--ú IGI.GÁL-[la] DINGIR šá šu-tu-rat be-lu-us-[su]

r 2828

EN bár-sipa.KI a-šib é-zi-da EN? GAL? EN?-[šu?]

r 2929


(r 29) Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, viceroy [of Babylon], king of the land of Sumer and Akk[ad] had (this object) of 18 1/2 cubits made [...].

r 3030

LUGAL KUR-šu-me-ri ù ak-ka-[di-i]

r 3131

ú-[še]-piš-ma šá 18 1/2 KÙŠ [...]

r 3232

[a-na] TIN ZI.[MEŠ]-šú GÍD.DA UD.MEŠ-šú x [...]

(r 32) [In order] to ensure his good health, to prolong his days [...] may he determine as his fate!

r 3333

[...] li-šim? ši-mat-su

r 3434

[...] x RI x [...]

(r 34) [...] ... [...] ... [...] ... Ashurbanipal [... Šama]š-šuma-ukīn, kin[g ...]

r 3535

[...] x DI AN x [...]

r 3636

[...] x x -šur--A [...]

r 3737

[(x x) dGIŠ].NU₁₁-MU-GI.NA LUGAL [x (x)]

Based on Grant Frame, Rulers of Babylonia: From the Second Dynasty of Isin to the End of Assyrian Domination (1157-612 BC) (RIMB 2; Toronto, 1995). Digitized, lemmatized, and updated by Alexa Bartelmus, 2015-16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as http://oracc.org/ribo/Q006315/.