Šamaš-šuma-ukin 4

&Q006314 = Šamaš-šuma-ukīn 4
#project: ribo/babylon6
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1.	[a-n]a {d}na-bi-um ga-[aš-ru? ti-iz-qa-r]u? IGI.GÁL DINGIR.DINGIR šá-qu-ú mut-tal-⸢lum⸣
#lem: ana[for]PRP; Nabium[1]DN; gašru[very strong one]N; tizqāru[supreme one]N; igigallu[wisdom//wise man]N'N$igigal; ilī[god]N; šaqû[high one//exalted one]N'N$; muttellu[princely one]N$muttallum

2.	⸢DUB.SAR⸣ gim-ri pa-q[id? kiš-šat AN-e u KI-tim?] sa-niq mit-ḫur-ti mu-du-ú ka-la-mu
#lem: ṭupšar[scribe]N; gimri[totality]N; pāqid[carer]N; kiššat[totality]N; šamê[heaven]N; u[and]CNJ; erṣetim[earth]N; sāniq[controller]N; mithurti[harmony]N; mūdû[one who knows]N; kalāmu[all (of it)]N

3.	⸢šar?-ḫu gít⸣-ma-lu ḫa-[mi-im kul-lat] par-ṣi šá gu-um-mu-ru te-re-e-ti
#lem: šarhu[proud one]N; gitmālu[perfect one]N; hāmimu[(grain) gatherer//gatherer]N'N$hāmim; kullat[all of]N; parṣī[divine office]N; ša[who]REL; gummuru[complete//being in control of]AJ'AJ$; têrēti[omen]N

4.	EN nik-la-a-ti [šá ina UKKIN DINGIR.MEŠ?] AD.MEŠ-šú šur-ru-ḫa-at qí-bit-su
#lem: bēl[lord]N; nikiltu[skill]N$niklāti; ša[whose]REL; ina[in]PRP; puhur[assembly]N; ilī[god]N; abbīšu[ancestor]N; šurruhu[very proud]AJ$šurruhat; qibītsu[command]N

5.	ṣur-ru šad-lu ša ⸢lìb?-bi⸣-šú la i-lam-ma-du DINGIR.DINGIR a-a-um-ma
#lem: ṣurru[heart]N; šadlu[broad]AJ; ša[whose]REL; libbišu[heart]N; lā[not]MOD; lamādu[learn//understand]V'V$ilammadu; ilū[god]N; ayyumma[whoever]XP

6.	EN šur-bu-ú na-šu-ú e-ni na-šu-ú zik-ri ma-al-⸢ki?⸣
#lem: bēlu[lord]N; šurbû[very great]AJ; nāšû[bearer]N; enu[lord]N$enī; nāšû[bearer]N; zikrī[reputation]N; malkī[ruler]N

7.	na-din {GIŠ}GIDRU {GIŠ}GU.ZA ù BALA.MEŠ mu-ki-in-nu LUGAL-⸢ú-ti⸣
#lem: nādin[giver]N; haṭṭi[sceptre]N; kussî[throne]N; u[and]CNJ; palê[reign (of a king)]N; mukinnu[witness//one who confirms]N'N$; šarrūti[kingship]N

8.	re-mé-nu-ú šá a-na ⸢ár?⸣-[k]at? u₄-⸢um⸣ i-šar-ra-ku da-na-nu ù ⸢li⸣-[i]-ti
#lem: rēmēnû[merciful one]N$; ša[who]REL; ana[for]PRP; warkītu[posterity//future]N'N$arkât; ūm[day]N; išarraku[present]V; danānu[might]N; u[and]CNJ; līti[victory]N

9.	bu-kúr {d}asar-ri ⸢reš-tu-ú i⸣-[lit-t]i {d}e₄-ru₆ šar-rat i-lat be-le-⸢e⸣-ti
#lem: bukru[son]N$bukur; Asari[Marduk]DN; rēštû[firstborn]AJ; ilitti[offspring]N; Eruʾa[]DN$; šarrat[queen]N; ilat[goddess]N; bēlēti[lady]N

10.	a-ši-ib é-zi-da É ki-i-nu ina [bár]-sipa{KI} ma-ḫaz ra-⸢áš-bu⸣ EN GAL EN-ia
#lem: āšib[inhabitant]N; Ezida[temple of Nabû at Borsippa]TN; bītu[house]N; kīnu[true]AJ; ina[in]PRP; Barsipa[Borsippa]SN; māhāz[cult centre]N; rašbu[awe-inspiring]AJ; bēli[lord]N; rabî[great]AJ; bēliya[lord]N

11.	a-na-ku {d}GIŠ.NU₁₁-MU-GI.NA LUGAL d[an?-nu LUG]AL ⸢TIN.TIR⸣{KI} LUGAL KUR-šu-me-ri ù URI{KI}
#lem: anāku[I]IP; Šamaš-šuma-ukin[king of Babylon]RN$; šarru[king]N; dannu[strong]AJ; šar[king]N; Babili[Babylon]SN; šar[king]N; Mat-Šumeri[Sumer]GN; u[and]CNJ; Akkadi[Akkad]GN

12.	GÌR.NÍTA ⸢it⸣-pe-šú NUN qar-du x [...]-ú-ti pa-liḫ EN EN.EN
#lem: šakkanakku[(military) governor]N; itpēšu[expert]AJ; rubû[ruler]N; qardu[valiant]AJ; u; u; pālih[one who reveres]N; bēl[lord]N; bēlī[lord]N

13.	⸢ÉNSI ṣi-i⸣-ri ⸢SIPA⸣ ki-i-[nu muš-t]e-eʾ-ú áš-rat DINGIR.DINGIR GAL.GAL
#lem: iššakku[city-ruler]N; ṣīri[exalted]AJ; rēʾû[shepherd]N; kīnu[true]AJ; mušteʾʾû[assiduous one]N; ašrāt[shrine]N; ilī[god]N; rabûti[great]AJ

14.	mu-še-ši-[ib KÁ.DINGIR.R]A{KI} e-⸢piš é-sag-íl⸣ za-nin é-zi-da
#lem: mušēšibu[one who settles]N$mušēšib; Babili[Babylon]SN; ēpiš[builder]N; Esagil[temple of Marduk at Babylon]TN; zānin[provisioner]N; Ezida[temple of Nabû at Borsippa]TN

15.	ša i-na [BALA]-⸢šú {d}EN.LÍL⸣ DINGIR.DINGIR {d}AMAR.UTU sa-li-mu ir-šu-ú
#lem: ša[whose]REL; ina[during]PRP; palêšu[reign (of a king)]N; Enlil[1]DN; ilī[god]N; Marduk[1]DN; salīmu[divine pardon]N; iršû[come to have]V

16.	i-na ri-šá-a-tú [a-na TI]N.TIR{KI} i-ru-um-ma i-na é-sag-íl šá da-rat šu-bat-su ir-me
#lem: ina[during]PRP; rīštu[exultation]N$rīšātu; ana[into]PRP; Babili[Babylon]SN; īrumma[enter]V; ina[in]PRP; Esagil[temple of Marduk at Babylon]TN; ša[of]DET; dārât[eternity]N; šubatsu[dwelling]N; ramû[set in place//take up a residence]V'V$irme

17.	sat-tuk-ki é-s[ag-í]l DINGIR.DINGIR KUR-EME.GI₇ ù URI{KI} ú-kin-nu
#lem: sattukkī[regular delivery]N; Esagil[temple of Marduk at Babylon]TN; ilī[god]N; Mat-Šumeri[Sumer]GN; u[and]CNJ; Akkadi[Akkad]GN; kânu[be(come) permanent//establish firmly]V'V$ukinnu

#lem: mār[son]N; Aššur-ahu-iddina[Esarhaddon]RN$; šarri[king]N; rabî[great]AJ; šarri[king]N; dannu[strong]AJ; šar[king]N; kiššatu[totality]N$kiššati; šar[king]N; Mat-Aššur[Assyria]GN

19.	GÌR.NÍTA TIN.TIR{KI} LUGAL KUR-šu-me-ri ù ak-ka-di-i
#lem: šakkanak[(military) governor]N; Babili[Babylon]SN; šar[king]N; Mat-Šumeri[Sumer]GN; u[and]CNJ; Akkadi[Akkad]GN

20.	ta-li-mu AN.ŠÁR-ba-a-ni-IBILA LUGAL GAL LUGAL dan-nu LUGAL KI.ŠÁR.RA LUGAL KUR-aš-šur
#lem: talīmu[(close or beloved) brother]N$talīm; Aššur-bani-apli[Ashurbanipal]RN$; šarri[king]N; rabî[great]AJ; šarri[king]N; dannu[strong]AJ; šar[king]N; kiššatu[totality//world]N'N$kiššati; šar[king]N; Mat-Aššur[Assyria]GN

#lem: mār[son]N; mār[son]N; Sin-ahhe-eriba[Sennacherib]RN$; šarri[king]N; rabî[great]AJ; šarri[king]N; dannu[strong]AJ; šar[king]N; kiššatu[totality//world]N'N$kiššati; šar[king]N; Mat-Aššur[Assyria]GN

#lem: līplīp[descendant]N; Šarru-ukin[Sargon II]RN$; šarri[king]N; rabî[great]AJ; šarri[king]N; dannu[strong]AJ; šar[king]N; kiššatu[totality//world]N'N$kiššati; šar[king]N; Mat-Aššur[Assyria]GN

23.	NUMUN LUGAL-ú-ti da-ru-ú ša {d}EN-ba-ni DUMU a-da-si NUNUZ bal-til{KI}
#lem: zēr[seed]N; šarrūti[kingship]N; dārû[lasting]AJ; ša[of]DET; Bel-bani[king of Assyria]RN; mār[son]N; Adasi[king of Assyria]RN$; perʾu[offspring]N; Baltil[Aššur]QN

24.	a-na TI ZI.MEŠ GÍD.DA UD.MEŠ šá-lam NUMUN GIN BALA.MEŠ sa-⸢kap⸣ {LÚ}KÚR
#lem: ana[to]PRP; balāṭ[preservation]'N; napšāti[life]N; urruk[lengthening]'N; ūmē[day]N; šalām[well-being]'N; zēri[seed]N; kūn[securing]'N; palê[reign (of a king)]N; sakāp[overthrowing]'N; nakri[enemy]N

25.	ša AN.ŠÁR-ba-a-ni-IBILA LUGAL KUR-aš-šur ŠEŠ ta-li-mi-ia ù ia-a-ti
#lem: ša[of]DET; Aššur-bani-apli[Ashurbanipal]RN$; šar[king]N; Mat-Aššur[Assyria]GN; ahi[brother]N; talīmu[(close or beloved) brother]N$talīmiya; u[and]CNJ; yâti[me]IP

26.	[a-n]a TI ZI.MEŠ-ia GÍD.DA ⸢u₄⸣-me-ia šá-lam NUMUN-ia GIN BALA.MEŠ-ia la GÁL-e GIG-ia
#lem: ana[to]PRP; balāṭ[preservation]'N; napšātiya[life]N; urruk[lengthening]'N; ūmēya[day]N; šalām[well-being]'N; zēriya[offspring]N; kūn[securing]'N; palêya[reign (of a king)]N; lā[not]MOD; bašê[existing]'N; murṣiya[illness]N

27.	[...] x ⸢bu?⸣-ru a-ḫa-meš É.ŠUTUMₓ(|GI₆.NAM.AB.DU₇|).MEŠ é-zi-da eš-šiš ú-še-piš-ma ú-zaq-qìr ḫur-sa-niš
#lem: u; u; u; ahāmiš[one another]RP$ahāmeš; u; Ezida[temple of Nabû at Borsippa]TN; eššiš[anew]AV; ušēpišma[build]V; zaqāru[project//build (very) high]V'V$uzaqqir; huršāniš[like a mountain]AV$hursāniš

28.	[a-a-um-ma NU]N EGIR-ú šá ina BALA-e-šú ši-pir šu-a-tú in-na-ḫu i-raš-šu-ú ni-kit-tú
#lem: ayyumma[whoever]XP; rubû[ruler]N; arkû[later]AJ; ša[whose]REL; ina[during]PRP; palû[reign (of a king)]N$palêšu; šipir[work]N; šuātu[that]IP; innahu[be(come) dilapidated]V; iraššû[come to have]V; niqittu[anxiety//damage]N'N$

29.	[an-ḫu-us-su l]u-ud-di-iš šu-mì it-ti MU-šú liš-ṭur MU.SAR-ú-a li-mur-ma
#lem: anhūssu[dilapidated section(s)]N; edēšu[be(come) new//renovate]V'V$luddiš; šumī[name]N; itti[with]PRP; šumišu[name]N; lišṭur[write]V; mušarû[(royal) inscription]N$mušarûya; līmurma[find]V

30.	[Ì.GIŠ lip-šu-uš ({UDU})]⸢SISKUR⸣ liq-qí it-ti MU.SAR-e-šú liš-ku-un ik-ri-bi-šú {d}na-bi-um i-šem-me
#lem: šamnu[oil]N; lipšuš[anoint]V; nīqu[offering]N$nīqu; liqqi[make (an offering)]V; itti[with]PRP; mušarêšu[(royal) inscription]N; šakānu[put]V$liškun; ikribīšu[prayer]N; Nabium[1]DN; išemme[listen]V

31.	[šá šu-mì šaṭ-ru ù MU] ⸢ta-li⸣-mi-ia i-na ši-pir ni-kil-ti i-pa-áš-ši-ṭu
#lem: ša[who]REL; šumī[name]N; šaṭru[written]AJ; u[and]CNJ; šum[name]N; talīmu[(close or beloved) brother]N$talīmiya; ina[through]PRP; šipir[work]N; nikiltu[skill//cleverness]N'N$nikilti; ipaššiṭu[erase]V

32.	[MU.SAR-u-a i-a-ab-ba-tu  lu-ú a]-⸢šar⸣-šú ú-nak-ka-ru-ma it-ti MU.SAR-e-šú la i-šak-ka-nu
#lem: mušarûya[(royal) inscription]N; iʾabbatu[destroy]V; lū[or]CNJ; ašaršu[place]N; unakkaruma[change]V; itti[with]PRP; mušarêšu[(royal) inscription]N; lā[not]MOD; išakkanu[deposit]V

33.	[{d}na-bi-um EN ṣi-ru ag-g]iš lik-kel-mi-šú-ma MU-šú NUMUN-šú ina KUR.KUR li-ḫal-liq
#lem: Nabium[1]DN; bēlu[lord]N; ṣīru[exalted]AJ; aggiš[furiously]AV; nekelmû[frown at//regard malevolently]V'V$likkelmišuma; šumšu[name]N; zēršu[offspring]N; ina[in]PRP; mātāti[land]N; lihalliq[destroy]V

@translation labeled en project

@(1 - 10) For the god Nabû, @i{po[werful, emine]nt}, wisest of the gods, exalted, noble, scribe of everything, @i{super[visor of the totality of heaven and netherworld}], who makes opposing forces agree, who knows everything, splendid, perfect, who has gat[hered to himself all] the (divine) offices, who controls the omens, lord of skillful works, whose command is pre-eminent [@i{in the assembly of the gods}], his fathers, (one with) a far-reaching mind, whose @i{heart} none among the gods knows, supreme lord, who raises up lords (and) the fame of rulers, who gives scepter, throne, and reign, who confirms kingship, compassionate one, who bestows for @i{future days} power and victory; most important son of the god Asari (Marduk), offspring of the goddess Erua — queen (and) goddess of ladies — who dwells in Ezida — the true house, (located) in [Bor]sippa, the cult center which is worthy of honor — great lord, my lord:

@(11 - 23) I, Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, [@i{mighty}] king, [ki]ng of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, wise viceroy, valiant prince, [...], who reveres the lord of lords, wise vice-regent, true shepherd, [who is assid]uous toward the sanctuaries of the great gods, who (re)settl[ed Babyl]on, (re)built Esagil, (and) provides for Ezida; the one during whose [reign] the Enlil of the gods, the god Marduk, relented, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing, and took up his residence in Esagil forevermore; the one who (re)confirmed the regular offerings (in) Esagil (for) the gods of the land of Sumer and Akkad; son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, viceroy of Babylon, (and) king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; favorite (brother) of Ashurbanipal, great king, mighty king, king of the world, (and) king of Assyria; grandson of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, (and) king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon (II), great king, mighty king, king of the world, (and) king of Assyria; descendant of the enduring royal lineage of Bēl-bāni, son of Adasi, scion of Baltil (Aššur) — 

@(24 - 27) In order to ensure the good health of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, my favorite brother, to prolong (his) life, to ensure the well-being of (his) descendant(s)‬, to confirm (his) reign, and to defeat (his) enemy, and, with regard to me, to ensure my good health, to prolong my life, to ensure the well-being of my descendant(s), to confirm my reign, (and) to ensure that I might have no illness, [...] together, I had the storehouses of Ezida built anew and made (them) high as a mountain.

@(28 - 30) May [any] future [pr]ince, during whose reign this work falls into disrepair (and) sustains damage, repair [its dilapidated state]! May he write my name with his (own) name, look at my royal inscription, [anoint (it) with oil], offer a sacrifice, (and) place (my royal inscription) with his (own) royal inscription! The god Nabû will (then) listen to his prayers.

@(31 - 33) [(But) as for the one who] erases [my inscribed name or the name] of my favorite brother by some crafty device, [(or) destroys my royal inscription, or] changes its position and does not place (it) with his (own) royal inscription, may [the god Nabû, august lord], glare at him [ang]rily and make his name (and) his descendant(s) disappear from the lands!

Based on Grant Frame, Rulers of Babylonia: From the Second Dynasty of Isin to the End of Assyrian Domination (1157-612 BC) (RIMB 2; Toronto, 1995). Digitized, lemmatized, and updated by Alexa Bartelmus, 2015-16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as http://oracc.org/ribo/Q006314/.