
  • Nabû-šuma-iškun 2001


  • Q006303
  • Nabû-šuma-iškun 2001



  • cylinder
  • Neo-Babylonian
  • Written ca. ?-748
  • Borsippa
  • Royal Inscription
  • Nabû-šuma-iškun

Nabû-šuma-iškun 2001

Column i
i 1i 1

[...] (x)-ni-šu IDIM šar-ḫi dmu-du₁₀-ga-sa₄-a šá--i e-tel-li

(i 1) [For the god ...] ... venerable, splendid, the god Mudugasâ, exalted, sovereign, [spouse of] the goddess Ninsiga (most) honored of (all) goddesses, mistress of (all) the inhabited world, majestic, goddess of absolutely everything the god [Ut]ulu, the powerful lord who marches in front of all the gods, perfect [...] of the gods, resplendent, beloved of the god Ninšiku (Ea), [endowed with] wisdom and insight, who evaluates omens, [...] of kingship, the one who directs everything, who grants scepter, throne, reign, (and) royal crown,

i 22

[x x] dnin-sig₅-ga ka-nu-ut dINANNA.MEŠ be-let da-ad-mi šá-ga-pu-ur-ti i-lat paṭ gim-ri

i 33

[dut]-u₁₈-lu EN gaš-ri šá i-na ma-ḫar DINGIR.MEŠ kal-šú-nu il-la-ka ḫar-ra-ni

i 44

[x x] DINGIR.MEŠ gít-ma-li šu-pu-ú na-ram dnin-ši-

i 55

[x x] -me- ù ši-tul-ti muš-ta-bi-li te-re-e-ti

i 66

[x x (x)] x LUGAL-ú-ti mu-ma-ʾe-er gim-ri na-din GIŠ.GIDRU GIŠ.GU.ZA u BALA-e a-ge-e LUGAL-ú-ti

i 77

[x x (x)] x dnu-nam-nir gít-ma-li DUMU kun-nu-ú i-lit-ti ru-bat DINGIR.MEŠ de-ru-u₈-ú-a

(i 7) perfect [offspring] of the god Nunamnir, honored son, offspring of the princess of the gods, the goddess Erua, [...] of Esagil, lord of everything, victorious, beloved of the god Marduk, [... of the god As]ari, eldest son, foremost, the one who goes in front, the one who [...] with the father who begat him ... [...] judge of the gods, king of the great gods, the one who is res[plendent] in the east and in the west, [... of the go]ds, his own counsellor, the one who accepts entreaties (and) hearkens to supplications, one who has broad under[standing, ..., the one to whose] venerable command the Igīgū gods submit themselves humbly (and) the Anunnakū gods [... clad in] a holy awe-inspiring sheen, garbed in terrifying splendor, filled with fearfulness, [...] established judgment and the Sibitti gods do not [...]

i 88

[x x (x)] x é-sag-íl EN gim-ri šit-lu-ṭu na-ram dAMAR.UTU

i 99

[x x d]asar-ri IBILA reš-tu-ú a-šá-red a-lik maḫ-ri šá it-ti a-bi a-li-di-šú [...] x x x x-ti

i 1010

[x x x] DI.KUD DINGIR.MEŠ LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ šá i-na ṣi-taš u šil-la-an šu-[pu-ú? ...]

i 1111

[x x] DINGIR.MEŠ ma-lik rama-ni-šú le-qu-ú un-ni-ni še-mu-ú tés-li-ti rap-šú uz-[ni ...]

i 1212

[ša a-na] ur-ti-šú ka-bit-ti dí-- ap-pi i-lab-bi-nu-šú da-nun-na-ki x [...]

i 1313

[...] ME.LÁM .MEŠ ḫa-lip na-mur-ra-ti šá pul-ḫa-a-ti ma-lu-[ú ...]

i 1414

[...]-šu? i-šak-ka-nu šip-ṭu u dIMIN.BI la i-šak-[...]

i 1515

[... mu?-šal?]-su-ú a-la-li ina qar-ba-a-ti mu-al-lid AN x [...]

(i 15) [...], the one who has] work songs [su]ng in the land, the one who begot ... [...] ... who establishes plenty, abundance, and wealth for [...]... the great gods [...] who makes prosper [...] is not equaled [...] ... [...]

i 1616

[...] x-ti šá-ki-nu ḪÉ.NUN ṭuḫ-da u meš-re-e a-[na ...]

i 1717

[...] x x [x] x x DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ [...]

i 1818

[...] (x) ú-šam-mi-ḫi ú-[...]

i 1919

[...] x la -šá-an-na-ni x [...]

i 2020

[...] TI MA x x x [...]

Lacuna of about 20 lines
i 1'1'

x x x [...]

(i 1') ... [...] to administer the people correctly [...] to Borsippa [...] he proceeds along the road [...]

i 2'2'

šu-te-šur ni-še? [...]

i 3'3'

a-na BÀD.SI.AB.BA [...]

i 4'4'

i-šad-di-ḫi ú-ru-uḫ [...]

i 5'5'

áš-ruk-ka-ti šu-a-ti x* [...]

(i 5') [...] this storehouse [...] a praiseworthy structure ... [...] of this storehouse in [... which] had buckled and become weak [...] ... [...]

i 6'6'

ú-raš ta-na-da-a-ti SI/ḪAB* MA* [...]

i 7'7'

šá áš-ruk-ka-ti šu-a-ti* i*-na* x* [...]

i 8'8'

i-qu-pu-ú-mi i-ni-šu il-[...] EN [...]

i 9'9'

šá ul-tu u₄-mi pa-ni ul-tu ul-la-nu-ú?-a .GAR.UŠ₄ .-pi BÀD?.[SI.AB.BA]

(i 9') which from time immemorial, from long before me, no governor (or) commissioner of B[orsippa] had done, he charged me with this work and entrusted (it) to me me, Nabû-šuma-imbi, son of Ēda-ē[ṭir], nešakku-official, one privileged to enter the temple of the god Nabû, governor of Borsippa, slave who reveres his great godhead (and) stands in service before him, prayerful soldier who constantly pays attention to the cult of the god Nabû, lord of the lands (and) lord of the gods. I began that work and ordered that it be done.

i 10'10'

la i-pu-šu šip-ri šu-a-ti ia-a-ši mdAG-MU-im-bi DUMU m-SUR

i 11'11'

.-šak-ki .KU₄.É dAG .GAR.UŠ₄ bár-sipa.KI du--mu-ú pa-liḫ DINGIR-ú-ti-šú

i 12'12'

ra-bi-ti na-an-za-az maḫ-ri-šu re-du-ú mut-nen-nu-ú

i 13'13'

šá a-na pa-ra-aṣ dAG EN KUR.KUR EN i- pu-tuq-qu sa-an-tak

i 14'14'

šip-ri šá-a-ši ú-qa-a-a-an-ni-mi ú-šad-gil pa-ni-ia

i 15'15'

šip-ri šá-a-ši ú-šar-ri-i-mi e-pe-šú aq-bi -šá-ak-na-a-mi

(i 15'b) Disorders, disturbances, revolt, and turmoil occurred in Borsippa, the city of truth and justice. During the reign of king Nabû-šuma-iškun, the Dakkurian, the Babylonians, the Borsippians, (the people of) the town Dutēti (which is on) the bank of the Euphrates, all the Chaldeans, Arameans, (and) the people of Dilbat sharpened their weapons for many days (to fight) with one another (and) slew one another. Moreover, they fought with the Borsippians over their fields.

i 16'16'

i-na bár-sipa.KI URU kit-ti ù mi-šá-ri e-šá-a-ti dal-ḫa-a-ti si-ḫi

i 17'17'

ù saḫ-ma-šá-a-ti i-na BALA-e dAG-MU--kun LUGAL DUMU mda-ku-ri

i 18'18'


i 19'19'

gab-bi URU.kal-di .a-ra-mi .DIL.BAD.KI.MEŠ UD.MEŠ ma--du-ú-ti

i 20'20'

a-na lìb-bi a-ḫa-meš GIŠ.TUKUL-šú-nu i-še-el-li a-ḫa-meš ú-ra-sa-a-pu

i 21'21'

ù it-ti .BÁRA.SIPA.KI.MEŠ i-na UGU A.ŠÀ.MEŠ-šú-nu ip-pu-šú ṣu-la-a-ti

i 22'22'

[x (x)] x x x mdAG-MU-SUM.NA DUMU mKAL-dAG .KU₄.É dAG .ŠÀ.TAM é-zi-da

(i 22') [...] ... Nabû-šuma-iddin, son of Aqar-Nabû, one privileged to enter the temple of the god Nabû, the chief administrator of Ezida [...]... by himself he set against/concerning Nabû-šuma-imbi, son of Ēda-ēṭir, governor of Borsippa. By night, like thieves, the enemy, the foreigner, fug[itives, ...], wicked enemies, with stopped ears, who would not listen to me, per[verse, (...)] I returned [...] to Ezida, and Ezida and Borsippa [...] they seized and set up a hue and cr[y] over the city and temple, as they fought.

i 23'23'

[x x x] x x x i-na rama-ni-šú i-na UGU mdAG-MU-im-bi DUMU m-SUR .GAR.UŠ₄ bár-sipa.KI -kun

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

i-na šat mu-ši ki-ma šar-ra-- nak-ri a-ḫa .ḫa-[al-qu-ti? ...]

ii 22

za-ma-nu-ú lem-nu-ú-ti su-ku-ku-ú-ti la še-mi-ia-ma eg-[ru-ti? ...]

ii 33

a-na é-zi-da ú-ter-mi é-zi-da ù bár-sipa.KI [...]

ii 44

iṣ-ba-tu-mi UGU URU ù É.KUR ri-ig-mi ù ši-si-[ti]

ii 55

-kun-ú-mi ip-pu-šú ṣu-la-a-ti ù É mdAG-MU-[im-bi DUMU m-SUR]

(ii 5b) On this night, the Borsippians and the people of [...], who were present to help one another, surrounded the house of Nabû-šuma-[imbi, son of Ēda-ēṭir], governor of Borsippa and with arrows and [... From evening] until sunrise they raised battle-crys. From eve[ning] until sunrise Nabû-šuma-imbi, son of Ēda-ēṭir, governor of Bors[ippa ...]... prayed, “Nabû, my ... are no more!” [...] ... [...]

ii 66

.GAR.UŠ₄ bár-sipa.KI i-na mu-ši-šú-mi .BÁRA.SIPA.KI.MEŠ u .(x) [...]

ii 77

šá a-na re-ṣu-ut a-ḫa-meš iz-zi-zu il-mu-ú-mi ina til-pa-na u GIŠ.(x) [... ul-tu li-la-a-ti]

ii 88

a-di na-pa-ḫi dUTU-ši ip-pu-šú ta-nu-qa-a-ti ul-tu li-la-[a-ti]

ii 99

a-di na-pa-ḫi dUTU-ši mdAG-MU-im-bi DUMU m-SUR .GAR.UŠ₄ bár-sipa.KI [...]

ii 1010

[...] x-ti ú-ṣal-li dAG x x x-ú-a ia--nu [...]

ii 1111

[...] x x x BA x [x x] x [...]

Lacuna of about 30 lines
ii 1'1'

[...] x-šú-nu x [...]

(ii 1') [...] their [...] ... [...] burnt [...] plenty, and to [...] ... the storehouse [...]

ii 2'2'


ii 3'3'

[...] x x x [x x] x iṣ-ru-pu x x [...]

ii 4'4'

[...] x-si nu-uḫ-ši ù a-na x [...]

ii 5'5'

[...] x Ú x-ra-a-nu áš-ruk-ka-[ti ...]

ii 6'6'

[... m]dAG-MU-im-bi DUMU m-SUR .GAR.UŠ₄ [bár-sipa.KI]

(ii 6'b) Nabû-šuma-imbi, son of Ēda-ēṭir, governor [of Borsippa ...] who reveres him (and) stands in service bef[ore him ...] his great [godhead], let them speak [...] let him agree! [Let him be]stow on him [as a gift] and [grant him] as a present peace (and) good [...]!

ii 7'7'

[...] pa-li-ḫi-šú na-an-za-az maḫ-[ri-šú ...]

ii 8'8'

[... DINGIR-ú]-ti-šú ra-bi-ti liq-bu-ú [...]

ii 9'9'

[...] x lim-gur sa-li-mi SIG₅-x [...]

ii 10'10'

[a-na ši-rik-ti liš]-ruk-šú ù a-na qiš-ti [li-qis-su ...]

(ii 10'b) [May the goddess Nanāya], ... mistress of (all) the goddesses [...], the compassionate goddess, creat[or of ...], whose word is favorable, [whose] utte[rance cannot be changed, whose] command cannot be altered [...], intercede [for me] daily in the presence of [the god Nabû] ... who makes decisions for heaven and [netherworld ...], the son of the Enlil [of the gods (Marduk)]! May I increase [(my) good fortune]! [...] distant days, year[s ...], life of shining [...] as a gift [...] offspring, may [...] progeny [...] in the palace [...] may her word be favorable! [...]

ii 11'11'

[...] x.MEŠ dbe-let d.TAR.MEŠ [...]

ii 12'12'

[...] AN il-ti reme--ti ba-na-[at ...]

ii 13'13'

[...] x mit-gu-rat a-mat-si ṣi-it [pi-i-šá]

ii 14'14'

[la ut-tak-ka-ru] la in-nen-nu-ú -bit-[si ...]

ii 15'15'

i-na ma-ḫar [x x x] x pa-ri-is .BAR AN-e ù [KI-tim ...]

ii 16'16'

DUMU dEN.LÍL [DINGIR.MEŠ] u₄-mi-šam lit-tas-qar a-bu-[ti ...]

ii 17'17'

lu-ú-uṣ-ṣib [x x x x] u₄?-mi?.MEŠ .MEŠ MU.[MEŠ ...]

ii 18'18'

ba-laṭ na-mar [...] a-na ši-rik-ti [...]

ii 19'19'

NUNUZ lu-ú [x x x (x) na]-an-na-bu x [...]

ii 20'20'

i-na É.GAL [x x x (x)] x lu mit-gu-rat a-mat-si x [...]

ii 21'21'

it-ti é-zi-[da] ù bár-sipa.KI li-ku-un re-é-[us-su ...]

(ii 21') May [his position as] shepherd be confirmed with (regard to) Ez[ida and] Borsippa! [...] May his [words] be pleasing unto the king of the gods, the lord of lords! [...] way [... Ezida] and Borsippa in the presence of the god Nabû and the goddess Nanāya, the supreme gods [...] May he experience the fullness of old [age]! In strife, war, fierce battle, and camp[aigning, ...] he, [his] offspring, his [...] to go to his aid, to overthrow [...] may he fill his hands with plenty [... (and)] great abundance!

ii 22'22'

li-ṭi-ib [at]-mu-šú UGU LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ EN EN.EN tal-lak-ti [... é-zi-da]

ii 23'23'

ù bár-sipa.KI [i]-na ma-ḫar dAG u dna-na-a DINGIR.MEŠ šur-bu-ti [...]

ii 24'24'

liš-ba-a lit-tu-[tu] i-na šá-áš-mi qab-li dan-nu ù a-lak [EDIN ...]

ii 25'25'

šá-a-ši NUNUZ-šú [x (x)] x x-šú re-ṣu-us-si a-la-ki šum-qut x [...]

ii 26'26'

ḪÉ.NUN MA x [x (x)] ḪÉ.GÁL ma--da li-ma-al-la-a ŠU.II-šú i-na [...]

ii 27'27'

ù i-na [x] x dèr-ra šal-ba-bi DUMU dEN.LÍL ra-a-mi ga-áš?-[ru? ...]

(ii 27') At [...] and at ... of the god Erra, the raging one, beloved son of the god Enlil, the pow[erful ...] May dagger (and) pla[gue] never draw near him! May peace be established for him! [...] to extinguish his wicked enemies like embers!

ii 28'28'

pat-ri šib-[ṭi] la TE-šú šá-lim-ti lu šá-ak-na-si a-a-bi-šú lem-nu-ú-[ti ...]

ii 29'29'

bul-la-šun? ki-ma la--mi DINGIR-ú-ti-ku-nu ù nar-bi-ku-[nu lid-lul]

(ii 29'b) [May he praise] your (Nabû and Nanāya’s) godhead and [your] greatness for (all) future generations! May you, lord, be his help [...] Call him [so that he may sing of your] fame for future days! O god Na[ accept] the prayers and supplications of Nabû-šuma-imbi, governor of Borsippa!

ii 30'30'

a-na UN.MEŠ dar-ka-a-ti at-ta-mi EN lu tuk-la-šu NAB [...]

ii 31'31'

i-bi šu--šú a-na u₄-mi da-ru-ú-ti ta-nit-ti-[ku-nu ...]

ii 32'32'

ik-ri-bi u ṣu-le-e šá mdAG-MU-im-bi .GAR.UŠ₄ bár-sipa.KI dAG [...]

ii 33'33'

MU.SAR šá áš-ruk-ka-ti šá du-ru é-zi-da

(ii 33') Inscription dealing with the storehouse, from the enclosure wall of Ezida.

Based on Grant Frame, Rulers of Babylonia: From the Second Dynasty of Isin to the End of Assyrian Domination (1157-612 BC) (RIMB 2; Toronto, 1995). Digitized, lemmatized, and updated by Alexa Bartelmus, 2015-16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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