Esarhaddon 1003

Column i
i 1'1'

x [...]

(i 1') ... [...] the one who distributes [shares] to the ... people, [...], the one who opens canals, (and) the one who makes the pasturage (and) watering places flourish; whose countenance is excellent, the awe-inspiring god, the bearer of the furious mace, the one who conquered the enemy, overthrew e[vil], ... [...]

i 2'2'

mu-za-ʾi-iz [is-qa-a-ti]

i 3'3'

a-na UN.MEŠ x x [...]

i 4'4'

mu-pat-tu-ú ÍD.MEŠ

i 5'5'

mu-šam-me-eḫ ri-ʾi-i- maš--

i 6'6'

šá šu-tu-rat nab-nit-su

i 7'7'

DINGIR raš-bu na-áš GIŠ.KU.AN ez-zu

i 8'8'

ka-šid a-a-bi mu-šam-qit ḪUL

i 9'9'

x (x) x x x [...]

Column ii
iiii Lacuna
ii 1'1'

[...] x ki-sít- ṣa-a-[tu]

(ii 1') [...] ..., anci[ent] stock, sublime ruler, governor of Babylon, tr[ue] prince, the one to whom the god En[lil] has stretched out his hand, rever[ent] servant,

ii 2'2'

ÉNSI ṣi-i-ri

ii 3'3'


ii 4'4'

ti-ri-iṣ dEN.[LÍL]

ii 5'5'

re-e-šu šá-aḫ-[]

Column iii
iiiiii Lacuna
iii 1'1'

[x] TE? ME? [...]

(iii 1') (No translation possible)

iii 2'2'

[(x)] x-a GAR MA [...]

iii 3'3'

[x]-šu-un maš-kan [...]

iii 4'4'

[...] x-a LUGAL LUGAL [...]

iii 5'5'

[...] x at-ta [...]

iii 6'6'

[...] x [...]

Column iv
iviv completely broken away
Column v
v 1'1'

[i]-na LUGAL.MEŠ DUMU.MEŠ-[ia]

(v 1') [May] one of the kings, [my] descendants, [who] comes forth to rule the land, [read an inscripti]on written in my name when this [temple] becomes old and when he renovates its [dilapid]ated section(s), [and] may he anoint (it) with oil, make an offering, write [my name w]ith his name, (and) return (it) [to] its [place. May he respect] (my) inscrip[tions ...]

v 2'2'

[šá] E₁₁-ma ú-ma-a-ru ma-a-

v 3'3'

[É?] šu-a- i-la-ab-bi-ru-ma

v 4'4'

[an]-ḫu-us-su ú-da-šú

v 5'5'

[MU.SAR-ru]-ú ši-ṭir šu--ia

v 6'6'

[li-mu-ur-ma] Ì.GIŠ lip-šu- UDU.SISKUR liq-

v 7'7'

[šu-] it-ti MU-šú liš-ṭur

v 8'8'

[ana áš-ri]-šú lu-ter ep-še-tu-ú-a

v 9'9'

[lit-ta-ʾi-id] MU.SAR-[ru-ú ...]


Created by Erle Leichty, Grant Frame, and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2011. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2010. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as