Esarhaddon 1002

Column i
i' 1i 1

[ú-ḫum]-meš šur-šu-du

(i' 1) to be as secure as [a great moun]tain [for] far-off [days. ...] cast [bro]nze [...] he oversaw its [sm]elting and examined [... He built from its foundations t]o its parapets, [... all] of its copings [...] ... [...] Cutha,

i' 22

[ana u₄-me] ṣa-a-ti

i' 33

[...] ZABAR šip-ki

i' 44

[... bu]-šul-šú i-ḫi-iṭ-ma

i' 55

[...] ú-ṣab-bi

i' 66

[ul-tu UŠ₈-šú a]-di gaba-dib-bi-šú

i' 77

[i-pu- gi]-mir pa-as--šú

i' 88

[...]-ka šá maḫ-ra

i' 99

[...] .DU₈.A.KI

Column ii
ii' 1ii 1

dé-a u dasal--ḫi ina -me--šú-nu ṣi-ru-ti

(ii' 1) The gods Ea and Asalluḫi, by their exalted wisdom, opened their mouth(s) with “the washing of the mouth” (and) “the opening of the mouth” (rites) and had (them) dwell on their pure pedestal(s) in their lofty cellas for all ti[me]. The one who expanded the cult cent[ers], enlarged the temples of the [great] gods, which from ancient times [...] ... [...]

ii' 22


ii' 33

KA-šú-nu ip-tu-ma

ii' 44

ina at-ma-ni-šú-nu ṣi-ru-ti ú-šar-ma-[a]

ii' 55

ki-gal-la-šú-nu el-lu šá du-ur u₄-[me]

ii' 66

mu-šá-an-di-il ma-ḫa-[zi]

ii' 77

mu-rap-piš É.KUR.MEŠ DINGIR.MEŠ ra-[bu-u-ti]

ii' 88

šá ul-tu ul-la [...]

ii' 99

[...] x x [...]

Column iii
iii' 1iii 1

ina ep-še-e-ti-šú-nu dam-[qa-a-ti]

(iii' 1) Through their go[od] deeds, [may] the god Marduk, [the great god, my lord, ...] the foundation of [their royal] thr[one ...] ... [...]

iii' 22


iii' 33

SUḪUŠ GIŠ.GU.[ZA LUGAL-u-ti-šú-nu]

iii' 44

[x] x [...]


Created by Erle Leichty, Grant Frame, and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2011. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2010. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as