
  • Esarhaddon 116


  • Q003345
  • Esarhaddon 116



  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Written ca. 678-677
  • Nineveh
  • Royal Inscription
  • Esarhaddon


Esarhaddon 116

o 1'1'

[...] (traces) [...]1

(1') [...] ... [... the slave girl] did not list[en to] her mistress. [They led their gods away, neglected their goddesses], abandoned [their rites], and embraced quite different (rites); [...] they were inciting [criminal ac]ts (and) infringing on a taboo; [...] they discontinued [sattuk]ku offerings. They fomented a conspiracy. They (Babylon’s citizens) put their hands on [the possessions of Esagil and the citizens of Babylon] and they plundered its goods, [gold, silver, (and) stones fr]om inside the temple (and) sold (them) at market value to the land Elam.

o 2'2'

[... a]-na? be-el-ti-šá ul i-šem-[me]

o 3'3'

[DINGIR.MEŠ-ši-na i-bu-ka-ma i-me-šá d-tar-šin par-ṣi]-ši-na ú-maš-ši-ra-ma šá-na-tim-ma ir-ka-ba

o 4'4'

[... ḫi]-ṭi-tu šur-šu-ú a-sak-ku ak-lu

o 5'5'

[... sat-tuk]-ku ú-šab-ṭa-lu ú-šab-šu-ú ri-kil-

o 6'6'

[a-na NÍG.ŠU é-sag-gíl u DUMU E.KI] ŠU.II-su-nu ú-bi-lu-u-ma im-šu-ʾu NÍG.ŠU.MEŠ-šú

o 7'7'

[.GI .BABBAR NA₄.MEŠ? ša ]-reb É.KUR a-na KUR.e-lam-ti ip-šu-ru ma-ḫi-riš

o 8'8'

[... d]EN.LÍL ip-pa-lis-ma e-zi-iz lìb-ba-šú ka-bat-tuš iṣ-ṣa-ri-iḫ

(8') [The god] Enlil saw [...] and his heart became angry (and) his mood became furious. [The Enlil of the gods, the lord of the lands], plotted evilly to scatter the land and people; [to level the land and to destroy] its [people], his heart was angry. A bitter curse was placed in his mouth.

o 9'9'

[dEN.LÍL.LA₅ DINGIR.MEŠ EN KUR.KUR a]-na sa-paḫ KUR u UN.MEŠ ik-ta-pu-ud le-mut-tu

o 10'10'

[a-na sa-pan KUR ù ḫul-lu-uq UN].MEŠ-šá lib-bu- e-ziz-ma ar-rat ma-ru--ti -šá-kin ina pi-i-šú

o 11'11'

[ina AN-e u KI-tim Á.MEŠ ḪUL]-tim ma-gal it-ta-nab-šá-a ša ḫa-laq mit-ḫar-tim

(11') Many [bad omens] concerning the destruction of mankind occurred [in heaven and on earth. The path of the Enlil-stars, the path of the Anu-stars, (and) the path of] the Ea-stars changed their position(s) for the worse (and) they constantly revealed signs portending destruction. [...] ... in the same way, its signs became increasingly bad.

o 12'12'

[KASKAL šu-ut dEN.LÍL KASKAL šu-ut d60 KASKAL] šu-ut dé-a man-za-su-nu ú-lam--nu -ta-nak-la-mu GISKIM.MEŠ šal--ti

o 13'13'

[...] x KI mit-ḫa-riš it-ta-nak-ki-ra i-da-a-ti-šá

o 14'14'

ÍD.[a-ra-aḫ-ti ÍD ḪÉ.GÁL a]-gu-u šam-ru e-du-u ez-zu ILLU kaš-šu tam-šil a-bu-bi ib-bab-lam-ma

(14') [The river Araḫtu, (normally) a river of abundance], turned into an angry wave, a raging tide, a huge flood like the deluge. It swept (its) [waters] destructively across the city, [its dwelling(s), (and) its shrines], and turned (them) into a swamp. The gods [(and goddesses) dwelling in it] flew up to the heavens like [bi]rds. The šēdus (and) [lamassus ... fle]d and were wandering around outside. The people living [in it were hidden in another place] and took refuge in an unknown land.

o 15'15'

URU [šu-bat-su -re-e-ti-šu A].MEŠ -bi--ma ú-še-mi (over erasure) ú-šal-liš2

o 16'16'

DINGIR.MEŠ [(ù d15.MEŠ) a-šib lìb-bi-šú iṣ]-ṣu-riš ip-par-šú-ma e-lu-ú šá-ma-meš3

o 17'17'

dALAD.MEŠ [dLAMMA.MEŠ ... ip-par]-ši?-id-du-ma it-ta-nam-gi-šú a-ḫa-a-ti

o 18'18'

UN.MEŠ a-šib lìb?-[bi-šú a-šar šá-nam-ma in-nar]-qu-ma ina er-ṣe-et la i-du-ú e-ḫu-zu pu-uz-ra-te

o 19'19'

a-di UD.MEŠ im-lu-[u lìb-bi EN GAL]-e dAMAR.UTU i-nu-ḫu-ma a-na KUR ša e-ni-nu ir-šu-ú sa-li-mu

(19') As time passed, [the heart of the great lord], the god Marduk, was soothed and he became reconciled with the land that he had punished. As the seventy years [passed, ...] he (the god Marduk) wrote [11 years], had pity, and said Aḫulap!

o 20'20'

70 MU.AN.NA.MEŠ im-[lu-ú ... 11? MU.AN.NA].MEŠ -ṭur-ma re-e-mu ir-ši-ma iq-ta-bi a-ḫu-lap4

o 21'21'

ia-a-ti md-[šur-ŠEŠ-i-di-nam ...] mu-du-ú pu-luḫ-ti DINGIR-ti-šú GAL-ti

(21') (As for) me, Es[arhaddon, ...], who knows how to revere his great divinity, [... were established] for me at the beginning of [my kingship, in my first year, when] I sat [on the] throne of my priestly office, when I wore the crown of lordship, and [...]. They (the gods) constantly revealed good omen(s) to me concerning the (re)population of the city and the temple.

o 22'22'

i-na re- LUGAL-[ti-ia ina maḫ-re-e BALA-ia ša ina GIŠ].GU.ZA SANGA-ti ú-ši-bu-ma a-ge-e be-lu-ti a-pi-ru-um-ma

r 1r 1

[... -šak-na]-nim-ma ša šu-šu-ub URU u É -ta-nak-la-man-ni SIG₅-tu Á?-ti?5

r 22

[MUL.SAG.ME.NÍG (mut-tan-bi-ṭu pa-ri-is .BAR KUR-URI.KI) ina ITI.SIG₄ ú-qar]-rib-ma a-šar dUTU ul-tap-pa-a i-zi-iz ba-ìl zi-mu-šú sa-a-[mu]6

(r 2) [Bright Jupiter(, the giver of decisions on Akkad,) came] near [in Simānu (III)] and stood in the place where the sun shines. It was shining brightly (and) its appearance was [red. ...] (and) there were copious [rains] (and) regular floods [in Akkad]. It (Jupiter) reached (its) [hyp]soma [for a second time in the month “Opening of the Door”] and [stayed] i[n its place].

r 33

[... ŠÈG].MEŠ ṭáḫ-du-ti ILLU.MEŠ sad-ru-[ti ina KUR-URI.KI] GÁL.MEŠ7

r 44

[-taš-ni-ma ina ITI.BAD. a-šar ni]-ṣir-ti ik-šu-dam-ma i?-[na KI.TUŠ-šu i-kun]8

r 55

[áš-šú li-i-ti šá-ka-nu ga-me-ru-tu] e-pe-ši gis-kim-ma SIG₅-tim ú-šak-[li-ma šá e-reb é-sag-gíl ITI-šam-ma d30 dUTU]9

(r 5) [In order to triumph (and) to show overpowering strength], he (the god Marduk) reveal[ed to me] good omen(s) [concerning the (re-)entering of Esagil. Every month, the gods Sîn (and) Šamaš together, at their appearance, answered me with a firm] ‘yes’ [concerning (the renewing of the gods,) the completion of the shrines (and) cult centers, the stability] of my reign (and) the securing of the throne of my priestly office.

r 66

[ina IGI.LAL-šú-nu šá (ud-du- DINGIR.MEŠ) šuk-lul -ret ma-ḫa-zi ku-tu-un]-ni BALA-ia šur-šu-du GIŠ.GU.ZA SANGA-ti-ia an-nu [ke-e-nu e-tap-pa-lu a-ḫa-meš]

r 77

[ina GEŠTU.II DAGAL-ti ḫa]-sis-si pal-ke-e ša -ru-[ka ABGAL DINGIR.MEŠ NUN dnu-dím-mud]

(r 7) [By means of the great intelligence] (and) vast understanding which [the sage of the gods, the prince, the god Nudimmud], gave [to me, it occurred] to me [to (re)populate that city, to renovate] its [shrines], (and) to make the cult center shine, [and] my [mind prompted (me).

r 88

[a-na šu-šu-ub URU šá-a-šú ud-du- -re-e]-ti-šú nu-um-mur ma-ḫa-zi ina uz-ni-ia [ib-ši-ma -ta-bil ka]-bat-ti

r 99

[a-na e-peš šip-ri šu-a-ti áš-ḫu-ut ak]-kud-ma (erasure) ša dUTU dIŠKUR dAMAR.UTU DI.KU₅.GAL DINGIR.[MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia ak-ta-mis ma]-ḫar-šú-un

(r 9) [I was afraid (and) wo]rried [to perform that work] and [I knelt be]fore the gods Šamaš, Adad, (and) Marduk, the great judge(s), the god[s, my lords. In the diviner’s bowl], good [sig]n(s) were established for me, and they had (their response) concerning the (re)population of the city (and) the renovati[on of Esagil] written on a liver.

r 1010

[ina ma-kal-ti .ḪAL-ú-ti Á]-ti SIG₅-tim -šak-nu-nim-ma ša šu-šu-ub URU ud-du- [é-sag-gíl] ú-šá-áš-ṭi-ru a-mu-ti

r 1111

[a-na an-ni-šú-nu ke-e-nu at-kal]-ma ad-ke-ma gi-mir ERIM.ḪI.A-ia u KUR.kár-ddun-ía-àš tup-šik-ku <e>-mid-da GIŠ.al-lu ú-šat-rik-šú-nu-ti

(r 11) [I trusted in their firm ‘yes’] and I mustered all of my craftsmen and (the people of) Karduniaš (Babylonia). I imposed baskets (on them and) had them wield ho[e]s. I mixed (the mud for) its revetment [with fine oil, honey, ghee, kurunnu-wine], muttinnu-wine, (and) mountain beer. I had its bricks made for a whole year [in brickmolds of musukkannu]-wood. I gathered together [expert craftsmen] (and) skilled master builders, who lay out plans.

r 1212

[ina Ì.GIŠ DÙG.GA LÀL Ì.NUN.NA KURUN.NAM] mu-tin-ni ši-kar KUR-i ab-lu-la ta-ra-aḫ-ḫuš

r 1313

[ina GIŠ.Ù.ŠUB.MEŠ GIŠ.MES..KAN].NA AD.ME.KÁR a-na -ri-šá ú-šal-bi-na li-bit-tuš10

r 1414

[DUMU.MEŠ .um-ma-ni en-qu-te ].ŠITIM.GAL-li le-ʾu-ú-ti mu-kin-nu giš-ḫur-ri (erasure) 1-niš ú-paḫ-ḫi-ir-ma

r 1515

[ša é-sag-gíl É.GAL DINGIR.MEŠ?] -ši-šú ad-di-ma ú-kin lib-na-as-su

(r 15) I laid the foundations of [Esagil, the palace of the gods], and secured its brickwork. [... fas]hioned skillfully (and) I drew its ground plan exactly as it had been written. [With] the large aslu-cubit, I measured the dimensions of [...], in (exact) accordance with its earlier plan. [...] I made its foundation platform as strong as the base of a mighty mountain, [...] ... (and) built its structure as it was in former days.

r 1616

[... ú-šak]-ki-la ni-kil-tuš tam-šil šiṭ-ri-šú eṣ-ṣi-ra iṣ-rat-su

r 1717

[... ina GIŠ].as-li GAL-ti ki-i giš-ḫur-ri-šú maḫ-ri-i mi-ši-iḫ-ta-šú am-šu-uḫ11

r 1818

[...] te-me-en-šú ki-ma šu-pu-uk KUR-i dan-ni ú-dan-nin

r 1919

[...] x-lu-ti ki-ma šá u₄-me pa-ni ši-kit-ta-šú ab-ni (over erasure) [(x)]

r 2020

[é-te-me-en-an-ki ziq-qur-ra-tu áš-lu ṣu-up]-pan áš-lu ṣu-up-pan SAG.KI (erasure) ki-ma maḫ-rim-ma e-pu-

(r 20) I bui[lt Etemenanki, the ziggurrat], as it was before its length [is one ašlu (and) one ṣup]pān, (and) its width is one ašlu (and) one ṣuppān.

r 2121


(r 21) I offered pure offerings to [...] the great [gods] and the god Kulla, the lord of foundations (and) bricks. I laid their foundations with [...] ..., wine, (and) kurunnu-wine, and I secured [their] footings.

r 2222

[...].A GEŠTIN ku-ru-un-ni -ši-šú-un ad-di-ma ú-kin te-me-en-šú-[un]

r 2323

[ú-še-piš-ma NA₄.NA..A.MEŠ (...)] NA₄.ṣa-lam-ti ta-nit-ti EN GAL-e EN-ia12

(r 23) [I had foundation inscriptions made of (...)] basalt [(and) I wro]te [on them] the glory of the great lord, my lord, and I pl[ace]d (them) in their (Esagil’s and Etemenanki’s) midst. [...] I restored its precious [ritu]als and [... I] established [...] ... [...] ... [...]

r 2424

[... -reb-šú-un? áš]-ṭur?-ma áš-tak-ka?-na? -reb-šú-un13

r 2525

[... pel-lu]-de-e-šú šu-qu-ru-ti [a-na áš]-ri-šú-nu ú-ter-ma14

r 2626

[...] áš-kun

r 2727

[...] x [...] x x [(x)]

r 2828

[...] x x [...]


1Because the faint traces of this line were overlooked and not included in the print version of this text, the line count of the obverse of the updated edition differs from the 2011 edition by one line; obv. 2´–22´ correspond to obv. 1´–21´ of RINAP 4.

2URU [šu-bat-su -re-e-ti-šu] “the city, [its dwelling(s), (and) its shrines]”: The restoration is conjectural and is based in part on text no. 114 (Babylon) ii 3–4. Note that there may be a word missing in Babylon D between šu-bat-su and eš-re-e-ti-šu since there is room to restore a few signs at the end of ii 3; see fig. 8 on p. 233. Compare text no. 104 (Babylon A) i 41–42, which has URU šu-bat-su “the city (and) its dwellings,” and text no. 105 (Babylon C) ii 4–5, which has a-lam -re-e-ti-šú “the city (and) its shrines.” It is unclear what should be restored between URU and A.MEŠ in this inscription.

3DINGIR.MEŠ [(ù d15.MEŠ)] “the gods [(and goddesses)”: It is uncertain if this text had only DINGIR.MEŠ, just like text no. 104 (Babylon A), or if it also had (ù) d15.MEŠ, like text no. 105 (Babylon C) and text no. 114 (Babylon D); compare text nos. 104 i 43–44, 105 ii 8–9, and 114 ii 6–7.

4The exclamation aḫulap is used in the same manner as text no. 2 (Nineveh B) iii 30; for further details, see the note to text no. 2 iii 30.

5Some of the restorations in these lines are conjectural, although they are generally based on other inscriptions of Esarhaddon recording building activities in Babylon. The distribution of text in rev. 4–8, esp. rev. 5–6, is uncertain since both the beginning and ends of these lines are missing. The distribution of the contents of these lines have been adjusted slightly from the 2011 print version. These changes are based on further examination of the tablet by J. Novotny from the original and photographs. Nevertheless, the proposed text distribution in these lines still remains conjectural, as do the suggested restorations. See the on-page notes to rev. 2, 4, and 5b–6a.

6It is uncertain if there is sufficient space to restore mut-tan-bi-ṭu pa-ri-is .BAR KUR URI.KI “the giver of decisions on Akkad.” It is possible that this epithet of the planet Jupiter was not included in this inscription, as it is in later texts.

7The proposed restoration of the 2011 print version of this text, which followed Borger (Asarh. p. 17) — ni-pi-iḫ-šú ki-ma ni-pi-iḫ dUTU ga-mir DINGIR.MEŠ ze-nu-ti it-ti KUR URI.KI is-li-mu “its rising was as complete as the rising sun. The angry gods were reconciled with Akkad” — was conjectural, not based on the contents of other inscriptions of Esarhaddon, and exceeded the expected amount of space missing at the beginning of the line (compare, for example, the suggested restorations for rev. 7–12, 14–15, and 20). For these reasons, the restorations at the beginning of rev. 3 have been deleted.

8i?-[na KI.TUŠ-šu i-kun] “[stayed] i[n its place]”: The restoration is conjectural and is more or less based on text no. 104 (Babylon A) ii 40b–41a and text no. 105 (Babylon C) iii 18. Alternatively, following text no. 48 (Aššur-Babylon A) line 57, i?-[kun šub-tu--šú] is also possible.

9The proposed restoration is conjectural and appears to exceed the expected amount of space missing at the end of rev. 5 and beginning of rev. 6. Because this text (Babylon B) is one of the earliest of Esarhaddon’s inscriptions, it is possible that it did not contain ud-du- DINGIR.MEŠ “the renewing of the gods,” as it does in the much later text no. 48 (Aššur-Babylon A; line 60).

10Based on further examination of this passage in this text, text no. 104 (Babylon A; iii 32–34a), and text no. 105 (Babylon C; iv 26–28), it is likely that this line should be read as [ina GIŠ.Ù.ŠUB.MEŠ GIŠ.MES..KAN].NA a-na -ri-šá ú-šal-bi-na li-bit-tuš “I had its bricks made for a whole year [in brickmolds of musukkan]nu-wood.” The reading of rev. 13 in the 2011 print version of RINAP 4 — [ina GIŠ.Ù.ŠUB.MEŠ AM.SI GIŠ.ESI GIŠ.TÚG GIŠ.MES..KAN].NA AD.ME.KÁR a-na -ri-šá ú-šal-bi-na libit-tuš “I had its bricks made for a whole year [in brickmolds of ivory, ebony, boxwood, (and) musukkannu]-wood” — was more or less based on text no. 106 (Babylon E) iii 29–36 and text no. 114 (Babylon D) iv 12–15. Moreover, although it is difficult to gauge, it seems unlikely that there is sufficient space for the restoration that was proposed in the print version of RINAP 4; compare, for example, the suggested restorations for rev. 7–12, 14–15, and 20.

11The proposed restoration of im-gur-dEN.LÍL BÀD-šú GAL-a “Imgur-Enlil, its great wall” at the beginning of the line has been deleted. It is unlikely that this text included a report of work on Babylon’s wall. Therefore, rev. 17–19 probably continue the narration of work on the foundations of Esagil.

12NA₄.ṣa-lam-ti “basalt”: The list of materials used for foundation inscriptions in text no. 110 (iii 1´–2´) also ends with ṣallamtu. Compare the long lists of stones (and clay) in text nos. 104 (Babylon A) vii 4–10a, 105 (Babylon C) iv 21–26, 106 (Babylon E) vi 2–14 and 107 (Babylon F) ix 14´–24´. It is uncertain if anything should be restored between NA₄.NA..A.MEŠ “foundation inscriptions” and NA₄.ṣa-lam-ti “basalt.”

13The new readings are based on collation, as well as comparison with parallel passages in other inscriptions, especially text nos. 104 (Babylon A) and 105 (Babylon C). Note that there is not sufficient space to restore áš-tak-[ka-na si-ma-a]-te “I pl[aced what was befitt]ing,” as suggested in the 2011 print version (which was based on a suggestion of R. Borger). lem: X; X

14[pel-lu]-de-e-šú “its [ritu]als”: Following J. Novotny (SAAB 19 [2011–2012] p. 48 no. 29), the proposed restoration [ki-du]-de-e-šú has been changed to [pel-lu]-de-e-šú since pelludû appears elsewhere in the Esarhaddon corpus, whereas kidudû does not. lem: X; X; X

Created by Erle Leichty, Jamie Novotny, and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2011, 2015-16. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2010, and updated by him, 2015-16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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