Esarhaddon 109

Column i
i 1'1'

SIPA [ke-e-nu]

(i 1') [true] shep[herd], favorite of the lord of lord[s], pious ruler, the one who is loved by the goddess Zarpanītu the queen, goddess of the entire universe reverent king who was attentive to their rule and praised their valor, pious slave, humble, submissive, the one who reveres their great divinity

i 2'2'

mi-gir EN EN.[EN]

i 3'3'

ma-al-ku na--du

i 4'4'

ša ÁG dzar-pa-ni-tum šar-ra-tu

i 5'5'

i-lat ka-la gim-ri

i 6'6'

LUGAL šaḫ-tu

i 7'7'

ša be-lut-su-<nu>

i 8'8'


i 9'9'

qu-ru-us-su-nu da-al-lu

i 10'10'

re-e-šu mut-nen-nu-ú

i 11'11'

áš-ru kan-šu

i 12'12'

pa-liḫ DINGIR-ti-šú-nu GAL-ti

i 13'13'

ša a-na ud-du-

(i 13') You (are the one) who entrusted him with renovating the des[tro]yed shrines, making the cult centers shine, and shepherding all of the people; elevated him to the kingship to organize well the forgotten rites and to avenge the land of Akkad; (and) to appease the heart of your [gre]at divinity (and) to please your spirit, [you] chose him for power.

i 14'14'

-re-e-ti ab-ta-a-ti1

i 15'15'

nu-um-mur ma-[ḫa]-zi

i 16'16'

re-ʾu-ú-tu kul-lat UN.MEŠ

i 17'17'

tu-ma-al-lu-ú qa-tuš-šu

i 18'18'

a-na šu-te-šu-ri pel-lu-de-e

i 19'19'

ma-šu-ú-ti ù tur-ri

i 20'20'

gi-mi-li KUR-URI.KI

i 21'21'

ta-áš-šu-šu a-na LUGAL-ú-ti

i 22'22'

a-na nu-uḫ-ḫu lìb-bi DINGIR-ti-ka

i 23'23'

[GAL]-ti šup-šu-uḫ ka-bat-ti-ka

i 24'24'

[ta-as]-su-qu-šu a-na dan-nu-ti

i 25'25'

[i-nu-šu] ina BALA-e

(i 25') [At that time], in the reign of [a king who prec]eded me, bad [omens occurred].

i 26'26'

[LUGAL maḫ]-ri-ia

i 27'27'

[it-tab-šá-a Á].MEŠ ḪUL.MEŠ

i 28'28'

[UN.MEŠ? kul-lat? ma-ḫa?]-zi2

(i 28') [The people of all of the cult cent]ers [...] ...

i 29'29'

[...] x3

Column ii
iiii Lacuna
ii 1'1'

x [...]

(ii 1') ... [...] the[y abandoned their] ri[tes and] ... [...] ... [...] ... [...] ... [... they were inciting] crimin[al acts (and) infringing on] a tab[oo], in ... [...] ... [...] ... [... (and) they] fomented a con[spiracy].

ii 2'2'


ii 3'3'


ii 4'4'

šá BI x [...]

ii 5'5'

ni-x [...]

ii 6'6'

AN [...]

ii 7'7'


ii 8'8'

ḫi-ṭi-[tu? šur-šu-ú?]5

ii 9'9'

a-sak?-[ku? ak-lu?]

ii 10'10'

ina bi-x [...]

ii 11'11'


ii 12'12'

bil-ta [...]

ii 13'13'


ii 14'14'


ii 15'15'

a-na [NÍG.ŠU]

(ii 15') [They] put their hands on [the possessions of] Esag[il] and the citizens of [Babylon and] plundered [its goods], gold, silver, [...] from inside [the temple (and) sold (it) at market value] to the land Elam.

ii 16'16'


ii 17'17'


ii 18'18'


ii 19'19'


ii 20'20'

im-šu-ʾu [NÍG.ŠU-šú]

ii 21'21'


ii 22'22'

ša -reb [É.KUR]

ii 23'23'

a-na KUR.ELAM.[MA.KI]6

Cols. iii–iv (missing)
Column v
v 1'1'


(v 1') [...] ... [...] ... [...] and [...] ... [the glor]y of [the g]od Marduk, [the great lord], my lord, (and) [the deeds that I had do]ne [...] ... [...] ... [... the wr]iting of my name [...] I depicted and [...] ... [I pl]aced (them) [...].

v 2'2'


v 3'3'


v 4'4'


v 5'5'

[ta-nit?]-ti? dAMAR.UTU8

v 6'6'

[EN? GAL-e?] EN-ia?

v 7'7'

[ep-šet? e-tep?]-pu-šu?

v 8'8'

[...] x x

v 9'9'

[...] x

v 10'10'

[... ši]-ṭir MU-ia

v 11'11'

[...] e-siq-ma

v 12'12'

[...] x (x) x x x x9

v 13'13'

[... áš]-ku-un

v 14'14'

[dAMAR.UTU? EN?] GAL-ú10

(v 14') [May the god Marduk, the] great [lord, look with joy upon m]y good [deeds and]

v 15'15'

[ep-še-ti]-ia? SIG₅.MEŠ11


1ab-ta-a-ti “des[tro]yed”: The new reading is based on collation; it is not ṣi-ra-a-ti “august,” as it appeared in the 2011 print edition.

2[UN.MEŠ? kul-lat? ma-ḫa?]-zi “[The people of all of the cult cent]ers”: The proposed restorations are based on text no. 117 line 9 and on the assumption that this passage (Borger’s Episode 3) began with the word nišū “people”; see, for example, text no. 104 (Babylon A) i 21 and text no. 105 (Babylon C) i 23.

3After a short lacuna, the narration of the inscription is continued in text no. 108 i.

4par-[ṣi-ši-na?] ú-[maš-ši-ra-ma?]the[y abandoned their] ri[tes and]”: The tentative restorations are based on text no. 116 (Babylon B) obv. 3′.

5ḫi-ṭi-[tu? šur-šu-ú?] a-sak?-[ku? ak-lu?] “[they were inciting] crimin[al acts (and) infringing on] a tab[oo]”: The proposed conjectural restorations are based on text no. 116 (Babylon B) obv. 5′.

6Based on parallels, the translation assumes that the now-missing ii 24′ contained ipšurū maḫīriš “they sold (it) at market value.” After a short lacuna, the narration of the inscription is continued in text no. 108 ii.

7For the contents of the lower portion of these two columns, see text no. 108 iii—iv.

8[ta-nit?]-ti? dAMAR.UTU [EN? GAL-e?] EN-ia? [ep-šet? e-tep?]-pu-šu? “[the glor]y of [the g]od Marduk, [the great lord], my lord, (and) [the deeds that I had do]ne”: The proposed restorations are based on collation and on text no. 110 iii′ 2′–4′.

9Collation does not support the reading [... ši]-ṭir d15.MEŠ “[... the wr]iting of the (names of) goddesses”; the traces look more like [...] KAL BA/NA U A x. lem: X; X; X; X; X; X; X; X; X

10[dAMAR.UTU? EN?] GAL-ú [ep-še-ti]-ia? SIG₅.MEŠ [ḫadîš lippalisma] “[may the god Marduk, the] great [lord, look with joy upon m]y good [deeds and]”: The proposed restorations are based on collation and on a similar passage in text no. 105 (Babylon C); compare text no. 105 vii 42b–viii 2. The translation assumes that ḫadîš lippalisma appeared in the now-missing v 16′. lem: X; X; X; X; X

11After a short lacuna, the narration of the text is continued in text no. 108 v.

Created by Erle Leichty, Jamie Novotny, and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2011, 2015-16. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2010, and updated by him, 2015-16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as