
  • Esarhaddon 105


  • Q003334
  • Esarhaddon 105



  • prism
  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Written ca. 673-672
  • Babylon
  • Royal Inscription
  • Esarhaddon

Esarhaddon 105

Column i
i 1i 1


(i 1) [Esarhad]don, [gre]at [king, king of the wor]ld, [king of Assyria, gover]nor of [Babylon, king of Sumer and] Akkad, [true shepherd, favor]ite of the lord of lords, pious [prince, b]eloved of [the goddess] Zarpa[]tu [the] queen, the goddess [of the entire] universe reverent [king who f]rom the days of his childhood was attentive to their rule and praised their valor, pious slave, humble, submissive, the one who reveres their great divinity

i 22


i 33

[LUGAL kiš]-šá-ti

i 44


i 55


i 66


i 77

[SIPA ke-e-nu mi]-gir EN EN.EN

i 88

[NUN] na-a-[du] na-ram

i 99


i 1010

[šar]-ra-tum i-lat [kal] gim-ri

i 1111

[LUGAL] šaḫ-tu

i 1212

[šá] ul-tu u₄-me

i 1313


i 1414


i 1515


i 1616

quru-us-su-nu da-al-lu

i 1717

re-e-šú mut-nen-nu-ú

i 1818

áš-ri kan-šú

i 1919

pa-liḫ DINGIR-ti-šú-nu GAL-ti

i 2020

i-nu-šu ina BALA LUGAL maḫ-ri-i

(i 20) At that time, in the reign of a previous king, bad omens occurred in Sumer and Akkad. The people living there were answering each other yes (for) no (and) were telling lies. They led their gods away, neglected their goddesses, abandoned their rites, (and) embraced quite different (rites). They [put] their hands on the possessions of Esagil, the palace of the gods, an inaccessible place, and they sold the gold, silver, (and) [precious] stones [at market value to the land Elam].

i 2121


i 2222

it-tab-šá-a Á.MEŠ ḪUL.MEŠ

i 2323

UN.MEŠ a-šib lìb-bi-šú

i 2424

an-na ul-la a-ḫa-meš

i 2525

i-tap-pa-lu i-dab-bu-ba

i 2626


i 2727

DINGIR.MEŠ-ši-na i-bu-ka-ma

i 2828

i-me-šá d-tar-šin

i 2929

par-ṣi-ši-na i-zi-ba-ma

i 3030

šá-na-ti-ma ir-ka-ba

i 3131

a-na NÍG.GA é-sag-íl

i 3232


i 3333

la-a a-ri ŠU.II-su-nu

i 3434

[ú-bi]-lu-ma .GI .BABBAR

i 3535

[ni-siq]-ti NA₄.MEŠ a-na

i 3636

[KUR.ELAM].MA.KI ip-šu-ru

i 3737

[ma-ḫi-riš] i-gug-ma

(i 37b) [The Enlil of the go]ds, the god Marduk, became angry and [pl]otted [evilly to level the land (and) to d]estroy [its people. The river] Araḫtu, [(normally) a river of abundance], turned into [an angry wave, a raging tide, a huge flood like the deluge]. It swept (its) waters destructively across the city (and) its shrines and turned (them) into ruins. The gods and [goddesses] dwelling in [it] f[lew] up [to the heavens] like birds; the people living in [it] were hidden [in another place and] took [refuge] in an [unkn]own lan[d]. The merciful god Marduk wrote that the calculated time of its abandonment (should last) 70 years, (but) his heart was quickly soothed, and he reversed the numbers and (thus) ordered its (re)occupation to be (after) 11 years.

i 3838


i 3939

[a-na sa-pan KUR] ḫul-lu-qu

i 4040

[UN.MEŠ-šá ik]-ta-pu-ud

i 4141

[ḪUL-tim ÍD].a-ra-aḫ-ti

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

[ÍD ḪÉ.GÁL a-gu-ú]

ii 22

[ez-zi e-du-ú šam-ru]

ii 33

[ILLU gap-šu tam-šil a-bu-bi]

ii 44

ib-bab-lam-ma a-lam

ii 55


ii 66

A.MEŠ -bi--ma

ii 77

ú-še-me kar-meš

ii 88


ii 99

a-šib qer-bi-[šú]

ii 1010

iṣ-ṣu-riš ip-[par-šú-ma]

ii 1111

e-lu-u [šá-ma-meš]

ii 1212

UN.MEŠ a-šib lìb-[bi-šú a-šar šá-nam-ma]

ii 1313


ii 1414

ina KI-tim [la i]-du-u

ii 1515

e-ḫu-zu [mar--ti]

ii 1616


ii 1717

mi-nu-tu ni-du-ti-šu

ii 1818

-ṭur-ma réme-nu-u

ii 1919

dAMAR.UTU sur-riš lìb-ba-šú

ii 2020

i-nu-uḫ-ma e-liš ana šap-liš -bal-kit-ma

ii 2121

a-na 11 MU.AN.NA.MEŠ a-šab-šú1

ii 2222

iq-bi ia-a-ti

(ii 22b) You truly selected me, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, in the assembly of my older brothers, to put these matters right, and you (are the one) who placed your sweet protection over me, swept away all of my enemies like a flood, killed all of my foes and made me attain (my) wish, (and), to appease the heart of your great divinity (and) to please your spirit, you entrusted me with shepherding Assyria.

ii 2323


ii 2424


ii 2525

áš-šú ep-še-e-ti

ii 2626

ši-na-a-ti ana KI-ši-na

ii 2727

tur-ru ina UKKIN ŠEŠ.MEŠ-e-a

ii 2828

GAL.MEŠ ke-niš tu-ut-tan-ni-ma

ii 2929

AN.DÙL-ka ṭa-a-bi

ii 3030

taš-ku-nu UGU-ia

ii 3131

kul-lat za--i-ri-ia

ii 3232

a-bu-biš tas-pu-nu-ma

ii 3333

gi-mir za-ma-ni-ia

ii 3434

ta-na-ru-ma tu-šak-ši-du

ii 3535

ni-iz-ma-ta a-na nu-uḫ-ḫu

ii 3636

lìb-bi DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-ti

ii 3737

šup-šu-uḫ ka-bat-ti-ka

ii 3838

SIPA-ut KUR--šur.KI

ii 3939


ii 4040


ii 4141

ina SAG LUGAL-ti-ia

(ii 41) At the beginning of my kingship, in my first year, when [I sat in greatness on] (my) royal throne, [good signs were established for me; in heaven and on earth, he (the god Marduk) constantly sent me his omen(s)]. The angry [gods] were reconciled (and) [they repeatedly] disclosed [fav]orable [signs] concerning the (re)building of Babylon (and) [the renovation of] Esagil.

ii 4242

ina maḫ-ri-i BALA-e-a

ii 4343

šá ina GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-ú-tu

Column iii
iii 1iii 1

[ra-biš ú-ši-bu]

iii 22

[-šak-na-nim-ma Á.MEŠ]

iii 33

[SIG₅.MEŠ ina AN ù qaq-qa-ri]

iii 44

[-tap-pa-ra gis-kim-mu- DINGIR.MEŠ]

iii 55

ze-nu-ti sul-lu-mi

iii 66

ša e-peš .DINGIR.RA.KI

iii 77

[ud-du-] é-sag-gíl

iii 88


iii 99

[Á] dam-qu

iii 1010

[MUL.SAG.ME.NÍG mut]-tan-bi-ṭu

(iii 10) [Br]ight [Jupiter, the giver of decisions on Akkad, came near in Simānu (III) and stood in the place where the sun shines. It was shining brightly (and) its appearance] was red. It reached (its) hypsoma for a second [time] in the month “Opening of the Door” and stayed in its place.

iii 1111

[pa-ri-is .BAR KUR-URI.KI ina ITI.SIG₄]

iii 1212

[ú-qar-rib-ma a-šar dšá-maš]

iii 1313

[-tap-pa-a iz-ziz ba-ìl zi-mu-šu]

iii 1414

sa-a-mu -taš-ni-[ma]

iii 1515

ina ITI.BAD.2

iii 1616

a-šar ni-ṣir-ti

iii 1717


iii 1818

ina KI.TUŠ-šú i-kun

iii 1919

a-na šuk-lul ma-ḫa-zi

(iii 19) He (the god Marduk) ordered me to complete the cult centers, to renovate the shrines, (and) to organize well the rites of Esagil, the palace of the gods. Every month, the gods Sîn and Šamaš together, at their appearance, answered me with a firm ‘yes’ concerning the avenging of Akkad.

iii 2020

ud-du- -re-e-ti

iii 2121

šu-te-šur par-ṣi

iii 2222

šá é-sag-íl É.GAL DINGIR.MEŠ

iii 2323

iq-ba-a e-pe-šú

iii 2424

ITI-šam-ma d30 u dšá-maš

iii 2525

ina IGI.LAL-šú-nu šá tur-ri

iii 2626

gi-mil-li KUR-URI.KI

iii 2727

an-na ki-i-nu

iii 2828


iii 2929

a-ḫa-meš ina GEŠTU.II DAGAL-ti

(iii 29b) By means of the great intelligence (and) vast understanding that the sage of the gods, the prince, the god Nudimmud, gave to me, it occurred to me to (re)populate that city, to renovate the shrines, (and) to make the cult center shine, and my heart prompted (me).

iii 3030

ḫa-sis-si pal-ki-i

iii 3131


iii 3232

NUN dnu-dím-mud

iii 3333

a-na šu-šu-ub URU šá-a-šú

iii 3434

ud-du- -re-e-ti

iii 3535

nu-um-mur ma-ḫa-zi

iii 3636

ina GEŠTU.II-ia ib-ši-ma

iii 3737

-ta-bil ka-bat-

iii 3838

a-na e-peš šip-ri šu-a-ti

(iii 38) I was afraid (and) worried to perform that work (and) [I knelt before] the gods Šamaš, Adad, and Marduk, the great judge(s), the gods, my lords. [In the diviner’s bowl, trustworthy oracles were established for me, and they had (their response) concerning the (re)building of Babylon (and) the renovation of Esagil written on a liver].

iii 3939

áš-ḫu-ut ak-kud

iii 4040

ša dšá-maš dIŠKUR u dAMAR.UTU

iii 4141


Column iv
iv 1iv 1

[ak-ta-mis ma-ḫar-šu-un]

iv 22

[ina ma-kal-ti .ḪAL-ú-ti]

iv 33

[UZU.MEŠ tu-kul-ti]

iv 44

[-šak-nu-nim-ma ša e-peš]

iv 55

[.DINGIR.RA.KI ud-du-]

iv 66

[é-sag-gíl ú-šá-áš-ṭi-ra a-mu-]

iv 77

[a-na an-ni-šú-nu ke-e-nu]

(iv 7) [I trusted in their firm ‘yes’ and I mustered all of] my craftsmen and the people of Karduniaš (Babylonia) to its full extent. I had them wield hoes and I imposed baskets (on them). I mixed (the mud for) its revetment with fine oil, honey, ghee, kurunnu-wine, muttinnu-wine, (and) pure mountain beer. In order to show the people his great divinity and to inspire awe (in) his lordship, I raised a basket onto my head and carried (it) myself. I had [its bricks] mad[e] in brickmolds of musuk[kannu-wood]. I ga[th]ered together expert [crafts]men (and) skilled [master bu]ilders, who lay out p[l]ans, exposed the place where [Esa]gil stands, and inspected [its structure].

iv 88


iv 99

[ad-ke-ma gi-mir]

iv 1010


iv 1111


iv 1212


iv 1313

a-na si-ḫir-ti-ša

iv 1414


iv 1515


iv 1616

e-mid-da tup-šik-ku

iv 1717


iv 1818


iv 1919

mu-tin-ni ši-kar KUR-i

iv 2020

ab-lu-la ta-ra-ḫuš

iv 2121

áš-šú DINGIR-us-su GAL-tum

iv 2222

UN.MEŠ kul-lu--im-ma

iv 2323

šup-lu-ḫu be-lut-su

iv 2424

ku-du-ru ina SAG.DU-ía

iv 2525

áš-ši-ma ú-šá-az-bil ra-ma-ni

iv 2626


iv 2727


iv 2828

ú-šal-bi-[na SIG₄]

iv 2929

DUMU.MEŠ .[um-ma]-ni

iv 3030

en-qu-[te ].ŠITIM.GAL.ME

iv 3131


iv 3232

mu-kin-ni giš-ḫur-ri

iv 3333

-te-niš ú-paḫ-ḫir-ma

iv 3434

a-šar maš-kán [é]-sag-íl

iv 3535

pa-an qaq-qa-ri-šu

iv 3636

ú-pat-ti-[ma ši-kit-ta-šú]

iv 3737

a-mur ina ITI [šal-me u₄-mu še-me-e]

(iv 37b) In a [favorable] month, [on a propitious day, I laid its foundation platform] over [its] previous foun[dations (and) in (exact) accordance with its earlier plan I did not diminish (it)] by one [cubit] nor [increase (it)] by half a cubit. [I built (and) completed Esagil, the palace of the gods, an image of the apsû, a replica of Ešarra, a likeness of the abode of the god Ea, (and) a replica of Pegasus; I had (Esagil) ingeniously built (and) I] laid out [(its) squa]re. [For] its r[oo]f, [I stretch]ed out [magnificent] cedar [beams, grown on Mount Amanus, the] pure mountain.

iv 3838

ṣe-er -[ši-šú]

iv 3939

maḫ-ru- 1.[KÙŠ ul a-še-eṭ]

iv 4040

1/2 KÙŠ ul [ut-tir]

iv 4141

ki-[i KA GIŠ.ḪUR-šú maḫ-ri-ti]

Column v
v 1v 1

[at-ta-di te-me-en-šú]

v 22

[é-sag-íl É.GAL DINGIR.MEŠ]

v 33

[ma-aṭ-lat ZU.AB tam-šil]

v 44

[é-šár-ra -eḫ-ret]

v 55

[šu-bat dé-a tam-šil]

v 66

[MUL..IKU ar-ṣip]

v 77

[ú-šak-lil-ma ana ni-kil-ti]

v 88

[ú-šak-ki-la ú]-kin

v 99


v 1010

[GIŠ.ÙR.MEŠ] GIŠ.ere-ni

v 1111

[MAḪ.MEŠ tar-bit]

v 1212

[KUR.ḫa-ma-ni KUR-i] .MEŠ

v 1313


v 1414


v 1515

ù QA x (x)

(v 15) Moreover, I built (it) up ... with musukkannu-wood, cedar, (and) terebinth, natural wood, together with bricks, so that the temple would be made permanent, the bond(s) of the wall would not disintegrate, (and) none of Esagil’s ornaments would be neglected.

v 1616


v 1717

GIŠ.bu-uṭ-ni GIŠ.MEŠ .MEŠ

v 1818

a-na pu--un-ni É

v 1919

mar-kas É.GAR₈ la pa-ṭa-ri

v 2020

si-mat é-sag-gíl

v 2121

la ma-še-e

v 2222

it-ti SIG₄ ar-ṣip

v 2323

ina u₄-me-šu-ma a-šar KI.TUŠ

(v 23) At that time, I had the terrace, the place where the gods Marduk, Zarpanītu, (and) Nabû dwell, dug down 16 cubits, (where) I reached ground water. With bitumen and baked brick, I enlarged its lower part beyond the water table and I built up its foundations as the god Nudimmud had instructed me. I raised (it) up and heaped (it) up like a mountain for the residence of his great divinity. I built the home of the gods Marduk, Zarpanītu, and Nabû [in] their [midst].

v 2424

ri-mit dAMAR.UTU

v 2525

dNUMUN-- dAG 16 ina 1.KÙŠ

v 2626

tam-lu-ú ú-šá-pil-ma ak-šu-da

v 2727

A.MEŠ nag-bi

v 2828

ina ESIR.UD.A u a-gur-ru

v 2929

ul-tu UGU A.MEŠ

v 3030

ú-rab-bi-ma KI.TA-šú

v 3131

SUḪ-šu ú-šá-ḫi-za

v 3232

dnu-dím-mud ar-ṣip

v 3333


v 3434

a-na mu-šab DINGIR-ti-šú GAL-ti

v 3535

áš-pu-ka KUR-u₈-a-ìš

v 3636


v 3737

ù dAG ab-ta-ni

v 3838

[-reb]-šú-un GIŠ.IG.MEŠ

(v 38b) [I fastened bands of gold], silver, (and) copper on doors of [cypr]ess, whose fragrance is sweet, and [instal]led (them) in its [gates]. I refurbished [the statues of the] great [gods (and) had (them) dwell on] their [daises] as an eternal dwelling. [(As for) the šēdu]s, lamassus, (and) [rābiṣu-demons] of the temple, [I repaired the]ir [dilapidated part(s)], (and) I (re)stationed them [...] wh[ere] their ... are.

v 3939

[GIŠ.ŠUR].MÌN šá ere₁₄-es-si-na ṭa-a-bu4

v 4040

[me-ser .GI] .BABBAR URUDU

v 4141


v 4242


v 4343


v 4444

[ṣa-lam DINGIR].MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ud-diš

v 4545

[ina BÁRA].MEŠ-šú-nu

v 4646

[ú-šar-ma]-a šu-bat da-rat

v 4747


v 4848


v 4949


Column vi
vi 1vi 1


vi 22


vi 33

a-šar? x x x-šú?-nu?

vi 44


vi 55

mim-ma šum-šú

(vi 5) I had whatever furnishings were needed for Esag[il] skillfully made with artful craftsmanship from gold (and) silver, each of whose weight is 50 minas. I restored the holy rites of Esagil (and) made them more splendid than before. I set out before them (the gods) their pure guqqû offerings, their pure nindabû offerings, (and) their interrupted sattukku offerings. I placed at their service the former ramku-priests, pašīšu-priests, (and) ecstatics, those initiated in secret rites. I set before them purification priests, āšipu-priests, lamentation priests, (and) [si]ngers, who have mastered (their) entire craft.

vi 66


vi 77

ḫi-šiḫ-ti é-sag-[gíl]

vi 88

nab-nit .GI .BABBAR

vi 99

šá 50 MA.NA.TA.ÀM

vi 1010


vi 1111

ina ši-pir ni-kil-ti

vi 1212

nak-liš ú-še-piš

vi 1313

par-ṣi é-sag-íl

vi 1414

qa-áš-du-tu ana KI-šú-nu

vi 1515

ú-ter UGU šá u₄-me pa-na

vi 1616

ma--diš ú-šar-ri-iḫ

vi 1717

guq-qa-ni-šú-nu .MEŠ

vi 1818

NIDBA.MEŠ-šú-nu eb-bu-te

vi 1919

.DUG₄-šú-nu ba-aṭ-lu-te

vi 2020

ú-kin ma-ḫar-šú-un

vi 2121

ra-am-ki pa-ši-ši

vi 2222

AN.GUB.BA.MEŠ maḫ-ru-te7

vi 2323

na-ṣir pi-riš-te

vi 2424

ma-ḫar-šú-nu -ziz

vi 2525

.i-šip- .KA.PIRIG.MEŠ

vi 2626


vi 2727

šá gi-mir um-ma-nu-

vi 2828

ḫa-am-mu -ziz

vi 2929

ma-ḫar-šu-un é-te-me-en-an-ki

(vi 29b) I built anew Etemenanki, the ziggurrat, on the site where it previously stood its length is one ašlu (and) one ṣuppān, (and) its width is one ašlu (and) one ṣuppān.

vi 3030


vi 3131

áš-lu ṣu-pan

vi 3232

áš-lu ṣu-pan SAG

vi 3333

a-šar maš-kán-šú maḫ-ri-i

vi 3434

-šiš ú-še-piš

vi 3535

im-gur-dEN.LÍL BÀD-šú

(vi 35) With the large aslu-cubit, I measured the dimensions of Imgur-Enlil, its great wall each length (and) width was 30 ašlus. I had (it) built as it was before and raised (its top) up like a mountain. I built (and) co[mpleted] Nēmetti-Enlil, its outer wall, (and) filled (it) with [sple]ndor (making it) [an object of wonder] for [all of] the people.

vi 3636

GAL-a 30.ÀM áš-lu

vi 3737

30.ÀM áš-lu SAG

vi 3838

ina GIŠ.as₄-lum GAL-ti

vi 3939


vi 4040


vi 4141

ki-i KA maḫ-ri-i

vi 4242

ú-še-piš-ma ú-zaq-qir

vi 4343

ḫur-šá-niš -met-dEN.LÍL

vi 4444

šal-ḫu-šú ar-ṣip

Column vii
vii 1vii 1


vii 22

a-na [tab-rat kiš-šat]

vii 33

ni-ši [la]-la-a

vii 44


vii 55


(vii 5) I returned the plundered gods of the lands [f]rom Assyria and the land Elam to their (proper) place(s), and I set up proper procedures in all of the cult centers.

vii 66

ul-tu -reb

vii 77


vii 88


vii 99

a-na KI-šú-nu ú-ter

vii 1010

ù ina kul-lat ma-ḫa-zi

vii 1111

áš-tak-ka-nu si-ma-a-te

vii 1212


(vii 12) I established anew the remission of debts of the wronged citizens of Babylon, people (entitled to) the privileged status (and) freedom (guaranteed by) the gods Anu and Enlil. I gathered the bought people who had become slaves (and) who had been distributed among the (foreign) riffraff and counted (them once again) as Babylonians. I returned their looted possessions, provided the naked with clothing, (and) let them take the road to Babylon. I encouraged them to (re)settle the city, build houses, plant orchards, (and) dig canals.

vii 1313


vii 1414

ERIM.MEŠ ki-din šu-ba-re-e

vii 1515

da-nim ù dEN.LÍL

vii 1616


vii 1717

-šiš áš-kun

vii 1818

šá-a-mu-te šá a-na

vii 1919

re-šu-te šu-lu-ku

vii 2020

šá a-na ṣi-in-di

vii 2121

u bir-ti zu--ú-zu

vii 2222


vii 2323


vii 2424

am-na NÍG.ŠU-šú-nu

vii 2525

šal-lu-te ú-ter

vii 2626

mi-ra-nu-te lu-bu--te

vii 2727

ú-lab-biš-ma KASKAL TIN.TIR.KI

vii 2828

ú-šá-áš-kin še-pu--šu-un

vii 2929

a-na a-šab URU e-peš É

vii 3030

za-qa-ap ṣip-pa-a-ti

vii 3131

ḫe-re-e pat-ta-a-ti

vii 3232


vii 3333

lib-bu ki-di-nu-us-su-nu

(vii 33b) I restored their interrupted privileged status that had fallen into disuse. I wrote anew the tabl[et of] their exemptions. I opened roads for them in all directions so that they could establish an important position by having (commercial) relations with all countries.

vii 3434

ba-ṭil-ti šá ina ŠU.II

vii 3535

ip-par-ši-du a-na KI-šá

vii 3636

ú-ter ṭup-pi

vii 3737

za-ku-ti-šú-nu -šiš

vii 3838

áš-ṭur a-na IM.LÍMMU.BA

vii 3939

KASKAL.II-šú-nu ú-pat-ti-ma

vii 4040

it-ti nap-ḫar KUR.KUR

vii 4141

EME šit-ku-nu ip-pu-šu

vii 4242

tak-bit-tu dAMAR.UTU

(vii 42b) May the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanītu, the gods, my helpers, look with joy upon my good deeds and bless (my) kingship in their steadfast heart(s). Let the seed of my priestly office endure (along) with the foundations of Esagil and Babylon; let (my) kingship be sustaining to the people forever like the plant of life so that I may shepherd their populace in truth and justice; (and) let me reach old age, attain extreme old age, (and) be sated with the prime of life until far-off days. Truly I am the provider.

vii 4343

u dzar-pa-ni-tum

Column viii
viii 1viii 1

DINGIR.MEŠ ti-ik-li-ia

viii 22

ep-še-ti-ia SIG₅.MEŠ

viii 33

ḫa-diš lip-pal-su-ma

viii 44

ina kun-nu lìb-bi-šú-nu

viii 55

lik-tar-ra-bu LUGAL-ú-

viii 66

NUMUN šá-an-gu-ti-ia

viii 77

it-ti te-me-en

viii 88

é-sag-íl u .DINGIR.RA.KI

viii 99

li-kun a-na u₄-me

viii 1010

ṣa-a-ti LUGAL-ú-tu

viii 1111


viii 1212


viii 1313


viii 1414

ina kit-te u mi-šá-ri

viii 1515


viii 1616


viii 1717

ši-bu-tu lul-lik

viii 1818

lit-tu-tu lu-uk-šu-ud

viii 1919

la-le-e TI.LA

viii 2020

lu--bi a-na u₄-mu .ME

viii 2121

lu za-ni-nu a-na-ku

viii 2222

kim-ti lu-rap-piš

(viii 22) Let me enlarge my family, gather my relatives, (and) extend my progeny so that they branch out widely; let him make the foundations of the throne of my priestly office as secure as a great mountain; let my reign endure as long as heaven and earth; let me stride beaming daily in joy, gladness, happiness, shining face, and happy mood; (and) let a happy fate, a good fate, (one) for the lengthening of the days of my reign, the protection of the throne of my priestly office, (and) the well-being of my offspring be placed in their (the gods’) mouths.

viii 2323

sa-la-ti lu-paḫ-ḫir

viii 2424

per-ʾu lu-šam-dil

viii 2525

lu-ṣar-ri-šú pa-pal-lu

viii 2626

SUḪUŠ GIŠ.GU.ZA šá-an-gu-ti-ia

viii 2727

ú-ḫum-meš li-šar-šid9

viii 2828

it-ti AN-e u KI-tim

viii 2929

li-kun BALA-ú-a

viii 3030

ina ul-ṣi ri-šá-a-ti

viii 3131

ḫu-ud lìb-bi nu-um-mur pa-an

viii 3232

u ṭu-ub ka-bat-ti

viii 3333

u₄-mi-šam-ma nam-riš

viii 3434


viii 3535

šim- ṭa-ab-

viii 3636

šim- da--iq-

viii 3737

šá ur-ruk u₄-me BALA-e-a

viii 3838

na-ṣir GIŠ.GU.ZA šá-an-gu-ti-ía

viii 3939

šá-lam NUMUN-ia liš-šá-kin

viii 4040

ina KA-šu-un

Column ix
ix 1ix 1

GIŠ.GIDRU [i-šir-tu]

(ix 1) May he allow my hands to grasp the [righteous] s[cepter] that en[larges the land] (and) the fierce staff that humbles the unsubmissive; may they cause my weapons to rise up and kill my enemies; (and) may he allow me to stand over my enemies in victory (and) triumph.

ix 22

mu-rap-[pi-šat ma-a-ti]

ix 33

ši-bir-ri ez-zi

ix 44

mu-šak-niš la ma-gi-ri

ix 55

li-šat-me-eḫ rit-tu-ú-a

ix 66


ix 77


ix 88


ix 99


ix 1010

ina li-i-ti

ix 1111

u ki-šit-ti qa-ti

ix 1212

ṣe-riš na-ki-ri

ix 1313


ix 1414


(ix 14) May they allow there to be in my land rains and floods, successful harvests, an abundance of grain, plenty, and prosperity, and let them store (it) in pil[es of] grain.

ix 1515

SI. BURU₁₄ na-pa-áš

ix 1616

dnisaba ṭuḫ-du

ix 1717

u ḪÉ.GÁL ina KUR-ia

ix 1818


ix 1919

li-gar-ri-nu ka-[re-e]

ix 2020


ix 2121

ú-še-piš-ma NA₄..A.MEŠ

(ix 21) I had foundation inscriptions made of silver, gold, bronze, lapis lazuli, alabaster, basalt, pendû-stone, alallu-stone (and) white limestone, (as well as) inscribed objects of baked clay, and (then) I depicted on them hieroglyphs representing the writing of my name. I wrote on them the might of the great hero, the god Marduk, (and) the deeds that I had done, my pious work, (and) I placed (these inscriptions) in the foundations (and) left (them) for far-off days.

ix 2222


ix 2323

NA₄.GIŠ.NU₁₁.GAL NA₄.ṣa-lam-du

ix 2424

NA₄.dŠE.TIR NA₄.a-lal-lum

ix 2525

NA₄.pi-i-lu BABBAR-ú

ix 2626

MU.SAR-e IM ṣar-pu-

ix 2727


ix 2828

tam-šil ši-ṭir MU-ia

ix 2929

e-siq ṣe-ru--šú-un

ix 3030

da-na-an qar-ra-di

ix 3131

GAL-i dAMAR.UTU ep-še-et

ix 3232

e-tep-pu-šú lip-ta-at

ix 3333

ŠU.II-ia -reb-šú-un

ix 3434

áš-ṭur ina -še

ix 3535


ix 3636

ana ṣa-at u₄-me e-zib

ix 3737

ana ár-kát u₄-mu

(ix 37) In future days, in far-off days, may one of the kings, [my descendants, whom the king of the gods], the god Marduk, names [to] rule the land and [the people], read an inscript[ion] written in [my name, and] a[noint (it)] with oil, [make] an offering, (and) [return (it)] to its place. The god Marduk, king of the gods, will (then) h[e]ar his prayers.

ix 3838

ana u₄-me ṣa-a-te

ix 3939

ina LUGAL.MEŠ-ni

Column x
x 1x 1


x 22


x 33

dAMAR.UTU [a-na]

x 44

be-lut KUR u [UN.MEŠ]

x 55


x 66


x 77


x 88

ši-ṭir [MU-ia]

x 99


x 1010

Ì.GIŠ lip-[šu-]

x 1111


x 1212

ana KI-šú [lu-ter]

x 1313


x 1414


x 1515


x 1616

mu-nak-kir ši-ṭir

(x 16) (As for) the one who ch[ang]es (an inscription) written in my name, [def]aces my rep[resenta]tions, [annuls] the privileged status of Babylon, (and) brea[ks the cove]nant of the lord of lords, may the god Mar[duk, the Enli]l of the gods, the lord of [the lands, look with] fury [on him] and [orde]r [his] destruction among [all of the black-headed] people. May he (the god Marduk) make [his] w[ord bad] i[n Ubšukkinnak]u, the court[yard of the assembly of the gods], the place [of council, and] or[der that his] life not last (even) [a single] day.

x 1717

MU-ía [mu]-saḫ-ḫu-ú

x 1818


x 1919

[pa-sis] ki-di-nu-

x 2020


x 2121

pa-ṭir [ri]-kis EN EN.EN

x 2222


x 2323

EN [KUR.KUR ez-zi]-

x 2424


x 2525

ina [nap-ḫar ṣal-mat SAG].DU

x 2626

ZÁḪ-[šú liq]-bi ina [ub-šu-ukkin-na]-ki

x 2727


x 2828

šu-[bat ši-tul-ti]

x 2929


x 3030


x 3131

u₄-mu [1-en]

x 3232

la ba-laṭ-[su]

x 3333


x 3434


(x 34) Acces[sion] year of Esarhaddon, [king of] Assyria.

x 3535


x 3636


1For a discussion on how Marduk altered the calculated time of Babylon’s and Esagil’s abandonment on the “Tablet of Destiny” from 70 years to 11 years, see the note to text no. 104 (Babylon A) ii 6–7.

2The month “Opening of the Door” is an Elamite month name and is the third month in the Elamite year. For further details and bibliography, see the note to the date of exs. 2 and 16 of text no. 1 (Nineveh A).

3Based on further examination of this passage in this text, esp. ex. 1, and text no. 104 (Babylon A; iii 32–34a), it is likely that these three lines should be read as ina GIŠ.Ù.ŠUB.MEŠ GIŠ.MES?.?.[KAN.NA?] ú-šal-bi-[na SIG₄] “I had [its bricks] mad[e] in brickmolds of musuk[kannu-wood].” The reading of these lines in the 2011 print version of RINAP 4 — ina GIŠ.Ù.ŠUB.MEŠ [ AM.SI GIŠ.ESI GIŠ.TÚG] GIŠ.MES..[KAN.NA AD.ME.KÁR a-na -ri-šá] ú-šal-bi-[na SIG₄] “I [had its bricks made for a whole year] in brickmolds of [ivory, ebony, boxwood], (and) musuk[kannu-wood]” — was more or less based on text no. 106 (Babylon E) iii 29–36 and text no. 114 (Babylon D) iv 12–15.

4ere₁₄-es-si-na “whose fragrance”: The 2011 print version read these signs as er-es-si-na. Based on text no. 104 (Babylon A) ex. 1 (iv 6) and text no. 111 v 8´, the IR-sign should probably be read here as ere₁₄, and not er.

5For a discussion of these lines, with numerous collation notes, see Novotny, NABU 2015/3 pp. 127–128 no. 78.

6There are two lines missing at the very beginning of col. vi according to T. Pinches’ copy of ex. 1 (CT 44 pl. 6 no. 5); the author’s unpublished collation notes also state that there are “two lines missing.” The line count for this column in the updated edition of the text has been adjusted accordingly; vi 3–44 correspond to vi 1–42 of the 2011 print version of RINAP 4.

7The interpretation of angubbû (or dingirgubbû) is based on CAD A/1 p. 118. CAD P p. 254 reads “bārûte(?)” in place of maḫ-ru-te; the reading of the signs presented here is based on collation.

8Two Babylonian chronicles record the return of the gods of Agade from Assyria and Elam by Esarhaddon on the tenth of Addaru (XII) 674 BC; see, for example, Grayson, Chronicles, pp. 81–82 no. 1 iii 36–38. This event, which took place during this ruler’s 7th regnal year as king of Assyria, provides a certain terminus post quem for the composition of this text.

9li-šar-šid “let him make secure”: The revised reading is based on collation; the signs are not li-ter-ra “let them (the foundations) become” as transliterated in the 2011 print edition of RINAP 4.

10For some details on the accession year (šanat rēš šarrūti) date, see the on-page note to text no. 104 (Babylon A) vii 44–46 and Novotny, JCS 67 (2015) pp. 149–151.

Created by Erle Leichty, Jamie Novotny, and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2011, 2015-16. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2010, and updated by him, 2015-16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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