Marduk-nadin-ahhe 2

Column i
i 1i 1


(i 1) For the god Nanna,

i 22

en temen an ki-[(x x)]-a

(i 2) lord of the foundation of heaven (and) netherworld,

i 33

nir-ŋál x ZI x [x (x)]

(i 3) noble ...,

i 44

ŋeš-nu₁₁ [(x)] gal

(i 4) great light,

i 55

SAG x x x x

(i 5) ...,

i 66

šag₄ x x x [...]

i 77

maḫ x [...] x

i 88

NI KIN? [...] x

i 99

lugal x [(x)] x KI [(x)]

(i 9) king ...,

i 1010

x x [...]TI? [(x)]

i 1111


(i 11) his lord:

i 1212


(i 12) Marduk-nādin-aḫḫē,

i 1313

nun -tuku

(i 13) pious prince,

i 1414

x x x [...]en?

(i 14) ...,

i 1515

sipad -in?-tur-tur-

(i 15) shepherd ...,

i 1616

ŠU IR [(x x)] NI/IR

i 1717

en <me>-te dEN.DIŠ.DIŠ-ke₄

(i 17) the lord fitted for the god EN.DIŠ.DIŠ,

i 1818

en GÍD//MUŠ [(x)] urim₅ki-ma

(i 18) lord ... of Ur,

i 1919

KI/DI/ŠÀ? ŠA? NE? x x x [(x x)] LU É x x [...]

(i 19) ...,

i 2020

lugal [x x x] x

(i 20) king [...],

i 2121

lugal [(x)] x x x

(i 21) king [...],

Column ii
ii 22ii 22

lugal ki-èn-gi uriki

(ii 22) king of Sumer (and) Akkad,

ii 2323

lugal an-ub-da [límmu]-ba

(ii 23) king of the [four] quarters (of the world),

ii 2424


(ii 24) whose deeds are pleasing to the god Sîn (and) the great gods, ...

ii 2525

su [d]suen-na

ii 2626

diŋir gal-gal-la dùg-dùg-ge-

ii 2727

[(x)] NE [x] GAR INANNA ZI

ii 2828

[(x)] -in?-x-im?-ma

ii 2929

x x GA [(x)]

ii 3030

[ki]-èn-gi? [(x)] uriki-ke₄

(ii 30) [Su]me[r (and)] Akkad, ...

ii 3131

x [x] (x) BI [(x)]

ii 3232

[...] x [x]

ii 3333

x [x (x)] (x) KU RU NE

ii 3434


(ii 34) At that time,

ii 3535

gir₄? maḫ

(ii 35) the great oven of the shrine of the god Sîn,

ii 3636

èš x dsuen?-ke₄

ii 3737

ki kíŋ-nim kíŋ-sig*

(ii 37) where all the morning and evening meals of the gods ...

ii 3838

-dirig diŋir-re-e-ne-ke₄

ii 3939

làl? íl-íl-šè

ii 4040

gir₄? maḫ

(ii 40) the great oven,

ii 4141

te-èš gal-bi

(ii 41) its great roaring inside it ...

ii 4242

šag₄?-bi-ta [(x)]

ii 4343

x AN dirig-ga x x

ii 4444

GIBIL [(x)] x [(x)]

ii 4545

[(x)] x [x x] AN x x

ii 4646

[x (x)] GAR [x] x TA [(...)] TUM?

ii 4747

[x x] dirig-ga

Column iii
iii 48iii 48

nam-bi-šè? [x (x)]

(iii 48) On account of this,

iii 4949

dsuen [...]

(iii 49) [... may] the god Sîn,

iii 5050

en KA? [...]

(iii 50) [...] lord

iii 5151

nam-lugal-la x [(x)] x A x [x (x)]

(iii 51) [...] kingship ...

iii 52-5352-53


(iii 52-53) grant to Marduk-nādin-aḫḫē,

iii 5454

nun še-ga-a-ni-ir

(iii 54) his obedient prince,

iii 5555

sipad šu gibil? ak? x

(iii 55) the shepherd who restores ...

iii 5656

nam-tìl-[la? (x)]

(iii 56) a long life-span

iii 5757

ud sud?- [x] x

iii 5858

bala? x [x (x)]

(iii 58) (and) a reign ...!

iii 5959

x x [x (x)]

iii 6060

MU [(x)] x [x x]

iii 6161

[(x)] GAR SI [...] (x)

iii 6262

saŋ?-saŋ-[e?]- x [(x) ḫé]-en-rig₇

1Line 53 contains SUM-⸢ŠEŠ⸣.MEŠ.

Based on Grant Frame, Rulers of Babylonia: From the Second Dynasty of Isin to the End of Assyrian Domination (1157-612 BC) (RIMB 2; Toronto, 1995). Digitized, lemmatized, and updated by Alexa Bartelmus, 2015-16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as