Nebuchadnezzar I 10
Obverse | ||
11 | [...] | (1) The one who administers correctly (all) regions (of the world) [(...)], |
muš-te-ši-ru kib-ra-a-ti [(...)] | ||
22 | [...] x | (2) The tireless one, who watches over all of heaven and netherworld ... |
la a-ni-ḫu šá ki-iš-šat AN ù KI i-ḫi-iṭ-ṭù ⸢NU?⸣ [(x)] | ||
33 | [... šúš]-šúš | (3) The lord, whose shining light covers mountain and sea, |
be-lu ša saḫ-pu bir-bir-ru-šu KUR-i ù tam-ta [(x)] | ||
44 | [...] x bàr-ra-bi | (4) And whose awe-inspiring sheen covers the wide[spread] world, |
ù nam-ri-ir-<ru> be-lu-ti-šu kàt-mu kiš-šá-tú šu-par-⸢ru?⸣-[ur?-tú?] | ||
55 | [... mu]-⸢un⸣-da-ab-lá-a | (5) The noble one at whose utterance the [Igīgū] gods pay attention, |
mu-tál-lu šá a-na a-mat ṣi-it pi-šu ú-paq-qu ⸢d⸣[í-gì-gì] | ||
66 | [... ur₄]-⸢ur₄?⸣ x [... gub]-bé-eš | (6) And at the issuing of whose command the Anunnakū gods take fright [(...)], presenting themselves on their knees (lit. “stand kneeling”), |
ù a-na na-dan ur-ti-šu da-nun-na-ku i-ár-ru-ru x [(...)] na-zu-uz-zu kam-si-iš | ||
77 | (7) The august judge, who makes decisions for god and go[ddess], | |
da-a-a-nu ṣi-ru pa-ri-is pu-ru-us-se-e šá DINGIR ⸢ù dINANNA?⸣ | ||
88 | [...] a-a-bi-e-ne | (8) The one who dwells in Ebabbar (“Shining House”), the one on whom his fathers rely — |
a-šib é-babbar-ra tukul*-ti ab-bé-e-šu | ||
99 | [ud-bi-a ...] x URU eridugki-ga-ke₄ [...] (x)-⸢bi?⸣ | (9) At that time, a royal descendant, one of an enduring lineage, scion of Šuanna (Babylon), |
i-nu-šu li-ip LUGAL-ti NUMUN da-ra-a bi-nu-ut šu-an-na | ||
1010 | [... šag₄? (...)] x in-dùg-dùg | (10) Wise viceroy, reverent, prayerful, one who makes his (the Sun-god’s) heart glad, |
⸢šak-kan⸣-ka er-šá pal-ḫa mut-né-en-na-a mu-⸢ṭib lìb-bi⸣-šu | ||
1111 | [... diŋir?-re?]-⸢e?⸣-ne [...] x lugal saŋ ús-⸢sa⸣ | (11) Because the king constantly besought the Sun-god, the light of the gods, with supplication(s) and prayer(s), |
ki-⸢i?⸣ [i?]-⸢na?⸣ ut-né-ni ù tés-pí-ti dUTU-šá nu-ur DINGIR.MEŠ ⸢i⸣-bal-lu sà-an-tak | ||
1212 | [...] ⸢ùŋ?⸣ šár-ra-ke₄ [... dù]-a-ba e-da-an-šúm | (12) He (the Sun-god) looked happily (upon him) and gave him the kingship of all people (and) of every region (of the world). |
ḫa-diš ip-pa-lis-ma id-din-šu šar-ru-ut kiš-šat ni-ši gi-mir kib-ra-a-ti | ||
1313 | [...] x-bi [...] na-nam | (13) He granted him a just scepter, an eternal throne, (and) a reign of long duration. |
ú-šat-lim-šum-ma ḫaṭ-ṭa i-šar-ta ku-us-si du-ur UD.⸢MEŠ⸣ pa-le-e la-ba-ri | ||
1414 | [...] mi-ni-íb-sù-sù-ú-a | (14) He gave orders to him to plunder the land of Elam and he ... |
ú-ma-ʾe-er-šu-ma a-na šá-lal KUR e-lam-ti ú-šá-ʾ-i-x [...] | ||
1515 | (15) He had been brought to the land of Elam; he turned [it] back (and) inflicted a defeat upon i[t]. | |
ib-ba-bíl-ma a-na KUR e-lam-ti ú-saḫ-ḫir-[ši?] im-ḫa-ṣa dab-da-a-⸢ša?⸣ | ||
1616 | [...] x šag₄ gú elam-maki-ke₄ [...]-eš | (16) The great gods who had become an[gry] with the land of Akkad (and) had gone to the land of Elam |
DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ šá it-ti KUR-ak-ka-di-i is-⸢bu?⸣-[su?] i-ru-ú a-na qé-reb ⸢ma?-a?-tì? e?⸣-[lam-ti] | ||
1717 | [...] | |
[...] x [(x)] x x [...] | ||
Lacuna | ||
1'1' | [...] | |
[...] x [... x (x)] x el kib-⸢ra-a⸣-[ti ...] | ||
2'2' | [...] | (2') [May] his reign [be made] great and may it be securely established forever in the land of Sumer and Akk[ad]! |
[liš?]-⸢tar⸣-ba pa-la-šu-ma i-na KUR-šu-me-ri ù ⸢ak-ka⸣-[di-(i)] ⸢li⸣-ku-un a-na ṣa-a-ti | ||
Based on Grant Frame, Rulers of Babylonia: From the Second Dynasty of Isin to the End of Assyrian Domination (1157-612 BC) (RIMB 2; Toronto, 1995). Digitized, lemmatized, and updated by Alexa Bartelmus, 2015-16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as