Uncertain Fragments (858-745 BC)

Adapted from Grayson RIMA 3, pp. 248-252.

Browse the RIAo Corpus [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/riao/pager/]

1027   1028-29   1030   1031-93   1094-95   1096   1097   1098   1099   1100   1101  

Clay Cone Fragments from Assur

There are numerous clay cone fragments from Ashur which cannot be identified with any particular king. The vast majority of clay cone fragments from Ashur which can be identified belong to Shalmaneser III [/riao/ria5/ShalmaneserIII/index.html] (see the introduction to text no. 42). These are texts nos. 1027-1093. Most of these, viz. texts nos. 1031- 1093, are too insignificant to warrant edition or special comment and therefore they have been presented in chart form.


The inscription on this clay cone fragment (VA Ass 2130 = Ass 10771) has a geographical description of conquests similar in style to text no. 39. Rost, FuB 22 no. 94.

Source: VA Ass 02130 (Ass 10771)


1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 248 A.0.0.1027 (study)


These two inscriptions on clay cone fragments (A 3383 = Ass 3165 and A 3398 = Ass 4043) mention Eḫursagkurkurra. Donbaz and Grayson, RICCA nos. 270-71.

Sources: 1028 Ist A 03383 (Ass 03165)      1029 Ist A 03398 (Ass 04043)


1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 249 A.0.0.1028-29 (study)


All that is preserved of this inscription on a clay cone fragment (Ass 18494 = Ass ph 5863) is [... tukultĪ]-nin-urta MAN KIŠ [...] "[... Tukultl]-Ninurta, king of the universe." Thus the text might be ascribed to Tukultī-Ninurta II [/riao/ria3/Tukulti-NinurtaII/index.html], Ashurnasirpal II [/riao/ria4/index.html], or Shalmaneser III [/riao/ria5/ShalmaneserIII/index.html].

Source: Ass 18494


1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 249 A.0.0.1030 (study)


Sources: 1031 Ist A 03355 (Ass 01379n)      1032 Ist A 03385 (Ass 03496)      1033 Ist A 03480 (Ass 10084a)      1034 Ist A 03483 (Ass 10084e)      1035 Ist A 03343      1036 Ist A 03346 (Ass 01359)      1037 Ist A 03336 (Ass 01468)      1038 Ist A 03375 (Ass 02743)      1039 Ist A 03403 (Ass 04424)      1040 Ist A 03406 (Ass 04548)      1041 Ist A 03411 (Ass 04734o)      1042 Ist A 03415 (Ass 05060)      1043 Ist A 03430 (Ass 05858)      1044 Ist A 03433 (Ass 05992)      1045 Ist A 03435 (Ass 06140)      1046 Ist A 03436 (Ass 06168)      1047 [Text deleted]     1048 Ist A 03444 (Ass 06457)      1049 Ist A 03447 (Ass 06618)      1050 Ist A 03453 (Ass 05969)      1051 Ist A 03456 (Ass 07108)      1052 Ist A 03458 (Ass 07256)      1053 Ist A 03461 (Ass 07464)      1054 Ist A 03492 (Ass 10140a)      1055 Ist A 03505 (Ass 10292)      1056 Ist A 03514 (Ass 10323)      1057 Ist A 03521 (Ass 10388)      1058 Ist A 03522 (Ass 10397)      1059 Ist A 03523 (Ass 10474)      1060 Ist A 03526 (Ass 11564)      1061 Ist A 03528 (Ass 11572)      1062 Ist A 03532 (Ass 11679)      1063 Ist A 03536 (Ass 11769)      1064 Ist A 03544 (Ass 12242)      1065 Ist A 03564 (Ass 13412)      1066 Ist A 03571a (Ass 15225)      1067 Ist A 03584 (Ass 16119)      1068 Ist A 03531 (Ass 16658)      1069 Ist A 03594 (Ass 17153)      1070 Ist A 03619 (Ass 18660)      1071 Ist A 03626 (Ass 18848)      1072 Ist A 03654      1073 VA Ass 02139 (Ass 19196)      1074 VA Ass 02059 (Ass 08232)      1075 VA Ass 02141 (Ass 22302)      1076 VA Ass 02138 (Ass 11345)      1077 VA Ass 02125 (Ass 10156)      1078 VA Ass 02132 (Ass 10800)      1079 VA Ass 02123 (Ass 09183)      1080 VA Ass 02144      1081 VA Ass 02089 (Ass 05313)      1082 VA Ass 02118 (Ass 08435b)      1083 VA Ass 02129 (Ass 10707)      1084 VA Ass 02110 (Ass 05526)      1085 VA Ass 02145      1086 VA Ass 02134 (Ass 11012)      1087 VA Ass 02120 (Ass 08701)      1088 VA Ass 02140 (Ass 19416d)      1089 VA Ass 02048 (Ass 10093g)      1090 VA Ass 02116 (Ass 08142)      1091 VA Ass 02122 (Ass 09055)      1092 VA Ass 02135 (Ass 11077a)      1093 Ass 06063


1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 pp. 249-250 A.0.0.1031-93 (study)


Two glazed brick fragments from Nineveh have the remains of scenes accompanied by inscriptions. On each fragment of the inscription, only the sign URU "city" is preserved. There is no particular reason to assign them to Shalmaneser III [/riao/ria5/ShalmaneserIII/index.html], although this general time period seems appropriate. Thompson, AAA 18 (1931) pl. XXX no. 1 and pl. XXXII no. 1. Cf. Borger, HKL i p. 52b and Schramm, EAK 2 p. 96.

Sources: 1094 Thompson, AAA 18 pl. XXX no. 1     1095 Thompson, AAA 18 pl. XXXII no. 1


1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 250 A.0.0.1094-95 (study)


This is another fragment of a glazed brick (BM 90495 = 1979-12-20, 275) with traces of two or three signs. Walker suggested that it was "possibly Ashurnasirpal II." Walker, CBI p. 129.

Source: BM 090495 (1979-12-20, 0275)


1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 250 A.0.0.1096 (study)


On this brick fragment (BM 137368 = 1979-12-18, 3) there are traces of three lines: 1) [...] MAN KUR AŠ 2) [...] MAN KUR AŠ 3) [... DÙ]-. Walker, CBI p. 129.

Source: BM 137368 (1979-12-18, 0003)


1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 251 A.0.0.1097 (study)


Traces of a dedicatory inscription are preserved on a fragment of a rectangular agate vase which is registered in the British Museum among the antiquities from Rassam's excavations at Sippar (82-7-14, 1040*): 1) UMUN-⸢šú⸣ 2) [... iššak A]Š GAR dBAD 3) [...] SID AŠ 4) [...] x-ti-a 5) [...] GU.ZA 6) [...]-a a-qiš. Cf. Shalmaneser III [/riao/ria5/ShalmaneserIII/index.html] texts nos. 93-98. Walker in de Meyer, Tell ed- Dēr 3 p. 99 and Pl. 26 no. 36.

Source: AH 1882-07-14, 1040


1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 251 A.0.0.1098 (study)


Traces of an inscription and figures in relief are preserved on a small fragment (BM 123342) of a stone obelisk discovered at Nineveh: [...] x tiamat KÙ.BABBAR KÙ.G[I ...]. Börker-Klähn, Bildstelen no. 140.

Source: BM 123342


1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 251 A.0.0.1099 (study)


This fragmentary dedicatory inscription is engraved on a piece of a lead strip (1.8 cm high and 3.6 cm wide) registered in the Koyounjik collection of the British Museum (K 12826): 1) [...] dMUATI EN [...] 2) [...] x ṣal-me ana LUGAL x [...] 3) [...] x-ut dUTU EN x [...] 4) [...] dUTU E[N(?j ...] 5) [... LU]GAL ŠÚ LUGAL [...] 6-9) (traces). Bezold, Cat. 3 p. 1269; Lambert, AfO 22 (1968-69) p. 64.

Source: K 12826


1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 251 A.0.0.1100 (study)


Numerous stone fragments with traces of cuneiform signs and scenes in relief were found at Ashur. These may be pieces of an obelisk. Unger suggested an identification with Shalmaneser III [/riao/ria5/ShalmaneserIII/index.html] but there is no compelling reason to believe this. Not enough is preserved to warrant an edition.

Source: Andrae, AAT pl. XXX


1909 Andrae, AAT pl. XXX (photo)
1932 Unger, MAOG 6/1-2 p. 8 n. I (study)
1973 Schramm, EAK 2 p. 91 (study)
1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 252 A.0.0.1101 (study)

Nathan Morello

Nathan Morello, 'Uncertain Fragments (858-745 BC)', RIA 5: Inscriptions of Shalmaneser III and His Successors (858–745 BC), The RIA Project, 2025 [http://oracc.org/UncertainFragments858-745BC/]

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