Inscriptions, texts nos. 100-116

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KAH 2 no. 99

This text inscribed on some bricks from Ashur is very similar to text no. 99 and, like that one, records the work on the wall of Ashur's Inner City. Notably, exemplars 1, 6 and 11 are glazed bricks.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria5/Q004705/] of Shalmaneser III 100.

Sources: (1) Ass 12138      (2) VA Ass 03262a (Ass 00963)      (3) Ass 12841i      (4) Ass 03934      (5) VA Ass 03262f      (6) Ass 00978      (7) VA Ass 03262b (Ass 05672)      (8) VA Ass 03262c (Ass 07436)      (9) VA Ass 03262d (possibly Ass 09505)      (10) VA Ass 03262e      (11) Ass 10055      (12) Ist EŞEM 09482 (Ass 05305)


1904 Andrae, MDOG 22 p. 13 (exs. 2, 6, provenance)
1905 Andrae, MDOG 27 p. 8 (exs. 2, 4, 6, study)
1911 Messerschmidt, KAH I no. 29 (exs. 2, 6, copy)
1913 Andrae, Festungswerke pp. 12, 133, 174, and pl. IC (exs. 1-3, 6, provenance, photo, copy, edition)
1922 Schroeder, KAH 2 no. 96 (ex. 4?, copy)
1926 Luckenbill, ARAB 1 §697 (exs. 2, 4, 6, translation)
1948 Michel, WO 1 pp. 214-15 no. 11 and p. 222 fig. 5 (exs. 1-4, 6, copy, edition)
1973 Schramm, EAK 2 p. 94 (exs. 1-4, 6, study)
1984 Marzahn and Rost, Ziegeln 1 nos. 286-91 (exs. 2, 5, 7-10, study)
1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 157 A.0.102.100 (edition)


A brick fragment found in Tabira Gate's inner gate room, is inscribed with a record of the works at this place.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria5/Q004706/] of Shalmaneser III 101.

Source: Ass 10239


1913 Andrae, Festungswerke pp. 36, 172, and pl. IC (provenance, photo, edition)
1948 Michel, WO l pp. 217-18 no. 14 (edition)
1973 Schramm, EAK 2 p. 95 (study)
1982 Miglus, ZA 72 pp. 266-77 (study)
1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 158 A.0.102.101 (edition)



KAH 2 no. 106

The following text has been found stamped on several bricks from Ashur and indicates that such bricks were part of the facing of the Anu-Adad temple.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria5/Q004707/] of Shalmaneser III 102.

Sources: (1) VA Ass 03272a (Ass 06658a)      (2) VA Ass 03272b (Ass 06658b)      (3) Ist EŞEM 09193 (Ass 06658c)      (4) VA Ass 03272c (Ass 06658d)      (5) VA Ass 03268 + VA Ass 03272d (Ass 06658e)      (6) VA Ass 03272c (Ass 06830)


1905 Andrae, MDOG 28 p. 33 (provenance)
1909 Andrae, AAT pp. 45, 57, and pl. XX (photo, copy, edition)
1922 Schroeder, KAH 2 no. 106 (exs. 3-5, copy)
1926 Luckenbill, ARAB 1 §710 (translation)
1973 Schramm, EAK 2 p. 94 (study)
1984 Marzahn and Rost, Ziegeln 1 nos. 303-307 (exs. l-2, 4-6, study)
1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 pp. 158-159 A.0.102.102 (edition)


A number of bricks from Ashur bear the following text, which records that Shalmaneser worked on the courtyart of the temple of Aššur.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria5/Q004708/] of Shalmaneser III 103.

Sources: (1) VA Ass 03273a      (2) VA Ass 03273b


1984 Marzahn and Rost, Ziegeln 1 nos. 329-30 (exs. 1-2, study)
1985 Rost and Marzahn, VAS 23 no. 116 (ex. 2, copy)
1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 159 A.0.102.103 (edition)



KAH 2 no. 104

This text is sometimes inscribed and sometimes stamped on various bricks from Ashur and from Šibaniba (Tell Billa). Note that some of the more fragmentary bricks have been guessed to belong to the same group and, therefore, included in this catalogue.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria5/Q004709/] of Shalmaneser III 104.

Sources: (1) Ass 10325      (2) Ass 10343      (3) Ass 10271      (4) VA Ass 03260a (Ass 01746)      (5) VA Ass 03260b (Ass 02542)      (6) VA Ass 03260c (Ass 09362)      (7) VA Ass 03260d)      (8) VA Ass 03274c (Ass ....8)      (9) VA Ass 04301b (Ass 13997a)      (10) VA Ass 03270b      (11) VA Ass 04307a (Ass 05849)      (12) BM 090360 (1848-11-04, 0032)      (13) Ass 10383


1913 Andrae, Festungswerke pl. IC (ex. 1, photo)
1922 Schroeder, KAH 2 no. 104 (exs. 1-3, copy)
1926 Luckenbill, ARAB 1 §693 (exs. 1-3, study)
1973 Schramm, EAK 2 p. 95 (exs. l-3, study)
1981 Walker, CBI no. 156 (ex. 12, edition)
1984 Marzahn and Rost, Ziegeln 1 nos. 299-302, 328, 334, 336, and 404 (exs. 4-11, study)
1985 Rost and Marzahn, VAS 23 nos. 115, 120, 122, and 154 (exs. 8-11, copy)
1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 160 A.0.102.104 (edition)


A text of unknown provenance is inscribed on some bricks now in the British Museum.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria5/Q004710/] of Shalmaneser III 105.

Sources: (1) BM 090221 (1979-12-20, 0133)      (2) BM 090223 (1979-12-20, 0135)      (3) BM 090747 (1979-12-20, 0334)


1922 BM Guide p. 72 (exs. 1-3, study)
1981 Walker, CBI no. 157 (exs. 1-3, edition)
1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 161 A.0.102.105 (edition)



KAH 2 no. 105

This text appears to have a shorter version in text no. 105 and even shorter in text no. 107. It is engraved on bricks found at Ashur and on clay cones from Nineveh.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria5/Q004711/] of Shalmaneser III 106.

Sources: (1) VA Ass 03261a (Ass 01271)      (2) VA Ass 04300 (Ass 02415)      (3) Ass 11738      (4) VA Ass 03261c (Ass 17570)      (5) VA Ass 03261d (Ass 17576)      (6) VA Ass 03270a      (7) Ist EŞEM 06661      (8) Ist EŞEM 06663      (9) Ist EŞEM 09307      (10) VA Ass 03265b (Ass 09341)      (11) VA Ass 03265a (Ass 09342)      (12) VA Ass 03265c      (13) VA Ass 03265d      (14) VA Ass 03265e      (15) Ass 18539      (16) Ist EŞEM 06652      (17) Ist EŞEM 06669      (18) Ist EŞEM 0920- (Ass 09733)      (19) Ist EŞEM -     (20) VA Ass 03261b) (Ass 09353) (21) Ass 17659      (22) VA Ass 03266 (Ass 22585)      (23) BM 090298 (1848-11-04, 0033)      (24) BM 090354 (1979-12-20, 0211)      (25) BM 137455 (1929-10-12, 0165)      (26) BM 137462 (1929-10-12, 0172 + 1929-10-12, 0174)      (27) BCM A 056-087      (28) BCM A 068-087      (29) AAA 18 no. 35      (30) AAA 19 p. 115      (31) IM -     (32) StL -     (33) 1856-09-09, 0142      (34) BM 099097 (Ki 1904-10-09, 0126)      (35) BM 099098 (Ki 1904-10-09, 0127)      (36) BM 139276 (1932-12-10, 0730)      (37) MNK -     (38) Ist EŞEM -     (39) Ass 10210      (40) Ass 10234      (41) Ass 05917      (42) Ass 05507      (43) Ass 06401


1851 Layard, ICC pl. 77B (ex. 23, copy)
1890 Amiaud and Scheil, Salmanasar pp. 78-79 (ex. 23, cedition)
1896 Bezold, Cat. 4 p. 1692 (ex. 33, study)
1897 Rasmussen, Salmanasser pp. 88-89 and pl. XLI (ex. 23, copy, edition)
1905 Andrae, MDOG 27 p. 18 (ex. 1, study)
1908 Bezold, ZA 21 p. 397 (ex. 23, study)
1913 Andrae, Festungswerke pp. 100, 118, 133, 174, and pls. IC and C (exs. 3, 10-11, 18, 20, provenance, photo)
1914 King, Cat. p. 27 (exs. 34-35, study)
1922 Schroeder, ZA 34 pp. 159-60 (ex. 15, study)
1922 Schroeder, KAH 2 nos. 105 and 107 (exs. 15, 21, copy)
1926 Luckenbill, ARAB 1 §§693-94 (translation)
1929 Thompson, Arch. 79 p. 123 and pl. XLIV no. 64 (exs. 25-26, copy, edition)
1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 pp. 161-163 A.0.102.106 (edition)


This text is a shorter version of text no. 106 which includes only Shalmaneser's father in the genealogy. It was engraved on bricks discovered at Nineveh.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria5/Q004712/] of Shalmaneser III 107.

Sources: (1) BM 137465 (1929-10-12, 0176)      (2) BCM 0363-079      (3–4) Arch. 79 no. 62      (5) BCM 0101-033


1929 Thompson, Arch. 79 p. 123 and pl. XLIV nos. 62 and 65 (exs. 1, 3-4, copy)
1931 Thompson, AAA 18 p. 99 and pl. XIX no. 31 (ex. 5, copy)
1973 Schramm, EAK 2 p. 96 (study)
1981 Walker, CBI nos. 154 and 158 (exs. 1-2, 5, edition)
1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 163 A.0.102.107 (edition)


Some bricks from Ashur are engraved with a text that has been ascribed also to Shalmaneser II (see RIMA 2 p. 124); an hypothesis that Grayson finds unlikely preferring the present attribution.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria5/Q004713/] of Shalmaneser III 108.

Sources: (1) Ass 18828      (2) VA Ass 03263a (Ass 17573)      (3) VA Ass 03263b (Ass 18253a + Ass 18253b)      (4) VA Ass 03263c      (5) Ist EŞEM 04600      (6) Ass 18252      (7) VA Ass 04311d


1922 Schroeder, KAH 2 nos. 81 and 108 (exs. l, 6, copy)
1926 Luckenbill, ARAB 1 §§345-46 and 696 (exs. 1, 6, translation)
1948 Michel, WO 1 pp. 219-20 no. 17 (ex. 1, edition)
1973 Schramm, EAK 2 p. 95 (ex. l, study)
1976 Grayson, ARI 2 p. 69 n. 276 (ex. 6, study)
1984 Marzahn and Rost, Ziegeln 1 nos. 313-15 and 423 (exs. 2-4, 7, study)
1985 Rost and Marzahn, VAS 23 no. 171 (ex. 7, copy)
1986 Galter, ZA 76 p. 304 (ex. 7, study)
1991 Grayson, RIMA 2 p. 124 (exs. 6-7, study)
1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 164 A.0.102.108 (edition)


This inscription was found on five bricks, two of which (exs. 4-5) come certainly from Ashur, whereas the provenance of the others is unknown.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria5/Q004714/] of Shalmaneser III 109.

Sources: (1) Lehmann-Haup, Mat. no. 18      (2) BM 090222 (1979-12-20, 0134)      (3) Leiden 1952/2.4      (4) VA Ass 03274a (Ass 17565)      (5) Ass 12104


1904 Scheil, RT 26 p. 26 no. 2 (ex. 3, photo, study)
1907 Lehmann-Haupt, Materialien p. 31 no. 18 (ex. 1, photo, edition)
1913 Andrae, Festungswerke pl. C (ex. 5, photo)
1922 BM Guide p. 72 (ex. 2, study)
1926 Luckenbill, ARAB §693 (ex. 1, study)
1973 Schramm, EAK 2 pp. 95 and 98 (ex. 1, 3, 5, study)
1981 Walker, CBI no. 153 (ex. 2, edition)
1982 Van Soldt, Oudheidkundige Mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden 63 pp. 49-50 and 59 (ex. 3, photo, copy, edition)
1984 Marzahn and Rost, Ziegeln 1 no. 326 (ex. 4, study)
1985 Rost and Marzahn, VAS 23 no. 113 (ex, 4, copy)
1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 pp. 164-165 A.0.102.109 (edition)


Two lead plates from Ashur (diameter of ex. 2 = 65 cm) are inscribed with the same inscription.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria5/Q004715/] of Shalmaneser III 110.

Sources: (1) Ass 13495      (2) VA Ass 02293 (Ass 13496)


1913 Andrae, Festungswerke p. 172 (exs. 1-2, copy, edition)
1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 pp. 165-166 A.0.102.110 (edition)


Numerous bricks from Nimrud record Shalmaneser's construction of the city's ziggurrat.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria5/Q004716/] of Shalmaneser III 111.

Sources: (1) BM 090224 (1848-11-04, 0028)      (2) BM 090225 (1979-12-20, 0136)      (3) BM 090226 (R 010)      (4) BM 090227 (R 025)      (5) BM 090355 (R 015)      (6) BM 090705 (R 058)      (7) BM 090744 (R 016)      (8) BM 090751 (R 020)      (9) BM 098068 (1903-10-12, 0006)      (10) IM 055349 (ND 00281)      (11) ND 00282      (12) IM 055350 (ND 00283A)      (13) ND 00283B      (14) IM 055353 (ND 00286A)      (15) ND 00286B      (16–21) ND 00823      (22–23) IM 055759 (ND 00824)      (24) IM - (ND 00824)      (25–26) IMM - (ND 00825)      (27) ND 00825      (28) ND 00826      (29–35) ND 00829      (36–37) IM 055760a-b (ND 00830)      (38) IM 055764 (ND 00830)      (39–41) IMM - (ND 00830)      (42) IM 056283 (ND 01127)      (43) OMD - (ND 01131A)      (44–47) IM 056281 (ND 01131B)      (48–49) ND 03495A-B      (50) Ashm 1957-0184 (ND 03496)      (51–52) ND 03497A-B      (53) IA 5.031 (ND 03498Al)      (54) IA 5.032 (ND 03498A2)      (55) IA 5.032a (ND -)      (56) Ashm 1922-0199      (57) Ashm 1922-0200      (58) BCM 0225-063      (59) VA 08987      (60) VA Ass 03268a      (61) VA 03214 (VA Ass 03268b)      (62) Scheil, RT 26 pp. 25-26      (63) Lehmann-Haupt, Mat., no. 13      (64) Lehmann-Haupt, Mat., no. 14      (65) Lehmann-Haupt, Mat., no. 17      (66) E 395 (squeeze)      (67) ZhArchSlg 1923      (68) ZhArchSlg 1924      (69) ZhArchSlg 1925      (70) YBC 02021      (71) YBC 02022      (72) Hulin, OLP 2 pp. 103-104      (73) Private Collection (New York)      (74) Fales, Prisma dell 'alfabeto no. 71      (75) UM 84-26-031      (76) Ede, Writing no. 9      (77) StBi 03970      (78) MU 2148      (79) Anonymous 462140      (80) DGUC 1      (81) IMJ 87.051.0561      (82) DIA 00.003      (83) MHM 14921      (84) Oneida 001


1836 Rich, Koordistan 2 pl. before p. 131 (exs. 3, 4, 6, 8, copy)
1850 Grotefend, ZKM 7 pp. 63-70 (exs. 3, 4, 6, 8, study)
1851 Layard, ICC pl. 78B (copy)
1890 Amiaud and Scheil, Salmanasar pp. 78-79 (edition)
1897 Rasmussen, Salmanasser pp. 88-89 and pl. xli (copy, edition)
1904 Scheil, RT 26 pp. 25-26 (ex. 62, photo)
1907 Lehmann-Haupt, Materialien pp. 26-30 nos. 13, 14, 17 (exs. 63-65, photo, edition)
1907 Messerschmidt-Ugnad, VAS 1 no. 68 (ex. 61, copy)
1907 Le Gac, Asn. p. 202 E. 395 (ex. 66, copy)
1908 Bezold, ZA 21 p. 397 (ex. 1, study)
1912 Boissier, Notice pp. 14-15 nos. 97-99 (exs. 67-69, photo, study)
1922 BM Guide p. 72 and pl. XXVII (exs. 1-4, 9, photo)
1923 Langdon, OECT l pl. 29 W.-B. 199 (ex. 56, copy)
1926 Luckenbill, ARAB 1 §§534 and 711-12 (translation)
1937 Stephens, YOS 9 p. 32 nos. 134-35 (exs. 70-71, study)
1947-52 Michel, WO 1 pp. 385-86 (edition)
1950 Wiseman, Iraq 12 p. 197 (exs. 10-15, study)
1951 Wiseman, Iraq 13 p. 119 (exs. 16-41, study)
1952 Wiseman, Iraq 14 p. 67 (exs. 42-47, study)
1953 Wiseman, Iraq 15 p. 149 (exs. 48-52, study)
1957-58 Gadd, AfO 18 p. 313 (ex. 66, study)
1971 Hulin, OLP 2 pp. 103-104 (ex. 72, photo, copy, edition)
1973 Postgate, Governor's Palace pp. 255-64 (exs. 1-47, study)
1973 Schramm, EAK 2 pp. 96-97 (study)
1975 Foxvog, Assur 1/4 p. 114 (ex. 73, transliteration)
1981 Walker, CBI no. 159 (exs. 1-9, 50, 56-58, edition)
1983 Ede, Writing and Lettering in Antiquity (Auction Catalogue, London) no. 9 (ex. 76, photo, study)
1984 Marzahn and Rost, Ziegeln 1 nos. 316-18 (exs. 59-61, study)
1985 Behrens, JCS 37 p. 243 (ex. 75, study)
1985 Rost and Marzahn, VAS 23 nos. 108-109 (exs. 59-60, copy)
1987 Reade apud Fales, Layard pl. III (copy)
1987 Sigrist and Vuk, Franciscanum pp. 60-6I and pl. 15 (ex. 77, photo, copy, edition)
1988 Beckman, ARRIM 6 pp. 1-2 (exs. 70-71, study)
1988 Kessler, BiOr 45 627 (exs. 59-60, provenance)
-- Fales, Alfabeto p. 229 no. 71 (ex. 74, photo, edition)
1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 pp. 166-168 A.0.102.111 (edition)


The remains of a panel of glazed bricks were found by G. Smith in a building of Nimrud that he ientifies as "South-East Palace," which nowdays we should most presumably identify with the building later catalogued as "South-East Palace (Assyrian Building AB; south of the Nabû Temple), as suggested by Joan and David Oates (Oates and Oates 2001, p. 130 and 278 n. 53). Smith stated that the bricks showed traces of a text "[... I] massacred [...]" [...] GAZ.MEŠ. The material around the remains is dated to Shalmaneser III. The fragments were not available for the study at the moment of Grayson's edition and the text was not published.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria5/Q004717/] of Shalmaneser III 112.

Source: G. Smith, Discoveries pl. after p. 80


1875 G. Smith, Assyrian Disc. p. 79 and plate after p. 80 (provenance, photo)
1973 Schramm, EAK 2 p. 97 (study)
2001 Oates and Oates, Nimrud p. 130 and 278 n. 53 (provenance)
1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 168 A.0.102.112 (study)


A fragmentary text is inscribed on a small piece of polished red stone of concave shape that might have been part of a bowl or of oa spoon and that was found at Fort Shalmaneser.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria5/Q004718/] of Shalmaneser III 113.

Source: IM 075763 (ND 07056)


1959 Oates, Iraq 21 p. 122 (provenance)
1966 Mallowan, Nimrud 2 p. 438 (provenance)
1977 Brinkman, JCS 29 p. 61 (study)
1984 Dalley and Postgate, Fort Shalmaneser no. 151 (photo, copy, edition)
1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 pp. 168-169 A.0.102.113 (edition)



Curtis and Walker, Iraq 55 fig. 23

Two glazed bricks panels from the main throne room area of Fort Shalmaneser have been found, both bearing a short inscription approximately in the middle of the ornate schenes portrayed on the panel.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria5/Q004719/] of Shalmaneser III 114.

Sources: (1) Reade, Iraq 25 pl. IX      (2) Curtis and Walker, Iraq 55 fig. 23


1963 Reade, Iraq 25 pp. 38-47 and pl. IX (ex. 1, copy, translation, study)
1966 Mallowan, Nimrud 2 pp. 454-55 (ex. 1, study)
1973 Schramm, EAK 2 p. 97 (ex. 1, study)
1992 Curtis, JRAS p. 161 (ex. 2, provenance)
1993 Curtis and Walker, Iraq 55 pp. 21-27 and fig. 23 (ex. 2, copy, edition)
1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 169 A.0.102.114 (edition)


A palace label of Shalmaneser, with name and titles of the king, was found on a brocken stone lion-weight in room SE 11 (possibly a kitchen) of Fort Shalmaneser.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria5/Q004720/] of Shalmaneser III 115.

Source: IM 061867 (ND 07879)


1966 Mallowan, Nimrud 2 pp. 384 and 420 (provenance)
1973 Schramm, EAK 2 p. 97 (study)
1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 pp. 169-170 A.0.102.115 (edition)


On a brick fragment from Nineveh a portion of a text has survived that concerns the works on the Ištar temple of the city.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria5/Q004721/] of Shalmaneser III 116.

Source: AAA 19 no. 295


1932 Thompson, AAA 19 p. 115 and pl. LXXXIX no. 295 (copy)
1973 Schramm, EAK 2 p. 96 (study)
1996 Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 170 A.0.102.116 (edition)

Nathan Morello

Nathan Morello, 'Inscriptions, texts nos. 100-116', RIA 5: Inscriptions of Shalmaneser III and His Successors (858–745 BC), The RIA Project, 2025 []

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