
  • Adad-nerari III 09


  • Q004757
  • Adad-nerari III 09



  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Written ca. 810-783
  • Kuyunjik (Nineveh)
  • Royal Inscription
  • Adad-nerari III

Adad-nerari III 09

o 1o 1

[m10-ERIM.TÁḪ MAN] GAL-ú MAN dan-nu MAN ŠÚ MAN KUR [-šur]

(1) [Adad-nārārī (III), great king], strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, [son of Šamš]ī-Adad (V), strong king, king [of the world], king of Assyria, [son of Shal]maneser (III), king of the four quarters (of the world):

o 22

[A mdšam]-ši-dIŠKUR MAN dan-nu MAN [ŠÚ] MAN KUR [-šur]

o 33

[A mdsál]-ma-nu-MAS MAN kib-rat LÍMMU-[tim]

o 44

[di?]-i-[nu?] KUR.ḫi-in-da-nu ina ŠU mdIGI.DU-[KAM]

(4) Decree: he entrusted the land Ḫindānu to Pālil-[ēreš], the governor of the land Raṣappa. The state service is under his authority.

o 55

.GAR.KUR KUR.ra-ṣa-pa im-tu-nu ina ŠU-šú il-[ku? (...)]

o 66

man-ma <ša> ina UGU pi?-i? di?-i-ni šá? md?[IGI?].DU-[KAM?]

(6) Whoever lays claim against the provisions of the decree, which is (in favor) of Pālil-ēreš, the governor of the land Raṣappa (and) governor [of the land Ḫindānu], ... [...] his agent. Whoever [... files a] suit before the king against Pālil-ēreš [...]:

o 77

.GAR.KUR KUR.ra-ṣa-pa .šá-ki-in [x x x (x)]

o 88

i-rad-di x (x) x x UD EN-šú šu UD [x x x x (x)]

o 99

.mu-ter-ṭé--i-šú man-ma [x x x x (x)]

o 1010

ina IGI MAN bu-qúr mdIGI.DU-KAM [x x x x (x)]

o 1111

u NU MUNUS.SIG₅-te la i-zak-kar x [x x x (x)]

(11) Now he must not speak calumnies, [for the king] has wholeheartedly entrusted [the land Ḫindānu] to [Pālil-ēreš], the governor of the land Raṣappa. The gods Adad and Ber [...].

o 1212

ina kun-nu lìb-bi-šú ina ŠU md[IGI.DU-KAM]

o 1313

.GAR.KUR KUR.ra-ṣa-pa im-[tu-nu x x x x x (x)]

o 1414

dIŠKUR u dbe-er [x x x x x x x x (x)]

o 1515

NUN-ú EGIR-ú ša [-šur ana] MAN-ut KUR .KI

(15) (As for) a future ruler whom [(the god) Aššur] will name [for] the kingship of Assyria, he must not cancel (lit. “remove”) the provisions of this document, he must not remove the people of the land Ḫindānu from the authority of Pālil-ēreš, the governor of the land Raṣappa, to add them to another province and (20) entrust them to someone else. For future days, for eternity, they are included with the province of the land Raṣappa [and] the governor of the land Raṣappa [...] ... [...]

o 1616

i-nam-bu-u MU-šú ù pi-i dan-ni-ti

o 1717

šu-[a]- la ú-šam-sak KUR.ḫi-in-da-na-[a-a]

o 1818

[ina] ŠU mdIGI.DU-KAM .GAR.KUR KUR ra-ṣa-[pa]

o 1919

la-a e-kim a-na pa-ḫa-ti šá-ni-ti-ma ina ŠU man-ma

o 2020

šá-ni-im-ma la i-man-nu a-na EGIR UD.MEŠ ana UD.MEŠ ṣa-a-ti

o 2121

it-ti pa-ḫa-at KUR.ra-ṣa-pa ma-ni

o 2222

[x] .GAR.KUR KUR.ra-ṣa-pa [x x x (x)]

o 2323

[x x x x x] x Ú GAR [x x x (x)]

Lacuna (about 5 lines)
r 1r 1

man-nu lu NUN-[ú ...]

(r 1) Whoever, either ruler, [or ...], or brother of the king, [or ...], or vizier, or [...], or master, or commoner, or [...], (5) stands (to testify), the testimony [that he declares] must be good. Whoever (he be), he must not speak bad [testimony] concerning the people of the land Ḫindānu before [the king, his lord]. In the presence of the king, his lord, he must not [say] “Remove the people of the land Ḫindānu from the authority of Pālil-[ēreš], (10) the governor of the land Raṣappa. Put them under the authority of someone else.” (If he does), may the king, his lord, banish him from his palace with curses (lit. “bad words”) and maledictions (lit. “not-good oaths”). As long as he lives, may he not be allowed to re-enter the palace. May he (the king) remove his province (from his authority) and hand it over to his enemy.

r 22

lu ŠEŠ MAN [...]

r 33

lu .SUKKAL lu .x [...]

r 44

lu BAD lu MAŠ.EN.GAG lu [...]

r 55

ú-šu-zu-ma a-mat-su [...]

r 66

a-mat MUNUS.SIG₅-tim u la [...]

r 77

šá KUR.ḫi-in-da-na-a-a ina IGI [x x x x (x)]

r 88

man-ma la i-zak-kar ana IGI MAN EN-šú la i-[qa-bi?]

r 99

ma-a KUR.ḫi-in-da-na-a-a ina ŠU mdIGI.DU-[KAM]

r 1010

.GAR.KUR ra-ṣa-pa še-ṣi ina ŠU šá-ni-im-ma mu-nu-šú

r 1111

MAN EN-šú ul-tu -reb É.GAL-šú

r 1212

it?-ti a-mat ḪUL-tim u MU NU SIG₅ i-na-saḫ-šú

r 1313

a-di u₄-me TI.LA ina -reb É.GAL e-reb-šú NU GÁL

r 1414

NAM?-su e-ki-mu-šú-ma ina ŠU .<KÚR>-šú i-man-nu-šú

r 1515

man-nu šá a-mat šá KUR.ḫi-in-da-ni i-qa-bu-ni

(r 15) Whoever says concerning the land Ḫindānu “Remove the land Ḫindānu from the authority of the governor of [Raṣappa],” may the god Marduk, the great lord, glare at him angrily (and) [ordain for him] an evil fate forever.

r 1616

ma-a KUR.ḫi-in-da-nu TA ŠU .GAR.KUR [ra-ṣa-pa] še-ṣi

r 1717

dAMAR.[UTU] EN GAL-ú ez-zi- lik-[kil-me]-šú

r 1818

ši-mat ḪUL-tim ana ṣa-a-ti [...]

r 1919

MAN MU DINGIR i-za-kar KUR.ḫi-in-[da-na ...]

(r 19) The king swears by god that he has entrusted the land Ḫin[dānu ...] to Pālil-ēreš. [No one] may take (it from him).

r 2020

ina ŠU mdIGI.DU-KAM im-tu-[nu ...]

r 2121

la ú-šam-sak šá? ṭup?-pa [...]

(r 21b) Whoever [removes this] document from the presence of the Lady of Nineveh [and] throws it in water, burns it with fire, buries it in the earth, (25) puts it in another place, or throws it into a Taboo House, where it is inaccessible, may the deities Aššur, Šamaš, Nabû, Marduk, Enlil, father of the gods, Ninurta, the warrior, Nergal, the lord of judgment, (and) the Assyrian Ištar, (all) these great gods, (30) glare angrily at him and make [his name, his seed], and his offspring disappear from the land. May they clothe his body with leprosy like a garment.

r 2222

ul-tu IGI dGAŠ[a ...]

r 2323

lu-ú ina A.MEŠ ŠUB-ú lu ina IZI GÍBIL-ú

r 2424

lu ina KI i-tam-me-ru lu ina áš-ri šá-ni-im-ma

r 2525

i-šak-ka-nu lu-ú ina É a-sak-ki

r 2626

a-šar la -a-ri KU₄-ma i-na-su-ku

r 2727


r 2828

dMAŠ qar-ra-[du] d-eri₁₁-gal EN šip-ṭi

r 2929

diš₈-tár áš-šu-ri-tu DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ an-nu-ti

r 3030

ez-zi- lik-kil-mu-šú-ma? [...]

r 3131

u NUNUZ-šú i-na KUR li-ḫal-[li-qu (...)]

r 3232

SAḪAR.ŠUB-BA-a i-na zu-[um-ri-šu]

r 3333

GIM ṣu-ba-ti li-ḫal-[li-pu-šu]

r 3434

ITI.SIG₄.GA UD.24.KAM [li-mu]

(r 34) Simānu (III), twenty-fourth day, [eponymy of] Bēl-tarṣi-ilumma, governor [of the city Kalḫu].

r 3535


r 3636

man-nu šá ina IGI MAN i-qab-bu-ni x? ma-a KUR.[ḫi-in-da-na ina ŠU mdIGI.DU-KAM]

(r 36) Whoever says in the presence of the king “Remove the land [Ḫindānu from the authority of Pālil-ēreš], governor of the land Raṣappa,” according to this document [...] ... [...]

r 3737

[].GAR.KUR KUR.ra-ṣa-pa še-ṣi ki-i? x-[x] an-ni-[i? ...]

r 3838

[...] x x x [...]


Based on A. Kirk Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC II (858-745 BC) (RIMA 3), Toronto, 1996. Adapted by Jamie Novotny (2016) and lemmatized and updated by Nathan Morello (2016) for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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