
  • Shalmaneser III 010


  • Q004615
  • Shalmaneser III 010



  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Written ca. 858-824
  • Qalat Sherqat (Assur)
  • Royal Inscription
  • Shalmaneser III

Shalmaneser III 010

Column i
i 1i 1

-šur EN GAL-ú da-num DINGIR MAḪ

(i 1) (The god) Aššur, the great lord; the god Anu, the exalted god; the god Enlil, the perfectly magnificent one; the god Adad, canal inspector of heaven and netherworld; the god Ninurta, the foremost one among the gods, the lord of battle and strife; (i 5) the goddess Ištar, the foremost one in heaven and netherworld; the god Ea, the king of the apsû, the lord of wisdom (and) understanding; the god Sîn, the king of the lunar disk, the lord of brilliance; (and) the god Marduk, the sage of the gods (and) lord of omens; the great gods who decree destinies.

i 22

dBAD šur-bu-ú gít-ma-lu

i 33

dIŠKUR -gal AN-e ù KI-ti

i 44


i 55


i 66

dé-a MAN ZU.AB EN -me-qi ḫa-si-su

i 77

d30 MAN a-ge-e EN nam-ri-ri

i 88


i 99


i 1010

mdsál-ma-nu-MAŠ MAN kiš-šat UN.MEŠ

(i 10) Shalmaneser (III), king of all of the people, the ruler, vice-regent of (the god) Aššur, strong king, king of all four quarters (of the world), sun(god) of all of the people, ruler of all of the lands; son of Ashurnasirpal (II), exalted priest, whose priesthood was pleasing to the gods, and (who) made (i 15) all of the lands bow down at his feet, pure offspring of Tukultī-Ninurta (II), who slew all of his enemies and annihilated (them) like a flood.

i 1111

NUN ŠID -šur MAN dan-nu MAN kúl-lat kib-rat

i 1212

LÍMMU-i dšam-šu kiš-šat UN.MEŠ mur-te-du-ú

i 1313

ka-liš KUR.KUR.MEŠ DUMU -šur-PAP-A SANGA-ú ṣi-i-ru

i 1414

šá SANGA-su UGU DINGIR.MEŠ i-ṭí-bu-ma

i 1515

KUR.KUR.MEŠ nap-ḫar-ši-na a-na GÌR.II.MEŠ-šu

i 1616

ú-šék-ni-šu nab-ni-tu -tu

i 1717

ša mGIŠ.tukul-ti-dMAŠ šá kúl-lat za-i-ri-šu

i 1818

i--ru-ma -pu-un a-bu-ba-ni-

i 1919

ina šur-rat MAN-ti-ia ša ina GIŠ..TE

(i 19) At the beginning of my reign, after I sat on the throne of my royal majesty, I mustered my chariots (and) troops. I entered the pass of the land Simesi (and) captured the city Aridu, the fortified city of Ninni.

i 2020


i 2121

ad-ke ina KUR.-re-be ša KU₄-ub

i 2222

URU.a-ri-du URU dan-nu-ti-šú šá mni-in-ni

i 2323

KUR-ud ina 1 BALA-ia ÍD.A.RAD e-bir

(i 23b) In my first regnal year, I crossed the Euphrates River (and) marched to the Sea of the Setting Sun. I washed my weapons in the sea (and) made sacrifices to my gods. I climbed up Mount Amanus (and) cut down beams of cedar (and) juniper. I climbed up Mount Lallar (and) erected a statue of my royal majesty therein.

i 2424

a-na tam-di šá šùl-me dšam-ši al-lik

i 2525

GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia ina tam-di ú-lil UDU.SISKUR.MEŠ

i 2626

a-na DINGIR.MEŠ-ni-ia aṣ-bat a-na KUR-e

i 2727

KUR.ḫa-ma-ni e-li GIŠ.gu-šu-ri

i 2828

GIŠ.e-re-ni GIŠ.ŠIM.LI a-ki-is

i 2929

a-na KUR.lal-la-ar e-li ṣa-lam

i 3030

MAN-ti-ia ina lìb-bi ú-še-ziz ina 2 BALA.MEŠ-ia

(i 30b) In my second regnal year, I approached the city Tīl-Barsip (Barsaip), captured the cities of Aḫūnu of (Bīt-)Adini (lit. “son of Adīnu”), (and) confined him to his city. I crossed the Euphrates River in flood (and) captured the city Dabigu, a fortress of the land Ḫatti, together with cities in its environs.

i 3131

a-na URU.DU₆-bar-sa-ip aq-ṭí-rib

i 3232

URU.MEŠ-ni ša ma-ḫu-ni DUMU a-di-ni

i 3333

KUR-ud ina URU-šu e-sir-šu ÍD.A.RAD

i 3434

ina mi-li-šá e-bir a-na URU.da-bi-gi

i 3535 ša KUR.ḫat-ti a-di

i 3636

URU.MEŠ-ni ša li-me-tu-šú KUR-ud ina 3 BALA.MEŠ-ia

(i 36b) In my third regnal year, Aḫūnu of (Bīt-)Adini (lit. “son of Adīnu”) became frightened in the face of my mighty weapons and abandoned the city Tīl-Barsip (Barsaip), his royal city. He crossed the Euphrates River. I took as my own (i 40) the city Ana-Aššur-utēr-aṣbat, which is on the other side of the Euphrates River, by the Sagurri River, which the people of Ḫatti call the city Pitru. On my return march, (i 45) I entered the pass of the lad Alzi (and) I captured the lands Alzi, Suḫnu, Daiaeni, (and) Tumme, the city Arṣaškun, the land Gilzānu, (and) the city Ḫubuškia.

i 3737

ma-ḫu-ni DUMU a-di-ni TA IGI GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia

i 3838

dan-nu-ti ip-láḫ-ma URU.DU₆-bar-sa-ip

i 3939

URU MAN-ti-šu um-da-šir ÍD.A.RAD

i 4040

e-bir URU.a-na--šur-ú-ter-aṣ-bat

i 4141

šá GÌR.MEŠ am-ma-te ša ÍD.A.RAD ša UGU

i 4242

Íúr-ri šá .MEŠ KUR.ḫat-ta-a-a

i 4343

šá URU.pi-it-ru i-qa-bu-šú-ni a-na

i 4444

ra-ma-ni-ia aṣ-bat ina ta-ia-ar-te-a

i 4545

ina -re-be ša KU₄-ub

i 4646ḫ-me KUR.da-ia-e-ni

i 4747

KUR.tum₄-meṣa-áš-kun KUR.gíl-za-nu

i 4848

URU.ḫu-bu--ki-a KUR-ud ina 4 BALA.MEŠ-ia

(i 48b) In my fourth regnal year, I crossed the Euphrates River in flood in pursuit of Aḫūnu of (Bīt-)Adini (lit. “son of Adīnu”). (ii 1) He had made as his stronghold Mount Šītamrat, a mountain peak on the bank of the Euphrates River. I besieged (and) captured th(at) mountain peak. I uprooted Aḫūnu, together with his gods, his chariots, his horses, (and) 22,000 of his troops (and) brought (them) to my city, Aššur.

i 4949

ÍD.A.RAD ina mi-li-šá e-bir EGIR

i 5050

ma-ḫu-ni DUMU a-di-ni ar-te-di

i 5151

KUR.ši-tam-rat ú-ba-an KUR-e ša a-ḫat

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

ÍD.A.RAD a-na dan-nu-ti-šú -kun

ii 22

ú-ba-an KUR-e a-si-bi ak-ta-šad

ii 33

ma-ḫu-ni DUMU a-di-ni a-di DINGIR.MEŠ-ni-šu

ii 44


ii 55

ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ-šú a-su-ḫa-šu a-na URU-ia

ii 66

-šur ub-la ina MU-ma ši-a-te KUR.kúl-la-ar

(ii 6b) In this same year, I crossed Mount Kullar, went down to the interior of the land Zamua, (and) captured the cities of Nikdēra and Nikdēme.

ii 77

at-ta-bal-kát a-na ša É-a-ni

ii 88

at-ta-rad URU.MEŠ-ni ša mni-ik-de-ra

ii 99

mni-ik-de-ma KUR-ud ina 5 BALA.MEŠ-ia

(ii 9b) In my fifth regnal year, I ascended Mount Kāšiāru (and) captured eleven fortified cities. I confined Anḫitti of the land Šubria to his city (and) received his payment.
ii 13-25) In my sixth regnal year, I approached the cities on the banks of the Balīḫ River (and) they killed Gē-ammu, their city ruler. I entered the city Tīl(-ša)-turaḫi. I crossed the Euphrates River in flood (and) received the payment of the kings of the land Ḫatti. Hadad-ezer (Adda-idrī) of Damascus (and) Irḫulena of the land Hamath, together with twelve kings on the shore of the sea, (ii 20) trusting in their united forces, attacked me to wage war and battle. I fought with them (and) defeated them. I captured from them their chariotry, cavalry, (and) military equipment (and) I struck down 25,000 of their fighting men with the sword.

ii 1010

ina KUR.kaš-ia-e-ri e-li 11 URU.MEŠ-ni

ii 1111

dan-nu-ti KUR-ud man-ḫi-it-ti KUR.šub-ri-a-a

ii 1212

ina URU-šu e-sir-šú ma-da--šu am-ḫur-šu

ii 1313

ina 6 BALA.MEŠ-ia a-na URU.MEŠ-ni ša ši-di

ii 1414

Íḫi aq-ṭí-rib mge-am-mu

ii 1515

EN.URU-šú-nu GAZ a-na URU.DU₆-tur-a-ḫi KU₄-ub

ii 1616

ÍD.A.RAD ina mi-li-šá e-bir ma-da-

ii 1717

šá MAN.MEŠ-ni ša KUR.ḫat-ti am-ḫur mIŠKUR-id-ri

ii 1818

šá-KUR.ANŠE-šú mir-ḫu-le-ni KUR.a-ma-ta-a-a

ii 1919

a-di 12 MAN.MEŠ-ni ša ši-di tam-di

ii 2020

a-na Á.MEŠ a-ḫa-miš it-tàk-lu-ma

ii 2121

a-na e-peš MURUB₄ u ina GABA-ia

ii 2222

it-bu-ni it-te-šú-nu am-daḫ-ḫi-iṣ BAD₅.BAD₅-šú-nu

ii 2323

-kun GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ-šú-nu pet-ḫal-la-šú-nu

ii 2424

ú-nu-ut -šú-nu e-kim-šú-nu 20 LIM 5 LIM

ii 2525

ERIM.MEŠ ti-du-ki-šú-nu ina GIŠ.TUKUL u-šam-qit

ii 2626

ina 7 BALA.MEŠ-ia a-na URU.MEŠ-ni šá mḫa-bi-ni

(ii 26) In my seventh regnal year, I marched to the cities of Ḫabīnu of the city Tīl-abnē. I captured the city Tīl-abnē, his fortified city, together with the cities in its environs. I marched to the source of the Tigris River, the place where the water comes out.

ii 2727

URU.DU₆-NA₄.MEŠ-a-a al-lik URU.DU₆-NA₄.MEŠ

ii 2828

URU dan-nu-ti-šú a-di URU.MEŠ-ni šá li-me-tu-šú

ii 2929

KUR-ud a-di SAG ÍD.e-ni ša ÍD.ḪAL.ḪAL

ii 3030

a-šar mu-ṣa-ú ša A.MEŠ šak-nu al-lik

ii 3131

ina 8 BALA.MEŠ-ia mdAMAR.UTU-MU-MU MAN KUR.kar-du-ni-áš

(ii 31) In my eighth regnal year, (at the time of) Marduk-zākir-šumi (I), the king of Karduniaš (Babylonia), Marduk-bēl-usāti, his brother, rebelled against him. I marched out for vengeance (and) captured the cities Mê-Turnat (and) Laḫīru.

ii 3232

mdAMAR.UTU-EN-ú-sa-te ŠEŠ-šú it-ti-šú ib-bal-kit

ii 3333

a-na tu-ur gi-mil-li lu al-lik

ii 3434

URU.A.MEŠ-túr-na-atḫi-ru KUR-ud

ii 3535

ina 9 BALA.MEŠ-a ina 2-e ger-ri-ia

(ii 35) In my ninth regnal year, in my second campaign (to Babylonia), I captured the city Gannanāte. In order to save his (own) life, Marduk-bēl-usāti ascended a mountain. I pursued him (and) (ii 40) struck down Marduk-bēl-usāti with the sword, together with the treacherous soldiers who were with him. I made sacrifices in Babylon, Borsippa, (and) Cutha. I went down to Chaldea (and) captured their cities. I received the payment of the kings of Chaldea in Babylon.

ii 3636 KUR-ud mdAMAR.UTU-EN-ú-sa-te

ii 3737

a-na šu-zu-ub ZI.MEŠ-šú a-na KUR-e

ii 3838

e-li EGIR-šú ar-di mdAMAR.UTU-EN-ú-sa-te

ii 3939

a-di ERIM.MEŠ EN ḫi-iṭ-ṭí šá it-te-šú

ii 4040


ii 4141

ina URU..DINGIR.RA.KI URU.bár-sípa.KI

ii 4242

URU.ku-te-e - a-na KUR.kal-di ú-ri-id

ii 4343

URU.MEŠ-ni-šú-nu KUR-ud man-da- šá MAN.MEŠ-ni

ii 4444

šá KUR.kal-di ina URU..DINGIR.RA.KI am-ḫur

ii 4545

ina 10 BALA.MEŠ-ia 8-šú ÍD.A.RAD e-bir

(ii 45) In my tenth regnal year, I crossed the Euphrates River for the eighth time. <I captured> the cities of Sangara of the city Carchemish. Moving on from the cities of the Carchemishite, I approached the cities of A(b)-rāmu (Abi-rāmu) (and) captured Arnê, his royal city, together with 100 cities in its environs.

ii 4646

URU.MEŠ-ni ša msa-an-ga-ra URU.gar-ga-miš-a-a <ak-šud>

ii 4747

TA URU.MEŠ-ni ša URU.gar-ga-miš-a-a at-tu-muš

ii 4848

a-na URU.MEŠ-ni ša ma-ra-me aq-ṭí-rib

ii 4949 URU MAN-ti-šu a-di 1 ME

ii 5050

URU.MEŠ-ni ša li-me-tu-šú KUR-ud

ii 5151

ina 11 BALA.MEŠ-ia 9-šu ÍD.A.RAD e-bir

(ii 51) In my eleventh regnal year, I crossed the Euphrates River for the ninth time. I captured ninety-seven cities of Sangara (and) 100 cities of A(b)-rāmu (Abi-rāmu). I took to the slopes of Mount Amanus, (ii 55) crossed Mount Yaraqu, (and) descended to the cities of the people of the land Hamath. I captured the city Aštammaku (Abšimaku), together with eighty-nine cities. At that time, (iii 1) Hadad-ezer (Adda-idrī) of Damascus (and) Irḫulena of the land Hamath, together with twelve kings on the shore of the sea, trusting in their united forces, (attacked me) and I fought with them (and) defeated them. I struck down [10],000 of their fighting men with the sword.

ii 5252

97 URU.MEŠ-ni šá msa-an-ga-ra

ii 5353

1 ME URU.MEŠ-ni šá ma-ra-me KUR-ud

ii 5454

ši-di KUR.ḫa-ma-ni aṣ-bat KUR.ia-ra-qu

ii 5555

BAL-at a-na URU.MEŠ-ni šá KUR.a-ma-ta-a-a

ii 5656

at-ta-rad URU.ab-ši-ma-ku

ii 5757

a-di 89 URU.MEŠ-ni KUR-ud ina u₄-me-šu-ma

Column iii
iii 1iii 1

mdIŠKUR-id-ri šá-KUR.ANŠE-šu

iii 22

mir-ḫu-le-na KUR.a-mat-a-a a-di 12 MAN.MEŠ-ni

iii 33

ša ši-di tam-di ana Á.MEŠ a-ḫa-miš it-tàk-lu-ma

iii 44

it-te-šú-nu am-daḫ-ḫi-iṣ BAD₅.BAD₅-šu-nu áš-kun

iii 55

[10] LIM ERIM.MEŠ ti-du-ki-šu-nu ina GIŠ.TUKUL ú-šam-qit

iii 66

ina 12 BALA.MEŠ-ia 10-šu ÍD.A.RAD e-bir

(iii 6) In my twelfth regnal year, I crossed the Euphrates River for the tenth time (and) marched to the city Paqarḫubuni. The people took to a rugged mountain. I massacred them (and) brought plunder (and) possessions of theirs down from th(at) mountain.

iii 77

a-naḫu-bu-ni al-lik UN.MEŠ

iii 88

KUR-ú mar-ṣu iṣ-ṣab-tu GAZ-šú-nu a-duk

iii 99

šal-la-su-nu NÍG.ŠU-šú-nu TA -reb

iii 1010

KUR-e ú-še-ri-da ina 13 BALA.MEŠ-ia ina KUR.-re-be

(iii 10b) In my thirteenth regnal year, I entered the pass of (the city) Ištarāte, marched to (the city) Matiātu, captured (the city) Matiātu in its entirety, (and) plundered it.

iii 1111

ša <URU>.dINANNA.MEŠ KU₄-ub a-na mat-ti-ia-te*

iii 1212

al-lik mat-ia-a-tu a-na si-ḫír-ti-šá

iii 1313

KUR-ud šal-la-su-nu áš-lu-la

iii 1414

ina 14 BALA.MEŠ-ia ma-a-ti DAGAL-tu

(iii 14) In my fourteenth regnal year, I mustered (the troops of my) extensive land in countless numbers (and) crossed the Euphrates River in flood with 120,000 of my troops. At that time Hadad-ezer (Adda-idrī) of Damascus (and) Irḫulena of the land Hamath, together with twelve kings on the shore of the sea, (iii 20) above and below, mustered their troops, which were too numerous to be counted. They attacked me, I fought with them, (and) defeated them. I took away their chariotry, cavalry, (and) military equipment. In order to save their (own) lives, they ran away.

iii 1515

a-na la ma-ni ad-ke it-ti 1 ME LIM

iii 1616

20 LIM ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ-ia ÍD.A.RAD ina mi-li-šá

iii 1717

e-bir ina u₄-me-šú-ma mdIŠKUR-id-ri

iii 1818

ša-KUR.ANŠE-šu mir-ḫu-le-ni KUR.a-mat-a-a

iii 1919

a-di 12 MAN.MEŠ-ni ša ši-di tam-di

iii 2020


iii 2121

ḪI.A.MEŠ a-na la ma-ni id-ku-ni

iii 2222

a-na GABA-ia it-bu-ni it-te-šú-nu

iii 2323

am-daḫ-ḫi-iṣ BAD₅.BAD₅-šú-nu áš-kun GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ-šú-nu

iii 2424

pet-ḫal-la-šú-nu ú-nu-ut -šú-nu e-kim-šú-nu

iii 2525

a-na šu-zu-ub ZI.MEŠ-šú-nu e-lu-ú

iii 2626

ina 15 BALA.MEŠ-ia a-na

(iii 26) In my fifteenth regnal year, I marched to the Naʾiri land(s). I erected a statue of my royal majesty at the source of the Tigris River, on a mountain cliff. (iii 30) I entered the pass of Mount Ṭu(ni)buni (and) captured the cities of Arrāmu of the land Urarṭu, as far as the source of the Tigris River (and) as far as the source of the Euphrates River.

iii 2727

al-lik ina SAG e-ni ša ÍD.ḪAL.ḪAL

iii 2828

ṣa-lam MAN-ti-ia ina ka-a-pi ša KUR-e

iii 2929

ú-še-ziz ina KUR.-re-be ša KUR.ṭu-bu-ni

iii 3030

KU₄-ub URU.MEŠ-ni ša ma-ra-me*

iii 3131

KUR.ú-ra-ar-ṭa-a-a a-di <<a-di>>

iii 3232

SAG e-ni ša ÍD.ḪAL.ḪAL a-di SAG e-ni

iii 3333

ša ÍD.A.RAD KUR-ud ina 16 BALA.MEŠ-ia

(iii 33b) In my sixteenth regnal year, I crossed Mount Kullar (and) conquered the lands Mannea (Munna), Allabria, Parsua, (Bīt-)Abdadāni, (Bīt-)Ḫamban, Namri, (and) Tupliyaš (Tugliyaš).

iii 3434

KUR.kúl-la-ar BAL-at

iii 3535 KUR.pár-su-a KUR.ab-da-da-a-nu

iii 3636

KUR.ḫa-ban KUR.tug*-li-ia-áš

iii 3737

ŠU-ti KUR-ud ina 17 BALA.MEŠ-ia ÍD.A.RAD

(iii 37b) In my seventeenth regnal year, I crossed the Euphrates River (and) received the payment of the kings of the land Ḫatti. I ascended Mount Amanus, (iii 40) cut down beams of cedar, (and) brought (them) to my city, Aššur. On my return march from Mount Amanus, I slew sixty-three perfect specimens of strong, horned, wild bulls by the city Zuqarri, which is on the opposite bank of the Euphrates River, (and) captured four alive.

iii 3838

e-bir ma-da- šá MAN.MEŠ-ni ša KUR.ḫat-te

iii 3939

am-ḫur a-na KUR-e KUR.ḫa-ma-ni e-li

iii 4040

GIŠ.ÙR.MEŠ GIŠ.e-re-ni a-ki-si a-na

iii 4141

URU-ia -šur ub-la ina ta-ia-ar-ti-ia

iii 4242

ša TA KUR.ḫa-ma-ni 1 šu-ši 3 GU₄.AM.MEŠ

iii 4343

dan-nu-te šu-ut qar-ni gít-ma-lu-te ina URU.zu-qar-ri

iii 4444

ša GÌR.II am-ma-a-te ša ÍD.A.RAD a-duk 4 TI.LA.MEŠ

iii 4545

ina qa-te aṣ-bat ina 18 BALA.MEŠ-ia 16-šú

(iii 45b) In my eighteenth regnal year, I crossed the Euphrates River for the sixteenth time. Hazael of Damascus, trusting in the might of his soldiers, carried out an extensive muster of his troops. (iii 50) He fortified Mount Saniru, a mountain peak that is before Mount Lebanon. I struck down 16,020 of his fighting men with the sword (and) took away from him 1,121 of his chariots (and) 470 of his cavalry with his military camp. (iv 1) In order to save his (own) life, he ran away, (but) I pursued him. I imprisoned him in Damascus, his royal city, cut down his gardens, (and) burned his shocks. (iv 5) I marched to Mount Ḫaurānu (and) destroyed, demolished, burned with fire, (and) plundered cities without number. I marched to Mount Baʾali-raʾasi, which is a cape (jutting out into) the sea before Tyre, (and) (iv 10) erected a statue of my royal majesty there. I received the payment of Baʾal-manzēr of Tyre (and) Jehu (Iāūa) of (Bīt-)Ḫumrî (Israel; lit. “son of Omri”). On my return march, I ascended Mount Lebanon (and) erected a statue of my royal majesty with a statue of Tiglath-pileser (I), a strong king who came before me.

iii 4646

ÍD.A.RAD e-bir mḫa-za--DINGIR šá-KUR.ANŠE-šú

iii 4747

a-na gi-piš ERIM.ḪI.<A>.MEŠ-šú it-ta-kil-ma

iii 4848

ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ-šu a-na ma--diš id-ka-a

iii 4949 KUR.ú-ba-an KUR-e ša pu-ut

iii 5050

KUR.lab-na-ni a-na dan-nu-ti-šu -kun

iii 5151

16 LIM 20 ERIM.MEŠ ti-du-ki-šu ina GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ

iii 5252

ú-šam-qit 1 LIM 1 ME 21 GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ-šú

iii 5353

4 ME 70 pet-ḫal-lu-šú it-ti -ma-ni-šú

Column iv
iv 1iv 1

e-kim-šu a-[na] šu-zu-ub ZI.MEŠ-šú

iv 22

e-li EGIR-šu ar-te-di ina URU.di-ma-áš-qi

iv 33

URU MAN-ti-šu e-sir-šu GIŠ.KIRI₆.MEŠ-šu a-ki-si

iv 44

ku-ri-la-šu ina IZI áš-ru-up a-di KUR-e

iv 55

KUR.ḫa-ú-ra-ni al-lik URU.MEŠ-ni a-na

iv 66

la ma-ni ap-púl aq-qur ina IZI áš-ru-up

iv 77

šal-la-su-nu áš-lu-la a-na KUR-e

iv 88 ša SAG tam-di

iv 99

ša pu-ut KUR.ṣur-ri al-lik ṣa-lam MAN-ti-ia

iv 1010

ina lìb-bi ú-še*-ziz ma-da-tu šá mba-ʾa-li-ma-an-NUMUN

iv 1111

mṣur-ra-a-a ša mia-a-ú DUMU mḫu-um-ri-i

iv 1212

am-ḫur ina ta-ia-ar-ti-ia a-na

iv 1313

KUR.lab-na-na lu e-li ṣa-lam MAN-ti-ia

iv 1414

it-ti ṣal- ša mGIŠ.tukul-ti-A-é-šár-ra

iv 1515

MAN KAL a-lik pa-ni-ia ú-še-ziz ina 19 BALA.MEŠ-ia

(iv 15b) In my nineteenth regnal year, I crossed the Euphrates River for the seventeenth time (and) received the payment of the kings of the land Ḫatti. I ascended Mount Amanus, cut down beams of cedar and juniper, (and) brought (them) to my city, Aššur. On my return march (iv 20) from Mount Amanus, I slew ten perfect specimens of strong, horned, wild bulls (and) two calves by the city Zuqarri, which is on the opposite bank of the Euphrates River.

iv 1616

17-šú ÍD.A.RAD e-bir ma-da- ša MAN.MEŠ-ni

iv 1717

ša KUR.ḫat-te am-ḫur a-na KUR.ḫa-ma-ni e-li

iv 1818

GIŠ.gu-šur.MEŠ GIŠ.e-re-ni GIŠ.ŠIM.LI a-ki-si

iv 1919

a-na URU-ia -šur ub-la ina ta-ia-ar-ti-ia

iv 2020

ša TA KUR.ḫa-ma-ni 10 GU₄.AM.MEŠ dan-nu-te šu-ut

iv 2121

qar-ni gít-ma-lu-te 2 GU₄.AMAR.MEŠ ina URU.zu-qar-ri

iv 2222

ša GÌR.II am-ma-a-te ša ÍD.A.RAD a-duk ina 20 BALA.MEŠ-ia

(iv 22b) In my twentieth regnal year, I crossed the Euphrates River for the twentieth time (and) mustered with my (forces) all of the kings of the land Ḫatti. I crossed the Amanus range (and) went down (iv 25) to the cities of Katî of the land Que (Qau). I captured the cities Lusanda, Abarnāni, (and) Kisuatni, fortified cities, together with innumerable cities, from the nearest of his cities to the farthest of his cities. (iv 30) I massacred (and) plundered them. I fashioned two statues of my royal majesty, inscribed thereon my mighty praises (and) erected one in the nearest of his cities (and) the second in the farthest of his cities on a cape (jutting) into the sea. I prevailed over the land (text “city”) Que (Qau) with might and main.

iv 2323

20-šú ÍD.A.RAD e-bir MAN.MEŠ-ni ša KUR.ḫat-ti

iv 2424

-šú-nu it-ti-ia ad-ke KUR.ḫa-ma-nu BAL-kát

iv 2525

ana URU.MEŠ-ni ša mka-te-iú-a-a

iv 2626

at-ta-ra-da URU.a-bar-na-ni

iv 2727 URU.MEŠ-ni KAL.MEŠ a-di

iv 2828

URU.MEŠ-ni a-na la ma-ni TA SAG URU.MEŠ-ni-šú

iv 2929

a-di qa-na URU.MEŠ-ni-šú ak-šu-ud GAZ-šú-nu

iv 3030

a-duk šal-la-su-nu áš-lu-la 2 ṣa-lam MAN-ti-ia

iv 3131

- ta-na-ti kiš-šu-ti-a ina ŠÀ al-ṭu-ur

iv 3232

1-en ina SAG URU.MEŠ-ni-šú 2-ú ina qa-ni URU.MEŠ-ni-šú

iv 3333

ina SAG tam-di áz-qu-up li-i-ti ù da-na-ni

iv 3434

UGUú-e al-ta-ka-an 1 ME LIM 10 LIM

(iv 34b) The booty from the beginning of my reign to my twentieth regnal year: (I took) 110,610 prisoners (and) killed 82,600, (and took) 9,920 horses (and) mules, 35,565 oxen, 19,690 donkeys, (and) 184,755 sheep.

iv 3535

6 ME 10 šal-lu-tu 80 LIM 2 LIM 6 ME de-ek-tu

iv 3636

9 LIM 9 ME 20 ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ANŠE.ku-di-ni

iv 3737

30 LIM 5 LIM 5 ME 65 GU₄.MEŠ 19 LIM 6 ME

iv 3838

90 ANŠE.MEŠ 1 ME LIM 80 LIM 4 LIM 7 ME 55

iv 3939

UDU.MEŠ ḫu-ub-tu ša TA SAG MAN-ti-ia a-di

iv 4040

20 BALA.MEŠ-ia e-nu-ma BÀD URU-ia -šur.KI

(iv 40b) At that time, (as for) the ancient wall of my city, Aššur, of the New City, which had been built previously by Puzur-Aššur (III), son of Aššur-nārārī (I), Adad-nārārī (I), son of Arik-dīn-ili, Tukultī-Ninurta (I), son of Shalmaneser (I), (and) Tiglath-pileser (I), (iv 45) son of Aššur-rēša-iši (I), kings who came before me, that wall had become dilapidated and I removed its dilapidated section(s) and reached its foundation pit, (which was on) bedrock. I built (and) completed (it) from its foundations to its crenellations. (iv 50) I splendidly decorated (it) more than before. I made it <N> layers of brick high and thirteen bricks wide, using the large brick mold. I mixed its clay with honey, fine oil, cedar resin, beer, (and) wine. I made its bricks with trowels (and) molds of cedar. I deposited silver, gold, (Lower edge 1) lapis lazuli, pappardilû-stone, carnelian, shells, aromatics, all kinds of things, in its foundation. I used baked bricks of ... on its towers. I deposited my monumental and clay inscriptions therein.

iv 4141

maḫ-ru-ú ša URU GIBIL šá ina pa-an mPUZUR--šur

iv 4242

DUMU -šur--ra-ri

iv 4343


iv 4444

DUMU sál-ma-nu-SAG mGIŠ.tukul-ti-IBILA-é-šár-ra

iv 4545

DUMU -šur-SAG-i-ši MAN.MEŠ-ni a-lik pa-ni-ia

iv 4646

e-pu- BÀD šu-a- e-na-aḫ-ma an-ḫu-su

iv 4747

ú-na-ki-ir dan-na-su ki-ṣir KUR-e

iv 4848

lu ak-šu-ud TA -še-šu a-di gaba-dib-bi-šú

iv 4949

ar-ṣip ú-šak-lil UGU maḫ-re-e <<ú-si>>

iv 5050

ú-si-im ú-šar-riḫ <x> ti-ib-ki mu-la-šú

iv 5151

13 SIG₄.MEŠ ina na-al-ba-ni-ia GAL-e

iv 5252

ú-ka-be-er-šu IM-šu ina LÀL.MEŠ Ì.GIŠ DÙG.GA

iv 5353

MÚD GIŠ.e-re-ni KAŠ.MEŠ GEŠTIN.MEŠ lu ab-lu-ul

iv 5454

SIG₄.MEŠ-šú ina GIŠ.MAR.MEŠ GIŠ.Ù.SUB.MEŠ ša GIŠ.e-re-ni

iv 5555

lu x-ni ina ŠÀ -še-šu .BABBAR.MEŠ .GI.MEŠ

b.e. 1b.e. 1

NA₄.ZA.GÍN.MEŠ NA₄.BABBAR.DIL.MEŠ NA₄.GUG.MEŠ NA₄.PA.MEŠ ŠIM.MEŠ -šú-nu lu at-bu-uk a-gúr-ru.MEŠ

b.e. 22

ša ṣi-pi a-na e-sa-ia-te-šú lu áš-kun NA₄.NA..A ù te-me-ni-ia ina lìb-bi

b.e. 33

áš-kun NUN EGIR-ú an-ḫu-su lu-ud-diš MU šaṭ-ra ù MU MAN.MEŠ-ni AD.MEŠ-ia a-na

(b.e. 3b) May a future ruler restore its dilapidated section(s)(and) return my inscriptions together with the inscriptions of the kings, my ancestors, (Left edge 1) to their places. The gods Aššur (and) Adad, the great gods, will (then) listen to his prayers.

l.e. 1l.e. 1

áš-ri-šú-nu lu-ter -šur dIŠKUR DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ik-ri-bi-šú i-še-mu-ú ITI.ša-ki-na-a-te ITI.DU₆ UD.1.KÁM li-mu

(l.e. 1b) Ša-kināte, Tašrītu (VII), first day, eponymy of my twentieth regnal year.

l.e. 22

20 BALA.MEŠ-a 2 LIM 1 GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ 5 LIM 2 ME 42 pet-ḫal-lu a-na Á.MEŠ KUR-ia ak-ṣur

(l.e. 2b) I recruited 2,001 chariots (and) 5,242 cavalry for the armed forces of my land.

Based on A. Kirk Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC II (858-745 BC) (RIMA 3), Toronto, 1996. Adapted by Jamie Novotny (2016) and lemmatized and updated by Nathan Morello (2016) for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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