Aššur-dan II 1
Obverse | ||
11 | [maš-šur-KAL-an LUGAL dan]-nu LUGAL KIŠ LUGAL KUR aš-šur ni-bit aš-šur | (1) [Aššur-dān (II)], strong [king], king of the world, king of Assyria, designate of (the god) Aššur, [whose] name (the god) Aššur called [... from] of old, into [whose] grasp [(the god) Aššur] placed [a just scepter and] an exalted crown, [whom (the god) Aššur ...] grandly established [for kingship over] Assyria; |
22 | ||
33 | [ša ... ù] a-ga-a ṣi-i-ru ú-šat-me-ḫu | |
44 | ||
55 | [DUMU GIŠ.tukul-ti-A-é-šár-ra LUGAL KIŠ LUGAL KUR aš]-šur DUMU aš-šur-SAG-i-ši MAN KIŠ MAN KUR aš-šur-ma | (5) [son of Tiglath-pileser (II), king of the world, king of As]syria, son of Aššur-rēša-iši (II), (who was) also king of the universe (and) king of Assyria. |
66 | [i-na šur-rat MAN-ti-ia i-na maḫ]-⸢re⸣-e BALA.MEŠ-ia ša i-na GIŠ.GU.ZA MAN-te | (6) [In my accession year (and) in] my [fir]st regnal year, when [I sat on] the throne of my royal majesty [in a grandiose manner], [...] the troops of the land Yausa came up(stream), [...] they trusted in their own strength, they brought their [...]. With the support of (the god) Aššur, my lord, [I] mustered [... my chariots (and) troops]. I plundered their settlements from the city Ekal-pâ-nāri [(...) to ...] (and) inflicted [upon them a major defeat]. I slaughtered those who survived. [I carried off] their [... herds] (and) flocks, without number. [I burned] with fire [(... and)] their [cities] (with) their inhabitants. I brought up [valuable booty from the land of the Arameans. |
77 | ||
88 | ||
99 | ||
1010 | [... GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ-ia] ⸢ad⸣-ke iš-tu ⸢URU⸣.É.GAL-pi-i-ÍD | |
1111 | ||
1212 | [... di-ik-ta-šu-nu ma-ʾa-at]-⸢ta⸣ a-duk si-ta-te-šu-nu ú-qa-at-⸢ta⸣ | |
1313 | ||
1414 | ||
1515 | [áš-ru-up šal-la-su-nu? ka-bit-ta?] ⸢iš⸣-tu ŠÀ KUR.a-ri-mi ú-še-li [(...)] | |
1616 | [... ša] iš-tu tar-ṣi mdsál-ma-nu-SAG MAN [KUR aš-šur AD-ia] | (16) [..., who] from the time of Shalmaneser (I), king of [Assyria, my ancestor], had destroyed, [people of Assyria by ...] and murder, (and) had sold [all] their [sons (and) daughters. By the command of (the god) Aššur], my lord, I took prisoners, I inflicted [upon them] a major [defeat] (and then) I carried off their booty, possessions, [property, herds, (and)] flocks (and) [brought (them)] to my city, [Aššur ...] the land Ruqāḫu, the (Lower) Zab of the land [...]. |
1717 | ||
1818 | [kul-lat? DUMU.MEŠ-šu-nu DUMU].⸢MUNUS⸣.MEŠ-šu-nu a-na KÙ.BABBAR.MEŠ BÚR.MEŠ-ú-[ni] | |
1919 | [i-na si-qir aš-šur] ⸢EN⸣-ia a-na ḫu-ub-ta-ni lu aḫ-tab-[ta] | |
2020 | [di-ik-ta-šú-nu ma-ʾa-ta] lu a-duk šal-la-su-nu NÍG.ŠU.MEŠ-⸢šu⸣-[nu] | |
2121 | [NÍG.GA-šú-nu GU₄.MEŠ-šú-nu] ⸢UDU⸣ ṣe-ni.MEŠ-šu-nu áš-lu-la a-na URU-⸢ia⸣ [aš-šur ub-la] | |
2222 | [...]-li KUR.ru-qa-ḫu ÍD.za-ba ša KUR.x-[x] | |
2323 | (23) [... the land Y]ahānu, the land of the Arameans, which is behind the land Pi[..., which from the time of Aššur-ra]bi (II), king of Assyria, my ancestor, the cities of the district of [my land, ...] they captured for themselves; [I mustered] chariots (and) troops. [I plundered ...] (and) inflicted upon them a major defeat. [I destroyed], devastated, (and) burned with fire their [cities. I pursued the remainder of their troops who] had fled from my weapons [from ...] to the city Ḫalḫalauš of the land Sa[...]zi. I inflicted upon them a major defeat (and) [carried off their booty (and) possessions]. I uprooted the rest of them (and) [settled them] in [...]. (and) I included them [within] the borders of Assyria. | |
2424 | [... ša iš-tu tar-ṣi maš-šur-GAL]-bi MAN KUR aš-šur AD-ia URU.MEŠ-ni ša šid-di [KUR-ia] | |
2525 | [... a-na ra-ma]-⸢ni⸣-šu-nu ú-ṣab-bi-tu-ú-ni GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ ⸢ERIM⸣.[MEŠ ad-ke] | |
2626 | [...] x di-ik-ta-šu-nu ma-ʾa-at-ta a-⸢duk⸣ | |
2727 | ||
2828 | [ši-ta-at um-ma-na-te-šu-nu ša iš]-tu pa-an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia ip-pár-ši-du-ú-[ni] | |
2929 | ||
3030 | ||
3131 | [šal-la-su-nu NÍG.GA-šú-nu áš-lul] ⸢si⸣-ta-te-šu-nu a-su-ḫa i-na x [...] | |
3232 | ||
3333 | [i-na] qí-bit aš-⸢šur⸣ [EN-ia a-na KUR].⸢kat-mu⸣-ḫi lu DU-ik URU.ša-ra-[...] | (33) [By] the command of (the god) Aššur, [my lord], I marched [to the land Ka]tmuḫi. [I destroyed], devastated, (and) burned with fire the city Šara[...]. I captured Ku[ndibḫal]ê, [king of the land Katmuḫi], inside his palace. [I brought ...], bronze, tin, precious stones of the mountain, [...], his valuable booty, to [my] city, [Aššur. I placed ...s]illa, a man who belonged to m[e, on the throne]. [I brought] Kundi[bḫal]ê, king of the land Katmuḫi, [to Assyria], flayed (him) [in the city] Arbela, (and) draped his skin over [the wall of the city ...]naš. |
3434 | [... ap-pul] ⸢aq⸣-qur i-na IZI.MEŠ áš-ru-up mku-⸢un⸣-[di-ib-ḫa]-⸢le⸣-e | |
3535 | [MAN KUR.kat-mu-ḫi i]-⸢na⸣ MURUB₄ É.GAL-šu qa-⸢a⸣-ti lu ⸢ik⸣-[šu-su] | |
3636 | ||
3737 | [...] x.MEŠ-šu šal-la-su ⸢DUGUD⸣-ta a-na ⸢URU⸣-[ia] | |
3838 | [aš-šur ub-la ...]-⸢sil⸣-la LÚ da-⸢gil⸣ pa-ni ša ra-ma-⸢ni⸣-[ia] | |
3939 | [i-na GIŠ.GU.ZA EN-ti-šu ú-še-ši-ib m]ku-un-di-⸢ib⸣-[ḫa]-⸢le⸣-e MAN KUR.kat-mu-ḫi | |
4040 | ||
4141 | ||
4242 | [i-na qi-bit ša aš-šur EN-ia da-ku-ut um-ma-na-te-ia.MEŠ?] áš-kun KUR.mu-uṣ-ra-a-ia | (42) [By the command of (the) Aššur, my lord, I mustered my troops] (and) reached the people of the land Muṣri [who had rebelled against me]. I [de]stroyed, devastated, (and) [burned with fire] their cities. I brought forth [their booty, without] number, (and) carried (it) [to my city, Ašš]ur. |
4343 | [ša it-ti-ia ik-ki-ru-ni?] ak-šud URU.MEŠ-šú-nu ⸢ap⸣-pu-ul aq-qur | |
4444 | [i-na IZI.MEŠ aš-ru-up šal-la-su-nu a-na] ⸢la⸣ mi-ni ú-še-ṣa-a | |
4545 | ||
4646 | (46) [...] of (the god) Aššur, my lord, which since [the time of ... had withheld] tribute from (the god) Aššur, my lord. [With the support of (the god) Aššur], my [lord], and the divine standard that goes before me, [..., to] my own, I counted [.... (The god) Aššur, …. who] granted wisdom [... of] my durable dominion [... the … of] my gods, the temple of (the god) Aššur, the temple of the god Šamaš, [...]. I laid [the foundations] of my palace. | |
4747 | [tar-ṣi? ...] ⸢ma⸣-da-tu a-na aš-šur EN-ia | |
4848 | [ik-lu-ú i-na GIŠ.tukul-ti aš-šur?] ⸢EN⸣-ia ù dÙRI.GAL a-lik pa-ni-ia | |
4949 | [... a]-⸢na⸣ ra-ma-ni-ia lu am-nu | |
5050 | ||
5151 | [...] ⸢EN⸣-ti-ia ša da-ra-a-te | |
5252 | [...] x DINGIR.MEŠ-ni-ia É aš-šur É dUTU | |
5353 | [... uš-še?] É.GAL-lì-ia ad-di | |
5454 | i-na qí-bit ⸢aš-šur⸣ [EN-ia a-na KUR.ḫab]-⸢ri⸣-ú-ri lu a-lik URU.šu-ḫu URU.[...] | (54) By the command of (the god) Ašš[ur, my lord], I marched [to the land Ḫabr]uri. I conquered the cities Šuḫu, [...], Simerra, the land Lu[...], cities of the land Ḫabruri. I brought forth their booty, possessions, property, [herds (and) flocks] (and) took (them) to my city, Aššur. I gave [their gods] as gifts to (the god) Aššur, my lord. I gave [...], which I had carried off, to (the god) Aššur, my lord. |
5555 | URU.si-me-er-ra KUR.⸢lu⸣-[... URU].⸢MEŠ⸣-ni ša KUR.ḫab-ri-ú-⸢ri⸣ | |
5656 | lu ak-šud šal-la-su-nu NÍG.ŠU.MEŠ-šu-nu ⸢NÍG.GA⸣.[MEŠ-šu-nu] | |
5757 | [GU₄.MEŠ-šu-nu ṣe-ni-šu-nu] ú-še-ṣa-a a-na URU-ia aš-šur ub-la | |
5858 | [DINGIR.MEŠ-ni-šu-nu] ki-i qiš-šu-te a-na aš-šur EN-ia lu a-qiš | |
5959 | ||
6060 | [ni-še] KUR aš-šur an-ḫa-[te ša iš-tu pa-an] ⸢su-un⸣-qi ⸢bu-bu⸣-te ḫu-šaḫ-ḫi | (60) I brought back the exhausted [people] of Assyria [who] had abandoned [their cities (and) houses in the face of] want, hunger, (and) famine (and) [who had gone up] to other lands. [I settled] them in cities (and) houses [that were suitable] (and) they dwelt in peace. I constructed [palaces in] the (various) districts of my land. [I hitched up] plows in the (various) districts of my land (and thereby) [piled up] more grain than before. I hitched up [numerous] teams of horses [... for the forces of] Assyria. |
6161 | [URU.MEŠ-ni-šu-nu É.MEŠ-šu-nu ú]-še-ru-ú-ni a-na KUR.KUR.MEŠ ša-⸢ni⸣-[a-te] | |
6262 | ||
6363 | ||
6464 | [É.GAL.MEŠ i-na šid]-⸢di⸣ KUR-ia ar-ṣip GIŠ.APIN.MEŠ i-na šid-di KUR-ia | |
6565 | ||
6666 | ||
6767 | ||
6868 | [dMAŠ u dIGI.DU] ša SANGA-ti i-ra-mu bu-ul EDIN.MEŠ ú-šat-li-mu-ni-⸢ma⸣ | (68) [The gods Ninurta and Nergal], who love my priesthood, gave to me the wild beasts (and) commanded me [to hunt]. From my ... chariot (and) on my swift feet [with the spear], I killed 120 lions within [...]. I killed 1,600 wild bulls. I captured two [strong] wild virile bulls by ambush (and) I killed fifty-six elephants. |
6969 | [e-peš bu-ʾu]-⸢ri⸣ iq-bu-ni-ma 2 šu-ši UR.MAḪ.MEŠ i-na qé-reb | |
7070 | [... i]-na GIŠ.GIGIR-ia pa-tu-te i-na GÌR.II.MEŠ-ia la-sa-ma-⸢te⸣ | |
7171 | [i-na GIŠ.pa-aš-ḫi] a-duk 1 LIM 6 ME GU₄.AM.MEŠ a-duk 2 NÍTA.pu-ḫal ⸢GU₄⸣.[AM].⸢MEŠ⸣ | |
7272 | ||
7373 | [e-nu-ma É.GAL]-⸢lum-GIBIL⸣-[tu] ša URU.bal-til ša i-[na pa-an ... ŠID aš-šur] | (73) [When the] Ne[w Pal]ace of Baltil (Aššur) — which in the past [..., vice-regent of (the god) Aššur, son of …, (who was) also vice-regent of (the god) Aššur, a ruler] who had come before [me, had built — (when) that palace had become dilapidated, I removed its debris], delineated its area [(and) reached its foundation pit]. I bu[ilt (and) completed (it) from its foundations to its crenellations. I decorated (it) more than before. |
7474 | [DUMU ... ŠID aš-šur-ma] ⸢NUN⸣-ú a-lik pa-ni-[ia e-pu-šu É.GAL šu-a-tu] | |
7575 | [e-na-aḫ-ma an-ḫu-sa ú-né-ki-ir] a-šar-ša ú-me-[si da-na-sa ak-šu-da] | |
7676 | [iš-tu uš-še-ša a-di gaba]-⸢dib⸣-be-ša ⸢ar⸣-[ṣip ú-še-ek-li-il] | |
7777 | [e-li maḫ-ri-te ú-si-me i-na u₄-me-šú-ma m]aš-šur-KAL-an ⸢ŠID⸣ aš-⸢šur⸣ [DUMU GIŠ.tukul-ti-A-é-šár-ra ŠID aš-šur-ma] | (77b) At that time] Aššur-dān (II), vice-regent of (the god) Ašš[ur, son of Tiglath-pileser (II), (who was) also vice-regent of (the god) Aššur, ...] upon it [... I made] high [doors of] fir (and) installed (them) [in its gates. I inscribed my] commemorative inscriptions [(and) deposited (them) inside it]. |
7878 | [... a]-na ⸢muḫ⸣-ḫi-ša iš-[...] | |
7979 | ||
8080 | [e-pu-uš i-na KÁ.MEŠ-ša ú]-re-et-te NA₄.NA.RÚ.A.[MEŠ-ia al-ṭu-ur] | |
8181 | [i-na qer-bi-ša aš-kun] ⸢NUN⸣-ú EGIR-ú i-na MAN.MEŠ [DUMU.DUMU-ia] | (81b) May a future ruler, one of the kings, [my sons, whom (the god) Aššur will name], restore the dilapidated section(s) of that palace. [May he return my inscribed name to its place]. (The god) Aššur will (then) listen to his prayers. |
8282 | [ša aš-šur i-na-ab-bu-šu? an-ḫu]-⸢ut⸣ É.GAL-lim šu-a-ti lu-⸢ud⸣-[diš (...)] | |
8383 | [MU ša-aṭ-ra a-na aš-ri-šu lu-te-er] aš-šur ik-ri-bi-šu i-še₂₀-[me (...)] | |
8484 | (84) [(As for) the one who] erases [my commemorative inscriptions and] my inscribed name [and writes his (own) name], may [(the god) Aššur ...] glare angrily upon him [with] his eyes, [..., (and) may he inflict upon his land hunger], want, (and) famine. | |
8585 | [MU-šu i-ša-ṭa-ru ...] IGI.II.MEŠ-šu li-ik-kal-⸢mu⸣-[šu ...] | |
8686 | ||
8787 | [ITI.... UD.x.KAM li-mu m...]-dan-na-ni ša IGI É.⸢GAL⸣-[lim] | (87) [ ..., ...th day, eponymy of ...]dannani, palace prefect. |
1ú-bi-ul: is this an error for ūb(i)lū? Schramm, EAK 2 p. 1 suggested that [...]-nu-ú-bi-ul might be the end of a placename.
Based on A. Kirk Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC I (1114-859 BC) (RIMA 2), Toronto, 1991. Adapted by Jamie Novotny (2015-16) and lemmatized and updated by Nathan Morello (2016-17) for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as http://oracc.org/riao/Q006013/.