Aššur-bel-kala 08

o 1o 1

[md]-šur-EN-ka-la LUGAL GAL LUGAL [KIŠ ...]

(1) [A]ššur-bēl-kala, great king, king of [the world, ..., king of] all four quarters (of the world), loved one of (the god) Aššur, [... son of Tiglath]-pileser (I), [..., son of Aššur]-rēša-īši (I) [...].

o 22

[LUGAL] kúl-lat kib-rat 4-i na-mad -šur x [...]

o 33

[...] x [...]-ni-šu gi-x [...]

o 44

[...] x tu? ik gal [...]

o 55

[DUMU mGIŠ.tukul-ti]-IBILA-é-šar-ra [...]

o 66

[DUMU ma-šur]-SAG-i-ši [...]

o 77

[i-na si-qir?] d?[?]-šur? a-nu? [...]

(7) [By the command of] the gods Aššur, Anu [...]

r 1'1'

[...] x [...]

(r 1') (Too broken for translation)

r 2'2'

[...] x-mi-ra [...]

r 3'3'

[...] am-mar lìb-be x [...]

r 4'4'

[...] ITI.KIN UD.5.KÁM li-[mu ...]

(r 4') [...] Ulūlu (VI), fifth day, eponymy [of ...].

Based on A. Kirk Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC I (1114-859 BC) (RIMA 2), Toronto, 1991. Adapted by Jamie Novotny (2015-16) and lemmatized and updated by Nathan Morello (2016-17) for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as http://oracc.org/riao/Q005989/.