
  • Tiglath-pileser I 01


  • Q005926
  • Tiglath-pileser I 01



  • prism
  • Middle Assyrian
  • Written ca. 1114-1076
  • Qalat Sherqat (Assur)
  • Royal Inscription
  • Tiglath-pileser I

Tiglath-pileser I 01

Column i
i 1i 1

da-šur EN GAL muš-te-šìr kiš-šat DINGIR.MEŠ

(i 1) The god Aššur, the great lord, the one who properly administers all of the gods, the grantor of scepter and crown, the sustainer of kingship; the god Enlil, the lord, the king of all of the Anunnakū gods, the father of the gods, the lord of the lands; (i 5) the god Sîn, the wise one, the lord of the lunar disk, the lofty divine crescent; the god Šamaš, the judge of heaven (and) netherworld, the one who espies the enemy’s treachery, the who exposes the wicked; the god Adad, the hero who storms over hostile regions, the (i 10) mountains, the (and) seas; the god Ninurta, the valiant one, the slayer of criminal(s) and foe(s), the fulfiller of heart’s desires; (and) the goddess Ištar, the foremost one among the gods, the lady of tumult who adorns battles;

i 22

na-din GIŠ.GIDRU ù a-ge-e mu-kín MAN-ti

i 33

dEN.LÍL be-lu MAN gi-mir da-nun-na-ki

i 44


i 55

d30 er-šu EN a-ge-e

i 66

ša-qu-ú d.GUR₈

i 77

dUTU DI.KU₅ AN KI-ti ḫa-a-iṭ

i 88

ṣa-al-pat a-a-be mu-še-eb-ru ṣe-ni

i 99

dIŠKUR ur-ša-nu ra-ḫi-iṣ kib-rat KÚR.MEŠ

i 1010


i 1111

dnin-urta qar-du šá-giš lem-ni ù a-a-bi

i 1212

mu-šem-ṣu-ú mal lìb-bi

i 1313

dINANNA SAG-ti DINGIR.MEŠ be-lit te-še-e

i 1414

mu-šar-ri-ḫat MURUB₄.MEŠ-te

i 1515

DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ mu-ut-tab-bi-lu-ut AN-e KI-ti

(i 15) the great gods, the managers of heaven (and) netherworld, whose attack means conflict and strife, the ones who make great the kingship of Tiglath-pileser (I), the beloved ruler, your select one, the attentive shepherd (i 20) whom you chose in the steadfastness of your hearts; upon him you set the exalted crown, you grandly established him for kingship over the land of the god Enlil, to him you granted leadership, supremacy, (and) valor, you pronounced forever his destiny of dominion (i 25) as powerful and (the destiny) of his priestly progeny for service in Eḫursagkurkurra;

i 1616

ša ti-bu-šu-nu GIŠ.LAL ù šá-áš-mu

i 1717

mu-šèr-bu-ú šar-ru-ut

i 1818

mGIŠ.tukul-ti-IBILA-é-šár-ra NUN na-ra-me

i 1919

bi-bíl lìb-bi-ku-un SIPA-ia na-a-di

i 2020

ša i-na ke-e-ni lìb-bi-ku-un tu-ta-a-šu

i 2121

a-ga-a ṣi-i-ra tu-up-pi-ra-šu a-na MAN-ut

i 2222

KUR dEN.LÍL GAL- tu-kín-na-šu

i 2323

a-ša-re-du-ta ṣi-ru-ta qar-du-ta

i 2424

ta-qi-ša-šu ši-ma-at EN-ti-šu

i 2525

a-na kiš-šu-te ù NUMUN SANGA-ti-šu

i 2626

a-na man-za-az é-ḫur-sag-kur-kur-ra

i 2727

a-na da-riš taš-qu-ra

i 2828

mGIŠ.tukul-ti-IBILA-é-šár-ra LUGAL dan-nu

(i 28) Tiglath-pileser (I), strong king, unrivalled king of the world, king of the four quarters, (i 30) king of all of the rulers, lord of lords, chief herdsman, king of kings, the attentive purification priest to whom by command of the god Šamaš the holy scepter was given and who had complete authority over the people, subjects of the god Enlil, the faithful shepherd whose name (i 35) was called over the rulers, the exalted bishop whose weapons the god Aššur has sharpened and whose name he has pronounced eternally for control of the four quarters (of the world), capturer of distant districts to borders (i 40) above and below, the radiant day whose brilliance overwhelms the regions, the splendid flame that covers the hostile land like a rain storm and, by the command of the god Enlil, having no rival defeats the enemy of the god Aššur.

i 2929

LUGAL KIŠ la-a šá-na-an LUGAL kib-rat 4-i

i 3030


i 3131

i-šip-pu na--du šá i-na si-qir dUTU

i 3232

GIŠ.GIDRU -tu na-ad-na-ta-šu-ma UN.MEŠ

i 3333

ba-ʾu-lat dEN.LÍL ul-taš-pi-ru

i 3434

gi-mir-ta SIPA-iu ke-e-nu ša si-qir-šu

i 3535

UGU ma-li-ki.MEŠ -bu-ú

i 3636

šà-tam-mu ṣi-ru ša da-šur GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šu

i 3737

ú-šá-ḫi-lu-ma a-na mu-ʾu-ru-ut kib-rat 4-i

i 3838

MU-šu a-na da-riš -qu-ru ṣa-bit

i 3939

pu-lu-gi -su-te ša ZAG.ZAG

i 4040

e-liš ù šap-liš u₄-mu -par₅-du-ú

i 4141

ša me-lam-mu-šu UB.MEŠ ú-saḫ-ḫa-pu

i 4242

nab-lu šur-ru-ḫu šá ki-ma ti-ik

i 4343

ri-iḫ-ṣi a-na KUR nu-kúr-te šuz*-nu-nu-ma

i 4444

i-na si-qir dEN.LÍL ma-ḫi-ra la-a i-šu-ú

i 4545

ú-šam-qi-tu gi-ir da-šur

i 4646

da-šur DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ mu-šèr-bu-ú LUGAL-ti-ia

(i 46) The god Aššur (and) the great gods who magnify my kingship, who granted (me) power and strength as my lot, commanded me to extend the border of their land. They placed in my hands their (i 50) mighty weapons, the deluge in battle. I gained control over lands, mountains, cult centers, and rulers who were hostile to (the god) Aššur and I made (all of) their districts bow down. (i 55) I vied with sixty crowned heads and achieved victory over them in battle. I have neither rival in strife nor equal in conflict. I added territory to Assyria (and) people to its people. I extended the border of my land and ruled over all of their lands.

i 4747

ša kiš-šu-ta ù da-na-na a-na -qi-ia

i 4848

-ru-ku-ni mi-ṣir KUR-ti-šu-nu

i 4949

ru-up-pu-ša iq-bu-ni GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šu-nu

i 5050

dan-nu-ti a-bu-ub tam-ḫa-ri

i 5151

qa-ti lu-šat-me-ḫu KUR.KUR.MEŠ KUR.MEŠ

i 5252

ma-ḫa-zi ù mal-ki.MEŠ KÚR.MEŠ-ut da-šur

i 5353

a-pél-ma mi-iṣ-ri-te-šu-nu

i 5454

ú-ke-ni- it-ti 1 šu-ši LUGAL.MEŠ-ni

i 5555

šu-ut TÚG.SAGŠU al-ta-na-an-ma

i 5656

li-i-ta šit-nun-ta UGU-šu-nu

i 5757

al-ta-ka-an GABA.RI-a i-na MURUB₄

i 5858

ù ša-ni-na i-na la-a i-ša-a-ku

i 5959

UGU KUR da-šur ma-a-ta UGU UN.MEŠ-ša

i 6060

UN.MEŠ lu-rad-di mi-ṣir KUR-ti-ia

i 6161

ú-re-piš-ma gi-mir KUR.KUR-šu-nu a-pél

i 6262

i-na šur-ru LUGAL-ti-ia 20 LIM .MEŠ

(i 62) In my accession year, 20,000 people of the land Musku and their five kings, who had held the lands Alzi (i 65) and Purulumzi for fifty years, who bore tribute and tithe for the god Aššur my lord (and) whom no king had ever repelled in battle, being confident of their strength, came down (and) (i 70) captured the land Katmuḫi. With the support of the god Aššur, my lord, I put my chariotry and army in readiness (and), not waiting for my rear guard, I traversed the rough terrain of Mount Kāšiāru. I fought with their 20,000 men-at-arms (i 75) and five kings in the land Katmuḫi. I brought about their defeat.

i 6363

KUR.muš-ka-a-ia.MEŠ ù 5 LUGAL.MEŠ-ni-šu-nu

i 6464

ša 50 MU.MEŠ

i 6565

ù KUR.pu-ru-lum-zi na-a-áš GUN

i 6666

ù ma-da-at-te ša da-šur EN-ia iṣ-ba-tu-ni

i 6767

LUGAL ia-um-ma i-na tam-ḫa-ri GABA-su-nu

i 6868

la-a ú--ḫu a-na da-na-ni-šu-nu

i 6969

it-ka-lu-ma ur-du-ni KUR.kat-mu-ḫi

i 7070

iṣ-ba-tu i-na GIŠ.tukul-ti da-šur EN-ia

i 7171

GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ ù qu-ra-di-ia.MEŠ lul-te-šìr

i 7272

EGIR-a ul ú-qi KUR.ka-ši-ia-ra

i 7373

A.ŠÀ nam-ra-ṣi lu-u ab-bal-kit

i 7474

it-ti 20 LIM ERIM.MEŠ muq-tab-li-šu-nu

i 7575

ù 5 LUGAL.MEŠ-šu-nu i-na KUR.kat-mu-ḫi

i 7676

lu al-ta-na-an a-bi-ik-ta-šu-nu

i 7777

lu áš-kun šal-ma-at qu-ra-di-šu-nu

(i 77b) Like a storm demon, I piled up the corpses of their warriors on the battlefield (and) made their blood flow into the hollows (i 80) and plains of the mountains. I cut off their heads (and) stacked them like grain piles around their cities. I brought out their booty, property, (and) possessions without number. I took (i 85) the remaining 6,000 of their troops who had fled from my weapons (and) grasped my feet and counted them as people of my land.

i 7878

i-na mit-ḫu-uṣ tu-ša-ri ki-ma ra-ḫi-ṣi

i 7979

lu-ke-mir ÚŠ.MEŠ-šu-nu ḫur-ri

i 8080

ù ba-ma-a-te ša KUR-i lu ú-šèr-di

i 8181

SAG.DU.MEŠ-šu-nu lu-na-ki-sa i-da-at

i 8282

URU.MEŠ-šu-nu ki-ma ka-re-e lu-še-pi-ik

i 8383

šal-la-su-nu bu-ša-šu-nu nam-kur-šu-nu

i 8484

a-na la-a mi-na ú-še-ṣa-a 6 LIM

i 8585

si-te-et um-ma-na-te-šu-nu ša i-na pa-an

i 8686

GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia ip-pár-ši-du GÌR.MEŠ-ia

i 8787

iṣ-ba-tu al-qa-šu-nu-ti-ma

i 8888

a-na UN.MEŠ KUR-ti-ia am-nu-šu-nu-ti

i 8989

i-na u₄-mi-šu-ma a-na KUR.kat-mu-ḫi la ma-gi-ri

(i 89) At that time, I marched to the insubmissive land Katmuḫi, which had withheld (its) tribute and impost to the god Aššur, my lord. I conquered the land Katmuḫi in its entirety. I brought out their booty, property, (and) possessions. (ii 1) I burned with fire, destroyed, and demolished their cities. The remainder of the (inhabitants of the) land Katmuḫi, who had fled from my weapons (and) (ii 5) who had crossed over to the city Šerešše, which is on the opposite bank of the Tigris River, made that city their stronghold. Taking my chariots and warriors, I hacked through the rough mountain range and difficult paths with copper picks and made a good way for the passage of (ii 10) my chariots and troops.

i 9090

ša GUN ù ma-da-ta a-na da-šur EN-ia

i 9191

ik-lu-ú lu al-lik KUR.kat-mu-ḫi

i 9292

a-na si-ḫír-ti-ša ak-šud

i 9393

šal-la-su-nu bu-ša-šu-nu nam-kur-šu-nu

i 9494

ú-še-ṣa-a URU.MEŠ-šu-nu i-na IZI.MEŠ

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

áš-ru-up ap-púl aq-qur si-te-et

ii 22

KUR.kat-mu-ḫi ša i-na pa-an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia

ii 33

ip-pár-ši-du a-na URU.še-re-še

ii 44

ša GÌR am-ma-te ša ÍD.IDIGNA

ii 55

lu e-be-ru URU a-na dan-nu-ti-šu-nu

ii 66

lu -ku-nu GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ ù qu-ra-di-ia.MEŠ

ii 77

lu al-qe KUR-a mar-ṣa ù gir-re-te-šu-nu

ii 88

pa-áš-qa-a-te i-na aq-qúl-lat URUDU.MEŠ

ii 99

lu aḫ-si ḫu-ú-la a-na me-te-eq

ii 1010

GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ-ia ù um-ma-na-te-ia lu-ṭí-ib

ii 1111

ÍD.IDIGNA lu e-bir URU.še-re-še

(ii 11) I crossed the Tigris River (and) conquered their fortified city, Šerešše. I spread out (the corpses of) their men-at-arms like grain heaps in th(at) battle. I made (ii 15) their blood flow in the hollows and plains of the mountains. At that time, I laid low like sheep, with the army of (ii 20) the land Katmuḫi, the army of the land Papḫû, which had come to the aid and assistance of the land Katmuḫi. I built up mounds with the corpses of their men-at-arms on mountain ledges. I allowed the Nāme River to carry the bodies of their warriors out to the Tigris River. In th(at same) battle, I captured their king, (ii 25) Kili-Tešub, son of Kali-Tešub, who is called Errupi. I carried off his wives, his natural sons, his clan, 180 (ii 30) copper kettles, five bronze bath-tubs, together with their gods, gold, and silver, the best of their property. I brought out their booty. I burned with fire, destroyed, (and) demolished that city and its palace.

ii 1212

URU dan-nu-ti-šu-nu ak-šud

ii 1313

ERIM.MEŠ muq-tab-li-šu-nu i-na -reb tam-ḫa-ri

ii 1414

ki-ma ser-ma-ši lu-me-ṣi

ii 1515

ÚŠ.MEŠ-šu-nu ḫur-ri ù ba-ma-a-te ša KUR-i

ii 1616

lu-šèr-di i-na u₄-mi-šu-ma um-ma-na-at

ii 1717

KUR.pap-ḫe-e ša a-na šu-zu-ub

ii 1818

ù -ra-ru-ut-te ša KUR.kat-mu-ḫi

ii 1919

il-li-ku-ú-ni it-ti um-ma-na-at

ii 2020

KUR.kat-mu-ḫi-ma ki-ma šu-ú-be -na-il

ii 2121

pa-gar muq-tab-li-šu-nu a-na gu-ru-na-a-te

ii 2222

i-na gi-sal-lat KUR-i lu--ri-in

ii 2323

šal-ma-at qu-ra-di-šu-nu Í

ii 2424

a-na ÍD.IDIGNA lu ú-še-ṣi

ii 2525

mki-li-dte-šub DUMU ka-li-dte-šub

ii 2626

ša mer-ru-pi i-sa-si-ú-šu-ni

ii 2727

LUGAL-šu-nu i-na -reb tam-ḫa-ri qa-ti

ii 2828

ik-šud DAM.MEŠ-šu DUMU.MEŠ

ii 2929

nab-ni-it lìb-bi-šu el-la-su 3 šu-ši

ii 3030

ruq-qi URUDU.MEŠ 5 nàr-ma-ak ZABAR

ii 3131


ii 3232

ù du-muq nam-kur-ri-šu-nu áš-ša-a

ii 3333

šal-la-su-nu ú-še-ṣa-a

ii 3434

URU šu-a-tu ù É.GAL-šu i-na IZI.MEŠ

ii 3535

áš-ru-up ap-púl aq-qur

ii 3636

URU.ur-ra-ḫi-na-áš URU dan-nu-ti-šu-nu

(ii 36) With regard to the city Urraḫinaš, their stronghold that is situated in the land Panari, the terror, fear, (and) splendor of the god Aššur, my lord, overwhelmed them. In order to save (ii 40) their (own) lives, they took their gods (and) possessions and flew like birds to ledges on high mountains. Taking my chariotry and army, I crossed the Tigris River. Šadi-Tešub, the son of Ḫattuḫu, the king (ii 45) of the city Urraḫinaš, grasped my me in his own land. I took his natural sons and his family as hostages. He brought to me as tribute and tax 60 copper kettles, bronze vats, (ii 50) and large bronze bath-tubs, together with 120 men, cattle, and sheep. I accepted his (payment), spared him, (and) preserved his life. (ii 55) I imposed upon him forever the heavy yoke of my lordly majesty. I conquered the wide land Katmuḫi in its entirety and made (its people) bow down at my feet.

ii 3737

ša i-na na-du-ú

ii 3838

pu-ul-ḫu a-di-ru me-lam da-šur EN-ia

ii 3939

-ḫúp-šu-nu-ti-ma a-na šu-zu-ub

ii 4040

nap-ša-te-šu-nu DINGIR.MEŠ-šu-nu bu-ša-šu-nu -šu-ú

ii 4141

a-na gi-sal-lat KUR-i ša-qu-ti

ii 4242

ki-ma MUŠEN ip-pár-šu GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ

ii 4343

ù um-ma-na-te-ia.MEŠ lu al-qe ÍD.IDIGNA lu e-bir

ii 4444

mša-di-dte-šub DUMU ḫa-at-tu-ḫi LUGAL

ii 4545

ša URU.ur-ra-ḫi-na-áš

ii 4646

i-na KUR-šu-ma GÌR.MEŠ-ia iṣ-bat

ii 4747

DUMU.MEŠ nab-ni-it lìb-bi-šu ù kim-ti-šu

ii 4848

a-na li-ṭu-ut-te aṣ-bat

ii 4949

1 šu-ši ruq-qi URUDU.MEŠ nam-ḫar ZABAR

ii 5050

ù nàr-ma-ak ZABAR GAL.MEŠ-te

ii 5151

it-ti 2 šu-ši a-mi-lu-te.MEŠ GU₄.MEŠ

ii 5252

ṣe-ni GUN ù ma-da-at-ta

ii 5353

-ša-a am-ḫur-šu e-ṭí-ir-šu

ii 5454

na-piš-ta-šu ag-mil ni-ir EN-ti-ia

ii 5555

DUGUD UGU-šu a-na ṣa-at UD.MEŠ ú-kín

ii 5656

KUR.kat-mu-ḫi DAGAL-ta a-na si-ḫir-ti-ša

ii 5757

ak-šud a-na GÌR.MEŠ-ia ú-še-ek-ni-

ii 5858

i-na u₄-mi-šu-ma 1 nam-ḫar ZABAR 1 nàr-ma-ak

(ii 58) At that time, from the booty and payment of the land Katmuḫi, I donated one bronze vat (and) one bronze bath-tub to the god Aššur. I gave sixty copper kettles, together with their gods, to the god Adad, the one who loves me.

ii 5959

ZABAR ša ki-šit-ti ù ma-da-at-ti

ii 6060

ša KUR.kat-mu-ḫi a-na da-šur EN-ia a-qiš

ii 6161

1 šu-ši ruq-qi URUDU.MEŠ it-ti DINGIR.MEŠ-šu-nu

ii 6262

a-na dIŠKUR ÁGA-ia áš-ruk

ii 6363

i-na šu-mur GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia ez-zu-te ša da-šur EN

(ii 63) With the onslaught of my fierce weapons (and) by the means of the strength and excellence that the god Aššur, the lord, had given me, I took my warriors trained for successful combat (ii 65) together with thirty of my chariots escorting my aggressive shock troops. I marched to the land (U)išdiš, (where) rebellious (and) insubmissive people (lived). (ii 70) Riding in my chariot when the way was smooth and going by foot when the way was rough, I passed through the rough terrain of the mighty mountains. In Mount Aruma, a difficult area that was impassable for my chariots, I abandoned my chariotry. (ii 75) Taking the lead of my warriors, I slithered victoriously with the aggressiveness of a viper over the perilous mountain ledges.

ii 6464

da-na-na ù me-tel-lu-ta -ru-ka

ii 6565

i-na 30 GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ-ia a-li-kàt i-di

ii 6666

ga-mar-ri-ia er-ḫu-te qu-ra-di-ia.MEŠ

ii 6767

ša mit-ḫu-uṣ dáb-de-e li-tam-du

ii 6868

lu al-qe a-na KUR -diš šap-ṣu-te

ii 6969

la-a ma-gi-ri lu al-lik KUR.MEŠ

ii 7070

dan-nu-ti A.ŠÀ nam-ra-ṣi

ii 7171

DÙG.GA i-na GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ-ia ù mar-ṣa i-na GÌR.MEŠ-ia

ii 7272

lu e-te-tiq i-na KUR.a-ru-ma

ii 7373

A.ŠÀ pa-áš-qi ša a-na me-tiq GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ-ia

ii 7474

la na-ṭu-ú GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ lu e-zib

ii 7575

pa-an qu-ra-di-ia aṣ-bat

ii 7676

ki-ma šib-be er-ḫe-ku-ma i-na gi-sal-lat KUR-i

ii 7777

pa-áš-qa-a-te šal-ṭí- e-te-ti-iq

ii 7878

KUR.-diš ki-ma DU₆ a-bu-be áš-ḫu-up

(ii 78) I destroyed the land (U)išdiš (so that it looked) like ruin hills (created by) the Deluge. (ii 80) Like sheep, I laid low their warriors in battle. I carried off their booty, possessions, and property. I burned with fire all of their cities. I imposed upon them (the obligation to provide) hostages, tribute, and taxes.

ii 7979

ERIM.MEŠ muq-tab-li-šu-nu i-na -reb tam-ḫa-ri

ii 8080

ki-ma šu-be -na-il šal-la-su-nu

ii 8181

bu-ša-a-šu-nu nam-kur-šu-nu áš-lul

ii 8282

nap-ḫar URU-šu-nu i-na IZI.MEŠ aq-mu

ii 8383

li-i-ṭí.MEŠ GUN ù ma-da-ta

ii 8484

UGU-šu-nu ú-kín

ii 8585

mGIŠ.tukul-ti-IBILA-é-šár-ra eṭ-lu qar-du

(ii 85) Tiglath-pileser (I), the valiant man, the one who opens remote regions in the mountains, the subduer of the insubmissive, (and) the one who overwhelms all of fierce (enemies).

ii 8686

mu-pe-ti du-rug KUR.MEŠ-ni

ii 8787

mu-šék-niš la-a ma-gi-ri sa-pi-nu

ii 8888

gi-mir al-ṭu-ti

ii 8989

KUR.šu-ba-ri-i šap-ṣu-te la-a ma-gi-ri

(ii 89) I conquered the rebellious and insubmissive people of the land Subartu (Šubartu). I imposed the heavy yoke of my lordly majesty upon the lands Alzi and Purulumzi, (both of) which had abandoned (the practice of paying) tribute and tax, so that they (now) annually send tribute and tax (ii 95) into my presence at my city, Aššur. As soon as with my valor (and) by the means of the strong weapon that subdues the insubmissive, which the god Aššur, my lord, had placed in my hands, (ii 100) he (the god Aššur) commanded me to extend the border of his land.

ii 9090


ii 9191

ù KUR.pu-ru-lum-zi ša GUN-su-nu

ii 9292

ù ma-da-ta-šu-nu ú-šàm-si-ku-ni

ii 9393

ni-ir EN-ti-ia DUGUD UGU-šu-nu

ii 9494

ú-kín MU-šàm-ma GUN ù ma-da-ta

ii 9595

a-na URU-ia da-šur a-na maḫ-ri-ia

ii 9696

li-tar-ru-ú-ni ki-ma ša i-na qar-du-ti-ia-ma

ii 9797

ša da-šur EN GIŠ.TUKUL dan-na mu-šék-niš

ii 9898

la-a ma-gi-ri qa-ti ú-šat-me-ḫu-ma

ii 9999

mi-ṣir KUR-ti-šu a-na ru-pu-ši

ii 100100

iq-ba-a 4 LIM KUR.kas-ka-ia.MEŠ

(ii 100b) 4,000 people of the land Kasku (and) Urume, insubmissive troops of the land Ḫatti who had seized by force (iii 1) the cities of the land Subartu (Šubartu) that were vassals of the god Aššur, my lord, heard of my coming to the land Subartu (Šubartu). The splendor of my valor overwhelmed them and, fearing battle, they grasped my feet. I took them, together with their property and 120 chariots (and) harnessed horses, and counted them as people of my land.

ii 101101

KUR.ú-ru-ma-ia.MEŠ ERIM.MEŠ KUR.ḫa-at-te-e

ii 102102

la-a ma-gi-ri ša i-na da-na-ni-šu-nu

Column iii
iii 1iii 1

URU.MEŠ-ni ša KUR.šu-bar-te da-gil

iii 22

pa-an da-šur EN-ia iṣ-ba-tu a-la-ki a-na KUR.šu-bar-te lu -mu-ú me-lam qar-du-ti-ia ú-se-ḫi-ip-šu-nu-ti-ma e-du-ru GÌR.MEŠ-ia iṣ-ba-tu

iii 33

a-di nam-kur-ri-šu-nu ù 2 šu-ši

iii 44

GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ ṣi-mit-ti ni-ri-šu-nu

iii 55

al-qa-šu-nu-ti-ma a-na UN.MEŠ

iii 66

KUR-ti-ia am-nu-šu-nu-ti

iii 77

i-na šit-mur qar-du-ti-ia 2-te-ia

(iii 7) With my valorous onslaught, I marched to the land Katmuḫi for a second time. I conquered all of their cities (and) (iii 10) carried off their booty, possessions, (and) property without number. I burned with fire, destroyed, and demolished their cities. The remainder of their troops who had taken fright at my fierce weapons and (iii 15) who had been cowered by my strong and belligerent attack, took to secure heights in rough mountainous terrain, in order to save their (own) lives. I climbed up after them, to the peaks of th(ose) high mountains and perilous mountain ledges, (iii 20) where a man could not (even) walk.

iii 88

a-na KUR.kat-mu-ḫi lu-ú al-lik nap-ḫar

iii 99

URU.MEŠ-šu-nu ak-šud šal-la-su-nu

iii 1010

bu-ša-šu-nu nam-kur-šu-nu a-na la-a mi-na áš-lul

iii 1111

URU.MEŠ-šu-nu i-na IZI.MEŠ áš-ru-up

iii 1212

ap-púl aq-qur si-te-et

iii 1313

um-ma-na-te-šu-nu ša i-na pa-an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia

iii 1414

ez-zu-te ip-la-ḫu-ma ti-ib -ia

iii 1515

dan-na e-du-ru a-na šu-zu-ub

iii 1616

nap-šá-te-šu-nu gab-ʾa-a-ni dan-nu-te

iii 1717

ša KUR-e A.ŠÀ mar-ṣa lu-ú iṣ-ba-tu

iii 1818

a-na šik-kàt ḫur-ša-ni ša-qu-ti

iii 1919

ù gi-sal-lat KUR-i pa-áš-qa-a-te

iii 2020

ša a-na ki-bi-is la-a na-ṭu-ú

iii 2121

EGIR-šu-nu lu e-li GIŠ.TUKUL MURUB₄

(iii 21b) They waged war, combat, and battle with me (and) I brought about their defeat. (iii 25) Like a storm demon, I piled up the corpses of their warriors on mountain ledges (and) made their blood flow into the hollows and plains of the mountains. I brought down their booty, possessions, (and) property from the heights of th(os)e mighty mountains. I became lord of the land Katmuḫi to its full extent and I added (it) to the borders of my land.

iii 2222

ù it-ti-ia lu-ú e-pu-šu

iii 2323

a-bi-ik-ta-šu-nu lu-ú áš-kun šal-ma-at

iii 2424

qu-ra-di-šu-nu i-na gi-sal-lat KUR-i

iii 2525

ki-ma ra-ḫi-ṣi lu-ke-mir ÚŠ.MEŠ-šu-nu

iii 2626

ḫur-ri ù ba-ma-a-te ša KUR-i

iii 2727

lu-šèr-di šal-la-su-nu bu-ša-a-šu-nu

iii 2828

nam-kur-šu-nu it-ti gab-ʾa-a-ni

iii 2929

ša KUR-e dan-nu-te lu-še-ri-da

iii 3030

KUR.kat-mu-ḫi a-na paṭ gim-ri-ša a-pél-ma

iii 3131

a-na mi-ṣir KUR-ti-ia ú-te-er

iii 3232

mGIŠ.tukul-ti-IBILA-é-šár-ra LUGAL dan-nu

(iii 32) Tiglath-pileser (I), the strong king, the snare for the insubmissive, (and) the one overwhelms criminals in battle.

iii 3333

šu--kal la-a ma-gi-ri sa-pi-nu

iii 3434

qa-bal tar-gi₄-gi₄

iii 3535

i-na e-mu-qi ṣi-ra-te ša da-šur EN-ia

(iii 35) With the exalted strength of the god Aššur, my lord, the god Aššur, (my) lord, (iii 40) commanded me to march to the land Ḫaria and the army of the wide land Papḫû in the high mountains, where no other king (before me) had gone (before). Putting my chariotry and army in readiness, I took a rugged route between Mounts Itni and Aya. In th(os)e high mountains, which thrust up like pointed daggers and which (iii 45) were impassable for my chariots, I put the chariots on (the soldiers’) necks (and thereby) passed through th(at) difficult mountain range. All of the people of the land Papḫû, their extensive army, joined together and (iii 50) they aggressively took up a position to wage war, combat, and battle in Mount Azu.

iii 3636

a-na KUR.ḫa-ri-a ù um-ma-na-at.MEŠ

iii 3737

KUR.pap-ḫe-e.MEŠ DAGAL-ti ḫur-ša-ni

iii 3838

ša-qu-ti ša a-šar-šu-nu LUGAL ia-um-ma

iii 3939

la i-ba-ʾa da-šur EN a-na a-la-ki

iii 4040

iq-ba-a GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ ù um-ma-na-te-ia

iii 4141

lul-te-šìr bir-ti

iii 4242

ù KUR.a-ia A.ŠÀ nam-ra-ṣi lu aṣ-bat

iii 4343

KUR.MEŠ ša-qu-ti ša ki-ma zi-qip GÍR

iii 4444

šam-ṭu ša a-na me-ti-iq GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ-ia

iii 4545

la-a na-ṭu-ú GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ i-na la-ba-ni

iii 4646

lu-ú e-mi-id KUR.MEŠ pa-áš-qu-te

iii 4747

lu e-te-ti-iq kúl-lat KUR.pap-ḫe-e.MEŠ

iii 4848

um-ma-na-te-šu-nu DAGAL.MEŠ-te lul-ták-ṣi-ru-ma

iii 4949

a-na e-peš GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ MURUB₄ ù

iii 5050

i-na KUR.a-zu da-ap-ni- lu iz-zi-zu-ni-ma

iii 5151

i-na KUR-e A.ŠÀ nam-ra-ṣi it-te-šu-nu

(iii 51) I fought with them in (that) rough mountainous terrain (and) brought about their defeat. I built up mounds with the bodies of their warriors in the plains of the mountain (and) made (iii 55) the blood of their warriors flow into the hollows and plains of the mountain. I stormed the cities that were on the mountain ledges (and) conquered twenty-five cities of the land Ḫaria that lay at the foot of Mounts Aya, Šuira, Itni, (iii 60) Šēzu, Šelgu, Arzanibiu, Urusu, and Anitku. I carried off their booty, possessions, (and) property. I burned with fire, razed, destroyed, (and) demolished their cities.

iii 5252

am-da-ḫi-iṣ dáb-da-šu-nu áš-kun

iii 5353

šal-ma-at qu-ra-di-šu-nu i-na ba-ma-at KUR-i

iii 5454

a-na gu-ru-na-a-te lu--ri-in

iii 5555

ÚŠ.MEŠ qu-ra-di-šu-nu ḫur-ri ù ba-ma-a-te

iii 5656

ša KUR-i lu-šèr-di a-na URU.MEŠ-ni

iii 5757

ša i-na gi-sal-lat KUR-i ša-ak-nu šam-riš

iii 5858

lu-ú as-ni-iq 25 URU.MEŠ-ni ša KUR.ḫa-ri-a

iii 5959

ša i-na GÌR KUR.a-ia KUR.šu-i-ra

iii 6060

KUR.še-ez-zu KUR.še-el-guú

iii 6161

KUR.ú-ru-su ù KUR.a-ni-it-ku

iii 6262

ṣa-al-ʾu-ni ak-šud šal-la-su-nu

iii 6363

bu-ša-šu-nu nam-kur-šu-nu áš-lul

iii 6464

URU.MEŠ-šu-nu i-na IZI.MEŠ áš-ru-up

iii 6565

ap-púl aq-qur

iii 6666

KUR.a-da- ti-ib ta-ḫa-zi-ia dan-na

(iii 66) (The people of) the land Addauš were frightened by my strong belligerent attack and abandoned their territory. They flew like birds to ledges on high mountains. The splendor of the god Aššur, my lord, overwhelmed them (nevertheless) and they came back down and grasped my feet. I imposed upon them tribute and impost.

iii 6767

lu-ú e-du-ru-ma a-šar-šu-nu lu ú-maš-še-ru

iii 6868

a-na gi-sal-lat KUR-i ša-qu-ti

iii 6969

ki-ma MUŠEN ip-pár-šu me-lam da-šur EN-ia

iii 7070


iii 7171

ur-du-ni GÌR.MEŠ-ia iṣ-ba-tu

iii 7272

GUN ù ma-da-ta UGU-šu-nu ú-kín

iii 7373

(iii 73) I destroyed the lands Sarauš (and) Ammauš, which from ancient times (iii 75) had not known submission, (so that they looked) like ruin hills (created by) the Deluge. I fought with their extensive army in Mount Aruma and brought about their defeat. (iii 80) I spread out the corpses of their men-at-arms like grain heaps on the mountain ledges. I conquered their cities, took their gods, and brought out their booty, possessions, (and) property. I burned with fire, destroyed, (and) demolished their cities (and) (iii 85) turned them into ruin hills. I imposed the heavy yoke of my lordly majesty upon them (and) made them vassals of the god Aššur, my lord.

iii 7474

ša -tu u₄-um ṣa-a-te ka-na-ša

iii 7575

la-a i-du-ú ki-ma DU₆ a-bu-be

iii 7676

ás-ḫu-up it-ti um-ma-na-te-šu-nu DAGAL.MEŠ-te

iii 7777

i-na KUR.a-ru-ma al-ta-na-an-ma

iii 7878

dáb-da-šu-nu áš-kun šal-ma-at

iii 7979

muq-tab-li-šu-nu i-na gi-sal-lat KUR-i ki-ma ser-ma-še

iii 8080

lu ú--ṣi URU.MEŠ-šu-nu ak-šud

iii 8181

DINGIR.MEŠ-šu-nu áš-ša-a šal-la-su-nu

iii 8282

bu-ša-šu-nu nam-kur-šu-nu ú-še-ṣa-a

iii 8383

URU.MEŠ-šu-nu i-na IZI.MEŠ áš-ru-up

iii 8484

ap-púl aq-qur a-na DU₆ ù kar-me

iii 8585

ú-ter ni-ir EN-ti-ia DUGUD

iii 8686

UGU-šu-nu ú-kín pa-an da-šur EN-ia

iii 8787


iii 8888

KUR.i-su-a KUR.da-ri-a šap-ṣu-te

(iii 88) I conquered the rebellious and insubmissive lands Išua (Isua) (and) Daria. I imposed upon them tribute and impost (and) made them vassals of the god Aššur, my lord.

iii 8989

la-a ma-gi-ri ak-šud GUN

iii 9090

ù ma-da-ta UGU-šu-nu ú-kín

iii 9191

pa-an da-šur EN-ia ú-šad-gil-šu-nu-ti

iii 9292

i-na a-ša-re-du-ti-ia-ma ša KÚR.MEŠ-ia

(iii 92) With my prowess, with which I conquered (my) enemies, I took my chariotry and army (and) (iii 95) crossed the Lower Zab. I conquered the lands Murattaš (and) Saradauš, which are within the rough terrain of Mounts Asaniu (and) Aṭuma. I butchered their troops like sheep. I conquered (iii 100) their fortified city, Murattaš, within the first third of the day after sunrise. I brought out their gods, their possessions, their property, 120 copper kettles, (iv 1) 30 talents of copper bars, the outstanding property of their palace, their booty. I burned, destroyed, (and) demolished that city.

iii 9393

ak-šu-du GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ ù um-ma-na-te-ia.MEŠ

iii 9494

lu al-qe Íšu-pa-la-a

iii 9595

lu e-birš

iii 9696

ša -reb KUR.a-sa-ni-ú ù KUR.a-ṭu-ma

iii 9797

A.ŠÀ nam-ra-ṣi ak-šud

iii 9898

um-ma-na-te-šu-nu ki-ma ze-er-qe

iii 9999


iii 100100

URU dan-nu-ti-šu-nu a-di ŠANABI-ti u₄-me

iii 101101

ša dUTU na-pa-ḫi ak-šud

iii 102102

DINGIR.MEŠ-šu-nu bu-ša-šu-nu nam-kur-šu-nu

iii 103103

2 šu-ši ruq-qi URUDU.MEŠ

Column iv
iv 1iv 1

30 GUN URUDU.MEŠ ša-bar-ta bu-še ta-tur

iv 22

É.GAL--šu-nu ù šal-la-su-nu

iv 33

ú-še-ṣa-a URU šu-a-tu i-na IZI.MEŠ

iv 44

áš-ru-up ap-púl aq-qur

iv 55

i-na u₄-mi-šu-ma URUDU.MEŠ ša-a-tu

(iv 5) At that time, I gave that copper to the god Adad, the one who loves me.

iv 66

a-na dIŠKUR ra-ʾi-mi-ia a-qiš

iv 77

i-na e-mu-qi ṣi-ra-te ša da-šur EN-ia

(iv 7) With the exalted power of the god Aššur, my lord, I marched to the land Sugi of the land Ḫabḫu, (people who were) insubmissive to the god Aššur, my lord. I fought on foot with 6,000 of (iv 10) their troops from the lands Ḫimme, Lūḫu, Arrirgi, Alamun, Nimni, and all of the people of the wide land Papḫû. (I fought) (iv 15) with all of those lands on Mount Ḫiriḫu, rough terrain that thrusts up like pointed daggers. I brought about their defeat. I built up mounds with the (corpses of) their men-at-arms on (its) mountain ledges (iv 20) (and) I dyed Mount Ḫiriḫu red like wool with their blood. I conquered the land Sugi in its entirety. I brought out twenty-five of their gods, their booty, their possessions, (and) their property. I burned, destroyed, (and) demolished (iv 25) all of their cities. The remainder of their troops grasped my feet (and) I had mercy on them. I imposed upon them tribute and impost (and) regarded them as vassals of the god Aššur, my lord.

iv 88

a-na ša KUR.ḫab-ḫi la-a ka-ni-šu-ut

iv 99

da-šur EN-ia lu al-lik it-ti 6 LIM

iv 1010

um-ma-na-te-šu-nu KUR.ḫi-meḫi

iv 1111 KUR.a-la-mu-un

iv 1212

KUR.nim-ni ù kúl-lat KUR.pap-ḫe-e

iv 1313

DAGAL.MEŠ-ti i-na KUR.ḫi-ri-ḫi

iv 1414

A.ŠÀ nam-ra-ṣi ša ki-ma zi-qip GÍR

iv 1515

šam-ṭu it-ti kúl-lat KUR.KUR-šu-nu

iv 1616

i-na GÌR.MEŠ-ia lu-ú am-da-ḫi-iṣ

iv 1717

a-bi-ik-ta-šu-nu lu áš-kun

iv 1818

ERIM.MEŠ muq-tab-li-šu-nu i-na gi-sal-lat KUR-i

iv 1919

a-na gu-ru-na-a-te lu--ri-in

iv 2020

ÚŠ.MEŠ-šu-nu KUR.ḫi-ri-ḫa

iv 2121

ki-ma na-ba-si lu aṣ-ru-up

iv 2222 a-na si-ḫír-ti-ša ak-šud

iv 2323

25 DINGIR.MEŠ-šu-nu šal-la-su-nu

iv 2424

bu-ša-šu-nu nam-kur-šu-nu ú-še-ṣa-a

iv 2525

nap-ḫar URU.MEŠ-šu-nu i-na IZI.MEŠ

iv 2626

áš-ru-up ap-púl aq-qur

iv 2727

si-te-et um-ma-na-te-šu-nu GÌR.MEŠ-ia

iv 2828

iṣ-ba-tu a-re-em-šu-nu-ti

iv 2929

GUN ù ma-da-ta UGU-šu-nu

iv 3030

ú-kín it-ti da-gil pa-an

iv 3131

da-šur EN-ia am-nu-šu-nu-ti

iv 3232

i-na u₄-mi-šu-ma 25 DINGIR.MEŠ-ni ša KUR.KUR.MEŠ

(iv 32) At that time, I donated twenty-five gods of those lands, my own booty that I had taken, to be door keepers of the temple of the goddess Mullissu, the beloved chief spouse of the god Aššur, my lord, (the temple of) the gods Anu (and) Adad, (the temple of) the Assyrian Ištar, (of) the (other) temples of my city, Aššur, and (of the temples of) the goddesses of my land.

iv 3333

ši-na-ti-na ki-šit-ti qa-ti-ia

iv 3434

ša al-qa-a a-na ú-tu-ʾu-ut É dNIN.LÍL

iv 3535

ḫi-ir-te GAL-te na-mad-di da-šur EN-ia

iv 3636

da-nim dIŠKUR dINANNA áš-šu-ri-te

iv 3737

É.KUR.MEŠ-at URU-ia da-šur

iv 3838


iv 3939

lu-ú áš-ru-uk

iv 4040

mGIŠ.tukul-ti-IBILA-é-šár-ra MAN dan-nu

(iv 40) Tiglath-pileser (I), the strong king, the conqueror of enemy regions, (and) the rival of all (other) kings.

iv 4141

ka-šid kib-rat KÚR.MEŠ ša-ni-nu

iv 4242

gi-mir MAN.MEŠ

iv 4343

i-na u₄-mi-šu i-na e-mu-qi ṣi-ra-te

(iv 43) At that time, with the exalted might of the god Aššur, my lord, with the firm ‘yes’ (iv 45) of the god Šamaš, the warrior, with the support of the great gods with which I have properly ruled in the four quarters (of the world) and have no rival in battle nor equal in conflict, at the command of the god Aššur, (my) lord, I marched to the Naʾiri lands, whose distant kings, (iv 50) on the shore of the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun had not known submission. I pushed through rugged paths and perilous passes, the interior of which (iv 55) no king had previously known, blocked trails (and) unopened remote regions. (As for) Mounts Elama, Amadāni, Elḫiš, Šerabeli, Tarḫuna, (iv 60) Terkaḫuli, Kiṣra, Tarḫanabe, Elula, Ḫaštarae, Šaḫišara, Ubera, Miliadruni, Šulianzi, Nubanāše, (iv 65) and Šēše, (altogether) sixteen mighty mountains, (I rode) my chariot over smooth terrain and I hacked out the rough terrain with copper picks. I cut down the urumu-trees that grow in th(os)e mountains, (iv 70) (and thereby) constructed good bridges for the passage of my chariots and army. I crossed the Euphrates River (with those bridges).

iv 4444

ša da-šur EN-ia i-na an-ni ke-e-ni

iv 4545

ša dUTU qu-ra-di i-na GIŠ.tukul-ti

iv 4646

šá DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ša i-na kib-rat 4-i

iv 4747

mi-še-riš ul-tal-li-ṭu-ma mu--ḫa

iv 4848

i-na MURUB₄ ù ša-ni-na i-na la-a i-šu-ú

iv 4949

a-na MAN.MEŠ-ni -su-te

iv 5050

ša a-aḫ A.AB.BA e-le-ni-ti ša ša-la-mu dšam-ši

iv 5151

šá ka-na-ša la-a i-du-ú

iv 5252

da-šur EN ú-ma-ʾe-ra-ni-ma al-lik

iv 5353

ṭu-ud-di mar-ṣu-ti ù -re-be-ti

iv 5454

šup-šu-qa-a-te ša i-na maḫ-ra

iv 5555

LUGAL ia-um-ma lìb-ba-šu-nu la-a i-du-ú

iv 5656

ar-ḫi ed-lu-te du-ur-gi

iv 5757

la-a pe-tu-te ú-še-ti-iq

iv 5858

KUR.e-la-ma KUR.a-ma-da-na KUR.el-ḫi-

iv 5959

KUR.še-ra-be-li KUR.tar-ḫu-na

iv 6060


iv 6161

KUR.tar-ḫa-na-be KUR.e-lu-la

iv 6262

KUR.ḫa-áš-ta-ra-e KUR.ša-ḫi-ša-ra

iv 6363

KUR.ú-be-ra KUR.mi-li-ad-ru-ni

iv 6464


iv 6565

ù KUR.še-e-še 16 KUR.MEŠ-ni dan-nu-te

iv 6666

A.ŠÀ DÙG.GA i-na GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ-ia ù mar-ṣa

iv 6767

i-na aq-qúl-lat URUDU.MEŠ lu aḫ-si

iv 6868

ú-ru-mi GIŠ.MEŠ KUR-i lu ak-ki-is

iv 6969

ti-tur-ra-a-te.MEŠ a-na me-ti-iq GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ-ia ù

iv 7070

um-ma-na-te-ia lu ú-ṭí-ib

iv 7171

ÍD.pu-rat-ta lu-ú e-bir LUGAL KUR.tum₄-me

(iv 71b) The king of the land Tumme, the king of the land Tunube, the king of the land Tuali, the king of the land Dardari, the king of the land Uzula, the king of the land Unzamuni, the king of the land Andiabe, (iv 75) the king of the land Piladarni, the king of the land Adurgini, the king of the land Kulibarzini, the king of the land Šinibirni, the king of the land Ḫimua, the king of the land Paiteri, the king of the land Uiram, the king of the land Šururia, the king of the land Abaeni, the king of the land Adaeni, (iv 80) the king of the land Kirini, the king of the land Albaya, the king of the land Ugina, the king of the land Nazabia, the king of the land Abarsiuni, (and) the king of the land Daiaeni, altogether twenty-three kings of the Naʾiri lands, (iv 85) combined their chariotry and army in their lands (and) advanced to wage war, strife, and combat.

iv 7272

LUGAL KUR.tu-nu-be LUGAL KUR.tu-a-li

iv 7373

LUGAL KUR.dar-da-ri LUGAL KUR.ú-zu-la

iv 7474

LUGAL KUR.un-za-mu-ni LUGAL

iv 7575

LUGAL KUR.pi-la-dar-ni LUGAL KUR.a-dur-gi-ni

iv 7676

LUGAL KUR.ku-li-bar-zi-ni LUGAL KUR.ši-ni-bir-ni

iv 7777


iv 7878

LUGAL KUR.ú-i-ra-am LUGAL KUR.šu-ru-ri-a

iv 7979

LUGAL KUR.a-ba-e-ni LUGAL KUR.a-da-e-ni

iv 8080


iv 8181


iv 8282

LUGAL KUR.a-bar-si-ú-ni LUGAL KUR.da-ia-e-ni

iv 8383


iv 8484

i-na -reb KUR.KUR-šu-nu-ma GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ-šu-nu

iv 8585

ù um-ma-na-te-šu-nu ul-ták-ṣi-ru-ma

iv 8686

a-na e-peš GIŠ.TUKUL MURUB₄ ù

iv 8787

lu it-bu-ni i-na šu-mur GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia

(iv 87b) With the onslaught of my fierce weapons, I approached them (and) destroyed their extensive army (iv 90) like a storm of the god Adad. I laid out the corpses of their warriors like grain heaps in the open country, the plains of the mountains, and the environs of their cities. In (that) battle, I seized (iv 95) 120 of their chariots, together with (their) equipment. (iv 100) As far as the Upper Sea, I chased at arrow point sixty kings of the Naʾiri lands, including those who had come to their aid. I conquered their large cult centers (and) brought out (v 1) their booty, possessions, (and) property. I burned with fire, destroyed, (and) demolished their cities (and) turned them into ruin hills. I brought back (v 5) extensive herds of horses, mules, (and) donkeys, the livestock of their pastures, without number. I captured all of the kings of the Naʾiri lands alive. I had mercy (v 10) on those kings and spared their lives. I released them from their bonds and fetters in the presence of the god Šamaš, my lord, and (v 15) made them swear an oath of eternal vassaldom by my great gods. I took their natural, royal, sons as hostages. I imposed upon them a payment of 1,200 horses (and) 2,000 cattle. I allowed them to return to their lands.

iv 8888

ez-zu-te as-ni-qa-šu-nu-ti

iv 8989

ša-gal-ti um-ma-na-te-šu-nu DAGAL.MEŠ

iv 9090

ki-ma ri-ḫi-il-ti dIŠKUR

iv 9191

lu áš-kun šal-ma-at qu-ra-di-šu-nu

iv 9292

i-na ṣe-ri ba-ma-at KUR-i ù i-da-at

iv 9393

URU.MEŠ-šu-nu ki-ma ser-ma-še

iv 9494

lu-me-ṣi 2 šu-ši GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ-šu-nu

iv 9595

ḫa-lup*-ta i-na -reb tam-ḫa-ri

iv 9696

lu-te-me-eḫ 1 šu-ši LUGAL.MEŠ-ni

iv 9797 a-di ša a-na

iv 9898

-ra-ru-te-šu-nu il-li-ku-ni

iv 9999

i-na zi-qít mul-mul-li-ia a-di A.AB.BA

iv 100100

e-le-ni-te lu ar-di-šu-nu-ti

iv 101101

ma-ḫa-zi-šu-nu GAL.MEŠ ak-šud

Column v
v 1v 1

šal-la-su-nu bu-ša-a-šu-nu nam-kur-šu-nu

v 22

ú-še-ṣa-a URU.MEŠ-šu-nu i-na IZI.MEŠ

v 33

áš-ru-up ap-púl aq-qur

v 44

a-na DU₆ ù kar-mi ú-ter

v 55


v 66

pa-re-e a-ga-li ù mar-šit

v 77

qer-be-te-šu-nu a-na la-a ma--e

v 88

ú-ter-ra nap-ḫar LUGAL.MEŠ-ni

v 99 bal-ṭu-su-nu qa-ti

v 1010

ik-šud a-na LUGAL.MEŠ-ni ša-a-tu-nu

v 1111

re-e-ma ar-ša-šu-nu-ti-ma

v 1212

na-piš-ta-šu-nu e-ṭí-ir šal-lu-su-nu

v 1313

ù ka-mu-su-nu i-na ma-ḫar dUTU EN-ia

v 1414

ap-ṭu-ur ma-mi-it DINGIR.MEŠ-ia

v 1515

GAL.MEŠ a-na ar-kàt UD.MEŠ a-na u₄-um

v 1616

ṣa-a-te a-na ÌR-ut-te ú-tam-mi-šu-nu-ti

v 1717

DUMU.MEŠ nab-ni-it LUGAL-ti-šu-nu

v 1818

a-na li-ṭu-te aṣ-bat

v 1919


v 2020

ma-da-at-ta UGU-šu-nu ú-kín

v 2121

a-na KUR.KUR.MEŠ-šu-nu ú-maš-še-er-šu-nu-ti

v 2222

mse-e-ni LUGAL KUR.da-ia-e-ni

(v 22) I brought Sēni, king of the land Daiaeni, who had not been submissive to the god Aššur, my lord, in bonds and fetters to my city, Aššur. I had mercy on him and let him leave my city, Aššur, alive in order to proclaim the glory of (my) great gods. I became lord of the wide Naʾiri lands in their entirety. Moreover, I made all of their kings bow down to my feet.

v 2323

ša a-na da-šur EN-ia la-a ka-an-šu

v 2424

šal-lu-su ù ka-mu-su a-na URU-ia

v 2525

da-šur ub-la-šu re-e-ma

v 2626

ar-ša-šu-ma -tu URU-ia da-šur

v 2727


v 2828

a-na da-la-a-li a-na na-pi--ti

v 2929


v 3030

DAGAL.MEŠ-te a-na paṭ gim-ri-ši-na a-pél

v 3131

ù nap-ḫar LUGAL.MEŠ-šu-nu

v 3232

a-na GÌR.MEŠ-ia ú-šék-niš

v 3333

i-na ta-lu-uk gir-ri-ma šu-a-tu

(v 33) In the course of that (same) campaign, I marched to the rebellious and insubmissive city Melid (Milidia) of the land Ḫanigalbat. Frightened by my strong belligerent attack, they grasped my feet and I had mercy on them. I did not storm that city, (but) I took hostages (instead). As uninterrupted, annual payment, I imposed upon them one homer of lead ore.

v 3434

a-na URU.mi-li-di-a ša KUR.ḫa-ni-gal-bat

v 3535

šap-ṣu-te la-a ma-gi-ri al-lik

v 3636

ti-ib -ia dan-na e-du-ru-ma

v 3737

GÌR.MEŠ-ia iṣ-ba-tu a-re-em-šu-nu-ti

v 3838

URU šu-a-tu ul ak-šud li-i-ṭí-šu-nu

v 3939

aṣ-bat 1 ANŠE kur-ba-ni ša a-ba-ri

v 4040

ma-da-at-ta MU-šàm-ma

v 4141

a-na la šu-pár-ke-e UGU-šu-nu ú-kín

v 4242

mGIŠ.tukul-ti-IBILA-é-šár-ra nab-lu ḫa-am-ṭu

(v 42) Tiglath-pileser (I), the darting (and) furious flame, the deluge in battle.

v 4343

šu-zu-zu a-bu-ub tam-ḫa-ri

v 4444

i-na GIŠ.tukul-ti da-šur EN-ia GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ

(v 44) With the support of the god Aššur, my lord, I took my chariots and warriors (and) set off for the desert. I marched against the Aḫlamû-Arameans, the enemies of the god Aššur, my lord. (v 50) In a single day, I plundered from the border of the land Sūḫu to the city Carchemish of the land Ḫatti. I massacred them (and) carried back their booty, possessions, and goods without number. The rest of their troops (v 55) who fled from the weapons of the god Aššur, my lord, crossed the Euphrates River. I crossed the Euphrates River after them on rafts (made of inflated) goatskins. (v 60) I conquered six of their cities at the foot of Mount Bisuru (Bešri). I burned with fire, destroyed, (and) demolished (those cities). I brought their booty, possessions, and goods to my city, Aššur.

v 4545

ù qu-ra-di-ia.MEŠ lu-ú al-qe mu-ud-ba-ra

v 4646

aṣ-bat a-na ŠÀ aḫ-la--i-

v 4747Š KÚR.MEŠ-ut da-šur EN-ia

v 4848

lu-ú al-lik -tu tar-ṣiḫi

v 4949

a-di URU.kar-ga-miš ša KUR.ḫa-at-te

v 5050

i-na 1-en u₄-me aḫ-bu-ut

v 5151

di-ik-ta-šu-nu a-duk šal-la-su-nu

v 5252

bu-ša-a-šu-nu mar-ši-su-nu

v 5353

a-na la-a mi-na ú-ter-ra

v 5454

si-te-et um-ma-na-te-šu-nu

v 5555

ša i-na pa-an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ ša da-šur EN-ia

v 5656

ip-pár-ši-du ÍD.pu-rat-ta lu e-be-ru

v 5757

ar-ki-šu-nu i-na GIŠ..MEŠ KUŠ.DUḪ.ŠI.A

v 5858

ÍD.pu-rat-ta lu e-be-er

v 5959

6 URU.MEŠ-šu-nu ša GÌR KUR.--ri

v 6060

ak-šud i-na IZI.MEŠ áš-ru-up

v 6161

ap-púl aq-qur šal-la-su-nu bu-ša-šu-nu

v 6262

mar-ši-su-nu a-na URU-ia da-šur

v 6363


v 6464

mGIŠ.tukul-ti-IBILA-é-šár-ra ka-bi-is al-ṭu-te

(v 64) Tiglath-pileser (I), the one who treads upon dangerous people, the one who lays low the insubmissive, (and) the pacifier of all of the rebellious (people).

v 6565

mu-šem-qít la ma-gi-ri mu-šar-bi-bu

v 6666

ka-liš mul-tar-ḫi

v 6767

a-na ka-šadṣ-ri da-šur EN

(v 67) The god Aššur, the lord, commanded me to conquer the land Muṣri and I took the way between Mounts Elamuni, Tala, and Ḫarusa. (v 70) I conquered all the land Muṣri in its entirety (and) laid low their warriors. I burned with fire, destroyed, (and) demolished their cities. The troops of the land Qumanî (v 75) came to the aid of the land Muṣri. I fought with them in th(os)e mountains, (and) brought about their defeat. I confine them to one city, the city Arinu, which is at the foot of Mount Aisa. They grasped my feet (and) I spared that city. I imposed upon them hostages, tribute, (and) impost.

v 6868

ú-ma-ʾe-ra-ni-ma bir-ti KUR.e-la-mu-ni

v 6969

KUR.ta-la ù KUR.ḫa-ru-sa lu aṣ-bat

v 7070ṣ-ri a-na si-ḫir-ti-ša ak-šud

v 7171

qu-ra-di-šu-nu ú-šem-qít

v 7272

URU.MEŠ-šu-nu i-na IZI.MEŠ áš-ru-up ap-púl

v 7373

aq-qur um-ma-na-at KUR.qu-ma--e

v 7474

a-na re-ṣu-utṣ-ri

v 7575

lu il-li-ku-ni i-na KUR-e it-te-šu-nu

v 7676

lu am-da-ḫi-iṣ a-bi-ik-ta-šu-nu lu áš-kun

v 7777

a-na 1-en URU URU.a-ri-ni ša GÌR KUR.a-i-sa

v 7878

lu-ú e-si-ir-šu-nu-ti GÌR.MEŠ-ia

v 7979

iṣ-ba-tu URU šu-a-tu e-ṭí-ir

v 8080

li-i-ṭí.MEŠ GUN ù ma-da-at-ta

v 8181

UGU-šu-nu ú-kín

v 8282

i-na u₄-mi-šu-ma kúl-lat KUR.qu-ma--e

(v 82) At that time, all the people of land Qumanî, who had agreed to assist the land Muṣri, mustered their entire territories and took up a position (v 85) to do battle and conflict. With the onslaught of my fierce weapons, I fought with their 20,000 extensive troops at Mount Tala (and) brought about their defeat. (v 90) I broke up their mighty force (and) pursued them in their retreat, as far as Mount Ḫarusa, which is before the land Muṣri. I spread out the corpses of their warriors on (its) mountain ledges like sheep (and) made (v 95) their blood flow into the hollows and plains of the mountains. I conquered their large cult centers. I burned with fire, destroyed, (and) demolished (them) and turned (them) into ruin hills.

v 8383

ša a-na re-ṣu-utṣ-ri -ša-ak-nu

v 8484

nap-ḫar KUR.KUR.MEŠ-šu-nu lu id-ku-ú-ni

v 8585

a-na e-peš GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ qab-li ù

v 8686

lu iz-zi-zu-ni i-na šu-mur GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia

v 8787

ez-zu-te it-ti 20 LIM um-ma-na-te-šu-nu

v 8888

DAGAL.MEŠ i-na KUR.ta-la lu am-da-ḫi-iṣ-ma

v 8989

a-bi-ik-ta-šu-nu lu áš-kun

v 9090

ki-ṣir-šu-nu gap-ša lu-pe-ri-ir

v 9191

a-di KUR.ḫa-ru-sa ša pa-anṣ-ri

v 9292

ab-ku-su-nu lu ar-du-ud šal-ma-at

v 9393

qu-ra-di-šu-nu i-na gi-sal-lat KUR-i

v 9494

ki-ma šu-ú-be -na-il

v 9595

ÚŠ.MEŠ-šu-nu ḫur-ri ù ba-ma-a-te ša KUR-i

v 9696

lu-šèr-di ma-ḫa-zi-šu-nu GAL.MEŠ

v 9797

ak-šud i-na IZI.MEŠ áš-ru-up

v 9898

ap-púl aq-qur a-na DU₆ ù kar-me ú-ter

v 9999

URU.ḫu-nu-sa URU dan-nu-ti-šu-nu

(v 99) I overwhelmed the city Ḫunusa, their fortified city, (so that it looked) like a ruin hill (created by) the Deluge. I fought violently (vi 1) with their mighty army in (that) city and (nearby) mountain (and) brought about their defeat. (vi 5) I laid low their men-at-arms in the mountains like sheep. Like lambs, I cut off their heads (and) made their blood flow into the hollows and plains of the mountains. I conquered that city (Ḫunusa). I took their gods (and) (vi 10) brought out their booty, possessions, (and) property. I burned th(at) city. I destroyed, demolished, (and) turned into a ruin hill the three walls that were constructed with baked brick and the entire city and (then) (vi 15) I strewed ṣīpu-stones over it. I made bronze lightning bolts (and) inscribed on (them a description of) the conquest of the lands that I conquered had with the god Aššur, my lord, (together with a warning) not to occupy that city and not to rebuild its wall. On that (site), I built a building of baked brick and put those bronze lightning bolts therein.

v 100100

ki-ma DU₆ a-bu-be áš-ḫu-up

Column vi
vi 1vi 1

it-ti um-ma-na-te-šu-nu gap-ša-a-te

vi 22

i-na URU ù KUR-e šam-riš lu-ú am-da-ḫi-iṣ

vi 33

a-bi-ik-ta-šu-nu lu áš-kun

vi 44

ERIM.MEŠ muq-tab-li-šu-nu i-na -reb ḫur-ša-a-ni

vi 55

ki-ma šu-ú-be lu -na-il SAG.DU.MEŠ-šu-nu

vi 66

ki-ma ze-er-qe ú--ki-is

vi 77

ÚŠ.MEŠ-šu-nu ḫur-ri ù ba-ma-a-te šá KUR-i

vi 88

lu-šèr-di URU šu-a-tu ak-šud

vi 99

DINGIR.MEŠ-šu-nu áš-ša-a šal-la-su-nu bu-ša-šu-nu nam-kur-šu-nu

vi 1010

ú-še-ṣa-a URU i-na IZI.MEŠ áš-ru-up

vi 1111

3 BÀD.MEŠ-šu ša i-na a-gúr-ri

vi 1212

ra-áṣ-bu ù si-ḫir-ti URU-šu

vi 1313

ap-púl aq-qur a-na DU₆ ù kar-me

vi 1414

ú-ter ù NA₄.MEŠ ṣi-pa i-na muḫ-ḫi-šu

vi 1515

az-ru NIM.GÍR ZABAR e-pu-

vi 1616

ki-šit-ti KUR.KUR.MEŠ ša i-na da-šur EN-ia

vi 1717

ak-šu-du URU šu-a-tu a-na la-a ṣa-ba-te

vi 1818

ù BÀD-šu la-a ra-ṣa-pi i-na muḫ-ḫi

vi 1919

al-ṭu-ur É ša a-gúr-ri i-na muḫ-ḫi-šu

vi 2020

ar-ṣip NIM.GÍR ZABAR ša-tu-nu

vi 2121

i-na lìb-bi ú-še-ši-ib

vi 2222

i-na GIŠ.tukul-ti da-šur EN-ia GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ

(vi 22) With the support of the god Aššur, my lord, I took my chariotry and warriors (and) surrounded the city Kipšūnu, their royal city. The king of the land Qumanî (vi 25) was frightened of my strong and belligerent attack and grasped my feet. I spared that city. I ordered him to destroy his great wall and towers of baked brick. (vi 30) He destroyed (it) from its foundations to its crenellations and he turned (it) into a ruin hill. He deported (and) I received from him 300 families, rebels in his midst who were not submissive to the god Aššur, my lord. I took hostages from him. I imposed upon him a tribute and impost (vi 35) that was larger than before. I conquered the wide land Qumanî to its full extent (and) I made (its people) bow down to me.

vi 2323

ù qu-ra-di-ia.MEŠ lu al-qe URU.kip-šu-na

vi 2424

URU LUGAL-ti-šu-nu lu al-mi LUGAL KUR.qu-ma--e

vi 2525

ti-ib -ia dan-na e-du-ur-ma

vi 2626

GÌR.MEŠ-ia iṣ-bat URU šu-a-tu e-ṭí-ir

vi 2727

BÀD-šu GAL-a ù a-sa-ia-te-šu

vi 2828

ša a-gúr-ri a-na na-pa-li aq-ba-šu-ma

vi 2929

-tu -še-šu a-di gaba-dib-bi-šu

vi 3030

ip-púl a-na DU₆ ú-ter

vi 3131

ù 5 šu-ši qi-in-na-a-te EN.MEŠ ḫi-i-ṭí

vi 3232

ša lìb-bi-šu ša a-na da-šur EN-ia la-a ka-an-šu

vi 3333

is-su-ḫa am-ḫur-šu li-i-ṭí.MEŠ-šu

vi 3434

aṣ-bat GUN ù ma-da-ta

vi 3535

UGU ša pa-na ut-tir i-na muḫ-ḫi-šu

vi 3636

áš-kun KUR.qu-ma--e DAGAL-ta

vi 3737

a-na paṭ gim-ri-ša ak-šud a-na GÌR.MEŠ-ia

vi 3838


vi 3939

ŠU.NÍGIN 42 KUR.KUR.MEŠ ù mal-ki-ši-na

(vi 39) Altogether, from my accession year to my fifth regnal year, I conquered forty-two lands and their rulers from the other side of the Lower Zab, in distant mountainous regions to the other side of the Euphrates River, people of the land Ḫatti, and the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun. I made them bow down to one authority, took hostages from them, (and) imposed upon them tribute and impost.

vi 4040

-tu e-ber-ta-an Íšu-pa-li-i

vi 4141

ši-id-di ḫur-ša-a-ni -su-te

vi 4242

a-di e-ber-ta-an ÍD.pu-rat-te

vi 4343

KUR.ḫa-at-te-e ù A.AB.BA e-le-ni-ti

vi 4444

ša ša-la-mu dšam-še -tu ri- LUGAL-ti-ia

vi 4545

a-di 5 BALA-ia qa-a-ti ik-šud

vi 4646

pa-a 1-en ú-še--kin-šu-nu-ti

vi 4747

li-ṭí.MEŠ-šu-nu aṣ-bat GUN

vi 4848

ù ma-da-ta UGU-šu-nu ú-kín

vi 4949

e-zi-ib ḫar-ra-na-at KÚR.MEŠ ma-da-a-tu

(vi 49) (This) is apart from the numerous foreign campaigns that do not appear in th(is account of) my victories (and) upon which I pursued my enemies by chariot in favorable terrain and on foot in rough terrain. I prevented the enemies from setting foot in my land.

vi 5050

ša a-na li-ta-te-ia la-a qe-er-ba

vi 5151

A.ŠÀ DÙG.GA i-na GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ-ia ù mar-ṣa

vi 5252

i-na GÌR.MEŠ-ia ar-ki-šu-nu

vi 5353

lu at-tal-lak GÌR.MEŠ KÚR.MEŠ

vi 5454

i-na KUR-ti-ia lu-ú ap-ru-us

vi 5555

mGIŠ.tukul-ti-IBILA-é-šár-ra eṭ-lu qar-du

(vi 55) Tiglath-pileser (I), the valiant man, the armed one with the unrivalled bow, (and) an expert in the hunt.

vi 5656

ta-me-eḫ GIŠ.PAN la-a šá-na-an

vi 5757

mu-gam-me-ru bu-ʾu-ur ṣe-ri

vi 5858

dnin-urta ù dIGI.DU GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šu-nu

(vi 58) The gods Ninurta and Nergal gave me their fierce weapons and their exalted bow for my lordly arms. By the command of the god Ninurta, who loves me, with my strong bow, iron arrowheads, and sharp arrows, I slew four extraordinarily strong wild virile bulls in the desert, in the land Mittani, and at the city Araziqu which is before the land Ḫatti. I brought their hides and horns to my city, Aššur.

vi 5959

ez-zu-te ù GIŠ.PAN-su-nu ṣir-ta

vi 6060

a-na i-di EN-ti-ia -ru-ku

vi 6161

i-na si-qir dnin-urta ra-ʾi-mi-ia

vi 6262

4 pu-ḫal AM.MEŠ dan-nu-te šu-tu-ru-te

vi 6363

i-na ḫu-rib-te i-na KUR.mi-ta-ni

vi 6464

ù i-na URU.a-ra-zi-qi ša pa-an

vi 6565

KUR.ḫa-at-te i-na GIŠ.PAN-ia dan-na-te

vi 6666

šu-ku-ud AN.BAR ù mul-mul-li-ia

vi 6767

zaq-tu-te na-piš-ta-šu-nu ú-šéq-ti

vi 6868

KUŠ.MEŠ-šu-nu SI.MEŠ-šu-nu

vi 6969

a-na URU-ia da-šur ub-la

vi 7070

10 AM.SI.MEŠ pu-ḫa-li dan-nu-ti

(vi 70) I killed ten strong bull elephants in the land Ḫarrān and the region of the Ḫābūr River (and) four live elephants I captured. I brought the hides and tusks (of the dead elephants) with the live elephants to my city, Aššur.

vi 7171

i-na KUR.KASKAL-ni ù ši-di ÍD.ḫa-bur

vi 7272

lu a-duk 4 AM.SI.MEŠ bal-ṭu-te

vi 7373

lu-ṣa-bi-ta KUŠ.MEŠ-šu-nu

vi 7474

.MEŠ-šu-nu it-ti AM.SI.MEŠ-ma

vi 7575

bal-ṭu-te a-na URU-ia da-šur ub-la

vi 7676

i-na si-qir dnin-urta ra-ʾi-mi-ia

(vi 76) By the command of the god Ninurta, who loves me, I killed 120 lions on foot, with my wildly outstanding assault. In addition, I struck down 800 lions from my light chariot. I have brought down every kind of wild beast (lit. “livestock of the god Sumuqan”) and winged bird of the heavens, whenever I shot an arrow.

vi 7777

2 šu-ši UR.MAḪ.MEŠ i-na lìb-bi-ia ek-di

vi 7878

i-na qit-ru-ub mi-it-lu-ti-ia

vi 7979

i-na GÌR.MEŠ-ia lu a-duk

vi 8080


vi 8181

i-na pat-tu-te ú-šem-qít

vi 8282

bu-ul dšákkan gi-mir-ta ù MUŠEN AN-e

vi 8383

mut-tap-ri-ša e-em ni-sik GI.MEŠ-ia

vi 8484

lu-ú at-ta-di

vi 8585

-tu KÚR.MEŠ-ut da-šur paṭ gim-ri-šu-nu

(vi 85) After I had gained dominion over the enemies of the god Aššur it their full extent, I built (and) (vi 90) completed the temple of the Assyrian Ištar, my lady, the temple of the god Amurru, the temple of the god Bēl-labira, (and) the temple of the Ten Gods, the dilapidated temples of the gods of my city, Aššur. I established the dedications of their temples (and) brought the great gods, my lords, inside (them). I pleased their divinit(ies).

vi 8686

a-pe-lu É dINANNA áš-šu-ri-te

vi 8787


vi 8888


vi 8989

an-ḫu-te ša URU-ia da-šur e-pu-

vi 9090

ú-šék-lil te-ru-bat É.ḪI.A.MEŠ-šu-nu

vi 9191


vi 9292

a-na lìb-bi ú-še-rib

vi 9393

lìb-bi DINGIR-ti-šu-nu ú-ṭí-ib

vi 9494

É.GAL.MEŠ-te šu-bat LUGAL-ti

(vi 94) I built (and) completed the palaces, the royal residences (vi 95) of the large cult centers in the (various) districts of my entire land that had been abandoned and had fallen into ruin and decay since the time of my ancestors, during hard years. I repaired (vi 100) the dilapidated fortifications of my land. I caused plows to be hitched up all over Assyria and (thereby) piled up more grain than my ancestors.

vi 9595

ša ma-ḫa-za-ni GAL.MEŠ-te

vi 9696

ša ši-di KUR-ti-ia gab-be ša -tu

vi 9797

tar-ṣi AD.MEŠ-ia i-na MU.MEŠ-te

vi 9898

dan-na-te um-da-ši-ra-ma e-na-ḫa-ma

vi 9999

-ab-ta - ú-šék-lil

vi 100100

BÀD.MEŠ KUR-ti-ia an-šu-te

vi 101101

ak-še-er GIŠ.APIN.MEŠ i-na nap-ḫar KUR da-šur

vi 102102

gab-be ú-šèr-ki-is ù ta-ab-ka

vi 103103

ša ŠE.IM.MEŠ a-na ša AD.MEŠ-ia

vi 104104

lu ú-ter lu at-bu-uk

vi 105105


(vi 105) I formed herds of horses, oxen, (and) asses from the booty that I had taken when I gained dominion over lands (vii 1) with the support of the god Aššur, my lord. Moreover, I got control of (and) formed herds of (vii 5) the nālu-deer, ayyalu-deer, gazelles, (and) ibex that the gods Aššur and Ninurta, the gods who love me, had given to me during the course of the hunt in high mountain ranges. I (vii 11) numbered them like flocks of sheep. Yearly, I sacrificed the young born to them to the god Aššur, my lord, as voluntary offerings, together with my (other) pure offerings.

Column vii
vii 1vii 1

ša i-na GIŠ.tukul-ti da-šur EN-ia

vii 22

i-na KUR.KUR.MEŠ ša a-pe-lu-ši-na-ti

vii 33

ki-šit-ti qa-ti-ia

vii 44

šá al-qa-a ak-ṣur ù su-gul-lat

vii 55

na-a-li.MEŠ DÀRA.MAŠ.MEŠ ar-mi.MEŠ

vii 66

tu-ra-ḫi.MEŠ ša da-šur ù dMAŠ

vii 77

DINGIR.MEŠ ÁGA.MEŠ-ia e-peš bu-ʾu-ri

vii 88

i-qi-šu-ni i-na -reb ḫur-šá-ni

vii 99

ša-qu-ti ú-tam-me-ḫu

vii 1010

su-gul-la-te-šu-nu ak-ṣur

vii 1111

mi-nu-su-nu ki-ma ša mar-šit

vii 1212

ṣe-ni.MEŠ-ma lu-ú am-nu

vii 1313

pu-ḫa-di e-lu.MEŠ nab-ni-it

vii 1414

lìb-bi-šu-nu a-na bi-ib-lat lìb-bi-ia

vii 1515

it-ti SISKUR.MEŠ-ia .MEŠ

vii 1616

MU-šàm-ma a-na da-šur EN-ia lu at-ta-qi

vii 1717

GIŠ.e-re-na GIŠ.tas-ka-ri-na

(vii 17) I took cedar, box-tree, Kanish oak from the lands over which I had gained dominion such trees that no one among former kings, my ancestors, had ever planted and I planted (them) in the orchards of my land. I took rare orchard fruit that was not found in my land (and) I filled the orchards of Assyria (with them).

vii 1818

GIŠ.al-la-ka-ni- i-na KUR.KUR.MEŠ

vii 1919

ša a-pe-lu-ši-na-ti GIŠ.MEŠ

vii 2020

ša-tu-nu ša i-na LUGAL.MEŠ-ni

vii 2121

AD.MEŠ-ia maḫ-ru-te ma-am-ma

vii 2222

la íz-qu-pu al-qa-am-ma

vii 2323

i-na GIŠ.KIRI₆.MEŠ KUR-ti-ia

vii 2424

az-qu-up ù GURUN GIŠ.KIRI₆

vii 2525

aq-ra ša i-na KUR-ti-ia la-áš-šu

vii 2626

al-qa-a GIŠ.KIRI₆.MEŠ KUR da-šur

vii 2727

lu-ú -me-li

vii 2828

GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ ṣi-im-da-at ni-ri

(vii 28) I had in harness for the forces of my land more chariots and teams of horses than ever before. I added land to Assyria and people to its people. I brought contentment to my people (and) provided them with a secure abode.

vii 2929

a-na e-muq KUR-ti-ia UGU ša pa-na

vii 3030

lu ú-ter lu ú-šèr-ki-is

vii 3131

UGU KUR da-šur ma-a-ta

vii 3232

UGU UN.MEŠ-ša UN.MEŠ lu-rad-di

vii 3333

UZU.MEŠ UN.MEŠ-ia ú-ṭí-ib

vii 3434

šub-ta -eḫ-ta

vii 3535


vii 3636

mGIŠ.tukul-ti-IBILA-é-šár-ra NUN ṣi-ru

(vii 36) Tiglath-pileser (I), the exalted ruler, the one whom the gods Aššur and Ninurta have continually guided wherever he wished (to go) and who pursued each and every one of the enemies of the god Aššur and laid low all of the rebellious (people);

vii 3737

ša da-šur ù dnin-urta a-na bi-ib-lat

vii 3838

lìb-bi-šu it-tar-ru-šu-ma

vii 3939

ar-ki KÚR.MEŠ-ut da-šur

vii 4040

paṭ gim-ri-šu-nu it-tal-la-ku-ma

vii 4141

ú-šék-ni-šu gi-mir mul-tar-ḫi

vii 4242

A da-šur-SAG-i-ši LUGAL dan-ni ka-šid

(vii 42) Son of Aššur-rēša-iši (I), the strong king, the conqueror of enemy lands, (and) the subduer of all of the fierce (enemies);

vii 4343

KUR.KUR KÚR.MEŠ mu-šék-ni-šu

vii 4444

gi-mir al-ṭu-ti

vii 4545

A A ša mmu-ták-kil-dnusku ša da-šur EN GAL

(vii 45) Grandson of Mutakkil-Nusku, whom the god Aššur, the great lord, chose through the selection of his steadfast heart and (whom) he had firmly appointed to the shepherdship of Assyria;

vii 4646

i-na ú-tu-ut ku-un lìb-bi-šu

vii 4747

iḫ-šu-ḫu-šu-ma a-na SIPA-ut

vii 4848

KUR da-šur ke-ni- ib-bu-šu

vii 4949

IBILA ke-e-nu ša mda-šur-da-a-an

(vii 49) Legitimate heir of Aššur-dān (I), the bearer of the holy scepter, the commander of the subjects of the god Enlil, the one whose deeds and offerings are pleasing to the great gods, and (the one) who lived to a ripe old age;

vii 5050

na-áš GIŠ.GIDRU -te mul-taš-pi-ru

vii 5151

te--šet dEN.LÍL ša ep-šet qa-ti-šu

vii 5252

ù na-dan zi-bi-šu

vii 5353


vii 5454

še-bu-ta ù la-be-ru-ta il-li-ku

vii 5555

lìb-lìb-bi ša mdnin-urta-IBILA-é-kur

(vii 55) Offspring of Ninurta-apil-ekur, the martial king, the loved one of the god Aššur whose wings were spread like an eagle’s over his land and who faithfully tended the people of Assyria.

vii 5656

LUGAL da-pi-ni na-mad da-šur

vii 5757

ša nu-ba-lu-šu ki-ma ú-ri-ni

vii 5858

UGU KUR-ti-šu šu-pár-ru-ru-ma

vii 5959

um-ma-na-at KUR da-šur ke-ni- ir-te--ú

vii 6060

i-na u₄-mi-šu-ma É da-nim ù dIŠKUR

(vii 60) At that time, the temple of the gods Anu and Adad, the great gods, my lords, which Šamšī-Adad (III), the vice-regent of (the god) Aššur, the son of Išme-Dagān (II), (who was) also vice-regent of the god Aššur, had previously built; (after) 641 years had passed, it had become dilapidated (again) and Aššur-dān (I), the king of Assyria, the son of Ninurta-apil-Ekur, (who was) also the king of Assyria, tore that temple down, but did not (re)build (it) and for 60 years its foundation had not been (re)laid.

vii 6161


vii 6262

ša i-na pa-na mšam-ši-dIŠKUR ÉNSI da-šur

vii 6363

DUMU -me-dda-gan ÉNSI da-šur-ma

vii 6464

e-pu-šu 6 ME 41 MU.MEŠ

vii 6565

il-lik e-na-aḫ

vii 6666

mda-šur-da-a-an LUGAL KUR a-šur

vii 6767

DUMU dMAŠ-IBILA-é-kur LUGAL KUR a-šur-ma

vii 6868

É ša-a-tu ip-pu-ul ul e-pu-

vii 6969

1 šu-ši MU.MEŠ-te -šu-šu

vii 7070

ul i-na-du-ú

vii 7171

i-na šur-ru LUGAL-ti-ia da-nu

(vii 71) In my accession year, the gods Anu and Adad, the great gods, my lords, who love my priesthood, (vii 75) commanded me to (re)build their shrine (and) I made (its) bricks. I delineated its area, reached its foundation pit, (and) laid its foundations on solid bedrock. (vii 80) I piled up that area in its entirety with bricks, like an oven, making (it) fifty layers of brick deep. Thereon, I laid the limestone foundations of the temple of the gods Anu and Adad, the great gods, my lords. (vii 85) I built (it) from its foundations to its crenellations (and) made (it) larger than before.

vii 7272


vii 7373

ÁGA-mu SANGA-ti-ia

vii 7474

e-pa-áš at-ma-ni-šu-nu

vii 7575

iq-bu-ni SIG₄.MEŠ al-bi-in

vii 7676

qaq-qar-šu ú-me-si

vii 7777

dan-na-su ak-šud -še-e-šu

vii 7878

i-na UGU ki-ṣir KUR-i dan-ni ad-di

vii 7979

áš-ra ša-a-tu a-na si-ḫir-ti-šu

vii 8080

i-na SIG₄.MEŠ ki-ma ka-nu-ni áš-pu-uk

vii 8181

50 ti-ib-ki a-na šu-pa-li

vii 8282

ú-ṭé-bi i-na muḫ-ḫi-šu

vii 8383


vii 8484

ša pu-li ad-di

vii 8585

-tu -še-šu a-di gaba-dib-bi-šu

vii 8686

e-pu- UGU maḫ-re-e ut-tir

vii 8787

2 si-qur-ra-a-te GAL.MEŠ-te

(vii 87) I built two large ziggurats, which were appropriate for their great divinit(ies). I planned (and) laboriously built (and) completed (vii 90) th(at) pure temple, th(at) holy shrine, their joyful abode, their happy dwelling that stands out like the stars of heaven and that represents the choicest skills of the building trade. I decorated its interior like the interior of heaven. (vii 100) I decorated its walls as splendidly as the brilliance of rising stars. I raised its towers and its ziggurats to the sky and made fast its crenellations with baked brick. I installed (vii 105) a conduit (suitable for the conduct) of the rites of their great divinit(ies) inside (them). I brought the gods Anu and Adad, the great gods, my lords, (vii 110) inside (and) set them on their exalted thrones. I pleased their great divinit(ies).

vii 8888

ša a-na si-mat DINGIR-ti-šu-nu GAL-te

vii 8989

šu-lu-ka lu ab-ni

vii 9090

É at-ma-na qu-šu-da

vii 9191

šu-bat ḫi-da-te-šu-nu

vii 9292

mu-šab ta-ši-il-ti-šu-nu

vii 9393

ša ki-ma MUL AN-e šu-pu-ú

vii 9494

ù i-na ši-pár .ŠITIM-nu-ti

vii 9595

ma--diš nu-su-qu

vii 9696

ak-pu-ud a-na-aḫ -

vii 9797

ú-šék-lil -reb-šu

vii 9898

ki-ma lìb-bi AN-e ú-be-en-ni

vii 9999

i-ga-ra-te-šu ki-ma ša-ru-ur

vii 100100

ṣi-it MUL.MEŠ ú-si-im

vii 101101

ú-šèr-riḫ na-me-re-e-šu

vii 102102

ù si-qur-ra-te-šu a-na AN-e

vii 103103

ú-še-qi-ma ù gaba-dib-bi-šu

vii 104104

i-na a-gúr-ri ú-re-ki-is

vii 105105


vii 106106

pa-ra-aṣ DINGIR-ti-šu-nu

vii 107107

GAL-ti i-na -reb-šu

vii 108108


vii 109109


vii 110110

a-na lìb-bi ú-še-ri-ib

vii 111111

i-na šub-ti-šu-nu ṣir-ti

vii 112112


vii 113113

lìb-bi DINGIR-ti-šu-nu GAL-ti

vii 114114


Column viii
viii 1viii 1

É ḫa-am-ri ša dIŠKUR EN-ia

(viii 1) The ḫamru-temple of the god Adad, my lord, which Šamšī-Adad (III), the vice-regent of (the god) Aššur, the son of Išme-Dagān (II), (who was) also the vice-regent of the god Aššur, had built, became dilapidated and was in ruins. I delineated its site (and) built (it) from its foundations to its crenellations with baked brick. I adorned (it) and made (it) stronger than before. Inside, I made pure offerings to the god Adad, my lord.

viii 22

ša mšam-ši-dIŠKUR ÉNSI da-šur

viii 33

DUMU -me-dda-gan ÉNSI da-šur-ma

viii 44

e-pu-šu e-na-aḫ-ma -a-bit

viii 55

a-šar-šu ú-me-si -tu -še-šu

viii 66

a-di gaba-dib-bi-šu i-na a-gúr-ri

viii 77

ar-ṣi-ip UGU maḫ-re-e

viii 88

ú-si-im ú-šèr-šid

viii 99

i-na lìb-bi-šu SISKUR.MEŠ-te .MEŠ-te

viii 1010

a-na dIŠKUR EN-ia lu at-ta-qi

viii 1111

i-na u₄-mi-šu-ma NA₄. NA₄.ḫal-ta

(viii 11) At that time, I transported obsidian, ḫaltu-stone, and hematite from the mountains of the Naʾiri lands that I had conquered with the support of the god Aššur, my lord. I deposited (them) in the ḫamru-temple of the god Adad, my lord, forever.

viii 1212

ù NA₄.KA.GI.NA i-na KUR.MEŠ-ni

viii 1313

ša ša i-na GIŠ.tukul-ti da-šur EN-ia

viii 1414

ak-šu-du lu-ú áš-ša-a

viii 1515

i-na É ḫa-am-ri ša dIŠKUR EN-ia

viii 1616

a-na ṣa-at u₄-me ú-kín

viii 1717

ki-ma a-na-ku É at-ma-na ṣi-i-ra

(viii 17) Because I made plans without ceasing and (viii 20) was not slack in the work (but) quickly completed th(at) holy temple, the exalted shrine, for the abode of the gods Anu and Adad, the great gods, my lords, and (thereby) pleased their great divinit(ies), may the gods Anu and Adad faithfully have mercy upon me, (viii 25) love my prayers, heed my fervent petitions, grant abundant rain and extraordinarily rich years during my reign, (viii 30) lead me about safely in battle and strife, make all of the enemy lands, rebellious mountain regions, and rulers hostile to me bow down at my feet, (viii 35) pronounce a favorable blessing over me and my priestly progeny; and firmly place my priesthood in the presence of the god Aššur and their great divinit(ies) forever like a mountain.

viii 1818

a-na mu-šab da-nim ù dIŠKUR DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

viii 1919

EN.MEŠ-ia ak-pu-du-ma la a-pár-ku-ú

viii 2020

a-na e-pe-ši a-ḫi la-a ad-du-ú

viii 2121

ḫa-an-ṭiš ú-šék-li-lu-ma

viii 2222

lìb-bi DINGIR-ti-šu-nu GAL-ti

viii 2323

ú-ṭí-bu da-nu ù dIŠKUR

viii 2424

ke-ni- li-saḫ-ru-ni-ma

viii 2525

ni- qa-ti-ia li-ra-mu

viii 2626

te-me-eq ik-ri-be-ia liš-me-ú

viii 2727

zu-ni ṭa-aḫ-du-te ša-na-at

viii 2828

nu-uḫ-še ù maš-re-e a-na BALA.MEŠ-ia

viii 2929

liš-ru-ku i-na MURUB₄ ù

viii 3030

šal-miš lit-tar-ru-ú-ni

viii 3131


viii 3232

šap-ṣu-te ù mal-ki.MEŠ za-e-ri-ia

viii 3333

a-na GÌR.MEŠ-ia lu-šék-ni-šu

viii 3434

a-na ia-a-ši ù NUMUN SANGA-ti-ia

viii 3535

ki-rib-ta ṭa-ab-ta lik-ru-bu-ni-ma

viii 3636

SANGA-ti i-na ma-ḫar da-šur ù DINGIR-ti-šu-nu

viii 3737

GAL-ti a-na aḫ-rat UD.MEŠ

viii 3838

ki-ma KUR-i ke-niš lu-šèr-ši-du

viii 3939

li-ta-at qur-di-ia er-nin-tu

(viii 39) I wrote on my monumental and clay inscriptions my heroic victories, my successful battles, (and) the suppression of the enemies (and) foes of the god Aššur that the gods Anu and Adad had granted to me. I deposited (them) in the temple of the gods Anu and Adad, (viii 45) the great gods, my lords, forever. Moreover, the monumental inscriptions of Šamšī-Adad (III), my ancestor, I anointed with oil, made offerings, (and) returned them to their places.

viii 4040

tam-ḫar-ri-ia šuk-nu- KÚR.MEŠ

viii 4141

za-e-ru-ut da-šur ša da-nu ù dIŠKUR

viii 4242

a-na ši-rík-ti -ru-ku-ú-ni

viii 4343

i-na NA₄.NA..A.MEŠ-ia ù tem-me-ni-ia

viii 4444

al-ṭu-ur i-na É da-nim ù dIŠKUR

viii 4545


viii 4646

a-na ṣa-at UD.MEŠ áš-kun

viii 4747

ù NA₄.NA..A.MEŠ ša mšam-ši-dIŠKUR

viii 4848

a-bi-ia Ì.MEŠ ap-šu- UDU.SISKUR

viii 4949

aq-qi a-na áš-ri-šu-nu ú-ter

viii 5050

a-na ar-kàt UD.MEŠ a-na u₄-um ṣa-a-te

(viii 50) In the future, in days to come, may a future ruler, when th(at) temple of the gods Anu and Adad, the great gods, my lords, and those ziggurats become old and (viii 55) dilapidated, restore their dilapidated section(s). May he anoint with oil my monumental and clay inscriptions, make offerings, (and) return (them) to their places. Let him write his name with my (name). Just like me, may the gods Anu and Adad, the great gods, my lords, guide him well in joy and success.

viii 5151

a-na ma-te-ma NUN EGIR-ú

viii 5252

e-nu-ma É da-nim ù dIŠKUR DINGIR.MEŠ

viii 5353

GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia ù si-qur-ra-a-tu

viii 5454

ša-ti-na ú-šal-ba-ru-ma

viii 5555

e-na-ḫu an-ḫu-su-nu lu-ud-diš

viii 5656

NA₄.NA..A.MEŠ-ia ù tem-me-ni.MEŠ-ia

viii 5757

Ì.MEŠ lip-šu- UDU.SISKUR li-iq-qi

viii 5858

a-na áš-ri-šu-nu lu-ú-ter

viii 5959

ù MU-šu it-ti MU-ia lil-ṭu-ur

viii 6060

ki-ma ia-a-ti-ma da-nu ù dIŠKUR

viii 6161


viii 6262

ù ka-šad er-nin-te DÙG.GA- lit-tar-ru-šu

viii 6363

ša NA₄.NA..A.MEŠ-ia ù tem-me-ni.MEŠ-ia

(viii 63) (As for) the one who breaks (or) erases my monumental or clay inscriptions, throws (them) into water, burns (them) with fire, covers (them) with earth, secretly stores (them) in a Taboo House where they cannot be seen, erases my inscribed name and writes his (own) name, or conceives of anything injurious and puts it into effect to the disadvantage of my monumental inscriptions,

viii 6464

i-ḫap-pu-ú i-sa-pa-nu

viii 6565

a-na A.MEŠ i-na-du-ú

viii 6666

i-na IZI.MEŠ i-qàl-lu-ú

viii 6767

i-na SAḪAR.MEŠ i-ka-ta-mu i-na É-AZAG

viii 6868

a-šar la-ma-ri pi-ši-riš i-na-ki-mu

viii 6969

MU šaṭ-ra i-pa-ši-ṭu-ma

viii 7070

MU-šu i-ša-ṭa-ru ù mi-im-ma

viii 7171

lem-na i-ḫa-sa-sa-ma

viii 7272

a-na pa-an NA₄.NA..A.MEŠ-ia

viii 7373


viii 7474


(viii 74) may the gods Anu and Adad, the great gods, my lords, glare at him angrily and inflict upon him an evil curse, overthrow his kingship, tear out the foundation(s) of his royal throne, terminate his noble line, (viii 80) smash his weapons, bring about the defeat of his army, and make him sit in bonds before his enemies. May the god Adad strike his land with terrible lightning (and) inflict his land with (viii 85) distress, famine, want, (and) plague. May he command that he not live one day longer. May he make his name (and) his seed disappear from the land.

viii 7575

ez-zi- li-kil-mu-šu-ma

viii 7676

ar-ra-ta ma-ru--ta li-ru-ru-šu

viii 7777

LUGAL-su lis-ki-pu

viii 7878

SUḪUŠ GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-ti-šu li-su-ḫu

viii 7979

pér-ʾe EN-ti-šu li-bal-lu-ú

viii 8080

GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šu lu-ú-šab-bi-ru

viii 8181

a-bi-ik-ti um-ma-ni-šu liš-ku-nu

viii 8282

i-na pa-an KÚR.MEŠ-šu ka-miš

viii 8383

lu-še-ši-bu-šu dIŠKUR i-na NIM.GÍR

viii 8484

ḪUL-te KUR-su li-ib-ríq

viii 8585

su-un-qa bu-bu-ta ḫu-šaḫ-ḫa

viii 8686

ÚŠ.MEŠ a-na KUR-ti-šu lid-di

viii 8787

1-en u₄-ma la TI-su liq-bi

viii 8888

MU-šu NUMUN-šu i-na KUR-ti lu-ú-ḫal-liq

viii 8989

ITI ku-zal-lu UD.28.KÁM li-mu

(viii 89) Kuzallu (III), twenty-eighth day, eponymy of Ina-ilīya-allak, the chief cupbearer.

viii 9090

mi-na-DINGIR-ia-al-lak GAL.BI.LUL.MEŠ

Based on A. Kirk Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC I (1114-859 BC) (RIMA 2), Toronto, 1991. Adapted by Jamie Novotny (2015-16) and lemmatized and updated by Nathan Morello (2016-17) for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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