Adad-narari I 02
Obverse | ||
3636 | (36) (As for) the one who erases my inscribed name and writes his (own) name, or discards my commemorative inscriptions, hands (them) over for destruction, consigns (them) to oblivion, covers (them) with earth, burns (them) with fire, throws (them) into the water, puts (them) in a Taboo House where there is no visibility, or because of these curses he incites a stranger, a foreigner, a malignant enemy, (a man who speaks) another language, or anyone else (to do any of these things), or conceives of and does anything (injurious), | |
3737 | ||
3838 | ||
3939 | ||
4040 | ||
4141 | ||
4242 | ||
4343 | ||
4444 | ||
4545 | ||
4646 | ||
4747 | ||
4848 | (48) may the god Aššur, the exalted god, the one who dwells in Eḫursagkurkurra, the gods Anu, Enlil, Ea, and Ninmaḫ, the great gods, (and) the Igīgū gods of heaven (and) the Anunnakū of the netherworld in their totality, glare at him angrily and inflict upon him an evil curse in their wrath (and) make his name, his seed, his clan, and his kin disappear from the land. May the dispersal of his land, the destruction of his people and his heirs be decreed by their weighty edict. | |
4949 | ||
5050 | ||
5151 | ||
5252 | li-ru-ru-uš MU-šu NUMUN-šu el-la-su ù ki-im-ta-šu i-na ma-ti | |
5353 | ||
5454 | ||
5555 | (55) May the god Adad overwhelm him with a terrible flood. May deluge, hurricane, insurrection, confusion, storm, need, famine, hunger, (and) want be established in his land. May he (Adad) cause (these things) to pass through his land like the Deluge and turn (it) into a mound of ruins (lit. “a mound and ruins”). May the goddess Ištar, my lady, bring about the defeat of his land. May he not stand firm before his enemy. May the god Adad strike his land with terrible lightning (and) afflict his land with want. | |
5656 | ||
5757 | ||
5858 | ||
5959 | ||
6060 | ||
6161 | ||
6262 |
Based on A. Kirk Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Third and Second Millennia BC (to 1115 BC) (RIMA 1), Toronto, 1987. Adapted by Jamie Novotny (2015-16) and lemmatized and updated by Nathan Morello (2016) for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as