Aššur-rabi I

The Assyrian King List states that Aššur-rabi, son of Enlil-nāṣir I, ousted his nephew Aššur-šaddûni, after the latter had ruled for just one month. The length of Aššur-rabi's reign is not preserved in any of the three best preserved copies of the AKL (Nassouhi [/riao/KingLists/AssyrianKingList/NassouhiList/index.html], Khorsabad [/riao/KingLists/AssyrianKingList/KhorsabadList/index.html], and SDAS [/riao/KingLists/AssyrianKingList/SDASList/index.html]). L. Sassmannshausen (2004:63) has suggested his reign was likely not very short since Aššur-rabi is mentioned as an ancestor in the inscriptions of the four kings who succeeded him; see Aššur-rêm-nišēšu text no. 1 [/riao/ria1/Q005708/], Erība-Adad I text no. 1 [/riao/ria1/Q005717/], and Aššur-uballiṭ I texts nos. 1 [/riao/ria1/Q005719/], 2 [/riao/ria1/Q005720/], and possibly 5 [/riao/ria1/Q005723/].

[Yehonatan Hershkovitz]


Grayson, A.K., 'Königslisten und Chroniken. B. Akkadisch,' Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie 6 1980-83, pp. 100-15.
Sassmannshausen, L. 'Babylonian Chronology of the 2nd Half of the 2nd Millennium B.C.,' in H. Hunger and R. Pruzsinszky (ed.), Mesopotamian Dark Age Revisited, Wien, 2004, pp. 61-70.

Browse the RIA 1 Corpus [/riao/ria1/pager/]



A clay cone from Aššur preserves parts of the beginning (first eight lines) of an inscription of Aššur-rabi I that commemorates restoration work on the temple of the god Enlil. The object is presumed to be in the Iraq Museum (Baghdad).

Access the composite text [/riao/ria1/Q005705/] of Aššur-rabi I 1.

Source: IM 075179


1972 Müller, Sumer 28 pp. 39-46 and pl. II (photo, copy, edition)

Jamie Novotny & Yehonatan Hershkovitz

Jamie Novotny & Yehonatan Hershkovitz, 'Aššur-rabi I', RIA 1: Inscriptions from the Origins of Assyria to Arik-dīn-ili, The RIA Project, 2024 [http://oracc.org/OldAssyrianPeriod/Mittanianhegemony/Ashur-rabiI/]

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