
  • Tukulti-Ninurta II 03


  • Q006033
  • Tukulti-Ninurta II 03



  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Written ca. 890-884
  • Qalat Sherqat (Assur)
  • Royal Inscription
  • Tukulti-Ninurta II

Tukulti-Ninurta II 03

o 1o 1

[-šur MAN gim-rat DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ da-nu MAN dNUN.GAL u da-nun-na-ki] dEN KUR.KUR dBAD ṣi-i-ru [a-bu DINGIR.MEŠ]

(1) [(the god) Aššur, king of all the great gods; god Anu, king of the Igīgū and Anunnakū gods]; lord of the lands; the god Enlil, exalted one, [father of the gods; the god Ea, king of the apsû, who decrees destinies; the god Sîn, king of the lunar disk, lord of brilliance]; the god Adad, the exceptionally strong, lo[rd of abundance; the god Šamaš, judge of heaven and netherworld, commander of all; the god Marduk, sage of the gods (and) lord of omens]; the god Ninurta, warrior of the Igīgū and [Anunnakū gods; the god Nergal, perfect one, king of battle; the god Nusku, bearer of the holy scepter, circ]umspect [god]; the goddess Mullissu, spouse of the god [Enlil, mother of the great gods; (and) the goddess Ištar, foremost in heaven and netherworld, who is consummate in the canons of combat].

o 22

[dé-a MAN ZU.AB mu-šim-mu dNAM.MEŠ d30 šar a-ge-e EN nam-ri-ri] dIŠKUR geš-ru šu-tu-ru EN [ḫé-gál-li]

o 33

[dšá-maš DI.KU₅ AN-e u KI-te mu-ma-ʾe-er gim-ri? dAMAR.UTU ABGAL DINGIR.MEŠ EN te-re-te?] dMAŠ* qar-rad dNUN.GAL u [da-nun-na-ki]

o 44

[dU.GUR gít-ma-lu MAN tam-ḫa-ri dnusku na-a-ši GIŠ.GIDRU -te DINGIR mul]-ta-lu dNIN.LÍL ḫi-ir-ti d[BAD um-mi DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ]

o 55

[dINANNA SAG-ti AN-e u KI-te šá pa-ra-aṣ qar-du-te šuk-lu-lat] (blank)

o 66

[DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ-te ga-me-ru-ut .BAR-i mu-šim-mu dNAM.MEŠ ša ti]-bu?-šú-nu GIŠ.LAL šá-áš-mu mu-šèr-bu-ú [šar-ru-ut]

(6) the great gods, who take firm decisions, who decree destinies, whose at]tack means conflict (and) strife, who make great [the kingship of Tukultī-Ninurta (II), ...; ...] alt[ered] my [bir]th to be a lordly birth; ...] ... [they] rightly [made perfect] my features [and ...] ...

o 77

[mGIŠ.tukul-ti-dMAŠ ... nab]-ni-ti a-na nab-ni-ti EN.MEŠ -[te-en₆-nu-ú]

o 88

[...] -pe-šú ši-kín bu-na-ni-a i-še-riš [ú-šék-li-lu-ma]

o 99

[...] kur šu a i še ra mGISKIM-dMAŠ MAN [dan-nu MAN KIŠ?]

(9b) Tukultī-Ninurta (II), [strong] king, [unrivalled king of the world, king of the four quarters (of the world), king of all of the rulers, lord of lords, chief herdsman, king of kings]; the attentive purification priest [to whom] the holy scepter [was given] <by> command of the god Šamaš [and who had complete authority over the people, subjects of the god Enlil; the faithful shepherd whose] name was called over (all of the other) the rulers; [the exalted] bishop [whose weapons the god Aššur has sharpened and whose] honored name he has pronounced eternally [for control of the four quarters (of the world), ]

o 1010

[la-a šá-na-an MAN kib-rat 4-i MAN mal-ki.MEŠ EN EN.MEŠ UTUL MAN MAN.MEŠ i-šip]-pu na--du šá <ina> MU dšá-maš GIŠ.GIDRU -[tu na-ad-na-ta-šu-ma]

o 1111

[UN.MEŠ ba-ʾu-lat dEN.LÍL ul-taš-pi-ru gi-mir-ta SIPA-iu ke-e-nu? ša] zik-ri-šu UGU ma-li-ki -bu-u šà-[tam-mu ṣi-ru]

o 1212

[ša -šur GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šu ú-šá-ḫi-lu-ma a-na mu-ʾu-ru-ut kib-rat 4-i MU-šu? a-na] da-riš -qu-ru šu-me kab-ta [mGISKIM-dMAŠ?]

(12b) [They called me Tukultī-Ninurta (II), king of Assyria. Strong king, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters (of the world), sun(god) of all of the] people, am I;

o 1313

[MAN KUR -šur ib-bu-ni MAN dan-nu MAN KUR -šur MAN kib-rat 4-i? dšam-šu kiš-šat] UN.MEŠ a-na-ku (blank)

o 1414

[A 10-ERIM.TÁḪ ... A m-šur]-KAL-an GÌR.NÍTA DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ŠID? [-šur]

(14) [son of Adad-nārārī (II), ..., son of Aššur]-dān (II), appointee of the great gods, vice-[regent of (the god) Aššur, son of Tiglath-pileser (II), ... (and) son of ]šur-rēša-iši (II), martial sovereign, [trampler of criminals].

o 1515

[A mGISKIM-A-é-šár-ra ... A ]-šur-SAG-i-ši MAN da-pi-nu [mu-di- tar-gi₄-gi₄?]

o 1616

[ina UD.MEŠ-šu-ma ina pi-i DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ MAN-ti EN?]-ti ú-ṣa-a šar-ra-ku EN?-[ku? ...]

(16) [At that time, by the edict of the great gods, my kingship (and) dominion] were decreed. I am king, [I] am lord, [...], I am enormously fearful, [I am a] hero, [...], I am swift, [I am] magnificent, [...], I am exalted, [I am] frightful, [...], I am [...] and I am in command, [... of] the god Sîn, loved one of the god [...] commander of the [four] quarters (of the world).

o 1717

[...] pal-ḫa-ku u šur-ba-ku ur-[ša-na-ku? ...]

o 1818

[... mu]-un-nàr-ba-ku šá-lum-ma-[ku ...]

o 1919

[...] ṣi-ra-ku ra-šub-ba-[ku ...]

o 2020

[...] x-ku u šá-pi-ra-ku [...]

o 2121

[...] d30 na-mad d[...]

o 2222

[... mu-ma?]-ʾe-er kib-[rat? 4-i? ...]

o 2323

[...] x x [...]

(23) [...] ... [...]

r 1'1'

[...] x [...]

(r 1') [...] ... [...]

r 2'2'

[...] x x (x) [...]

r 3'3'

[É.GAL.MEŠ ina ši-di KUR-ia ar-ṣip GIŠ.APIN.MEŠ ina ši-di KUR-a ar-ku-ús ŠE].AM.MEŠ tab-ka-a-[ni a-na e-riš-ti]

(r 3') [I constructed palaces in the (various) districts of my land. I hitched up plows in the (various) districts of my land (and thereby) piled up more] grain [than before for the needs of my land. I added land to Assyria and added] people [to] its [people].

r 4'4'

[KUR-ia UGU šá pa-an ú-šá-tir at-bu-uk UGU KUR -šur ma-a-ta UGU UN].MEŠ-ša UN.MEŠ [ú-rad-di]

r 5'5'

[dMAŠ u dIGI.DU šá SANGA-ti ÁGA : MÁŠ.ANŠE EDIN ú-šat-li-mu-ni-ma e]-peš ba-ʾu-ri iq-[bu-ni 60? x x]

(r 5') [The gods Ninurta and Nergal, who love my priesthood, gave to me the wild beasts and] commanded [me] to hunt. [From my ... chariot (and) with] my [wildly] vigorous assault [with a spear, I killed sixty strong lions].

r 6'6'

[dan-nu-ti ina GIŠ.GIGIR-ia pa-at-tu-ti ina ŠÀ-a ek-di ina qìt]-ru-ub me-eṭ-lu-ti-a [ina GIŠ.pa-áš-ḫi GAZ-ak]

r 7'7'

[e-nu-ma BÀD šá tam-le-e GAL-e šá É.GAL EN-ti-ia šá ]-tu pa-na MAN.MEŠ-ni maḫ-[ru-te a-li-ku-ut IGI-ia]

(r 7') [At that time, (as for) the wall of the large terrace of my lordly palace of my lordly majesty, which i]n the past [earlier] kings [who had come before me had built (when) it had become dilapidated, Aššur-bēl-kala, vice-regent of (the god) Aššur, had] (it) (re)built (it), (but) it had again become dilapidated and (therefore) [I, Tukultī-Ninurta (II), vice-regent of (the god) Aššur, son of Adad-nārārī (II), (who was) also vice-regent of (the god) Aššur, I deline]ated [its area] (and) reached its foundation pit. [I laid its] foun[dation(s) on bedrock. On the outside, [I made it wider] than the previo[us one by adding 300 courses of brick to the 20 broad bricks. I built (and) comp]leted (it) [from its foundations to its crenellations] (and) d[ecorated (it) more splendidly] than before. [I deposited my commemorative inscriptions (inside it)]. I ano[inted] with oil [the commemorative inscriptions of the] earlier [kings], my ancestors, [made offerings, (and) returned (them) to their places].

r 8'8'

[e-pu-šu e-na-aḫ-ma m-šur-EN-ka-la ÉNSI -šur ]- i-túr e-na-aḫ-ma [mGISKIM-dMAŠ]

r 9'9'

[ÉNSI -šur A 10-ERIM.TÁḪ ÉNSI -šur-ma a-šar-šu ú-me]-si dan-na-su ik-šud -[ši-šú ina UGU ki-ṣir]

r 10'10'

[KUR-e dan-ni ad-di 3 ME ti-ib-ki a-na 20 SIG₄.MEŠ DAGAL] -tu ki-i-di UGU maḫ-ri-[i-šu muḫ-ḫi-šu]

r 11'11'

[ú-rad-di ú-kab-bir -tu -ši-šu a-di gaba-dibi-šu ar-ṣip ú]-šék-lil UGU maḫ-ri-i ú-[si-me ú-šar-riḫ]

r 12'12'

[NA₄.NA..A.MEŠ -ku-un NA₄.NA..A.MEŠ šá MAN.MEŠ-ni] AD.MEŠ-ia maḫ-ru-ti Ì.MEŠ ap-[šu- UDU.SISKUR.MEŠ aq-qi]

r 13'13'

[a-na áš-ri-šú-nu ú-ter NUN-ú EGIR]-ú e-nu-ma BÀD šu-ú ú-šal-[ba-ru-ma e-na-ḫu]

(r 13'b) [May a futur]e [ruler restore its dilapidated section(s)] when that wall beco[mes old and dilapidated]. May he not remove my [commemorative inscriptions from] their places, (but instead) [anoint (them) with oil, make offerings, (and) return (them) to their places. The gods Aššur (and) Adad] will (then) listen to his prayers.

r 14'14'

[an-ḫu-su lu-ud-diš NA₄.NA..A.MEŠ -tu] áš-ri-šú-nu la-a ú-šam-sak [Ì.MEŠ ŠÉŠ]

r 15'15'

[UDU.SISKUR liq-qi a-na áš-ri-šú-nu lu-te-er -šur dIŠKUR] ik-ri-be-šú i-še-em?-(x)-mu-[ú šá MU šaṭ-ra]

(r 15'b) [(As for) the one who erases my inscribed name and] removes [my commemorative inscriptions from their places, may the gods] Aššur (and) [Adad] make [his name and his seed] disappear [from the land].

r 16'16'

[i-pa-ši-ṭu ù NA₄.NA..A.MEŠ -tu KI-šú-nu] ú-šam-sa-ku -šur [dIŠKUR MU-šú]

r 17'17'

[u NUMUN-šú ina KUR] lu-ḫal-li-qu

Based on A. Kirk Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC I (1114-859 BC) (RIMA 2), Toronto, 1991. Adapted by Jamie Novotny (2015-16) and lemmatized and updated by Nathan Morello (2016-17) for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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