
  • Aššur-bel-kala 07


  • Q005988
  • Aššur-bel-kala 07



  • stele
  • Middle Assyrian
  • Written ca. 1073-1056
  • Qalat Sherqat (Assur)
  • Royal Inscription
  • Ashur-bel-kala

Aššur-bel-kala 07

Column i
i 1i 1

[-šur EN GAL] MAN gim-rat DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ-te

(i 1) [The god Aššur, the great lord], the king of all of the great gods; [the god ...], the king of destinies, the father of the gods, [...]; the god Ea [...], the king of the apsû, [...], the lofty gods, [...]:

i 22


i 33

[...] MAN NAM.MEŠ a-bu DINGIR.MEŠ [...]

i 44

[...] dé-a [...] MAN ap-si-i [...]

i 5-95-9


i 1010

[...] DINGIR.MEŠ šá-qu-tu

i 1111


i 1212


(i 12) [Aššur-bēl-kala ..., (the one) who acts] with the support of [the god Aššur, ...] people [...] Marduk-nādin-aḫḫē, the king of Akkad, [...]

i 1313

šá [...]

i 1414

ina GIŠ.tukul-ti [...]

i 1515

UN.MEŠ [...]

i 1616


i 1717


i 18-2118-21


Column ii
ii 1ii 1

1 LIM ERIM.MEŠ KUR.x [...] šap-[...]

(ii 1) 1,000 troops of the land [...] he uprooted 4,000 hostages from them and brought (them) down into Assyria [...] to the land [...] and [...] Kislīmu (IX) [...].

ii 22

4 LIM šal-la-su-nu is-su-ḫa a-na KUR da-šur

ii 33

ú-še-ri-da? [...]

ii 44


ii 55

a-na KUR.[...]

ii 66

[x x] KUR.[...]

ii 77

ù [...]

ii 88

[...] ITI.GAN

ii 99


ii 1010

ina ma-ti-[...]

ii 1111

ina MU-ma [ši]-a-ti ina ITI.ŠU URU.[...]

(ii 11) In that (same) year, in Duʾūzu (IV), the city [...] of the land Mus[ku ...].

ii 1212

šá KUR.muš-[ki? ...]

ii 1313

[...] ina ITI.SIG₄ li-me m-šur-[...]

(ii 13) In Simānu (III), (in) the eponymy of Aššur-[..., he brought ...] to the Inner City (Aššur) to (re)build the temple of the gods Anu and Adad. In that (same) year, in the same month, [...] ... [... the land Ḫim]me and the land [...] he plundered.

ii 1414

li-ib-[...]-ki.MEŠ [...] É da-nim

ii 1515

ù dIŠKUR a-na e-[pe-ši] a-na URU.ŠÀ-URU

ii 1616

[ub-la] ina MU-ma ši-a-ti ina ITI.KI.MIN-ma

ii 1717

[...] na-a-ku-šá.MEŠ1

ii 1818

[... KUR.ḫi-im?]-me ù KUR.[...]

ii 1919

iḫ-ta-bat ina MU-ma ši-a-ti ina ITI.GAN

(ii 19b) In that (same) year, in Kislīmu (IX), [...], he plundered from the Ḫābūr River of/and the land ḪARki to the city Carchemish of the land Ḫatti. [He crossed the Euphrates River after them in] rafts (made of inflated) goatskins.

ii 2020

[x x x x x] -tu UGU ÍD.ḫa-bur KUR.ḪAR-ki

ii 2121

a-di URU.kar-ga-miš šá ḫa-at-te iḫ-ta-bat

ii 2222

[EGIR-šú-nu i-na] GIŠ..MEŠ KUŠ.DUḪ.ŠI-e

ii 2323

[ÍD.pu-rat-ta lu-ú e-bir ...]

ii 2424


Column iii
iii 1iii 1

ina MU-ma ši-a-ti ina ITI.KI.MIN-ma KASKAL šá KUR.a-ri-me ina URU.šá-ṣi-ri šá pa-ḫa-at

(iii 1) In that (same) year, in the same month, on a campaign against the Arameans, he fought (with them) at the city Šaṣiri, which is in the district of the city [...]

iii 22

URU.[x x x x] im-ta-ḫa-aṣ ina MU-ma ši-a-ti ina ITI.ŠU KASKAL šá KUR.a-ri-me

(iii 2b) In that (same) year, in Duʾūzu (IV), on a campaign against the Arameans, he fought (with them) at the city [...] of the land [...].

iii 33

ina URU.[x x (x)] šá KUR.[x x (x)] SÌG-aṣ ina ITI.GU₄ li-me mda-šur-ÁGA-UN.MEŠ-šu

(iii 3b) In Ayyāru (II), (in) the eponymy of Aššur-rêm-nišēšu, he conquered the city Tur[...]ta of the land Muṣri.

iii 44

URU.tu-ur-[x]-taṣ-ri ik-ta-šad ina MU-ma ši-a-ti ina ITI.ZÍZ

(iii 4b) In that (same) year, in Šabāṭu (XI), the chariots and [...] went from the Inner City (Aššur) [and] conquered the cities [...]indišula and [...]sandê, cities that are in the district of the city Dūr-Kurigalzu. They captured Kadašman-Buriaš, the son of Itti-Marduk-balāṭu, the governor of their land.

iii 55

GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ ù [...]-ka.MEŠ -tu URU.ŠÀ-URU il-[li-ku-ma] URU.x-[x]-in-di-šu-la

iii 66

ù URU.x-[x-x-(x)]-sa-an-de-e URU.MEŠ-ni šá pa-ḫa-at URU.BÀD-mku-ri-gal-zu

iii 77

ik-tal-du mka-dáš-man-bur-ia-áš* DUMU KI-dAMAR.[UTU]-TI.LA .šá-kín KUR-ti-šu-nu

iii 88

iṣ-ṣab-tu ina MU-ma ši-a-ti ina ITI.GU₄ KASKAL šá KUR.a-ri-me inaú-za

(iii 8b) In that year, in Ayyāru (II), on a campaign against the Arameans, he fought (with them) at the city Paʾuzi, which is at the foot of Mount Kāšiāru. In that (same) year, in the same month, on a campaign against the Arameans, he fought (with them) at the head of the city Nabulu.

iii 99

šá GÌR KUR.kaš₆-ia-ri im-ta-ḫa-aṣ ina MU-ma ši-a-ti ina ITI.KI.MIN-ma

iii 1010

KASKAL šá KUR.a-ri-me ina ri- [(...)] im-ta-ḫa-aṣ ina MU-ma ši-a-ti

(iii 10b) In that (same) year, in Simānu (III), he uprooted the troops of the land Muṣri. In that (same) year, in the same month, on a campaign against the Arameans, he fought (with them) at the city [...]tibua, which is on the Tigris River.

iii 1111

ina ITI.SIG₄ .ERIM.MEŠ šáṣ-ri [x] it-ta-saḫ ina MU-ma ši-a-ti

iii 1212

ina ITI.KI.MIN-ma KASKAL šá KUR.a-ri-me ina URU.[x]-ti-bu?-a šá UGU ÍD.IDIGNA

iii 1313

im-ta-ḫa-aṣ ina MU-ma ši-a-ti ina ITI.NE KASKAL šá KUR.a-ri-me

(iii 13b) In that (same) year, in Abu (V), on a campaign against the Arameans, he fought (with them) at the cities (under the rule) of Līšur-ṣala-Aššur, which are in the district of the city Šinamu. In that (same) year, in the same month, he uprooted (the inhabitants of) the city Šūru of the land Ḫanigalbat. He conquered the city Ḫulza, which is within Mount Kāšiāru, and the city Eriša, which the people of the land Ḫabḫu held. He brought out 3,000 captives.

iii 1414

ina URU.MEŠ-ni šá mli-šur-ṣa-la-da-šur šá pa-ḫa-at URU.ši-na-mu im-ta-ḫa-aṣ

iii 1515

ina MU-ma ši-a-ti ina ITI.KI.MIN-ma URU.šu-ú-[(x)]-ra šá KUR.ḫa-ni-gal-bat it-tas-ḫa

iii 1616

URU.ḫu-ul-za šá MURUB₄ KUR.ka-ši-ia-ri ù URU.e-ri-šá šá KUR.ḫab-ḫu.MEŠ

iii 1717

ú-kal-[lu-ni] ik-ta-šad 3 LIM? šal?-la-ta ul-te-ṣi-a ina MU-ma ši-a-ti

(iii 17b) In that (same) year, in Ulūlu (VI), on a campaign against the Arameans, he fought (with them) at the city Murarrir of the land Subartu (Šubrû).

iii 1818

ina ITI.KIN KASKAL šá KUR.a-ri-me ina šá KUR.šub-re-e

iii 1919

im-ta-ḫa-aṣ ina MU-ma ši-a-ti ina ITI.APIN a-ra-ma -tuḫi-ra-a-ni

(iii 19b) In that (same) year, in [Araḫ]samna (VIII), he plundered the Arameans from the land Meḫrāni to the city Šuppâ of the land Ḫarrān.

iii 2020

a-di URU.šup-pa-a šá KUR.KASKAL-ni iḫ-ta-bat [...] ITI.GAN li-me mDINGIR-SUM-na

(iii 20b) In Kislīmu (XI), (in) the eponymy of Ilī-iddina, on a campaign against the Arameans, he fought (with them) at the city Magrisi of the land Yari. In that (same) year, in the same month, on a campaign against the Arameans, he fought (with them) at the city Dūr-katlimmu. In that (same) year, in the same month, [he plundered the Arame]ans (who were) opposite the city Sangarite, [which is on] the Euphrates River. [In] that (same) [year], in the same month, [on a campaign against the A]rame[ans], he fought (with them) [at ...].

iii 2121

KASKAL šá KUR.a-ri-me ina šá KUR.ia-ri im-ta-ḫa-aṣ ina MU-ma

iii 2222

ši-a-ti ina ITI.KI.MIN-ma KASKAL šá KUR.a-ri-me ina URU.BÀD-kat-li-mu im-ta-ḫa-aṣ

iii 2323

ina MU-ma ši-a-ti ina ITI.KI.MIN-ma [a-ra]-ma ina tar-ṣi

iii 2424

[ša ] ÍD.pu-rat-[te im-ta-ḫa-aṣ i-na MU-ma ši]-a-ti ina ITI.KI.MIN-ma

iii 2525

[KASKAL ša KUR.a]-ri-me [ina ...]-te im-ta-ḫa-aṣ

iii 2626

[i-na MU-ma ši]-a-[ti ina ITI.... KASKAL ša KUR.a]-ri-me ina SÌG-aṣ

(iii 26) [In] that (same) [year, in ..., on a campaign against the Arameans], he fought (with them) in the land Gulgul.

iii 2727

[...]-at-x-ṣi-ka KUR.ḫa-a-ni

(iii 27) [In that (same) year, in ..., he ... the Arameans at the city ...]at...ṣika of the land Ḫānu.

iii 2828

[... ina] MU-ma ši-a-ti ina ITI.APIN

(iii 28) In that (same) year, in Araḫsamna (VIII), [he ... the Arameans ...], together with the(ir) drinking places. [In that (same) year, in] the same [month], on a campaign against the Arameans, [he fought (with them) at ...] faces [...] ... [...]

iii 2929

[...]-x-iz a-di maš-qe-e

iii 3030

[... ina ITI].KI.MIN-ma KASKAL šá KUR.a-ri-me

iii 3131

[...] x bu-na-a-ni

iii 3232

[...] x šá ur-ʾa-x [...]

Column iv
iv 1iv 1

dnin-urta ù dIGI.DU šá SANGA-su i-ra-mu bu-ʾu-ur EDIN

(iv 1) The gods Ninurta and Nergal, who love his priesthood, gave to him the hunt and, in boats of Arwad, he rode (and) killed a nāḫiru in the Great Sea. He killed ... superb wild bulls and cows at the city Araziqi, (iv 5) which is before the land Ḫatti and at the foot of Mount Lebanon. He captured ... live calves of wild bulls (and) formed herds of them. He struck down ... elephants with his bow. He captured ... live elephants (and) brought (them) to his city, Aššur. From his ... chariot (and) on foot with the spear, he killed 120 lions, with his (iv 10) wildly vigorous assault. He felled ... lions with a mace. In the high mountains, they (the gods Ninurta and Nergal) commanded him to do their hunt. At the time of cold, frost, (and) ice, at the time of the ascension of (iv 15) Sirius, when it is red like molten copper, he arranged (and) formed herds of ... gazelles (and) ibex (and) ... nālu-deer (and) (iv 20) ayyalu-deer in Mounts Ebiḫ, Uraše, Azameri, Ankurna, Pizitta, UDzagiš, (and) Kāšiāru, mountains of Assyria; Mount Ḫāna in the district of the land of the Lullumê; and the mountains of the Naʾiri lands. He bred (them) and numbered their offspring like the offspring of sheep. He killed ... panthers, ... tigers (midinū), ... bears, two wild boars of the marshes, (and) ... ostriches. He struck down ... wild asses (iv 25) and deer, ... wolves, (and) ... simkurrus. He dispatched merchants (and) they acquired burḫiš, dromedaries, (and) tešēnus. He formed (herds) of dromedaries, bred (them), (and) displayed herds of them to the people of his land. The king of Egypt sent a large female monkey, a crocodile, (and) a “river-man,” beasts of (iv 30) the Great Sea. He displayed (them) to the people of his land. The remainder of the numerous animals and the winged birds of the sky, wild game which he acquired, their names are not written with these animals, their numbers are not written with these numbers.

iv 22

ú-šá-at-li-mu-šu-ma ina GIŠ..MEŠ šá

iv 33

ir-kab na-ḫi-ra ina A.AB.BA GAL-te i-du-uk

iv 44

(blank) AM.MEŠ SÚN.MEŠ šu-tu-ru-te ina URU.a-ra-zi-qi

iv 55

šá pa-an KUR.ḫa-at-te ù ina GÌR KUR.lab-na-a-ni i-duk

iv 66

(blank) mu-ri.MEŠ bal-ṭu-te šá AM.MEŠ ú-ṣa-ab-bi-ta

iv 77

su-gul-la-a-te-šu-nu ik-ṣur (blank) AM.SI.MEŠ ina GIŠ.PAN-šu

iv 88

ú-šam-qit (blank) AM.SI.MEŠ bal-ṭu-te ú-ṣa-ab-bi-ta

iv 99

a-na URU-šu da-šur ub-la 2 šu-ši UR.MAḪ.MEŠ ina lìb-bi-šu

iv 1010

ek-di ina qi-it-ru-ub me-eṭ-lu-ti-šu ina GIŠ.GIGIR-šu pa-at-tu-te

iv 1111

ina GÌR.MEŠ-šu ina GIŠ.pa--ḫi i-duk (blank) UR.MAḪ.MEŠ

iv 1212

ina GIŠ.nàr-ʾa-am-te ú-šam-qit ḫur-šá-a-nu šá-qu-ú-tu

iv 1313

e-pe-eš₁₅ bu-ʾu-ri-šu-nu iq-bi-ú-ni-šu ina UD.MEŠ-at

iv 1414

ku-uṣ-ṣi ḫal-pe-e šu-ri-pi ina UD.MEŠ-at ni-pi-iḫ

iv 1515

MUL.GAG.SI. šá ki-ma URUDU i-ṣu-du ina KUR.e-be-eḫ

iv 1616

KUR.ú-ra-še KUR.a-za-me-riúr-na KUR.pi-zi-it-ta

iv 1717

KUR.UD-za-giš KUR.ka-ši-ia-ri KUR.MEŠ-ni šá KUR da-šur KUR.ḫa-a-na

iv 1818

šid-di ù KUR.MEŠ-ni šá

iv 1919

(blank) ar-me.MEŠ tu-ra-a-ḫi.MEŠ (blank) na-a-li.MEŠ

iv 2020

ia-e-li.MEŠ ina sa-di-ra-a-te.MEŠ ú-te-em-me-eḫ

iv 2121

su-gul-la-a-te-šu-nu ik-ṣur ú-šá-lid mar-ši-su-nu

iv 2222

ki-ma mar-ši-it UDU ṣe-e-ni.MEŠ im-nu (blank) nim-ri.MEŠ

iv 2323

(blank) mi-di-ni.MEŠ (blank) a-si.MEŠ 2? ŠAḪ GIŠ.GI.MEŠ

iv 2424

(blank) .NU₁₁.MUŠEN.MEŠ i-duk (blank) ANŠE.EDIN.NA.MEŠ

iv 2525

ù MAŠ..MEŠ (blank) UR.BAR.RA.MEŠ (blank) si-im-kur-ri.MEŠ

iv 2626

ú-šam-qit bur-ḫi- tama-ra-a-te.MEŠ te-še-ni.MEŠ .DAM.GÀR.MEŠ

iv 2727

-pur il-qe-ú-ni tama-ra-a-te.MEŠ ik-ṣur ú-šá-lid

iv 2828

su-gul-la-a-te-šu-nu UN.MEŠ KUR-ti-šu ú-še-eb-ri

iv 2929

pa-gu-ta GAL-ta nam-su-ḫa ÍD ú-ma-a-mi šá A.AB.BA

iv 3030

GAL-te MANṣ-re-e ú-še-bi-la UN.MEŠ KUR-šu ú-še-eb-ri

iv 3131

si-te-et ú-ma-a-me ma--di ù MUŠEN.MEŠ AN-e mut-tap-ri-šá

iv 3232

bu-ʾu-ur EDIN ep-še-et qa-ti-šu MU.MEŠ-šu-nu it-ti ú-ma-me

iv 3333

[an-ne]-e la šaṭ-ru mi-nu-su-nu it-ti mi-nu-te an-ni-te

iv 3434

[la šaṭ]-ru e-zib KUR.KUR.MEŠ-te ki-šit-ti qa-ti-šu KASKAL.MEŠ KÚR.MEŠ

(iv 34b) (This) is apart from (other) lands he conquered (and) [the numerous] foreign campaigns [upon which he] pursued [his enemies] by chariot in favorable terrain and on foot in rough terrain and brought about their defeat, (such) are not written (here) [with] these deeds of his. [He conquered] the lands [of all of people] of Babylon of [the land Ak]kad [to the Upper Sea] of the land Amurru [and the Sea of the Naʾiri lands].

iv 3535

[ma-da-a-tu ša A].ŠÀ DÙG.GA ina GIŠ.GIGIR-šu ù mar-ṣa ina GÌR.MEŠ-šu

iv 3636

[EGIR-šu-nu it]-tal-la-ku-ma dab-da-šu-nu -ku-nu

iv 3737

[it-ti ep-še]-ti-šu an-na-a-te la šá-ṭí-ir KUR.KUR.MEŠ-tu

iv 3838

[ša kiš-šat UN?].MEŠ -tu URU..DINGIR šá [KUR ak]-ka-di-i

iv 3939

[a-di A.AB.BA e-le-ni-te] šá KUR.[a]-mur-ri [u A.AB.BA ša]

Column v
v 1v 1

É a-bu-sa-te šá É.GAL EN-ti-ia šá ri-

(v 1) (As for) the storehouses of the palace of my lordly majesty, which are at the head of the ḫamiluḫḫu and the small terrace (and) which had become dilapidated, I built (it) from its foundations to its crenellations. (As for) the šaḫūru-house of Erība-Adad (I) and the large terrace (v 5) on the north side, which Aššur-nādin-aḫḫē, the king of Assyria, had built (and which) had become dilapidated, I (re)built (it). I dug out the moat of my city, Aššur, which had fallen in and become filled with earth from the Craftsman’s Gate to the Tigris Gate. I removed the worn doors of the Craftsman’s Gate, (v 10) (and then) made magnificent doors of fir, (and) made (them) fast with bronze bands. I built the great wall of my city, Aššur, in its entirety (and) piled up earth around (it) and on top of it. I built a palace of cedar, (v 15) boxwood, terebinth, (and) tamarisk in my city, Aššur. I made (replicas of) two nāḫiru, four burḫiš, (and) four lions in basalt, two genii in parūtu-alabaster, (and) two burḫiš in white limestone and stationed (them) at their gates.

v 22

ḫa-mi-luḫ-ḫi ù tam-li-a qàl-la šá e-na-ḫu-ma

v 33

-tu -še-šu a-di gaba-dib-bi-šu e-pu-

v 44

É šá-ḫu-ri šá mSU-dIŠKUR ù tam-li-a GAL-a

v 55

šá pa-an IM.SI. šá mda-šur-SUM-ŠEŠ.MEŠ MAN KUR da-šur

v 66

e-pu-šu e-na-ḫu-ma e-pu- ḫa-ri-ṣa

v 77

šá URU-ia da-šur.KI šá -ab-tu-ma SAḪAR.MEŠ im-lu-ú

v 88

-tu .GAL-TIBIRA a-di -ÍD.IDIGNA aḫ-ru-uṣ

v 99

GIŠ.IG.MEŠ .GAL-TIBIRA maš-ra-a-te ú--ki-ir

v 1010

GIŠ.IG.MEŠ GIŠ.a-šu-ḫi ṣi-ra-a-te e-pu-

v 1111

ina me-ser ZABAR ú-re-ki-is BÀD GAL-a

v 1212

šá URU-ia da-šur.KI a-na si-ḫír-ti-šu a-na GIBIL-ut-te

v 1313

ar-ṣip ši-pi-ik SAḪAR.MEŠ a-na li-me-ti-šu

v 1414

a-na e-le-nu áš-pu-uk É.GAL GIŠ.e-re-ni

v 1515

É.GAL GIŠ.TÚG É.GAL GIŠ.bu-uṭ-ni É.GAL GIŠ.ṭar-pe-ʾe

v 1616

ina URU-ia da-šur.KI - 2 na-ḫi-re.MEŠ 4 bur-ḫi-.MEŠ

v 1717


v 1818

šá NA₄.pa-ru-te 2 bur-ḫi-.MEŠ šá NA₄.pi-li BABBAR-e

v 1919

ab-ni-ma ina .MEŠ-šu-nu ú-še-zi-iz

v 2020

ÍD šá mda-šur-KAL-an MAN KUR da-šur iḫ-ru-ú

(v 20) (As for) the canal that Aššur-dān (I), the king of Assyria, had dug, the source of that canal had fallen in and for thirty years water had not flowed therein. I again dug the source of that canal, directed water therein (and) planted gardens. The facing of the great tower of the Tigris Gate, which Adad-nārārī (I), the king of Assyria, had built, had become dilapidated and fallen in. I raised (it) five “feet” above water level with bitumen and baked brick. The large terrace of New Palace, which is before the forecourts, which Tukultī-Ninurta (I), the king of Assyria, had built, had become dilapidated and fallen in over an area of sixty-three kumānu. I built (it) from its foundations to its crenellations.

v 2121

re- ÍD šá-a-ti -a-bit-ma 30 MU.MEŠ A.MEŠ ina lìb-bi-šá

v 2222

ul il-li-ku re- ÍD šá-a-ti ú-še--ni-ma aḫ-ri

v 2323

A.MEŠ a-na qer-bi-šá ad-di GIŠ.KIRI₆.MEŠ áš-qu-up

v 2424

ki-si-ir-ta šá a-sa-it-te GAL-te šá -ÍD.IDIGNA

v 2525

šá mdIŠKUR-ERIM.TÁḪ MAN KUR da-šur e-pu-šu e-na-aḫ-ma

v 2626

-a-bit -tu UGU A.MEŠ nag-bi-šá ina ku-up-ri

v 2727

ù a-gúr-ri 5 GÌR.MEŠ ul-li tam-li-a GAL-a

v 2828

šá É.GAL-GIBIL-te šá pa-an ki-sa-la-a-te

v 2929

šá mGIŠ.tukul-ti-dnin-urta MAN KUR da-šur e-pu-šu

v 3030

a-na ši-id-di 1 3 ku-ma-a-ni A.ŠÀ e-na-aḫ-ma

v 3131

-a-bit -tu -še-šu a-di gaba-dib-bi-šu ar-ṣi-ip

v 3232

É.GAL-la ina URU.GIŠ.KAK šá ri- ḫu-li šá URU.ŠÀ-URU ar-[ṣip]

(v 32) I constructed a palace in the city Sikkatu, which is at the head of the road to the Inner City (Aššur). I built a new palace in [the city S]āqa. The palace of the city Apku, which [A]ššur-rēša-iši (I), [my ancestor], had built, (but) not [completed], (its) wall [...] ... [...]

v 3333

É.GAL-la GIBIL-ta ina [URU].sa-a-qa e-pu-[]

v 3434

É.GAL-la šá URU.ap-ki šá [mda]-šur-SAG-i-ši [x x]

v 3535

e-pu-šu la-a ú-[šék-lil]

v 3636

BÀD [...] ri [...]

v 3737



1Cf. Weidner, AfO 12 (1937-39) 377a.

Based on A. Kirk Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC I (1114-859 BC) (RIMA 2), Toronto, 1991. Adapted by Jamie Novotny (2015-16) and lemmatized and updated by Nathan Morello (2016-17) for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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