
  • Tukulti-Ninurta I 01


  • Q005837
  • Tukulti-Ninurta I 01



  • tablet, uncertain
  • Middle Assyrian
  • Written ca. ca. 1233-1197
  • Qalat Sherqat (Assur)
  • Royal Inscription
  • Tukulti-Ninurta I

Tukulti-Ninurta I 01

Column i
i 1i 1

mGIŠ.tukul-ti-dnin-urta MAN KIŠ

(i 1) Tukultī-Ninurta (I), king of the world, strong king, king of Assyria, chosen of (the god) Aššur, vice-regent of the god Aššur, attentive shepherd, favorite of the gods Anu and Enlil, whose name the god Aššur and the great gods faithfully called, the one to whom they gave the four quarters (of the world) to administer and the one to whom they entrusted their dominion, the attentive one, appointee of the gods, the one who gladdens the heart of the god Aššur, the one whose conduct is pleasing to the gods of heaven and the netherworld and who is endowed with excellence, the one who constantly makes abundant the offerings for all of the gods, the one who encircled enemy lands above (and) below, strong king, capable in battle, the one who shepherds the four quarters (of the world) at the heels of the god Šamaš, am I; son of Shalmaneser (I), king of Assyria; (and) son of Adad-nārārī (I), (who was) [also] king of Assyria.

i 22

MAN dan-nu MAN KUR da-šur ni-šit -šur

i 33

ŠID da-šur SIPA na-a-du mi-gir da-nim

i 44

ù dBAD šá da-šur ù DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

i 55

MU-šú ke-níš ib-bu-ú

i 66

kib-rat 4 ana šá-pa-ri id-di-nu-šú

i 77

ù be-lu-si-na ana qa-ti-šú

i 88

ú-me-lu-ú na-a-du

i 99

šá-kín-ki DINGIR.MEŠ mu-ṭí-ib ŠÀ da-šur

i 1010

šá al-ka-ka-tu-šú UGU DINGIR.MEŠ

i 1111

šá AN KI i-ṭí-bu-ma

i 1212

me-tel-lu-tu na-ad-na-tu-šú

i 1313

mu-šá-tir ana ŠU.NIGIN DINGIR.MEŠ

i 1414

zi-bi ka-na mul-tas-ḫír

i 1515


i 1616

MAN dan-nu le-ú MURUB₄

i 1717

šá kib-rat 4 ar-ki dšá-maš

i 1818

ir-te-ú ana-ku

i 1919


i 2020

A d10-ERIM.TÁḪ MAN KUR -šur-[ma]

i 2121

e-nu-ma -šur EN ana pa-la-ḫi-šú

(i 21) When (the god) Aššur, my lord, faithfully chose me to worship him, gave me the scepter for my office of shepherd, (presented) me in addition the staff for my office of herdsman, granted me excellence so that I might slay my enemies (and) make those who do not fear me bow down (at my feet), (and) placed upon me the lordly crown, (at that time,) I set my foot upon the neck of the lands (and) shepherded the extensive black-headed people like animals. He (the god Aššur) teaches me just decisions. Like ... the Anunnakū gods ... the gods ... the strength ...

i 2222

ke-níš ú-ta-ni-ma

i 2323

ana SIPA-ti-ia GIŠ.GIDRU i-di-na

i 2424

ana NA.GADA-ti-ia ši-pi-ra ú-ṣi-pa

i 2525

ana šá-ga-šú ge-ri-ia

i 2626

šuk-nu- la-di-ri-ia

i 2727

me-tel-lu-te -ru-ka

i 2828

a-ge be-lu-ti e-pér-a-ni

i 2929

ina KUR.KUR GÌR ú-kín

i 3030

rap-šá-ti ṣa-al-mat qa-qa-di

i 3131

ki-ma bu-li lu ar-te-ʾu

i 3232

de-en me-šá-ri

i 3333


i 3434

ki-ma x x-x-ti? da-nun-na-ki

i 3535

x-iḫ ŠID-x-lu DINGIR.MEŠ i x x

i 3636

el?-la-at x x x x.

i 3737


(i 37) (No translation possible)

i 3838


i 3939


Column ii
ii 1ii 1


ii 22


ii 33

x [...]

ii 44


ii 55


ii 66


ii 77

šá KUR [...]

ii 88

ina GIŠ.[tukul-ti? ...]

(ii 8) With the [support of the god Aššur and the] great [gods, my lords who] go before me, [I ... difficult paths, mighty [mountains ...] and had no rival in the four quarters (of the world).

ii 99

GAL.[MEŠ ...]

ii 1010

a-li-[ik/ku] pa-ni-ia

ii 1111

ar-ḫi pa-áš-qu-[ti KUR-e]

ii 1212

dan-nu-ti [...]-ma?

ii 1313

ina kib-rat 4 ma-ḫi-ra

ii 1414

la i-šu-ú [ina šur-ru?] LUGAL-ti-ia

(ii 14) [At the beginning of] my reign, I marched to the land Uq[umanî. I made] the entirety of the land Qutû [(look) like] a ruin hill (created by) the Deluge (and) I surrounded their army with a circle of sandstorms. At that time, they banded together against my army in rugged (and) very mountainous terrain. They fiercely took up a position for armed conflict. I put my trust in (the god) Aššur and the great gods, my lords, and I struck (and) brought about their defeat. I filled the caves and ravines of the mountains with their corpses. I made heaps of their corpses [like grain piles] beside their city gates. I destroyed, demolished, (and) turned into mounds of ruins (lit. “a mound and ruins”) their cities. [...] I became the lord of the wide land Qutû. In happiness and excellence, I stood over them.

ii 1515

ana KUR.ú-qu-[me-ni lu] a-lik

ii 1616

si-ḫír-ti KUR.qu-ti

ii 1717

ki-ma DU₆ a-bu-bi [lu ú-še-me?]

ii 1818


ii 1919

si-ḫír a-šàm-šá-ti

ii 2020

lu ú-šal-me

ii 2121

ina u₄-me-šu-[ma i]-na -ri

ii 2222

nam-ra-ṣi ḫur-šá-ni dan-nu-ti

ii 2323

a-na pa-ni um-ma-na-te-ia

ii 2424


ii 2525

ana MURUB₄ ù ta-ḫa-zi

ii 2626

dáp-níš iz-zi-zu-ni

ii 2727

ana da-šur ù DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

ii 2828

EN.MEŠ-ia at-kal-ma

ii 2929

it-ti-šu-nu am-da-ḫa-aṣ

ii 3030

a-bi-ik-ta-šu-nu -ku-un

ii 3131


ii 3232

ḫur-ri ù muš-[pa-li]

ii 3333

šá KUR-i lu-mel-li

ii 3434

i-ta-at .GAL-šu-nu

ii 3535

šal-ma-su-nu [ki-ma ka-re-e?]

ii 3636

lu ú-še-pi-ik

ii 3737

URU.URU-šu-nu a-púl

ii 3838

a-qur a-na DU₆ ù kar-me

ii 3939

ú-ter [...]

ii 4040

[KUR].qu-ti-i DAGAL-ta

Column iii
iii 1iii 1

a-bél i-na ḫu-ud lìb-bi ù me-tel-lu-te UGU-šu-nu lu at-ta-zi-iz

iii 22

ma-bu-le-e MAN KUR.ú-qu-me-ni gu-un-ni ma-li-ki-šu qa-ti ik-šud

(iii 2) I captured Abulê, the king of the land Uqumanî, (and) the bulk of his advisors (and) I brought them bound to my city, Aššur. I made them swear by the great gods of heaven (and) netherworld, I imposed upon them the [exacting] yoke of my lordly majesty, (and then) I released them (so that they could return) to their lands. I made [...] rebellious [cities] bow down at my feet. Moreover, I imposed (upon them) corvée. Annually, with all due honor, I receive their valuable tribute in my city, Aššur.

iii 33

šal-la-[su-nu ka]-mu-su-nu a-na URU-ia da-šur lu ú-bi-la

iii 44

[ni-? DINGIR].MEŠ GAL.MEŠ šá AN KI ú-tam-<mi>-šu-nu-ti ni-ir be-lu-ti-ia

iii 55

[DUGUD? UGU-šu]-nu ú-kín a-na KUR-šu-nu ú-me-šìr-šu-nu-ti

iii 66

[... URU.DIDLI?] šap-ṣu-te a-na GÌR-ia ú-šék-níš ù tup-ši-ka e-mi-id

iii 77

MU-šàm-ma GUN-su-nu DUGUD-ta i-na URU-ia da-šur i-na tàk--e lu am-da-ḫar

iii 88

KUR.qu-ti-i -su-ti šá ar-ḫu-šu-nu šu-up-šu-qa-ma a-na me-te-eq um-ma-ni-ia

(iii 8) (As for) the land of the distant Guteans (Qutû), whose paths are extremely difficult and whose terrain [is unsuitable] for the movement of my army, they [...] took fright at the ferocity of my warfare and bowed down at my feet. I levied tribute and impost upon them.

iii 99

[la na-ṭu-ú] a-šar-šu-nu IG?-x-[...]-ú a-na uz-zi MURUB₄-ia -ḫu-tu-ma a-na GÌR-ia ik-nu-šu

iii 1010

GUN ù ma-da-at-ta

iii 1111

UGU-šu-nu áš-ku-un

iii 1212

i-na u₄-me-šu-ma a-na KUR.šar-ni-da

(iii 12) At that time, I marched to the lands Šarnida (and) [Me]ḫri. By means of the troops of the land Qutû, which (the god) Aššur and the great gods had granted to me, I cut down mighty beams of the land Meḫri (and) brought (them) to my city, Aššur. I buttressed the palace of my lordly majesty, which I love, with those beams from the land Meḫri.

iii 1313

[]-eḫ-ri lu al-li-ik

iii 1414

i-na e-mu-qa-at um-ma-na-at

iii 1515

KUR.qu-ti-i šá -šur ù DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

iii 1616

[a]-na is-qi-ia -ru-ku

iii 1717

GIŠ.GU.ŠUR.MEŠḫ-ri dan-nu-ti

iii 1818

[lu] a-ki-is₅ ana URU-ia -šur lu ú-bi-lu-ni

iii 1919

É.GAL be-lu-ti-ia šá a-ra-mu

iii 2020

i-na <GIŠ>.ÙR.MEŠḫ-ri šá-tu-nu lu ú-kín

iii 2121

i-na MU-ma ši-a-ti 5 URU.DIDLI

(iii 21) In that (same) year, when the time was ripe, I conquered five rebellious cities of the land Katmuḫi, fortified cult centers in its dominion, that had dragged off my people (and) plundered my land during a deceitful peace. Like an earthquake, I shook their sanctuaries. I carried off captives (and) property (and) brought (them) to my city, Aššur.

iii 2222

šap-ṣu-ti šá KUR.kat-mu-ḫi ma-ḫa-az

iii 2323

be-lu-ti-šu dan-nu-ti

iii 2424

šá i-na su-lu-me-e ù sa-ra-ar-ti

iii 2525

UN.MEŠ-ia ú-ki-mu

iii 2626

mi-še--ta ana KUR-ia na-du-ú

iii 2727

i-na ma-lu-ti u₄-me lu ak-šud

iii 2828

-re-su-nu ki-ma ri-be lu ú-ra-ib

iii 2929

šal-la-su-nu NÍG.GA-šú-nu -lu-la

iii 3030

ana URU-ia -šur ub-la KUR.šu-ba-ri-i

(iii 30) The land Šubarû, all of it, the entirety of Mount Kāšiāru, as far as the land Alzi, which had previously rebelled and withheld their audience gift(s) during the reign of Shalmaneser (I) the king of the world, my father had united itself under one command. I raised my hands to the god Aššur and the great gods, my lords, (and) went up to Mount Kāšiāru. (As) with a bridle, I controlled the lands Šubarû, the land Alzi, and the kings (who were) their allies. I conquered a large cult center of the land Purulumzi. I burned them (the inhabitants) alive with fire (and) I counted the rest of [their] troops as captives.

iii 3131

ka-la-šá si-ḫír-ti KUR.ka-ši-ia-ri

iii 3232

a-di šá i-na pa-na ana tar-ṣi

iii 3333

BALA.MEŠ mdsál-ma-nu-SAG MAN KIŠ

iii 3434

a-bi-ia ib-bal-ki-tu-ma

iii 3535

ta-mar-ta-šú-nu ik-lu-ú

iii 3636

pa-a 1-en mi-it-ḫa-ri-

iii 3737

-šá-ak-nu ana da-šur ù DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

iii 3838

EN.MEŠ-ia qa-ti -ši

iii 3939

ana KUR.ka-ši-ia-ri e-li

iii 4040

KUR.šu-ba-ri-i ù LUGAL.MEŠ

iii 4141

ra-i-ṣi-šú-nu i-na rap-pi

iii 4242

lu ú-la-iṭ ma-ḫa-za GAL-a

iii 4343

šá KUR.pu-ru-lim-zi ak-šud

iii 4444

bal-ṭu-su-nu i-na IZI aq-lu

iii 4545

ši-ta-at um-ma-na-ti-[šu-nu]

Column iv
iv 1iv 1

ana šal-[la]-ti lu am-nu 4 URU be-lu-ti-šu

(iv 1b) I conquered four fortified cities of the dominion [of] Eḫli-Tešub, the king of the land Alzi (and) six rebellious cities of the land Amadāni. I carried off captives (and) property from them (and) brought (them) to my city, Aššur. Eḫli-Tešub, the king of the land Alzi, took fright in the face of my frightfulness and, taking his courtiers and his sons, he abandoned the entirety of his land. Secretly, he went to the border of the Naʾiri (lands), to an unknown land. The rest of their troops who had fled in the midst of battle, fearing the fury of my battle array, ran to the rocky mountains in order to save their (own) lives.

iv 22

dan-nu-ti [ša m]eḫ-li-te-šub MAN

iv 33

6 URU.DIDLI šap-ṣu-ti šá KUR.a-ma-da-ni

iv 44

lu ak-šud šal-la-su-nu NÍG.GA-šú-nu

iv 55

-lu-la ana URU-ia -šur ub-la

iv 66

meḫ-li-te-šub MAN

iv 77

ana i-di pu-luḫ-ti-ia -ḫu-ut-ma

iv 88

ERIM.MEŠ É.GAL-šú ù DUMU.[MEŠ]-šú il-qe

iv 99

si-ḫír-ti KUR-šú ú-me-šìr

iv 1010

ana pa-aṭ na-i-ri ana KUR la i-du-ú

iv 1111

šá-la-liš lu i-ba-ʾa ši-ta-at

iv 1212

um-ma-na-te-šú-nu šá i-na ŠÀ tam-ḫa-ri

iv 1313

i-pár-ši-du šu-mur ta-ḫa-zi-ia

iv 1414

e-du-ru-ma ana KUR.MEŠ be-ru-ti

iv 1515

ana e-ṭé-er nap-šá-ti-šú-nu lu i-nu-qu

iv 1616

3 šu-ši URU.DIDLI-šú-nu dan-nu-ti

(iv 16) I destroyed, demolished, burned with fire, (and) turned into mounds of ruins (lit. “a mound and ruins”) 180 of their fortified cities. (As for) the lands Alzi, Amadāni, Niḫani, Alaya, Tepurzi, and Purulimzi, I incorporated their territories into the my land. I took from them hostages and made (them) bow down at my feet. Moreover, I imposed (upon them) corvée.

iv 1717

a-pu-ul aq-qur i-na IZI aq-lu

iv 1818

ana DU₆ ù kar-me ú-te-er

iv 1919 KUR.a-ma-da-niḫa-ni

iv 2020

KUR.a-la-ia KUR.te-pur₁₃-zi ù KUR.pu-ru-lim-zi

iv 2121

mi-iṣ-ra-ti-šú-nu ana ŠÀ KUR-ia

iv 2222

lu ú-te-er li-ṭí-šú-nu aṣ-bat

iv 2323

ana GÌR-ia ú-šék-níš ù [tup-ši-ka]

iv 2424

e-mi-id i-na u₄-me-šu-ma

(iv 24) At that time, from (Mount) Tulsinâ, the ... mountain, (the region) between the cities Šasilu (and) Mašḫaṭ-šarri on the opposite bank of the Lower Zab, from Mount Zuquški (and) Mount Lalar the district of the wide land Qutû the entirety of lands Lullumê and Papḫû, to the land Katmuḫi, (and) the land Šubarû, all of it, the entirety of Mount Kāšiāru to the border of the Naʾiri lands [and] the border of the land M[akan], to the Euphrates River, the great gods allotted these regions to me. [I brought] all of (my) enemies under one command.

iv 2525

-tu tul-si-na-a

iv 2626

be-ri-it URU.šá-si-la ù URU.maš-ḫaṭ-MAN

iv 2727

e-be-er-ti za-be-šu-pa-li-i

iv 2828


iv 2929

ši-id-di KUR.qu-ti-i DAGAL si-ḫi-ir-ti

iv 3030 ù KUR.pap-ḫi-i a-di KUR.kat-mu-ḫi

iv 3131

KUR.šu-ba-ri-i ka-la-šá si-ḫi-ir-ti

iv 3232

KUR.ka-ši-ia-ri a-di pa-aṭ

iv 3333

[u?] pa-aṭ[ka-an a]-di pu-ra-ti -iṣ-ru

iv 3434


iv 3535

ana is-qi-ia -ru-ku

iv 3636

pa-a 1-en kúl-la-at KÚR.MEŠ

iv 3737

[-ku-un] NUN ma-ḫi-ir ṭa-te-[šu]-nu

(iv 37) The ruler who accepts their gifts, the shepherd who has charge over them, [and the herdsman] who properly administers them, am I.

iv 3838

SIPA pa-qi-su-nu [ù ú-tul-lu]

iv 3939

mul-te-šìr-šú-nu a-na-[ku]

iv 4040

i-na u₄-mi-šú-ma i-na eš₁₅-[re-et]

(iv 40) At that time, in [the sanctuaries] of my city, Aššur, [from the ziggurat] of the god Adad my lord [to the Craftsman’s Gate], on the [north] side, [extensive] house-plots, [much] terrain [...] I cleared away [...] those [...] I cleared away. I reached bedrock fifty mūšaru straight down [to its foundation pit. In a style (that is) appropriate] for my city, I erected (the foundations) [... layers of brick] high using limestone [and brick]. The former [...]. I completed (it) [from its foundations to its crenellations. Moreover], I deposited [my commemorative inscription (therein)].

iv 4141

URU-ia da-šur -[tu si-qur-ra-ti]

iv 4242

šá dIŠKUR EN-ia [a-di .GAL-ta-bi-ra a-na?]

iv 4343

mu-ḫur-ti [il-ta-ni?]

iv 4444

É-ti [rap-šá-ti]

iv 4545

qa-[qa-ra-ti ma]-da-ti

iv 4646

-re-[su? ...] ú--kir₆

iv 4747

x [...] x-na-ti

iv 4848

[...] x šá-ti-na

iv 4949

lu ú--kir₆ 50 SAR.MEŠ

iv 5050

zi-iq-pa [ú-še]-la-a ana šu-pa-lu

iv 5151

[dan-na-su i-na ki-ṣir] KUR-i ak-šud

iv 5252

[...] šá ana URU?-ia

iv 5353

[... e?]-le-ni-i-šú

iv 5454

[... i-na?] pi-li

iv 5555

[ù SIG₄.MEŠ ú]-be-li-iṭ

iv 5656

[...] maḫ-ru-ti

iv 5757

[...] x-ti

iv 5858

[...] x EN

iv 5959

[...] x-su

iv 6060

[-tu -še-šu a-di gaba-dib-bi-šu?]

iv 6161

ú-še-ek-[lil ù na-re-ia?]

iv 6262

-ku-un [a-na ar-kat UD.MEŠ]

(iv 62) [In the future may] a future ruler, [when that] palace [becomes old and] dilapidated, [renovate its dilapidated section(s). May he anoint my commemorative inscription with oil, make offerings, (and) return (it) to its place. The gods Aššur and Adad will (then) listen to his] prayers.

iv 6363

NUN EGIR [e-nu-ma]

iv 6464

É.GAL-[lu ši-i ú-šal-ba-ru-ma]

iv 6565

e-na-ḫu [an-ḫu-sa lu-ud-di-]

iv 6666

[na]-re-[ia Ì lip-šu-]

Column v
v 1v 1

[ni-qa-a liq-qi]

v 22

[a-na -ri-šú lu-te-er]

v 33

[-šur u dIŠKUR]

v 44

ik-[ri-bi-šu i-še-mu-ú]

v 55

šá MU [šaṭ-ra i-pa-ši-ṭu-ma]

(v 5) (As for) the one who [erases my inscribed] name [and writes] his (own) name, [discards my] commemorative inscription (and) [puts (it)] in [another place] where [there is no visibility a Taboo] house [conceives of and does anything injurious], or prevents [the gods who dwell in] the city [Aššur] from [entering] my palace [during the festivals], abandons that palace and neglects [it], (who), because of these curses, tears down and destroys that palace because of these curses and in the sacred area of [my palace] constructs a(nother) palace like it, my commemorative inscriptions in [another] place (which is) [not] their place [...] commands and [...], may [the gods Aššur and Adad, the gods of] heaven (and) netherworld, rip out [the foundations of his royal throne of his royal majesty. ...] [...]

v 66

MU-šú [i-šá-aṭ-ṭa-ru]

v 77

na-[re-ia ú-šàm-sa-ku]

v 88

ina [-ri šá-ni-ma]

v 99

a-šar [la a-ma-ri]

v 1010

É [a-sa-ak-ki? i-šak-ka-nu]

v 1111

[ša] mim-[ma a-mat le-mu-ut-te]

v 1212

i-ḫa-[sa-su-ma e-pu-šu]

v 1313

lu DINGIR.[MEŠ a-ši-bu-ut]

v 1414

URU d[-šur i-na EZEN.MEŠ]

v 1515

ana ŠÀ É.GAL-ia

v 1616

ana e-[re-bi] i-kal-lu-ú

v 1717

É.GAL-lim ši-a-ti

v 1818


v 1919


v 2020

ù lu -šum iz-zi-ir-[ti]

v 2121


v 2222

É.GAL-la ša-a-ti

v 2323


v 2424

ú-pap-pa-[tu] ù -re-et1

v 2525

É.[GAL-ia] É.GAL ki-ma šu-a-ti-ma

v 2626

i-ba-nu-ú [na]-re-ia i-na -ri

v 2727

[šá-ni-ma la] -ri-šú-nu

v 2828

[...]-i x ur ti

v 2929

[...] x ú-ma-ru-ma

v 3030

[...] x [...]-x-a-ti

v 3131

[...] x [...]-ú

v 3232


v 3333

[SUḪUŠ GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-ti-šu?] li-su-ḫu

v 34-3834-38

(traces of line ends in ex. 5)

Column vi
vi 1vi 1

[...] lu TUR [...] x

vi 22

su-um-[qa bu-bu]-ta ù ḫu-šá-ḫa

(vi 2) to ... of his enemies, (and) may they inflict upon him want, hunger, and famine. May a king [who is] his [enemy] take away [his] throne (and) under his very eyes rule his land. [... May ...] not go out. His offspring [... the] people ... [The goddess Ištar], the lady of strife and battle, [the one who] designated my turn for kingship, may she change him from a man to a woman, may she cause his manhood to dwindle away. May she inflict upon him [the defeat of his land]. May he not stand firm before [his enemy]. May she slay [...]. May she ... his warriors. May she hand him over to his enemies.

vi 33

[ana x KÚR].MEŠ-šú lu-kín-nu-[šú]

vi 44

[LUGAL EN le-mu-ti]-šú

vi 55

GIŠ.GU.ZA-[šu li-ki-im-šu]

vi 66

[a-na ni]-iṭ-li IGI.MEŠ-šú KUR-su liš-pur

vi 77

[...] ia ú-ṣa-a per-ḫi-šú

vi 88

[...] UN.MEŠ mu-šá-ṣa-a-ti

vi 99

[diš₈-tár] NIN?-la-at

vi 1010

MURUB₄? ù ta-ḫa-zi

vi 1111


vi 1212

BALA.MEŠ-ia lu-šu-mi

vi 1313

[zik]-ru-su si-ni-sa-níš

vi 1414

[mu-tu-su] a-na ri-ḫu-ti

vi 1515


vi 1616


vi 1717


vi 1818

liš-ku-un-šu i-na pa-[ni KÚR.MEŠ-šú]

vi 1919

ia i-zi-iz x x x [...]

vi 2020

li-ner qu-ra-di-[šu]

vi 2121

lu-ub-bu ana ŠU KÚR.MEŠ-šú

vi 2222


1ú-pap-pa-[tu], see AHw p. 824.

Based on A. Kirk Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Third and Second Millennia BC (to 1115 BC) (RIMA 1), Toronto, 1987. Adapted by Jamie Novotny (2015-16) and lemmatized and updated by Nathan Morello (2016) for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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