
  • Ashurnasirpal II 017


  • Q004471
  • Ashurnasirpal II 017



  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Nimrud (Kalhu)
  • Royal Inscription
  • Ashurnasirpal II

Ashurnasirpal II 017

Column i
i 1i 1


(i 1) (The god) Aššur, the great lord, king of all the great gods; the god Anu, foremost in strength, the one who decrees destinies; the god Ea, king of the apsû, lord of wisdom (and) understanding; the god Sîn, wise one, lord of the lunar disk, lofty luminary; the god Marduk, sage, lord god of oracles; the god Adad, strong, almighty among the gods, exalted; the god Ninurta, hero, warrior of the gods, the one who lays low the wicked; the god Nusku, bearer of the holy scepter, circumspect god; the goddess Mullissu, spouse of the god Enlil, mother of the great gods; the god Nergal, perfect one, king of battle; the god Enlil, exalted one, father of the gods, creator of all; the god Šamaš, judge of heaven (and) netherworld, commander of all; the goddess Ištar, foremost in heaven (and) netherworld, who is consummate in the canons of combat;

i 22

da-nu geš-ru reš-tu-ú mu-šim

i 33

dNAM.MEŠ dé-a MAN ap-si-i

i 44

EN -me-qi ḫa-si-su d30 er-šu EN a-ge-e LAL-ú

i 55

nam-ri-ri dAMAR.UTU* ap-ak-lu DINGIR EN ti-ri-te

i 66

dIŠKUR geš-ru kaš-kaš-ši DINGIR.DINGIR ṣi-ru dMAŠ qar-du qar-ra-di DINGIR.MEŠ mu-šam-qit lem-nu-te

i 77

dnusku na-ši GIŠ.GIDRU -te DINGIR mu-<ul>-tal-lu dNIN.LÍL ḫi-ir-ti dBAD

i 88

AMA DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ dU.GUR gít-ma-lu MAN tam-ḫa-ri dBAD ṣi-ru AD DINGIR.MEŠ

i 99

ba-nu-ú -ma dšá-maš DI.KU₅ AN-e KI-ti mu-ma-ʾe-ri gi-im-ri

i 1010

diš₈-tár SAG-ti AN-e KI-ti šá GARZA qar-du-ti šuk-lu-la-at

i 1111

DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ mu-šim-mu ši-ma-at KUR mu-šar-bu-ú MAN-ti

(i 11) the great gods who decree the destinies of the land (and) make great the kingship of Ashurnasirpal: (I, Ashurnasirpal), attentive ruler, worshipper of the great gods, ferocious dragon, conqueror of cities and mountains, to their full extent, king of lords, controller of the obstinate, crowned with splendor, fearless in battle, lofty (and) merciless hero, he who stirs up strife, king of all of the rulers, lord of lords, chief herdsman, king of kings, attentive purification priest, designate of the god Ninurta the warrior destructive weapon of the great gods, avenger; the king who has always acted justly with the support of the gods Aššur and Šamaš, the gods who support him, and cut down like marsh reeds fortified mountains and rulers who are hostile to him (and) subdued all their lands; provider of offerings for the great gods, (i 20) legitimate ruler to whom is perpetually entrusted the proper administration of the rites of the temples of his land, whose deeds and offerings the great gods of heaven and netherworld love so that they (therefore) established forever his priesthood in the temples, granted to his lordly majesty their fierce weapons, (and) (i 25) made him more marvelous than (any of) the kings of the four quarters (of the world) with respect to the splendor of his weapons (and) the radiance of his lordly majesty, (he who) has always contested with all enemies of (the god) Aššur above and below and imposed upon them tribute and tax, conqueror of the foes of (the god) Aššur, strong king, king of Assyria;

i 1212

m-šur-PAP-A NUN na-a-du pa-líḫ DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ-te ú-šúm-gal-lu ek-du ka-šid

i 1313

URU.URU ḫur-šá-ni paṭ gim-ri-šú-nu LUGAL EN.MEŠ-e mu-la-iṭ ek-ṣu-te

i 1414

a-pi-ir ša-lum-ma-te la a-di-ru GIŠ.LAL ur-ša-nu tíz-qa-ru la pa-du-ú mu-rib a-nun-te

i 1515

MAN mal-ki.MEŠ EN EN.MEŠ-e UTUL MAN MAN.MEŠ-ni i-ši-pu na--du ni-bit dMAŠ qar-di

i 1616

ka-šu- DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ mu-ter gi-mil-li MAN šá ina GIŠ.tukul-ti -šur u dšá-maš DINGIR.MEŠ

i 1717

tik-le-šú me-še-riš it-ta-la-ku-ma KUR.MEŠ-ni šap-ṣu-te

i 1818

u mal-ki KÚR.MEŠ-šú GIM GI a- ú-ḫa-ṣi-ṣu kúl-lat KUR.KUR.MEŠ-šú-nu

i 1919

a-na GÌR.II.MEŠ-šú ú-šék-ni-ša za-nin NIDBA.MEŠ a-na DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

i 2020

ru-bu-ú ke-e-nu ša a-na šu-te-šur pár-ṣi É.KUR.MEŠ KUR-šú

i 2121

pit-qu-du ka-ia-na ša ep-šet qa-ti-šú ù na-dan zi-bi-šú

i 2222

DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ša AN-e u KI-te i-ra-mu-ma SANGA-su ina É.KUR.MEŠ

i 2323

a-na -ri- ú-kín-nu GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šú-nu ez-zu-te ana ši-rík-te

i 2424

EN-ti-šú -ru-ku šá-lum-ma-at GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šú me-lam EN-ti-šú

i 2525

UGU MAN.MEŠ-ni šá kib-rat LÍMMU-i ú-šar-ri-ḫu-šú KÚR.MEŠ-ut -šur

i 2626

paṭ gim-ri-šú-nu e-liš u šap-liš -ta-na-nu-ma GUN u ma-da-ta

i 2727

UGU-šú-nu ú-kín-nu ka-šid a-ia-bu-ut -šur MAN dan-nu MAN KUR -šur

i 2828

DUMU GISKIM-dMAŠ ŠID -šur šá kúl-lat za-i-ri-šú i-ni-ru

(i 28) son of Tukultī-Ninurta (II), vice-regent of (the god) Aššur, who defeated all of his enemies (and) hung the corpses of his enemies on posts; grandson of Adad-nārārī (II), appointee of the great gods, who always achieved the defeat of those who are insubmissive to him and (thereby) became lord of all; (and) offspring of Aššur-dān (II), who opened towns (and) founded shrines.

i 2929

ina ga-ši-ši ú-re-tu-ú pag-ri ge-ri-šú DUMU.DUMU šá md10-ERIM.TÁḪ

i 3030

GÌR.NÍTA DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ šá si-kip-te la ma-gi-ri-šú

i 3131

il-ta-ka-nu-ma i-pe-lu gim-ri lìb-lìb-bi šá m-KAL-an

i 3232

ša ma-ḫa-zi ú-pát-tu-ú ú-kín-nu -re-e-ti

i 3333

ina u₄-me-šú-ma ina pi-i DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ MAN-ti EN-ti kiš-šú-ti

(i 33) At that time, my kingship, my dominion, (and) my power came forth at the command of the great gods. I am king, I am lord, I am praiseworthy, I am exalted, (i 35) I am important, I am magnificent, I am foremost, I am a hero, I am a warrior, I am a lion, and I am virile; Ashurnasirpal (II), strong king, vice-regent of the gods Aššur and Ninurta, designate of the god Sîn, favorite of the god Anu, loved one of the god Adad (who is) almighty among the gods am I, the merciless weapon which lays low lands hostile to him, am I, the king, capable in battle, vanquisher of cities (and) (i 40) mountains, foremost in battle, king of the four quarters (of the world), the one who defeats his enemies, the one who disintegrates all of his enemies, king of the totality of the (four) quarters (of the world), including all of their rulers, the king who forces to bow down those who are insubmissive to him, the one who rules all of the peoples; these destinies came forth (i 45) at the command of the great gods and they properly fixed (them) as my destinies.

i 3434

ú-ṣa-a šar-ra-ku be-la-ku na--da-ku geš-ra-ku

i 3535

kab-ta-ku šur-ru-ḫa-ku SAG.KAL-ku ur-ša-na-ku

i 3636

qar-ra-da-ku lab-ba-ku u zi-ka-ra-ku m-šur-PAP-A

i 3737

MAN dan-nu ŠID -šur u dMAŠ ni-bit d30 -gir da-nim na-mad

i 3838

dIŠKUR kaš-kaš DINGIR.MEŠ ana-ku GIŠ.TUKUL la pa-du-ú

i 3939

mu-šam-qit KUR nu-KÚR.MEŠ-šú a-na-ku MAN le--u MURUB₄ šá-giš URU.URU

i 4040

ḫur-šá-ni SAG.KAL GIŠ.LAL MAN kib-rat LÍMMU-i mu--er

i 4141

a-a-bi-šú muš-ḫar-me-ṭí kúl-lat KÚR.MEŠ-šú

i 4242

MAN kiš-šat kib-ra-a-te šá nap-ḫar mal-ki -šú-nu

i 4343

MAN mu-šá-ak--ṣi la ka-an-šú-te-šú šá nap-ḫar kiš-šat

i 4444

UN.MEŠ i-pe-lu ši-ma-a-te an-na-a-te

i 4545

ina pi-i DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ú-ṣa-ni-ma ana ši-im-ti-a

i 4646

ke-ni- ú-kín-nu ina bi-ib-lat lìb-bi-ia

(i 46b) Because of my voluntary offerings and my prayers the goddess Ištar, the lady who loves my priesthood, approved of me and she made up her mind to make war and battle.

i 4747

ù ter-ṣi ŠU-a dINANNA NIN ÁGA SANGA-ti-ia

i 4848

lu-ú tam-gu-ra-ni-ma e-peš MURUB₄ ù

i 4949

lìb-ba-ša ub-la-ma ina u₄-me-šú-ma m-šur-PAP-A

(i 49b) At that time, Ashurnasirpal (II), (i 50) attentive ruler, worshipper of the great gods, whose desires the god Enlil helped him obtain so that his great hand conquered all of the rulers who were insubmissive to him, conqueror of his foes, the one who in rugged terrain broke up the forces of the rebellious

i 5050

NUN na-a-du pa-líḫ DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ šá bi-ib-li

i 5151

lìb-bi-šú dBAD ú-še-ek-ši-du-šú-ma nap-ḫar mal-ki

i 5252

la ma-gi-ri-šú ik-šú-du GAL-tu qa-a-su ka-šid

i 5353

a-a-bi-šú šá ina áš-ri nam-ra-ṣi ú-pa-ri-ru

i 5454

ki-ṣir mul-tar-ḫi e-nu-ma -šur EN GAL-ú na-bu-u

(i 54b) when (the god) Aššur, my great lord, who called me by name, made my kingship supreme over the kings of the four quarters (of the world), (and) had made (my) great name supreme, he placed his merciless weapon in my lordly arms (and) sternly commanded me to rule, subdue, and direct the lands (and) mighty mountains. With the support of (the god) Aššur, my lord, (i 60) I kept marching along difficult routes (and) over rugged mountains with the mass of my troops and there was no opponent.

i 5555

MU-ia mu-šar-bu-ú MAN-ti-ia UGU MAN.MEŠ-ni

i 5656

šá kib-rat LÍMMU-i MU GAL- lu-šar-bu-ú GIŠ.TUKUL-šú

i 5757

la pa-da-a a-na i-di EN-ti-ia lu-šat--ḫi

i 5858

KUR.KUR.MEŠ ḫur-šá-ni dan-nu-te ana pe-li šuk-nu-še u šá-pa-ri

i 5959

ag-gi- ú-ma-ʾe-ra-ni ina GIŠ.tukul-ti -šur EN-ia

i 6060

ar-ḫi pa-áš-qu-te KUR.MEŠ-e mar-ṣu-te ina gi-piš

i 6161

ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ-a lu at-ta-lak-ma šá-ni-ni ul ib-ši ina šur-rat MAN-ti-ia

(i 61b) In my accession year (and) in my first regnal year, when the god Šamaš, judge of the (four) quarters (of the world), spread his beneficial protection over me, (and) when I sat on the throne of my royal majesty in a grandiose manner, he placed in my hand the scepter for the shepherding of the people. (i 65) I mustered my chariotry (and) troops. I passed through difficult paths (and) rugged mountains, which were unsuitable for chariotry and troops, (and) marched to the land Nimme. I conquered Libê, their fortified city, the cities Surra, Abuqu, Arura, (and) Arubê, which lie between Mounts Urina, Aruni, (and) Etini, mighty mountains.

i 6262

ina maḫ-re-e BALA.MEŠ-a šá dšá-maš DI.KU₅ UB.MEŠ AN.DÙL-šú

i 6363

DÙG.GA UGU-ia -ku-nu ina GIŠ.GU.ZA MAN-ti GAL- ú-ši-bu

i 6464

GIŠ.GIDRU mur-te-ʾa-at UN.MEŠ a-na ŠU-ia ú-šat--ḫu GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ

i 6565

ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ-a ad-ke ger-ri pa-áš-qu-te KUR.MEŠ-e mar-ṣu-te

i 6666

šá a-na me-tiq GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ ù ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ la šá-ak-nu e-te-tiq

i 6767

a-na KUR.NIM-me a-lik URU dan-nu-ti-šú-nu

i 6868

URU.a-bu-qu URU.a-ru-ra URU.a-ru-be-e šá ina bi-rit KUR.ú-ri-ni

i 6969

KUR.a-ru-ni KUR.e-ti-ni KUR.MEŠ-e KAL.MEŠ-te GAR-nu KUR-ud GAZ.MEŠ-šú-nu ḪI.A.MEŠ

i 7070

a-duk šal-la-su-nu bu-šá-šú-nu GU₄.MEŠ-šú-nu áš-lu-la ERIM.MEŠ ig-du-ru KUR-ú mar-ṣu

(i 70) I massacred many of them (and) carried off captives, possessions, (and) oxen from them. The troops were frightened (and) took to a rugged mountain. Since the mountain was exceptionally rugged, I did not pursue them. The mountain was as jagged as the point of a dagger and therein no winged bird of the sky flew. Like the nest of the udīnu-bird their fortress was situated within the mountain which none of the kings, my ancestors, had penetrated. [For three days], the hero explored the mountain. His bold heart (i 75) yearned for battle. He ascended on foot (and) overwhelmed the mountain. He smashed their nest (and) scattered their flock. I struck down 200 of their fighting men with the sword (and) carried off a multitude of captives like a flock of sheep. I dyed the mountain red like red wool with their blood (and) the ravines (and) torrents of the mountain swallowed the rest of them. I destroyed, devastated, (and) burned with fire their cities.

i 7171

iṣ-ṣa-ab-tu KUR-ú mar-ṣi dan-ni- EGIR.MEŠ-šú-nu la a-lik KUR-ú GIM zi-qip GÍR AN.BAR

i 7272

še-e-su na-a-di ù MUŠEN AN-e muš-tap-ri-[šú] -reb-šú la i-ʾi-ru GIM qi-in-ni

i 7373

ú-di-ni.MUŠEN ina -reb KUR-e dan-na-su-nu []-ku-nu šá ina MAN.MEŠ-ni AD.MEŠ-a

i 7474

ma-am-ma ina -reb-šú-nu la TE-ú ina? [3 UD.ME].KÁM UR.SAG KUR-ú i-ḫi-ṭa gap-šú lìb-ba-šú

i 7575

GIŠ.LAL ub-la e-li ina GÌR.II.MEŠ-šú KUR-ú ú-sa-ḫi-pa iḫ-pi qi-in-na-šú-nu UKKIN-šú-nu ú-pa-ri-ir 2 ME ERIM.MEŠ ti-du-ki-šú-nu ina GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ

i 7676

ú-šam-qit šal-la-su-nu DUGUD-ta GIM mar-ši-it UDU.ṣe-ni áš-lu-la ÚŠ.MEŠ-šú-nu GIM na-pa-si KUR-ú lu aṣ-ru-up si-ta-[te]-šú-nu ḫur-ru na-at-ba-ku

i 7777

šá KUR-e e-kúl URU.MEŠ-ni-šú-nu ap-púl aq-qur ina IZI.MEŠ áš-[ru-up] TA KUR.NIM-me at-tu-muš a-na KUR.ḫab-ru-ri at-[ta-rad] ma-[da]-tu

(i 77b) Moving on from the land Nimme, I went down to land Ḫabruri. I received the payment of the lands Ḫabruri and Simesi (and) the cities Simerra, Ulmania, Addauš, Ḫargu, (and) Ḫarmasa: horses, mules, oxen, sheep, wine, (and) bronze casseroles. I imposed upon them corvée. While I was in the land Ḫabruri, the radiance of (the god) Aššur, my lord, overwhelmed the people of the lands Ḫubuškia and Gilzānu (and) they brought to me horses, silver, gold, tin, bronze, (and) bronze casseroles as their payment.

i 7878

šá KUR.ḫab-ru-ri URU.ul-ma-ni-a URU.ḫar-ga-a-ia URU.[ḫar]-ma-sa-a-ia ANŠE.[KUR].RA.MEŠ [ANŠE].GÌR.NUN.NA.MEŠ

i 7979

GU₄.MEŠ UDU.MEŠ GEŠTIN.MEŠ ÚTUL.MEŠ ZABAR ma-da-ta-šú-nu am-ḫur .za-bi-il ku-du-[ri] UGU-šú-[nu ú]-kín ki-i ina KUR.ḫab-ru-ri us-[ba-ku]-ni

i 8080

KUR.ḫub--ki-a-ia URU.gíl-za-na-a-ia me-lam-me šá -šur EN-a is-ḫup-šú-nu ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ .BABBAR.MEŠ .GI.MEŠ AN.NA.MEŠ ZABAR.MEŠ ÚTUL.[MEŠ] ZABAR

i 8181

ma-da-ta-šú-nu a-na UGU-ia ub-lu-ni TA KUR.ḫab-ru-ri at-tu-muš ina KUR -re-be šá URU.ḫu-lu-[nu] ana KUR.ḫab-ḫi šá be-[ta]-a-ni e-tar-ba URU.ḫa-at-tu

(i 81b) Moving on from the land Ḫabruri, I entered the pass which (leads from) the city Ḫulunu to the interior of the land Ḫabḫu. I conquered the cities Ḫattu, Ḫataru, Ništun, Sabidi, Metqia, Arṣania, Tēla, (and) Ḫalua, cities of the land Ḫabḫu that lie between Mounts Usu, Arua, (and) Arardi, mighty mountains. I massacred many of them (and) carried off prisoners (and) possessions from them. The troops were frightened (and) took to a lofty peak in front of the city Ništun, [which] hovered [like a cloud in the] sky. Into the midst of those (mountains) which none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever approached, (i 85) my warriors [flew] like birds. I struck down [260] of their combat troops with the sword. I cut off their heads and formed (therewith) a pile. The rest of them built nests [like birds on] mountain [precipices]. I brought down [prisoners (and) possessions of theirs] from [the mountain (and then) I dest[royed, devastated], (and) burn[ed with] fire the cities that lay within the mighty mountains. [The troops, as many as] had fled [from my weapons], came [down (and) gra]sped [my feet]. I imposed upon them tribute, [tax, and] corvée.

i 8282

URU.ḫa-ta-ruṣu-a-in URU.te-e-la URU.ḫa-[lu-a URU].MEŠ-ni šá KUR.[ḫab]-ḫi šá ina bi-rit

i 8383

KUR.ú-su KUR.a-ru-a KUR.a-ra-ar-di [KUR].MEŠ-e KAL.MEŠ-te GAR-[nu KUR]-ud GAZ.MEŠ-šú-nu [ḪI.A].MEŠ a-duk šal-[la]-su-nu bu-šá-šú-nu [áš-lu]-la ERIM.MEŠ ig-du-ru

i 8484

ú-ba-nu a-ṣi-tu šá pu-ut URU[]-tu-[un ša ki-ma er-pe-ti TA] AN-e šu-qa-lu-lat [iṣ-bu-tu ša i-na] MAN.MEŠ-ni [AD].MEŠ-a ma-am-ma [ina -reb]-šú-nu la TE-ú

i 8585

.qu-ra-di-ia GIM MUŠEN.[MEŠ UGU-šu-nu i-še-ʾu 2 ME 1 šu-ši] ERIM.MEŠ mu-daḫ-ṣi-[šú-nu ina GIŠ].TUKUL.MEŠ [ú-šam]-qit SAG.[DU.MEŠ-šú-nu ú-]-kis a-na

i 8686

a-si-te ar-ṣip si-ta-te-[šú-nu ki-ma MUŠEN.MEŠ] qi-in-ni [a-na ka-a-pi ša] KUR-e ŠUB.ŠUB.MEŠ-ni [šal-la-a-su-nu NÍG.ŠU-šú-nu] TA [-reb KUR-e ú-še]-ri-da

i 8787

URU.MEŠ-ni šá ina -reb ḫur-[šá-ni KAL].MEŠ-te GAR-nu ap-[púl a-qur ina] IZI.MEŠ áš-ru-up [ERIM.MEŠ am-mar TA IGI GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ]-ia

i 8888

ip-pár-ši-du-ni ur-du-[ni GÍR.II.MEŠ-ia iṣ]-bu- GUN [ma-da-a-tu u] .za-bi-il ku-[du?-ri? UGU-šu-nu áš-ku-nu mbu-ú]-bu

(i 88b) [I flayed] Būbu, son of Bubâ (Babua), son of the city ruler [of the city Ništun, in the city Arbela (and) draped his skin over] the wall. [At that time], I made [an image of myself (and) wrote thereon] the praises of [my power. I erected (it) on the ēqu-mountain in (the city) Āl-Ashurnasirpal, (which is) at the source of a spring].

i 8989

DUMU bu-ba-a DUMU .[EN.URU ša i-na URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR a-ku-uṣ] KUŠ-šú BÀD [ú-ḫa-al-lip i-na u₄-me-šu-ma ALAM bu-na-ni-ia]

i 9090

- ta-na-ti [...]

(i 90b) [In that same eponymy (882), on the twenty-fourth day] of the month Abu (V), [by the command of (the god) Aššur (and) the goddess Ištar, the great gods, my lords, I moved out from Nineveh (and) marched to the cities] that [lie] at the foot of Mounts Nipur [and Paṣate, mighty mountains. I conquered the cities Atkun, Ušḫu, (and) Pilazi, (together with) twenty cities] in their environs. [I massacred many of them, carried off prisoners (and) possessions from them, (and) burned with fire th(ose) cities]. The troops, [as many as had fled from my weapons, came down (and) grasped my feet. I imposed upon them corvée].

i 9191

ina ITI.NE UD.[24.KÁM ...]

i 9292

šá GÌR [...]

i 9393

šá li-me-tu-[šú-nu ...]

i 9494

.ERIM.MEŠ [...]

i 9595

TA URU.MEŠ-ni šá GÌR [...]

(i 95) [Moving on] from the cities that are at the foot [of Mounts Nipur and Paṣate, ]

Column ii
ii 1ii 1


(ii 1) I burned with fire their adolescent boys (and) girls. I destroyed, devastated, (and) burned with fire th(at) city, (and thus) I consumed it (completely). At that time, I destroyed, devastated, (and) burned with fire the cities of the land Nirbu (and) their strong fortresses.

ii 22

ana GÍBIL-ti GÍBIL URU ap-pùl aq-qur ina IZI.MEŠ GÍBIL-up

ii 33

a-kul-šú ina u₄-me-šú-ma URU.MEŠ-ni šá

ii 44

BÀD.MEŠ-ni-šú-nu dan-nu-te ap-pùl aq-qur

ii 55

ina IZI.MEŠ GÍBIL TA at-tum₄-šá

(ii 5b) Moving on from the land Nirbu, I approached the city Tušḫa(n). I reorganized the city Tušḫa(n). I cleared away its old wall, delineated its area, (and) reached its foundation pit. (ii 10) I built (and) completed (it) from its foundations to its crenellations. I splendidly decorated (it). I founded therein a palace for the abode of my royal majesty. I made doors (and) installed (them) in its gates. I built (and) completed that palace from its foundations to its crenellations. (ii 15) I made an image of myself of white limestone (and) wrote thereon praise of the extraordinary power and heroic deeds that I had been accomplishing in the Naʾiri lands. I erected (it) in the city Tušḫa(n). (ii 20) I wrote out my commemorative inscription (and) deposited (it) in its wall.

ii 66

ana URU.tu--ḫa aq-ṭí-rib URU.tu--ḫa

ii 77

ana -šú-te aṣ-bat BÀD-šú la-be-ru

ii 88

ú-na-kir₇ a-šar-šú ú-me-si dan-na-su

ii 99

ak-šud BÀD GIBIL TA -še-šú a-di gaba-dib-bi-šú

ii 1010

ar-ṣip ú-šék-lil ú-si-im ú-šar-riḫ

ii 1111

É.GAL ana šu-bat MAN-ti-ia ina ŠÀ ad-di

ii 1212

GIŠ.IG.MEŠ - ina .MEŠ-šá ú-re-te

ii 1313

É.GAL-lum ši-i TA -še-šá

ii 1414

a-di gaba-dib-bi-šá ar-ṣip ú-šék-lil

ii 1515

ṣa-lam bu-na-ni-a šá NA₄.pi-li BABBAR-e

ii 1616

- ta-na-ti kiš-šú-ti-a šu-tu-ur-te

ii 1717

u il-ka-ka-at qur-di-a

ii 1818

šá KUR.KUR na-i-ri e-tap-pa-šú ina ŠÀ SAR

ii 1919

ina URU.tu--ḫa ú-šá-zi-iz

ii 2020

NA₄.NA..A.MEŠ-a SAR ina BÀD-šú áš-kun

(ii 20) I brought back the enfeebled Assyrians who, because of hunger (and) famine, had gone up to other lands, to the land Šubria, (and) (ii 25) I settled them in the city Tušḫa(n). I took over this city for myself (and) stored therein barley and straw from the land Nirbu. The rest (of the inhabitants) of the land Nirbu, (those) who had fled from my weapons, (ii 30) came down (and) grasped my feet. I resettled them in their abandoned cities and houses. (ii 35) I imposed upon them more tribute and tax than ever before: horses, mules, oxen, sheep, wine, (and) corvée. I took their sons as hostages.

ii 2121

UN.MEŠ KUR -šur an-na-te šá TA IGI

ii 2222

su-un-qi bu-bu-te ana KUR.MEŠ-ni

ii 2323

KUR.KUR.MEŠ šá-ni-a-te ana KUR.šub-re-e

ii 2424

e-li-ú-ni ú-te-ra-šú-nu

ii 2525

ina URU.tu--ḫa ú-<šá>-aṣ-bi-su-nu

ii 2626

URU šú-a- ana ra-me-ni-a aṣ-bat ŠE.UM.MEŠ

ii 2727


ii 2828

ina ŠÀ at-bu-uk si-ta-at

ii 2929

šá TA IGI GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-a ip-pár-ši-du-ni

ii 3030

ur-du-ni GÌR.II.MEŠ-a iṣ-bu- URU.MEŠ-ni-šú-nu

ii 3131

É.ḪI.A.MEŠ-šú-nu na-ṭu-te ú-šá-aṣ-bi-su-nu

ii 3232


ii 3333


ii 3434

.za-bi-il ku-du-ri UGU šá pa-an

ii 3535

ú-šá-tir ana UGU-šú-nu áš-kun

ii 3636

DUMU.MEŠ-šú-nu ki-i li-ṭu-te aṣ-bat

ii 3737

ki-i ina URU.tu--ḫa us-ba-ku-ni

(ii 37) While I was in the city Tušḫa(n), I received the payment of Ammi-Baʾal, a man of Bīt-Zamāni (lit. “the son of Zamāni”), from Anhitti of the land Šubria, from (ii 40) Labṭuri, son of Ṭūbūssu (of) the land Nirdun, and the payment of the interior of the land Urume (and) of the kings of the Naʾiri lands: chariots, horses, mules, silver, (ii 45) gold, bronze casseroles, oxen, sheep, (and) wine. I imposed corvée upon the Naʾiri lands.

ii 3838

ma-da- šá mam-me-ba-ʾa-li

ii 3939

DUMU za-ma-a-ni man-ḫi-te KUR.šub-ri-a-a

ii 4040

mla-ab-ṭu-ru DUMU ṭu-bu-si

ii 4141 u ma-da-tu

ii 4242

šá KUR.ú-ru-me šá be-ta-a-ni šá MAN.MEŠ-ni

ii 4343


ii 4444


ii 4545


ii 4646

UDU.MEŠ GEŠTIN.MEŠ ma-da-ta-šú-nu am-ḫur

ii 4747

.za-bi-il ku-du-ri UGU KUR.KUR na-i-ri

ii 4848

al-ta-kan ina ta-a-ar-ti-a

(ii 48b) On my return march from the Naʾiri lands, the land Nirbu, which is within Mount Kāšiāru, rebelled. They abandoned their (ii 50) nine cities (and) trusted in the city Išpilipria, their fortified city, and a rugged mountain. I then besieged (and) conquered th(ose) mountain peaks. (ii 55) Within th(at) mighty mountain (Mount Kāšiāru), I massacred them. I dyed the mountain red like red wool with their blood (and) the ravines (and) torrents of the mountain swallowed the rest of them. I carried off captives (and) possessions from them. (ii 60) I cut off the heads of their fighters (and) built (therewith) a tower before their city. I burned with fire their adolescent boys (and) girls.

ii 4949

šá KUR.KUR na-i-ri

ii 5050

šá ŠÀ KUR.kaš-ia-ri i-ta-bal-kát

ii 5151

9 URU.MEŠ-ni-šú-nu ú-ta-še-ru

ii 5252

URU.-pi-li-ip-ri-a URU dan-nu-ti-šú-nu

ii 5353

u KUR-ú mar-ṣu i-tàk-lu-ma

ii 5454

ú-ba-na-at KUR-e a-si-bi KUR-ad

ii 5555

ina -reb KUR-e dan-ni GAZ.MEŠ-šú-nu

ii 5656

a-duk ÚŠ.MEŠ-šú-nu GIM na-pa-si

ii 5757

KUR-ú aṣ-ru-up si-ta-te-šú-nu

ii 5858

ḫur-ru na-at-ba-ku šá KUR-e lu e-kúl

ii 5959

šal-la-su-nu bu-šá-šú-nu áš-lu-la

ii 6060

SAG.DU.MEŠ muq-tab-li-šú-nu ú--kis

ii 6161

di-im- ina SAG? URU-šú-[nu] ar-[ṣip]

ii 6262


ii 6363

a-na GÍBIL-ti GÍBIL ina -reb

(ii 63b) I entered the pass of the city Buliyanu (and) made my way to the (ii 65) banks of the Luqia River. On my way, I conquered the cities of the land Ḫabḫu, which are in the pass. I massacred many of them, carried off captives from them, (and) burned with fire th(ose) cities.

ii 6464

šá URU.bu-li-ia-na e-tar-ba

ii 6565

ši-di Í aṣ-ba-ta

ii 6666

ina -tàq-ti-a URU.MEŠ-ni šá KUR.ḫab-ḫi

ii 6767

[ša] ina -re-[be] ak-ta-šad GAZ.MEŠ-šú-nu

ii 6868

ḪI.A.[MEŠ a]-duk šal-la-su-nu áš-lu-la

ii 6969

URU.[MEŠ]-ni ina IZI.MEŠ a-sa-rap

ii 7070

ana at-ti-ṣi-a

(ii 70) I emerged at the city Arduba. At that time, I received the payment of Aḫi-rāmu, [a man] of Bīt-Yaḫiri (lit. [a son] of Yaḫiri”), of the land (I)zalla [o]f (lit. [son] of”) Bīt-Baḫiāni, men of the land Ḫatti, and (of) the kings of the land Ḫanigalbat: silver, gold, tin, bronze casseroles, oxen, sheep, (and) chariots.

ii 7171

ina u₄-me-šú-ma ma-da-tu šá ma-ḫi-ra-mu

ii 7272

DUMU ia-ḫi-ri šá KUR.zal-la-a-ia

ii 7373

DUMU ba-ḫi-a-ni KUR.ḫa-ta-a-a ù MAN.MEŠ-ni

ii 7474

šá KUR.ḫa-ni-gal-bat .BABBAR.MEŠ .GI.MEŠ

ii 7575


ii 7676

UDU.MEŠ GIŠ.GIGIR?.MEŠ ma-da-ta-šú-nu am-ḫur

ii 7777

ina li-me m-šur- ṭé-e-mu ut-te-ru-ni

(ii 77) In the eponymy of Aššur-iddin (881), a report was brought back to me saying Nūr-Adad, the sheikh of the land Dagara, had rebelled; (ii 80) (the inhabitants of) the land Zamua [in] its [en]tirety had banded together; they had built a wall in the pa[s]s of the city Ba[bi]te; (and) they had risen against me to wage war and battle. With the support of (the god) A[šš]ur, the great lord, my lord, and the divine standard that goes before me, (ii 85) (and) with the fierce weapons that (the god) Aššur, (my) lord, had given to me, I mustered (my) weapons (and) troops (and) marched to the pass of the city Babite. The people, trusting in the massiveness of their troops, did battle. With the supreme might (ii 90) of the divine standard that goes before me, I fought with them, brought about their defeat, (and) broke up their band. I slew 1,460 of their combatants in the pass. I conquered the cities Uzê, Bērutu, (and) Lagalaga, (ii 95) their fortified cities, together with 100 cities in their environs. [I carried off] captives, [property], oxen, (and) sheep from them. In order to save [his (own) life], N[ūr-A]dad climbed up a rugged mountain. I uprooted [1,200 of] their [troops].

ii 7878

ma-a mZÁLAG-dIŠKUR .na-si-ku

ii 7979

šá KUR.da-ga-ra i-ta-bal-kát

ii 8080 [ana] si-ḫír-ti-šu a-ḫa-*

ii 8181

iṣ-bu- -ru-bu šá[bi]-te

ii 8282

BÀD ir-ṣi-pu ana e-peš MURUB₄ u

ii 8383

ana ŠÀ-ia it-bu-ú-ni ina GIŠ.tukul-ti -šur

ii 8484

EN GAL-e EN-ia u dÙRI.[GAL] DU IGI-ia

ii 8585

ina GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ [ez]-zu-te šá -šur EN -ruk

ii 8686

ia-a-ši GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ-a ad-ke

ii 8787

ana -re-be a-lik ERIM.MEŠ

ii 8888

ana gi-piš [ERIM.ḪI].A.MEŠ-šú-nu it-tàk-lu-ma

ii 8989

e-pu- ina Á.MEŠ MAḪ.MEŠ

ii 9090

šá dÙRI.[GAL] DU IGI-ia it-te-šú-nu

ii 9191

am-da-ḫi-[iṣ BAD₅].BAD₅-šú-nu áš-kun UKKIN-šú-nu

ii 9292

ú-pa-ri-ir 1 LIM 4 ME 1 šu-ši .ERIM.MEŠ

ii 9393

mu-un-daḫ-ṣi-šú-nu ina -reb a-duk

ii 9494


ii 9595

URU dan-nu-ti-šú a-di 1 ME URU.MEŠ-ni

ii 9696

šá li-[me]-tu-šú-nu KUR-ud šal-la-su-nu

ii 9797

[mar-ši-su-nu GU₄].MEŠ-šú-nu UDU.ṣe-ni-šú-nu

ii 9898

[-lu-la] mZÁLAG-[d]IŠKUR ana šu-zu-ub

ii 9999

[ZI.MEŠ-šú a-na] KUR-e mar-ṣi e-li

ii 100100

[1 LIM 2 ME ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ]-šú-nu a-su-ḫa

ii 101101

TA [KUR.da]-ga-ra at-tu-muš

(ii 101) Moving on from the land Dagara, I approached the city Bāra. I conquered [the city Bāra]. I struck down 320 of their fighting men with the sword (and) (ii 105) brought back [their oxen, sheep], (and) [their valuable] booty. I [uprooted 300 of] their troops.

ii 102102

a-na []-a-ra aq-ṭí-rib

ii 103103

[] ak-ta-šad 3 ME 20 ERIM.MEŠ

ii 104104

ti-[du-ki-šú-nu] ina GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ ú-šam-qit

ii 105105

[GU₄.MEŠ-šú-nu UDU.ṣe-ni-šú-nu] šal-la-su-[nu]

ii 106106

[ka-bit-ta ú-te-ra 3 ME] ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ-šú-nu

ii 107107

a-[su-ḫa i-na ITI.DU₆ UD.15.KÁM] ?-tu

(ii 107b) [On the fifteenth day of the month Tašrītu (VII), I] moved on from [the city Kilizi (and) entered the pass of the city] Babite.

ii 108108

[URU.-zi at]-tu-muš

ii 109109

[a-na -re-be ša] URU?.ba?-bi?-te?

Column iii
iii 1iii 1

URU.DIDLI ina IZI.MEŠ GÍBIL ina -ma-ni-a-ma GUR-ra -dàk

(iii 1) (and) burned with fire th(ose) cities. I returned to my camp (and) spent the night.

iii 22

TA -ma-ni an-ni-te-ma at-tu-muš ana URU.DIDLI

(iii 2) Moving on from this camp, I marched to the cities in the plain of Mount NiMUŠ, which no one had ever seen (before). I conquered the city Larbusa, the fortified city (iii 5) that (was ruled by) Kirtiara, (and) eight cities in its environs. The troops were frightened (and) took to the rugged mountain. The mountain was as jagged as the point of a dagger. The king (Kirtiara) with his troops climbed up after them. I threw down their corpses within th(at) mountain (Mount NiMUŠ), massacred 172 of their fighting men, (iii 10) (and) piled up many troops on the precipices of th(at) mountain. I brought back captives, possessions, oxen, (and) sheep from them (and) burned with fire their cities. I hung their heads on trees of the mountain (and) burned with fire their adolescent boys. I returned to my camp (and) spent the night.

iii 33

šá EDINŠ šá a-šar-šú-nu ma-am-ma la-a

iii 44

e-mu-ru a-lik URU dan-nu-ti-šú

iii 55

šá mki-ir-te-a-ra 8 URU.DIDLI šá li-me--šú

iii 66

KUR-ud ERIM.MEŠ ig-du-ru KUR-ú mar-ṣu iṣ-ṣab-

iii 77

KUR-ú GIM zi-qip GÍR.AN.BAR še-e-su na-di MAN

iii 88

TA ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ-šú EGIR.MEŠ-šú-nu e-li ina -reb KUR-e

iii 99

ADDA.MEŠ-šú-nu ad-di 1 ME 72 ERIM.MEŠ ti-du-ki-šú-nu

iii 1010

a-duk .ERIM.MEŠ ḪI.A.MEŠ ina ka-a-pi šá KUR-e at-bu-uk

iii 1111

šal-la-su-nu bu-šá-šú-nu GU₄.MEŠ-šú-nu UDU.ṣe-ni-šú-nu

iii 1212

ú-te-ra URU.DIDLI-šú-nu ina IZI.MEŠ GÍBIL SAG.DU.MEŠ-šú-nu

iii 1313

ina GIŠ.gu-up-ni šá KUR-e e-ʾi-il .ba-tul-šú-nu a-na

iii 1414

GÍBIL-te GÍBIL ina -ma-ni-ia-ma GUR-ra -dàk

iii 1515

ina -ma-ni an-ni-te-ma ak-tu-áš 1 ME 50 URU.DIDLI

(iii 15) I tarried in this camp. (As for) the 150 cities belonging to the people of the cities Larbusa, Dūr-Lullumê, Bunisa, (and) Bāra, I massacred them, carried off captives from them. I destroyed, devastated, (and) burned with fire their cities. I defeated fifty troops of the people of the city Bāra in a skirmish in the plain. At that time, (iii 20) awe of the radiance of (the god) Aššur, my lord, overwhelmed the kings of the land Zamua in its entirety (and) they grasped my feet. I received horses, silver, (and) gold. I put all of th(at) land (Zamua) under one authority (and) imposed upon them (a payment of) horses, silver, gold, barley, straw, (and) corvée.

iii 1616

šá URU.BÀD-lu-lu-ma-a-a URU.bu-na-i-sa-a-a

iii 1717 GAZ.MEŠ-šú-nu a-duk šal-la-su-nu -lul URU.DIDLI-šú-nu

iii 1818

a-pùl a-qur ina IZI.MEŠ GÍBIL 50 ERIM.MEŠ šá

iii 1919

ina mit-ḫu-ṣi ina EDIN a-duk ina u₄-me-šú-ma MAN.MEŠ-ni šá

iii 2020

ana si-ḫír-ti-šú-nu púl-ḫi me-lam-me šá -šur EN-a is-ḫup-šú-nu

iii 2121


iii 2222

gab-be šá pa-a 1-en ú-šá-áš-kín ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ .BABBAR .GI ŠE.AM.MEŠ

iii 2323

ŠE.IN.NU ka-du-ru e-me-su-nu TA URU.GIŠ.tukul-ti--aṣ-bat

(iii 23b) Moving on from the city Tukulti-Aššur-aṣbat, I made my way to the foot of Mount Nispi. Travelling all night, I marched to cities (iii 25) that are remote, that lie between Mounts Gamru (and) Edinu, (and) that Nūr-Adad had made his garrisons. I conquered the city Bērutu (and) burned with fire (that) city.

iii 2424

at-tu-muš GÌR aṣ-bat mu-<ši> ar-di ana URU.DIDLI

iii 2525

šá a-šar-šú-nu ru-qu šá bi-rit KUR.gam-ru KUR.e-di-nu GAR-nu šá mZÁLAG-10

iii 2626

ana dan-nu-ti-šú -kun a-lik KUR-ud URU ina IZI.MEŠ GÍBIL

iii 2727

ina li-me mIDIM-a-dúr ina URU.NINA us-ba-ku ṭé-e-mu ú-te-ru-ú-ni

(iii 27) In the eponymy of Miqtu-adur (880), I was in Nineveh (and) a report was brought back to me saying Ameka (and) Araš-tua had withheld the payment (and) corvée of (the god) Aššur, my lord. At the command of (the god) Aššur, the great lord, my lord, (iii 30) (and) the divine standard that goes before me, on the first day of the month Simānu (III), I mustered (my army) for a third time against the land Zamua. Without waiting for the advance of (my) numerous chariotry and troops, I moved on from the city Kilizi, crossed the Lower Zab, (and) entered the passes of Mount Babite. I crossed the Radānu River (and) (iii 35) I tarried all day at the foot of Mount Simaki. I received the payment of the land Dagara: oxen, sheep, (and) wine. From the foot of Mount Simaki, I took with me strong chariots, cavalry, (and) crack troops. I continued travelling throughout the night, until dawn. I crossed the Turnat River, and, at first light, I approached the city Ammali, the fortified city (iii 40) that (was ruled by) Araš-tua. In a clash of arms, I besieged (and) conquered th(at) city. I struck down 800 of their combat troops with the sword. I filled the streets of their city with their corpses (and) dyed their houses red with their blood. I captured many troops alive (and) (iii 45) carried off many captives from them. I destroyed, devastated, (and) burned with fire th(at) city (Ammali).

iii 2828

ma-a ma-me-ka mar-áš-tu-a ma-da- u ka-du-ru šá -šur

iii 2929

EN-a lu ik-lu-ú ina -bit -šur EN GAL EN-a ù

iii 3030

dÙRI.GAL DU IGI-a ina ITI.SIG₄ UD.1.KÁM 3-te-šú a-na

iii 3131 áš-ku-na di-ku- pa-an GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ ma-ʾa-te

iii 3232

ù ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ-a la-a ad-gul TA URU.-zi at-tu-muš

iii 3333

Í e-te-bir ina -reb šá

iii 3434

e-tar-ba ÍD.ra-da-a-nu e-te-bir ina GÌR KUR-e

iii 3535

UD.MEŠ-a ak-tu-áš GU₄.MEŠ UDU.MEŠ GEŠTIN.MEŠ ma-da-

iii 3636

šá KUR.da-ga-ra at-ta-ḫar TA GÌR GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ

iii 3737

da-ʾa- pit-ḫal-lu SAG-su i-si-a a-se-qe

iii 3838

mu-šu ad-di na-ma-ri ar-te-di ÍD.túr-na-at

iii 3939

e-te-bir ina mit-ḫar sa--te ana URU dan-nu-te-šú

iii 4040

šá mar-áš-tu-a aq-ṭí-rib ina mit-ḫu-ṣi ti-du-ki

iii 4141

URU a-si-bi KUR-ud 8 ME ERIM.MEŠ mu-un-daḫ-ṣi-šú-nu

iii 4242

ina GIŠ.TUKUL ú-šam-qit .ÀD.MEŠ-šú-nu su-ú-qi URU-šú-nu

iii 4343

ú-mal-li ÚŠ.MEŠ-šú-nu É.ḪI.A.MEŠ-šú-nu aṣ-ru-up

iii 4444

.ERIM.MEŠ TI.LA.MEŠ ḪI.A.MEŠ ina ŠU-te ú-ṣab-bi-ta

iii 4545

šal-la-su-nu ḪI.A.MEŠ áš-lu-la URU ap-púl aq-qur

iii 4646

ina IZI.MEŠ áš-ru-up URU.ḫu-du-un a-di 30 URU.DIDLI

(iii 46b) I conquered the city Ḫudun (and) thirty cities in its environs. I massacred many of them (and) carried off captives, oxen, (and) sheep from them. I destroyed, devastated, (and) burned with fire their cities. (iii 50) I burned with fire their adolescent boys (and) girls.

iii 4747

šá li-me--šú KUR-ud GAZ.MEŠ-šú-nu ḪI.A.MEŠ a-duk

iii 4848

šal-la-su-nu GU₄.MEŠ-šú-nu UDU.ṣe-ni-šú-nu

iii 4949

áš-lu-la URU.DIDLI ap-púl aq-qur ina IZI.MEŠ GÍBIL

iii 5050

.ba-tul-šú-nušú-nu ana GÍBIL-te GÍBIL

iii 5151ṣir-tu URU dan-nu-ti-šú šá mza-bi-i-ni

(iii 51) I conquered the city Kiṣirtu, the fortified city that (was ruled by) Zabīnu, together with ten cities in its environs. I massacred them (and) carried off captives from them. I destroyed, devastated, (and) burned with fire the cities of the people of the city Bāra, of Kirtiara of the city Dūr-(Lullumê), (and) of the Bunisa, as far as the pass of the land Ḫašmar. I turned (them) into a mound of ruins (lit. “a mound and ruins”).

iii 5252

a-di 10 URU.DIDLI šá li-me-tu-šú KUR-ud GAZ.MEŠ-šú-nu a-duk

iii 5353

šal-la-su-nu áš-lu-la URU.DIDLI šá šá mki-ir-te-a-ra

iii 5454

šá URU.BÀD-a-a URU.bu-ni-sa-a-a a-di -reb šá KUR.ḫaš-mar

iii 5555

ap-púl aq-qur ina IZI.MEŠ áš-ru-up ana DU₆ u kar-me ú-te-er

iii 5656

TA ŠÀ URU.DIDLI šá mar-áš-tu-a at-tu-muš ina -reb šá bi-rit

(iii 56) Moving from among the cities that (were ruled by) Araš-tua, I entered the pass that is between Mount Lāra (and) Mount Bidirgi, rugged mountains that were unsuitable for chariotry and troops. I approached the city Zamru, the royal city of Ameka of the land Zamua. Ameka became frightened (iii 60) in the face of my strong weapons (and) my fierce battle and took to a rugged mountain. I removed the property of his palace (and) his chariot.

iii 5757 KUR-e mar-ṣu-te šá ana me-tiq

iii 5858

GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ ù ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ la GAR-nu e-tar-ba ana

iii 5959

URU MAN-ti-šú šá ma-me-ka aq-ṭí-rib ma-me-ka

iii 6060

TA IGI GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-a dan-nu-ti -a šit-mu-ri ip-láḫ-ma

iii 6161

KUR-ú mar-ṣu iṣ-bat NÍG.GA É.GAL--šú GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ-šú

iii 6262

áš-šá-a TA at-tu-muš ÍD.lál-lu-ú

(iii 62b) Moving on from the city Zamru, I crossed the Lallû River. I marched to Mount Etini, over rugged terrain that was unsuitable for chariotry and troops (and) that no king (iii 65) among my ancestors had ever approached. The king (Ameka) with (his) troops climbed up to Mount Etini. I removed from th(at) mountain his (Ameka’s) property, possessions, [many bronze utensils], bronze [tubs], bronze casserole(s), (bronze) bowls, (and bronze) tureens, the treasure of his palace (and) his storehouse. Returning to my camp, I spent the night.

iii 6363

e-te-bir ana KUR-e KUR.e-ti-ni A.ŠÀ nam-ra-ṣi

iii 6464

šá ana me-tiq GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ u ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ la GAR-nu šá ina MAN.MEŠ-ni

iii 6565

AD.MEŠ-a ma-am-ma ina -reb-šú-nu la TE-ú a-lik MAN TA

iii 6666

ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ ana KUR-e KUR.e-ti-ni e-li NÍG.GA.MEŠ-šú bu-šá-šú

iii 6767

[ú-nu-ut ZABAR ma-ʾa-ta tap-ḫi.MEŠ] ZABAR ÚTUL ZABAR

iii 6868

sa-ap-li zu-qa-te [(...)] ni-ṣir-[x] É.GAL-šú

iii 6969

na-kám-ma-te-šú TA -reb KUR-e áš-[šá]-a ana -ma-ni-a-ma

iii 7070

GUR-ra be-dàk ina re-ṣu-te šá -šur u dšá-maš DINGIR.MEŠ tik-[li]

(iii 70b) Moving on from this camp, with the support of the gods Aššur and Šamaš, the gods who support me, I took after him (Ameka). I crossed the Ediru River (and) I massacred many of them between Mounts Sūya (and) Elaniu, mighty mountains. I carried off from the foot of Mount Elaniu his property, possessions, bronze tubs, (bronze) casseroles, (bronze) bowls, (iii 75) (bronze) vats, many bronze utensils, a dish decorated with gold, his oxen, (and) sheep, his valuable booty. I deprived him of his horses. In order to save his (own) life, Ameka climbed up Mount Sabua. (iii 80) I destroyed, devastated, (and) burned with fire the cities Zamru, Arasidku, Ammaru, Parsindu, Iritu, (and) Suritu, his royal cities, together with 150 cities in the environs of his (region). I turned (them) into a mound of ruins (lit. “a mound and ruins”).

iii 7171

TA -ma-ni an-ni-te-ma at-tu-muš EGIR-šú aṣ-bat

iii 7272

ÍD.e-di-ru lu e-bir ina bir-tiú-a

iii 7373

KUR.e-la-ni-ú KUR-e KAL.MEŠ-te GAZ.MEŠ-šú-nu ḪI.A.MEŠ

iii 7474

a-duk NÍG.GA-šú bu-šá-šú tap-ḫi ZABAR ÚTUL.MEŠ sa-ap-li

iii 7575

na-zi-a-te.MEŠ ú-nu-ut ZABAR.MEŠ ḪI.A.MEŠ GIŠ.pa-šur .GI iḫ-zi

iii 7676

GU₄.MEŠ-šú UDU.ṣe-ni-šú šal-la-su DUGUD-ta TA GÌR KUR-e

iii 7777

KUR.e-la-ni-ú -lul ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ-šú e-kim-šú

iii 7878

ma-me-ka a-na šú-zu-ub ZI.MEŠ-šú ana

iii 7979

e-li URU.a-ri-si-id-ku

iii 8080 URU.i-ri-tu

iii 8181

URU MAN-ti-šú a-di 1 ME 50 URU.DIDLI šá li-me-tu-šú ap-púl

iii 8282

aq-qur ina IZI.MEŠ GÍBIL ana DU₆ u kar-me ú-ter ki-i ina pu-ut

(iii 82b) While I remained before the city Parsindu, I set the cavalry (and) light troops in ambush (and) (iii 85) killed fifty of the combat troops of Ameka in the plain. I cut off their heads (and) hung (them) on trees of the courtyard of his palace, (which is) in the city Zamru. I captured twenty soldiers alive (and) spread (them) out in the wall of his palace.

iii 8383 us-ba-ku-ni pit-ḫal-lu .kal-la-pu

iii 8484

ana šub-te ú-se-ši-ib 50 ERIM.MEŠ mu-un-daḫ-ṣi-šú šá ma-me-ka

iii 8585

ina EDIN a-duk SAG.DU.MEŠ-šú-nu ú--kis ina

iii 8686

ina GIŠ.gu-up-ni šá TÙR É.GAL-šú ú--il 20 ERIM.MEŠ

iii 8787

TI.LA ina ŠU-te ú-ṣab-bi-ta ina BÀD É.GAL ú-ma-gi-ig

iii 8888

TA pit-ḫal-lu .kal-la-pu i-si-a

(iii 88) From the city Zamru, I took with me the cavalry (and) light troops. I marched to the cities (ruled) by Ata of the city Arzizu, (iii 90) amongst which n[on]e of the kings, my ancestors, had (ever) penetrated. I conquered the cities Arzizu (and) Arsindu, his fortified cities, together with ten cities in the environs of his (region), which lay within (the area of) Mount Nispi, a rugged mountain. I massacred them. I destroyed, devastated, (and) burned with fire the cities. (iii 95) I returned to my camp. At that time, I received bronze, ..., (bronze) rivets, (and) beams (as) the payment of the land Sipirmena, whose (inhabitants) do their hair like women.

iii 8989

a-se-qe ana URU.DIDLI šá ma-ta URU.ár-zi-za-a-a

iii 9090

šá ina MAN.MEŠ-ni AD.MEŠ-a ma-am-ma ina -reb-šú-nu

iii 9191

la TE-ú a-lik URU.ár-zi-zu URU.ár-si-an-du

iii 9292

URU dan-nu-te-šú a-di 10 URU.DIDLI šá li-me-tu-šú

iii 9393

šá ina -reb KUR-e mar-ṣi GAR-nu KUR-ud

iii 9494

GAZ.MEŠ-šú-nu a-duk URU.DIDLI a-púl a-qur ina IZI.MEŠ

iii 9595

GÍBIL ana -ma-ni-a-ma GUR-ra ina u₄-me-šú-ma ZABAR.MEŠ

iii 9696

tab-bi-li kám-ma-te šá-a-ri-a-te ma-da-

iii 9797

šá šá GIM MUNUS.MEŠ-te ṣap-ru-ni

iii 9898

am-ḫur [-tu] at-tum₄-šá KUR-ú

(iii 98b) Moving on [from] the city Zamru, I cut through Mount Lāra, a [rugged] mountain that was unsuitable for chariotry (and) troops, (iii 100) with iron axes (and) I smashed (a way through it) with copper picks. (In this manner) I was (thus) able to move along the chariotry (and) troops. I went down to the city Tukulti-Aššur-aṣbat, which the Lullu() call the city Arrakdi. The kings of the land Zamua in its entirety took fright before the brilliance of my weapons (iii 105) and awe of my lordly majesty and they gra[sp]ed my feet. I imposed upon them more [tribute] and tax than ever before: silver, gold, tin, bronze, (bronze) casseroles, garments with multi-colored trim, horses, oxen, sheep, (and) wine. (iii 110) They performed their corvée in the city Kalḫu. While I was in the land Zamua, awe of the radiance of (the god) Aššur, my lord, overwhelmed the people of the cities Ḫudun, Ḫartiša, Ḫubuškia, (and) Gilzānu (and) they brought to me tribute (and) tax: [silver], gold, horses, garments [with multi-colored trim], oxen, [sheep, (and) wine. I marched after as many people as] had fled [from my weapons (and) climbed up into the mountains].

iii 9999

[mar-ṣu] šá ana me-tiq GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ la GAR-nu

iii 100100

[ina] ka-la-[ba]-te AN.BAR a-ki-si ina ak-kúl-li URUDU

iii 101101

aq-qur GIŠ.GIGIR?.MEŠ ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ ú-še-ti-qi a-na

iii 102102

URU GIŠ.tukul-ti--šur-aṣ-bat šá KUR.ár-rak-di-a

iii 103103

i--bu-šú-ni at-tar-da MAN.MEŠ-ni šá

iii 104104

ana si-ḫír-ti-šú-nu TA IGI na-mu-ra-at GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-a

iii 105105

u šur-ba-at be-lu-ti-a e-dur-ma GÌR.II.MEŠ-a

iii 106106

iṣ-bu- [GUN] u ma-da- .BABBAR .GI.MEŠ

iii 107107


iii 108108


iii 109109

pa-[an ú-šá-tir] UGU-šú-nu áš-kun .ka-du-ru-šú-nu

iii 110110

ina URU.[kal-ḫi e]-pu-šú ki-i ina us-ba-ku-ni

iii 111111

KUR.ḫu-du-[na-a-a] KUR.ḫar-ti--a-a KUR.ḫub--ki-a-a

iii 112112

KUR gíl-[za-na-a-a púl-ḫi] me-lam-me [šá d-šur] EN-a [is]-ḫúp-šú-nu

iii 113113


iii 114114

TÚúl-[ti bir-me] GU₄.[MEŠ ṣe-ni GEŠTIN.MEŠ]

iii 115115

[ana] UGU-ia [ub-lu-ni UN.MEŠ am-mar TA pa-an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia]

iii 116116

ip-<pár>-ši-du-[ni ...]

iii 136'136'

[... ú-šá]-tir ŠE.[AM.MEŠ ...]

(iii 136') [I surrounded it with a wall (and) founded therein a palace for the abode of my royal majesty. I splendidly decorated (it) mo]re [than before]. I stored ther[ein] barley [(and) straw from all the (surrounding) land. I named (it) Dūr-Aššur].

iii 137'137'

[...] ŠÀ DUB [...]

iii 138'138'

[... ITI].SIG₄ [...]

(iii 138') [On the first day of the month] Simānu (III), [in the eponymy of Ša-ilimma-damqā (879), I mustered] (my) chariotry (and) troops. [After] crossing [the Tigris River, I entered] the land [Katmuḫi. I consecrated a palace] in [the city Tiluli]. I received (iv 1) the payment of the land Katmuḫi in the city Tiluli.

iii 139'139'


iii 140'140'

[...] e-te-bir ana KUR [...]

iii 141'141'

[...] ina [...]

Column iv
iv 1iv 1

ma-da- šá KUR.kat-mu-ḫi ina URU.ti-lu-li

iv 22

at-ta-ḫar TA KUR.kat-mu-ḫi at-tu-muš

(iv 2b) Moving on from the land Katmuḫi, I entered the pass of the land Ištarāte. I pitched camp (and) spent the night in the city Kibaki. (iv 5) I received the payment of the city Kibaki: oxen, sheep, wine, (and) (bronze) casseroles.

iv 33

ina -reb šá URU diš₈-tár.MEŠ-te e-tar-ba

iv 44

ina a-sa-kan be-dàk

iv 55


iv 66

ma-da- šá at-taḫ-ra

iv 77

TA at-tu-muš a-na

(iv 7) Moving on from Kibaki, I approached the city Matiātu. I conquered the city Matiātu, together with its suburbs. (iv 10) I struck down 2,800 of their fighting men with the sword (and) carried off many captives from them. The troops, as many as had fled from my weapons, grasped my feet (and) I settled them in their cities. (iv 15) I imposed upon them stringent tribute, taxes, (and) corvée workers. I made an image of myself (and) wrote thereon (an account of) my powerful victories. I erected (it) in the city Matiātu.

iv 88

URU.mat-te-ia-te aq-ṭí-rib URU.mat-ia-ú-te

iv 99

a-di URU.kap-ra-ni-šú ak-ta-šad 2 LIM 8 ME

iv 1010

ERIM.MEŠ ti-du-ki-šú-nu ina GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ

iv 1111

ú-šam-qit šal-la-su-nu ḪI.A.MEŠ -lul

iv 1212


iv 1313

ip-pár-ši-du-ni GÌR.II.MEŠ-a iṣ-bu-

iv 1414

URU.DIDLI-šú-nu ú-šá-aṣ-bi-su-nu GUN

iv 1515

ma-da- .ú-ra-si ú-dan-ni-ni

iv 1616

UGU-šú-nu áš-kun ṣa-lam bu-na-ni-a

iv 1717

- li-te kiš-šú-ti-a ina ŠÀ SAR

iv 1818

ina URU.mat-te-ia-te ú-šá-zi-iz TA

(iv 18b) Moving on from the city Matiātu, I pitched camp (and) spent the night at the city Zazabuḫa. I received the payment of the land Ḫabḫu: oxen, sheep, wine, (bronze) casseroles, (bronze) tubs, (bronze) bowls, (and) (bronze) armor.

iv 1919

URU.mat-te-ia-te at-tum₄-muš inaḫa

iv 2020

a-sa-kan be-dàk ma-da- šá KUR.ḫab-ḫi

iv 2121


iv 2222

sa-ap-li gur-pi-si.MEŠ at-ta-ḫar

iv 2323

TAḫa at-tu-muš ina

(iv 23) Moving on from the city Zazabuḫa, I pitched camp (and) spent the night in the city Irsia. I burned with fire the city Irsia. (iv 25) I received in the city Irsia the payment of the city Sūru: oxen, sheep, wine, (and) (bronze) casseroles.

iv 2424

a-sa-kan be-dàk ina IZI.MEŠ

iv 2525

GÍBIL ma-da- šáú-ra GU₄.MEŠ UDU.MEŠ

iv 2626

GEŠTIN.MEŠ ÚTUL.MEŠ ina at-ta-ḫar

iv 2727

TA at-tu-muš ina ŠÀ KUR.kaš-ia-ri

(iv 27) Moving on from the city Irsia, I pitched camp (and) spent the night within Mount Kāšiāru. I conquered the city Madaranzu (and) two cities in its environs. I massacred them, (iv 30) carried off prisoners from them, (and) burned with fire th(ose) cities. For six days within Mount Kāšiāru, a mighty mountain (and) rugged terrain that was unsuitable for chariotry (and) troops, I cut through the mountain with axes (and) smashed (a way) with copper picks. (iv 35) (In this manner,) I was (thus) able to move along the chariotry and troops. In the cities that were in the region of my road within Mount Kāšiāru, I received oxen, sheep, wine, (bronze) casserole(s), (and) (bronze) armor.

iv 2828

a-sa-kan be-dàk 2 URU.DIDLI

iv 2929

šá li-me-tu-šú KUR-ud GAZ.MEŠ-šú-nu a-duk

iv 3030

šal-la-su-nu -lul URU.DIDLI ina IZI.MEŠ GÍBIL

iv 3131

6 UD.MEŠ-te ina ŠÀ KUR.kaš-ia-ri KUR-e

iv 3232

dan-ni A.ŠÀ nam-ra-ṣi šá ana me-tiq GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ

iv 3333

u ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ la GAR-nu KUR-ú ina ka-la-pa-te

iv 3434

ak-kis ina ak-kúl-li URUDU aq-qur

iv 3535


iv 3636

šá ši-di ḫu-li-ia šá ŠÀ KUR.kaš-ia-ri

iv 3737


iv 3838

at-ta-ḫar KUR.kaš-ia-ru at-ta-bal-kát

(iv 38b) After crossing Mount Kāšiāru, I went down for a second time to the Naʾiri land(s). I pitched camp (and) spent the night (iv 40) in the city Ši(n)giša. Moving on from the city Ši(n)giša, I approached the city Madara, the fortified city of Labṭuri, son of Ṭūbūssu. The city was well fortified (and) it was surrounded by four walls. I besieged th(at) city. (iv 45) They took fright in the face of my mighty weapons and I received from them property, possessions, (and) sons as hostages. I spared their lives. I imposed upon them tribute, taxes, (and) corvée workers. (iv 50) I destroyed (and) devastated th(at) city, (and) turned (it) into mounds of ruins (lit. “a mound and ruins”).

iv 3939

2-te-šú ana KUR na-i-ri at-tar-da

iv 4040

ina URU.ši-gi-šá a-sa-kan be-dàk TA

iv 4141

URU.ši-gi-šá at-tu-muš a-na

iv 4242 URU dan-nu-ti-šú šá mlab-ṭu-ri

iv 4343

DUMU ṭu-bu-si aq-ṭí-rib URU KAL-an dan-niš

iv 4444

4 BÀD.MEŠ-ni la-a-bi URU a-si-bi

iv 4545

TA IGI GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-a dan-nu-te ip-la-ḫu-ma

iv 4646

NÍG.GA.MEŠ-šú-nu bu-šá-šú-nu DUMU.MEŠ-šú-nu

iv 4747

ana .šap-ra-te am-ḫur-šú-nu ana šu-zu-ub

iv 4848

ZI.MEŠ-šú-nu ú-šèr-šú-nu GUN ma-da-

iv 4949

.ú-ra-si UGU-šú-nu áš-kun URU

iv 5050

a-púl aq-qur ana DU₆ u <<É>> kar-me ú-ter

iv 5151

TA at-tu-muš

(iv 51) Moving on from the city Madara, I entered the city Tušḫa(n). I consecrated a palace in the city Tušḫa(n). I received in the city Tušḫa(n) the payment of the land Nirdun: horses, (iv 55) mules, (bronze) casserole(s), (bronze) armor, oxen, sheep, (and) wine. I destroyed, devastated, (and) turned into mounds of ruins (lit. “a mound and ruins”) sixty cities, mighty garrisons at the foot of Mount Kāšiāru that (were ruled by) Labṭuri, son of Ṭūbūssu.

iv 5252

ana URU.tu--ḫa e-tar-ba É.GAL

iv 5353

ina URU.tu--ḫa ú-sa-ri ma-da-tu

iv 5454


iv 5555


iv 5656


iv 5757

at-ta-ḫar 1 šu-ši URU.MEŠ-ni BÀD.MEŠ-ni

iv 5858

dan-nu-te šá GÌR KUR.kaš-ia-ri šá mlab-ṭu-ri

iv 5959

DUMU ṭu-bu-si ap-púl aq-qur ana DU₆ u kar-me

iv 6060

ú-ter ina GIŠ.tukul-ti -šur EN-a TA

(iv 60b) With the support of (the god) Aššur, my lord, I moved on from the city Tušḫa(n). [I took] with me [strong] chariots, cavalry, (and) crack troops. I crossed the [Tigris] R[iver] by means of a bridge of rafts. Travelling all night, I approached the city Pitura, (iv 65) the fortified city of the people of the city Dirria. The city was exceptionally difficult: it was surrounded by two walls (and) its citadel was lofty like a mountain peak. With the exalted strength of (the god) Aššur, my lord, with my massive troops, and with my fierce battle, (iv 70) I fought with them. On the second day, before sunrise, I thundered against them like the god Adad of the devastation (and) rained down flames upon them. With might and main, my combat troops flew against them like the anzû-bird. I conquered th(at) city. (iv 75) I struck down 800 of their combat troops with the sword (and) cut off their heads. I captured many soldiers alive (and) I burned the rest of them with fire. I carried off valuable tribute from them. I built a pile of live (men and) of heads before (iv 80) his city gate. I impaled 500 soldiers on stakes before their city gate. I destroyed (and) devastated th(at) city (and) turned (it) into a mound of ruins (lit. “a mound and ruins”). I burned with fire their adolescent boys.

iv 6161

URU.tu--ḫa at-tu-muš GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ [KAL.MEŠ]

iv 6262

pit-ḫal-lu SAG-su i-si-ia [a-se-qe]

iv 6363

[ina] ra-ka-su-te ÍD.[IDIGNA e-te]-bir

iv 6464

[mu-ši-ti ár]-te-di ana [URU].pi-tu-ra

iv 6565

URU dan-nu-ti-šú-nu šá KUR.di-ir-ra-a-ia

iv 6666

aq-ṭí-rib URU mar-ṣi dan-niš 2 BÀD.MEŠ la-a-bi

iv 6767

ke-er-ḫu-šú GIM ú-ba-an KUR-e šá-qi

iv 6868

ina Á.MEŠ MAḪ.MEŠ šá -šur EN-a

iv 6969

ina gi-piš ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ-a u -a šit-mu-ri

iv 7070

it-ti-šú-nu am-daḫ-ḫi-ṣi ina 2 u₄-me

iv 7171

la-a-am dšá-maš na-pa-ḫi GIM dIŠKUR šá GÌR.BAL

iv 7272

UGU-šú-nu áš-gu-um nab-lu UGU-šú-nu ú-šá-az-ni-<in>

iv 7373

ina šip-ṣi u dan-na-ni mu-daḫ-ṣi-a

iv 7474

GIM an-ze-e UGU-šú-nu i-še-ʾi URU KUR-ud

iv 7575

8 ME ERIM.MEŠ mu-daḫ-ṣi-šú-nu ina GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ ú-šam-qit

iv 7676


iv 7777

ḪI.A.MEŠ ina ŠU ú-ṣa-bi-ta si-ta-te-šú-nu

iv 7878

ina IZI.MEŠ GÍBIL šal-la-su-nu DUGUD-ta -lul

iv 7979

a-si- šá TI.LA.MEŠ šá SAG.DU.MEŠ ina pu-ut

iv 8080

.GAL-šú ar-ṣip 5 <ME> ERIM.MEŠ ina pu-ut .GAL-šú-nu

iv 8181

a-na GIŠ.zi-qi-pi ú-za-qi-pi URU ap-púl

iv 8282

aq-qur ana DU₆ u kar-me ú-ter .ba-tu-li-šú-nu

iv 8383

ana GÍBIL-te GÍBIL URU.ku-ú-ku-nu šá pi-i -reb

(iv 83b) I conquered the city Kūkunu, which is situated at the entrance to the pass of Mount Matnu. (iv 85) I struck down 700 of their fighting men with the sword. I carried off many captives from them. I conquered fifty cities of the people of the city Dirria. I massacred them, carried off prisoners from them, (and) captured fifty soldiers alive. I destroyed, devastated, (and) burned with fire th(ose) cities. I unleashed the radiance of my lordly majesty against them.

iv 8484

šá KUR-e GAR-nu KUR-ud

iv 8585

7 ME ERIM.MEŠ ti-du-ki-šú-nu ina GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ ú-šam-qit

iv 8686

šal-la-su-nu ḪI.A.MEŠ -lul 50 URU.DIDLI šá KUR.di-ri-a

iv 8787

KUR-ud GAZ.MEŠ-šú-nu a-duk šal-la-su-nu -lul

iv 8888

50 ERIM.MEŠ TI.LA.MEŠ ina ŠU ú-ṣa-bi-ta

iv 8989

URU.DIDLI ap-púl aq-qur ina IZI.MEŠ GÍBIL me-lam-me

iv 9090

EN-ti-a UGU-šú-nu at-bu-ku TA URU.pi-tu-ra

(iv 90b) Moving on from the city Pitura, I went down to the city Arbakki, which is in the interior of the land Ḫabḫu. They took fright in the face of the radiance of my royal majesty and abandoned their well-fortified cities. In order to save their (own) lives, they climbed up Mount Matnu, (iv 95) a mighty mountain (and) I went after them. I slew 1,000 of their men-at-arms within the rugged mountain, dyed the mountain red with their blood, (and) filled the ravines (and) torrents of the mountain with their corpses. I captured 200 soldiers alive (and) (iv 100) cut off one arm from each of them. I carried off 2,000 captives from them. I brought back oxen (and) sheep from them, without number. I conquered the cities Iyaya (and) Salaniba, fortified cities of the city Arbakki. I massacred (and) carried off prisoners from them. I destroyed, devastated, (and) turned into mounds of ruins (lit. “a mound and ruins”) (iv 105) 250 of the well-fortified cities of the Naʾiri lands. I reaped the harvest of their land (and) stored the barley and straw in the city Tušḫa(n).

iv 9191

at-tum₄-šá a-na KUR.ḫab-ḫi

iv 9292

ša be-ta-ni at-tar-da TA IGI me-lam-me MAN-ti-a

iv 9393

ip-la-ḫu-ma URU.DIDLI-šú-nu šá BÀD.MEŠ KAL.MEŠ-te

iv 9494

-še-ru ana šu-zu-ub ZI.MEŠ-šú-nu ana

iv 9595

KUR-e dan-ni e-li-ú EGIR.MEŠ-šú-nu ar-te-di

iv 9696

1 LIM ERIM.MEŠ muq-tab-li-šú-nu ina -reb KUR-e mar-ṣi

iv 9797

ú-nap-pi-iṣ ÚŠ.MEŠ-šú-nu KUR-ú aṣ-ru-up .ÀD.MEŠ-šú-nu

iv 9898

ḫur-ru na-da-ba-ku šá KUR-e ú-mal-li

iv 9999

2 ME ERIM.MEŠ TI.LA.MEŠ ina ŠU ú-ṣa-be-ta DIŠ a-na

iv 100100

kap-pi-šú-nu ú-ba-tiq 2 LIM šal-la-su-nu

iv 101101

-lul GU₄.MEŠ-šú-nu UDU.ṣe-ni-šú-nu ana la me-ni

iv 102102

ú-te-ra URU.i-ia-ia

iv 103103

URU.DIDLI dan-nu-te šá URU.ár-ba-ak-ki KUR-ud

iv 104104

GAZ.MEŠ-šú-nu a-duk šal-la-su-nu -lul

iv 105105

2 ME 50 URU.DIDLI šá BÀD.MEŠ dan-nu-te šá KUR.KUR na-i-ri

iv 106106

ap-púl aq-qur ana DU₆ ù kar-me ú-ter

iv 107107

GIŠ.e-ṣa-di KUR-ti-šú-nu e-ṣi-di ŠE.UM.MEŠ

iv 108108

GIŠ.IN.NU.MEŠ ina URU.tu--ḫa at-bu-uk

iv 109109

mam-me-ba-ʾa-li DUMU za-ma-ni .GAL.MEŠ-te-šú

(iv 109) The nobles of Ammi-Baʾal, a man of Bīt-Zamāni (lit. “the son of Zamāni”), (iv 110) rebelled against him and killed him. In order to avenge, Ammi-Baʾal, I marched (against them). They took fright before the brilliance of [my weapons] and awe of my lordly majesty (and) [I received harnessed chariots], equipment for troops (and) horses, [460] harness-trained horses, [2 talents of silver, 2] talents of gold, 100 talents of [tin, 100 talents of bronze], 300 talents of iron, [100 bronze casseroles, 3,000 bronze receptacles, bronze] bowls, [bronze containers, 1,000] linen garments [with multi-colored trim, dishes, chests, couches of ivory (and) decorated with gold the treasure(s) of his palace (together with) 2,000 oxen, 5,000 sheep, his sister with her rich dowry, (and) the daughters of his nobles with their rich dowries].

iv 110110

[ib]-bal-ki-tu-šú-ma GAZ.MEŠ-šú a-na tu-ru gi-me-lim

iv 111111

[ša m]am-me-ba-ʾa-li a-lik TA IGI na-mu-ra-at

iv 112112

[GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-a] u šur-ba-at EN-ti-a e-du-ru-ma

iv 113113

[GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ ra-ki-su] ḫal-lu-up-te ERIM.MEŠ ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ

iv 114114

[4 ME 1 šu-ši] ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ LAL-at GIŠ.ni-ri-šú

iv 115115


iv 116116


iv 117117

[1 ME ÚTUL ZABAR 3 LIM kap-pi] ZABAR.MEŠ sa-ap-li.MEŠ

iv 118118

[ZABAR a-ga-na-a-te ZABAR 1 LIM TÚ]-búl-ti

iv 119119


iv 120120

[...] uḫ-ḫu-[zu-te]

Column v
v 1v 1

URU.kal-ḫu maḫ-ra-a šá mdsál-ma-nu-SAG

(v 1) (As for) the ancient city Kalḫu, which Shalmaneser (I), king of Assyria, a ruler who had came before me, had built, that city had become dilapidated, it laid dormant, and turned into a mound of ruins. I built that city anew.

v 22

MAN KUR -šur NUN-ú DU IGI-ia e-pu-šu URU šu-ú

v 33

e-na-aḫ-ma iṣ-lal a-na DU₆ ù kar-me

v 44

i-túr URU šu-ú a-na -šú-te

v 55

ab-ni ÍD-tu -tu Í

(v 5) I dug out a canal from the Upper Zab (and) called it Bābelat-ḫegalli (“Bearer of Abundance”). I planted orchards with all kinds of fruit trees in its environs. I pressed wine (and) gave the best to (the god) Aššur, my lord, (v 10) and the temples of my land. I built the wall anew. I built (and) completed (it) from from its foundation(s) to its crenellations.

v 66


v 77

MU-šá ab-bi GIŠ.KIRI₆.MEŠ ana li-me-tu-šú

v 88


v 99

aṣ-ḫu-ut SAG.MEŠ-te ana -šur EN-a

v 1010

ù É.KUR.MEŠ KUR-ia a-qi BÀD ana -šú-te

v 1111

ar-ṣip TA -še-šá a-di gaba-dib-bi-šá

v 1212

ar-ṣip ú-šék-lil É.GAL

(v 12b) I founded therein a palace as a residence of my royal majesty (and) for my lordly leisure for eternity. (v 15) I splendidly decorated it. I surrounded it with knobbed nails of bronze. I made magnificent doors of fir, fastened (them) with bronze bands, (and) installed (them) in its gate(s). I took thrones of ebony (and) boxwood, (v 20) dishes decorated with ivory, silver, gold, tin, bronze, (and) iron booty from the lands over which I gained dominion (and) deposited (them) therein.

v 1313

ana šu-bat MAN-ti-a ana mul-ta--it

v 1414

EN-ti-a šá da-ra-a-te ina ŠÀ ad-di

v 1515

ú-si-im ú-šar-riḫ si-kàt kar-ri ZABAR

v 1616


v 1717

MAḪ.MEŠ - ina me*-ser ZABAR.MEŠ

v 1818

ú-ra-ki-si ina -šá ú-ra-ti

v 1919


v 2020

GIŠ.BANŠUR.MEŠ .MEŠ uḫ-ḫu-za-te

v 2121


v 2222

AN.BAR.MEŠ ki-šit-ti ŠU-ia šá KUR.KUR.MEŠ

v 2323

šá a-pe-lu-ši-na-ni al-qa-a ina lìb-bi

v 2424

áš-kun NUN-ú EGIR-ú an-ḫu-sa lu-ud-diš

(v 24b) May a future ruler restore its dilapidated section(s) (and) restore my inscribed name to its place. (The god) Aššur will (then) listen to his prayers. He must not forsake my mighty palace, the abode of my royal majesty that is (in) the city Kalḫu, nor abandon (it) in the face of (his) enemies. He must not remove the doors, beams, (or) knobbed nails (v 30) of bronze from it (and) put them in another city (in) another palace. He must not smash its beams. He must not tear out its drain pipes. He must not clog the outlets of its rain spouts. He must not block up its door. (v 35) He must neither appropriate it for a warehouse (nor) turn it into a prison. He must not incarcerate its (the palace's) men or women as prisoners therein. He must not allow it to disintegrate through neglect, desertion, or lack of renovation. (v 40) He must not move into another palace, either within or without the city, instead of my palace. He must not rend the lock, (for) there must not be open access. He must neither conceive an injurious plan nor put it into effect to the disadvantage of my mighty <palace>, the abode of my royal majesty.

v 2525

MU šaṭ-ra ana áš-ri-šá lu-ter -šur

v 2626

ik-ri-be-šu i-šem-me É.GAL

v 2727

kiš-šu-te-ia šu-bat MAN-ti-ia šá URU.kal-ḫi

v 2828

la i-na-di-ma pa-an KÚR.MEŠ la ú-ma-šar

v 2929

GIŠ.IG.MEŠ GIŠ.ÙR.MEŠ si-kàt kar-ri šá

v 3030

ŠU.KA.AN -reb-šá la i-na-ši

v 3131

ina URU šá--e É.GAL šá-ni-te la i-šá-kan

v 3232

GIŠ.ÙR.MEŠ-šá la ú-šá-bar na-ṣa-ba-te-šá

v 3333

la ú-na-sa-aḫ mu-ṣi zi-ni-šá

v 3434

la i-ka-si-ir -šá la i-pa-ḫi

v 3535

ana É na-kám-te <<šá>> la e-ki-im-ši

v 3636

ana É ki-li la i-šar-ra-ak-ši

v 3737

.MEŠ MUNUS.MEŠ-šá šá É ṣi-be-te ina ŠÀ

v 3838

la e-sir ina la-ma-a-ri ù mu-šu-ri

v 3939

ù la ke-ši-<ri> la -ḫar-ma-si É.GAL-lum

v 4040

šá-ni-tu ina MURUB₄-ti URU ina ki-i*-di URU

v 4141

šá ki-i É.GAL-ia la e-re-bi nap-ṭar-

v 4242

la i-ra-si-pi ina ŠÀ la e-ra-ba mim-ma

v 4343

a-mat ḪUL-te la i-ḫa-sa-sa-ma

v 4444

pa-an <É.GAL> kiš-šu-ti-ia šu-bat MAN-ti-a

v 4545

la ú-šá-pa-ra-ak šá <ki> pi MU.SAR-e-ia

(v 45b) As for the one who acts according to this inscription of mine (and) does not alter the ordinances of my text, may the gods Aššur (and) Enlil, the great gods who make my kingship supreme, make his dominion supreme in all lands. (v 50) May they constantly lead him in victory, might, and heroism. May they grant the tribute of the four quarters (of the world) as his portion. May they establish in his land plenty, affluence, and abundance.

v 4646

an--e e-pa-šu ta-me-tu šiṭ-ri-a

v 4747

la -te-nu-ú -šur dBAD DINGIR.MEŠ

v 4848

GAL.MEŠ-te mu-šar-bu-ú MAN-ti-a EN-su

v 4949

ina nap-ḫar KUR.KUR.MEŠ-te lu-šar-bu-ú

v 5050

ina li-te kiš-šu-ti* ù me-tel-lu-ti

v 5151

li-ir-ta-du-šú <bi>-lat kib-rat* LÍMMU-i

v 5252

ina is-qi-šu lu-šat-li-mu nu-uḫ-šu

v 5353

ṭù-uḫ-du ù* ḫe-gal-lu ina KUR-šu

v 5454

lu-kín-nu ša ki-i pi-i MU.SAR-ia

(v 54b) As for the one who does not act according to (v 55) this inscription of mine, (but) alters the ordinances of my text, (who) destroys this monument, discards (it), covers it with oil, buries it in dust, (v 60) burns it with fire, throws it in water, puts it in the path of beasts or the track of animals, (who) prevents scholars from seeing and reading the ordinances of my inscription, bars anyone access (v 65) to my inscription in order that it might not be seen and read, (who), because of these curses, instructs and incites a stranger, a foreigner, a malignant enemy, a prisoner, or any living (v 70) being so that he destroys, chisels away, changes its wording to something else, (v 75) (who) makes up his mind and decides to destroy this monument of mine and to alter my ordinances and (therefore) commands a scribe or diviner or anyone else saying “Destroy this monument! Its dictates are not to be observed!” (v 80) and whoever heeds his statements, (who) conceives anything injurious and orders (it to be done) to my works and my monument, (who) says “I know nothing (of this) and during his kingship diverts his attention elsewhere (v 85) with the result that this monument is destroyed and smashed (or) the wording of its text altered, or (who) seeks (to do) evil against this monument of mine, may (the god) Aššur, the great lord, the Assyrian god, (v 90) (and) the lord of destinies, curse his destiny. May he remove his works (and) pronounce an evil curse for the uprooting of the foundations of his kingship and the destruction of his people. May he inflict his land with distress, famine, hunger, (v 95) and want.

v 5555

an--e la e-pa-šú ta-me-et

v 5656

šiṭ-ri-ia -te-nu-ú ALAM

v 5757

šu-a- i-ʾa-ab-ba-tu-ma

v 5858

ú-šàm-sa-ku ina piš-šá-te i-ka-ta-mu-šú

v 5959

ina e-pe-ri i-qa-bi-ru-šú ina IZI.MEŠ

v 6060

GÍBIL-šú ina A.MEŠ i-na-du-šu a-na

v 6161

ki-bi-is ú-ma-mi ù me-te-eq

v 6262

bu-ú-li i-šá-ak-ka-nu-šú ta-me-et

v 6363

šiṭ-ri-ia um-ma-na-te a-na a-ma-ri

v 6464

ù šá-se-e i-kal-lu-ú ù ina pa-an

v 6565

MU.SAR.MEŠ-ia man-ma ki-i la-ma-a-ri

v 6666

ù la šá-se-e i-pa-ar-ri-ku

v 6767

áš-šúm iz-zi-ir-ti ši-na-ti-na

v 6868

na-ak-ra a-ḫa-[a (x) a]-ia-a-ba lem-na

v 6969

lu É ki-li lu a-me-lu-ta

v 7070

ši-kín ZI-ti ú-ma-ʾa-ru-ma

v 7171

ú-šá-ḫa-zu i-pa-pi-tu i-ṣa-ap-pi-ru

v 7272

EME-šú a-na bar-ti -te-en-nu-ú

v 7373

a-na ḫul-lu-uq ALAM-ia

v 7474

an--e ù ta-me-ti ana šu-un--e

v 7575

ú-zu-un-šú i-šá-ka-nu-ma lìb-ba-šú

v 7676

i-ma-al-li-ku-šú ù lu-ú .A.BA

v 7777

lu .ḪAL lu-ú ma-am-ma šá-nu-ú

v 7878

NU šu-a- ḫul-li-iq šá pi-i-šú

v 7979

la e-pa-še i-qa-ab-ba-áš-šú

v 8080

ù šá pi-i-šú i-še-em-mu-ú šá mìm-ma

v 8181

a-mat ḪUL-ti i-ḫa-sa-sa-ma a-na ep-še-ti-a

v 8282

ù ALAM-ia ú-ma-ʾa-ru a-na-ku

v 8383

la i-di i-qa-ab-bu-ú ù* ina MAN-ti-<šú>

v 8484

pa-ni-šú a-na bat-te i-šá-ka-nu-ma

v 8585

ALAM šú-ú -a-ab-ba--ma

v 8686

iḫ-ḫa-ra-am-ma-ṭu a-mat-tu šá pi-i-šú

v 8787

-te-en-na-a ù ana ALAM-ia

v 8888

šu-a-tu li-im-ni-ti il-te-ʾu-ú

v 8989

-šur EN GAL-ú DINGIR áš-šu-ru-ú

v 9090

EN ši-ma-a-ti ši-ma-ti-šú li-ru-ur

v 9191

ep-še-ti-šú lu-na-ki-ir er-re-ta

v 9292

ma-ru-ul-ta šá na-saḫ -di MAN-ti-šú

v 9393

u ZÁḪ UN.MEŠ-šú li-it-ta-ás-qar

v 9494

su-um-qa bu-bu-ta ù ni-ib-ri-

v 9595

ù ḫu-šá-aḫ-ḫa a-na KUR-ti-šú

v 9696

li-du-ú šá a-na ALAM-ia

(v 96b) As for the one who becomes angry with this monument of mine and says “What is this?,” may the gods Anu, Enlil, and Ea, the gods who approve of me, (v 100) decree his unhappiness by their weighty edict (and) establish a truceless war without terms, strife, conflict, (and) battle in his land.

v 9797

šu-a- e-zi-zu-ma an-na-a mi-na

v 9898

i-qa-bu-ú da-nu dBAD ù [d]é-a

v 9999

DINGIR.MEŠ mi-ig-ri-ia ši-[i]-ru

v 100100

la-a na-ma-ri-šu ina pi-i-šú-nu

v 101101

kab-ti li-iq-bu GIŠ.TUKUL la-a

v 102102

sa-li-ma šá la ma-ga-ri [ṣe]-el-ta

v 103103

ip-pi-ra [puḫ]-pu-ḫa ina KUR-šu lu-ki-nu

Based on A. Kirk Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC I (1114-859 BC) (RIMA 2), Toronto, 1991. Adapted by Jamie Novotny (2015-16) and lemmatized and updated by Nathan Morello (2016-17) for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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