Name | Individual no./item status | PNA page | Addenda/Corrigenda | Contributor |
Kabbūtu | New lemma | m.kab-bu-tú Edubba 10 32: 29 (witness; 747). | H.D. Baker | |
Kablu-Aššūr-aṣbat | New lemma | m.kab-lu—d.aš-šur—aṣ-ba-[at] StAT 2 91: 3 (guarantor; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Kadara-iddina | New lemma | m.kàd-[a-ra—AŠ] / m.kàd-a-ra—AŠ BATSH 6 116: 1, 5 (seller; 828). | H.D. Baker | |
Kakkassu | New lemma | MÍ.ka-ka-si StAT 2 84: 6´ (woman named in a statement concerning property; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Kakki-abi | — | 595 | Emend reading of name to m.[ka-ki-i] (l. 1) / [m.ka-ki]-⸢i⸣ (l. 4) / m.ka-ki-i (l. 17), lemma *Kākīa (p. 594f.), in VAT 19496 r. 2 (now StAT 3 60: [1], 4, 17). | H.D. Baker |
Kakkūʼa | 3. | 595 | [MÍ.k]a-ku-u-a StAT 2 11: 6´ (woman named in an administrative document concerning disbursements of barley; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kakkullānu (Kukulānu, Kulkulānu) | New individual | 595-7 | m.ku-ku-⸢la-a⸣-nu StAT 3 4: 36 (father of Kiṣir-Aššur; 630*). | H.D. Baker |
Kakkussu | 6. | 597 | m.ka-k[u-su] BATSH 6 61 r. 11´ (witness; 637*). | H.D. Baker |
Kalbu | New individual | 598-9 | m.kal-bu ÌR LÚ.x-[xša?] LÚ.EN.NAM Edubba 10 30: 2 (seller, servant of the [...] of the governor; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kaldāiu | New individual | 599 | m.kal-da-⸢a⸣-a Ziyaret 9 r. 1 (listed together with five young women in an administrative document; not dated). | H.D. Baker |
Kal-ilāni-āmur | New lemma | ⸢m.kal⸣—DINGIR.MEŠ—a-mur BATSH 6 121 r. 8 (witness, son of Ubru-Salmanu; 674). | H.D. Baker | |
Kamba[...] | New lemma | m.ka-am-ba-[x] StAT 3 75: 1 (father of an unnamed son; 612*). | H.D. Baker | |
Kandalānu | 8. | 600 | In the description of the individual emend "Oil-presser" to "Gate guard". | M. Groß |
Kandalānu | New individual? (cf. 8.-10.) | 600-1 | m.kan-dàl-a-nu StAT 3 108: 10 (inner tablet) (644*?). | H.D. Baker |
Kandalānu | New individual | 600-601 | [m].kan-dàl-a-n[i] / m.kan-dàl-a-nu Edubba 10 28: 4, 20 (joint seller; 793 or 773).He and his two co-sellers are described as 'of the town Ikamaraia, palace shepherds under the authority of the chief cook' (ša URU.i?-ka-mar-a-a LÚ*.SIPA.MEŠ ša É.GAL ša ŠU LÚ*.GAL–MU.MEŠ, ll. 6-8). | H.D. Baker |
Kanūnāiu | 9. | 601 | He probably comes from Imgur-Illil rather than Nineveh; see *Nabû-bāni-apli 1. (p. 809). | H.D. Baker |
Kanūnāiu | 15. | 602 | Emend "reign of Esarhaddon" to "reign of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal". | H.D. Baker |
Kanūnāiu | 17.-18. | 602 | According to this PNA entry the tablet CTN 3 33 is dated either by *Kanūnāiu 17. (ep. 671) or by *Kanūnāiu 18. (ep. 666). However, the archival context indicates rather the post-canonical eponym *Kanūnāiu 63. (ep. 624*). | H.D. Baker |
Kanūnāiu | 17.-18.c. | 602 | m.ITI.AB-a-a A 1916 r. 4 (now StAT 2 288 r. 4). In PNA it is left undecided as to whether he is the eponym for 671, 666 or possibly 624*. The edition dates the tablet in 624* but this seems by no means certain. | H.D. Baker |
Kanūnāiu | 18. | 602 | [m.ITU].⸢AB-a-a⸣ BATSH 6 16 r. 2 (eponym of the year 666). | H.D. Baker |
Kanūnāiu | 18. | 602 | [m.k]a-nun-a-a [LÚ*].šá-kìn É GIBIL BATSH 6 135 r. 4´-5´ (governor of the New Palace, eponym of the year 666). | H.D. Baker |
Kanūnāiu | 56 | 604 | The tablet cited as "A 2635" should be emended to "A 2636" (now StAT 2 21). | H.D. Baker |
Kanūnāiu | New individual? | 601-4 | m.⸢ITI!⸣.AB-⸢a⸣-[a] StAT 3 93: 5´ (not dated or date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kanūnāiu | New individual | 601-4 | m.ITI.AB-a-a ND 2445: 7´ (CTN 5 114-15). The edition reads Ṭebētaya. | H.D. Baker |
Kapara | 3. | 605 | Emend "SAA 6 76 l.e. 2" to "SAA 6 143 l.e. 2". | M. Groß |
Kapīru | New individual | 605 | m.ka-pi-[ru?] StAT 3 82: 3 (617*). | H.D. Baker |
Karmesāiu | — | 607 | [m.kar-me]-sa-a-a StAT 2 58 r. 2 (witness; 650). This is the inner tablet probably belonging with the envelope A 2549 (now StAT 2 59). | H.D. Baker |
Kāsītu | New lemma | MÍ.GÚ.ZI-i-tú StAT 2 235 r. 14 (mother of the co-heirs, said to be the responsibility of Aššur-šezibanni; 625*). | H.D. Baker | |
Kaskāiu | 2. | 607 | Emend "from Nineveh" to "from Kalhu". | H.D. Baker |
Kassupu | New individual? (cf. 1.) | 607 | [m.k]as-up StAT 3 10: 21 (father of Bel-eriba; 749). | H.D. Baker |
Kāšid-Aššūr | New lemma | m.kaš-id—aš-šur StAT 2 239 r. 5 (witness; 630*). | H.D. Baker | |
Katî | see *Kattei (p. 609) | m.kat-te-iLÚ*.NAR.GAL / m.kat-te-i NAR.GAL BATSH 6 108a (envelope) r. 7, 108b (inner tablet) r. 4 (witness, chief singer; 663). | H.D. Baker | |
Katu[...] | New lemma | m.ka-⸢tu⸣-[...] Burmarina 28 r. 3´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Ka''unānu | New lemma | New lemma, replaces *Ḫawnanu q.v. | H.D. Baker | |
Kazubtu | (1.) | 609 | In the description of the individual emend "from Kalhu" to "from Marqasi". See now the edition Marqasi 3. | H.D. Baker |
Kā[...] | New individual | 609 | m.⸢ka-a-x-x⸣ StAT 3 35 II 6 (616* or later). | H.D. Baker |
*Kēnāia or Kēnu-Aia | New individual | 610 | m.GIN—[a]-⸢a⸣ BATSH 6 10 r. 15 (father of Bel-šarru-iddina; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kēnî | 1.(?) | 610 | Edubba 10 37: 10´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kēnî | 28. | 611 | Emend "son of Adda-lakusu" to "son of Tilakusu" in the discussion of DeZ 5662: 1, 4, 7, r. 3 (now BATSH 6 2: 1, 4, 7, r. 2). | H.D. Baker |
Kēnî | New individual | 610-11 | Edubba 10 31: 40 (witness, one of two [...]; 754). He is named as one of 2[...] of the ... house? (PAB 2 [...] É la?-ḫa-⸢x⸣-te, l. 41). | H.D. Baker |
Kēnu-abūʼa | Etym. | 612 | Add the writing m.GIN—AD-a to those listed in the etymological section. | H.D. Baker |
Kēnu-abūʼa | 1.c. | 612 | m.GIN—AD-a Edubba 10 19: 20 (eponym of the year 794). | H.D. Baker |
Kēnu-abūʼa | 1.c. | 612 | m.GIN—AD-[u-a] Edubba 10 25 r. 9´ (eponym of the year 794). | H.D. Baker |
Kēnu-lēšir | New individual | 612 | m.GIN—GI[Š] BATSH 6 180: 1 (son of Šamaš-šumu-iddina, brother of his co-seller Ḫamadâ; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kēnu-šallim | 1. (?) | 613 | [m].ke-nu—šal-lim LÚ.NI?.[ (x-x)] Edubba 10 9: 21 (witness; 765). The reading of the name follows the edition; however, the copy has rather [m].ke-nu-šú (remainder of line blank), and the photo is not legible at this point. If the suggested identification with *Kēnu-šallim 1. is correct, we might expect the profession to read LÚ.MUG. | H.D. Baker |
Kēnu-šallim | New individual? (cf. 1.-3.) | 613 | m.GIN—šal-lim Edubba 10 49: 21´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kēnu-uṣur | New lemma | m.GIN—ú-ṣur Edubba 10 49: 24´ (witness; date lost). For the name cf.*Kēnu-aḫu with the writing m.GIN—PAB. | H.D. Baker | |
Kēnu-[...] | New individual | 613 |—d.[x (x)]mu-kil KUŠ.PA!.ME[Š] Edubba 10 19: 15-16 (witness, rein-holder; 794). For the name cf. *Kēnu-Adad, *Kēnu-Marduk. | H.D. Baker |
Kēnu-[...] | New individual | 613 | m.GIN—[x] BATSH 6 99 r. 9´ (father of Salmanu-naʼʼid; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kēnu-[...] | New individual | 613 | m.GIN—[x x] BATSH 6 176 r. 7´ (father of the witness Sumki-abi; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kibaba | — | 614 | ⸢⸣-ba-ba ša URU.ḫar-ḫa[r] KAL 3 31: 6´ (mentioned in a fragmentary passage of an inscription of Sargon II; the following lines seem to relate the rebellion against K. and his subjects' installation of Daltâ as their overlord). | H.D. Baker |
Kidianini | New lemma | Edubba 10 34: 5 (mentioned in a land sale contract; 736). | H.D. Baker | |
Kidi-Kurra | New lemma | m.⸢ki?⸣-di—⸢d⸣.kur-a StAT 2 148 r. 3 and on the envelope—kur-a StAT 2 149:11 (witness; 707). | H.D. Baker | |
Kidin-Aššūr | New individual | 614 |—aš-šur BATSH 6 187 r. 5 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kidin-Šamaš | New individual |—20 ⸢LÚ⸣.GAL—50 /—20 L[Ú.GAL—50] StAT 2 181 r. 8 and the duplicate StAT 2 182 r. 10 (witness, commander-of-fifty; 629*). | H.D. Baker | |
Kilizāiu | = *Kalzāiu —. | 599-600 | [m].URU.K[ÀL-z]i-a-a LÚ*.h[a]-za-nu Edubba 10 37 r. 2´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kī-Mama | 8. | 616 | In the second attestation of this individual the reference is omitted; it is A 351+ r. 7 (now StAT 2 146). | H.D. Baker |
Kimu[...] | New lemma |⸢x⸣ StAT 2 95 r. 10 (witness; 650). | H.D. Baker | |
Kīnanni-Issār | 2.-5. | 617 | Erroneous numbering of individuals, emend second "2." to "3." and emend "3." to "4.". | H.D. Baker |
Kīnanni-Issār | New individual | 617 | MÍ.GIN-a-ni—15! StAT 3 84: 10 (641*). | H.D. Baker |
Kinini | New lemma? | [m].ki-ni-ni Edubba 10 37 r. 3´ (witness; date lost). For the name cf. *Kīninni. | H.D. Baker | |
Kiqillānu | New individual | 618-19 | StAT 3 63: 6´ (615*). | H.D. Baker |
Kiqillānu | New individual? | 618-19 | /!-la-a-[n]u Edubba 10 35: 16´, 21´ (seller; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kiqillānu | New individual | 618-19 | LÚ*.A.BA Ziyaret 8 lo.e. 8 (witness; not dated). | H.D. Baker |
Kiqillānu | New individual | 618-19 | m.⸢ki-qil-la⸣-a-nu StAT 2 101: 9 (one of a group of people listed in a division of property; 744, or possibly 734 or 750). | H.D. Baker |
Kiru | New lemma | BATSH 6 24 r. 7 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Kisiri | — | 620 | m.k[i-si?-r]i? StAT 3 92: 2 (613*). | H.D. Baker |
Kiṣiranni | see *Kiṣir-Anu (pp. 620-1) | []-ṣir-a-ni BATSH 6 87 r. 2´ (date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Kiṣir-Anu | New individual | 620-1 | m.⸢ki⸣-ṣir—⸢a-nu!?⸣ StAT 3 91: 9 (640*). | H.D. Baker |
Kiṣir-Anu | New individual | 620-1 | []-ṣir-a-ni BATSH 6 87 r. 2´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kiṣir-Aššūr | 39. | 624-5 | m.k[i-ṣir—aš+šur] StAT 3 69: 14´ (father of Qurdi-Aššur; 636*). | H.D. Baker |
Kiṣir-Aššūr | 45. | 625 | ⸢m⸣.ki-ṣir—aš+⸢šur⸣ StAT 3 82: 5 (617*). | H.D. Baker |
Kiṣir-Aššūr | 45. | 625 |ṣir—aš!+šur! StAT 3 92: 2 (613*). | H.D. Baker |
Kiṣir-Aššūr | 45. | 625 |⸢ṣir?⸣—[aš?+šur?] / ⸢ṣir⸣—aš+šur StAT 3 93: 1, 7´ (not dated or date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kiṣir-Aššūr | 45. | 625 | [m.k]i-ṣir—aš+šur StAT 3 89: 9´ (date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kiṣir-Aššūr | 45.a. | 625 | m.KA.[KÉŠ—aš-šur?] StAT 2 220: 3 (joint creditor; 612*). | H.D. Baker |
Kiṣir-Aššūr | 45.b. | 625 | The tablet A 1883 ('date lost') is now dated 613* in the edition StAT 2 216. | H.D. Baker |
Kiṣir-Aššūr | 45.b. | 625 | The date of the tablet A 1886 is given in PNA as "645*?, eponymy of Šam[aš-da''inanni?]"; however, the edition StAT 2 218 has Šam[aš-šarru-ibni], 612*? | H.D. Baker |
Kiṣir-Aššūr | New individual? (cf. 45.-49.) | 621-6 |ṣir—aš+⸢šur⸣ StAT 3 107: 15 (641*). | H.D. Baker |
Kiṣir-Aššūr | New individual | 621-6 | ⸢m⸣.ki-⸢ṣir⸣—aš+šur... URU.⸢ŠÀ⸣.URU-a-⸢a⸣ StAT 3 4: 35 (man from Libbali, son of Kukulanu; 630*). | H.D. Baker |
Kiṣir-Aššūr | New individual | 621-6 | ⸢m⸣.ki-ṣir—aš+šur StAT 3 69: 19´ (son of Saiâ; 636*). | H.D. Baker |
Kiṣir-Aššūr | New individual | 621-6 |ṣir—aš-šur StAT 2 139 r. 7´ (witness; 679?). | H.D. Baker |
Kiṣir-Aššūr | New individual | 621-6 |ṣir—aš-šu[r] StAT 2 328 r. 4´ (witness, with an unexplained '3' preceding his name; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kiṣirî | New lemma |ṣir–i Marqasi 1:9 (joint seller of slave; 671 or 666). For the name cf. *Kiṣir-I? (p. 626), which should be merged with this. | H.D. Baker | |
Kiṣirî | New lemma |ṣir-i Marqasi 6 r. 9 (witness; 629*). Merge lemma with *Kiṣir-I?. | H.D. Baker | |
Kiṣir-ili | 1. | 626 | Emend reading of name toṣir—aš+šur, lemma *Kiṣir-Aššūr (pp. 621-6), in VAT 9758: 19 (now StAT 3 2: 19). | H.D. Baker |
Kiṣir-Nabû | New individual | 627-9 | m.⸢ki⸣-ṣir—d.PA StAT 3 69: 12´ (son of Nabû-zeru-[...]; 636*). | H.D. Baker |
Kiṣir-[...] | 5. | 629 |⸢ṣir⸣—[x-x] StAT 3 100: 2´ (date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kiṣir-[...] | New individual? | 629 |ṣi[r—x x] StAT 2 242 r. 8 (witness; 612?). | H.D. Baker |
Kite | New lemma | Edubba 10 14: 27´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Kitturru-naʼʼid | New lemma | m.KI.DUR—I LÚ.SANGA BATSH 6 95 l.e. 1 (witness, priest; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Ki[...] | New individual | 630 |[x x (x)] BATSH 6 150 r. 6´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kubābu-aḫu-iddina | New individual | 630 | m.KÙ.KÁ—PAB—AŠ StAT 2 280 r. 3´ (witness; 679). | H.D. Baker |
Kubābu-bāni | New lemma | m.⸢KÙ⸣-bab?-ba-⸢ni⸣ Ziyaret 20: 2´ (witness?; not dated or date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Kubābu-gamil | New lemma | ⸢m⸣.KU6—[ga-mil] / [m.KU6—ga]-⸢mil⸣ Burmarina 3: 5´´, 15´´ (buyer; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Kubābu-lidi | New lemma | m.KU6—li-di Burmarina 1: 13´ (buyer; 673). | H.D. Baker | |
Kubābu-lidi | New lemma | m.KU6—li-d[i] Burmarina 2: 2´ (buyer; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Kubābu-lidi | New lemma | [m.KU6—li-i]-di Burmarina 12: 2´ (buyer; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Kubābu-līdi | New lemma | m.KU6—li-i-di [L]Ú.pit-ḫal-li Burmarina 37: 1-2 (plaintiff, cavalryman; 676). | H.D. Baker | |
Kubābu-[...] | New lemma | m.KU6—[x x (x)] Burmarina 7: 1 (sealer of the tablet; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Kūbu-raḫia | New lemma | MÍ.KÙ.BU—ra-ḫi-ia [GE]MÉ StAT 2 235: 9 (female slave; 625*). | H.D. Baker | |
Kuddaya | see *Ḫašdāia (p. 464) | ND 2605 (CTN 5 273-5). | H.D. Baker | |
Kududu | — | 632 | Emend reading of name to m.⸢ku⸣-du-ru, lemma *Kudurru (p. 632-5), in VAT 9783:19 (now StAT 3 11: 19 [envelope]). | H.D. Baker |
Kudurru | New individual? | 632-5 | [m].⸢NÍG.DU-uʼ!?⸣ StAT 3 66: 1´ (date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kudurru | New individual | 632-5 | m.NÍG.DU ND 2611: 4´ (CTN 5 86) (mentioned in a fragmentary Babylonian letter). | H.D. Baker |
Kukušunu | New lemma | m.ku-ku-šu-n[u] Edubba 10 22: 22´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Kuku[...] | New lemma | m.ku-ku-⸢x x x ša⸣ PN Edubba 10 31: 32 (witness, [...] of Aššur-kenu; 754). For possible restorations cf. *Kukkullāiu and *Ku(k)kul(l)u (p. 635). | H.D. Baker | |
Kuluʼu | 1. | 636 | The name m.ku-lu-i (A 2500: 6) is now read m.ku-lu-ʼi in the edition StAT 2 258: 6´. | H.D. Baker |
Kuluʼu | New individual | 636 | m.ku-lu-ʼu LÚ*.kar-⸢ka-di-nu⸣ [š]a É.GAL Edubba 10 20: 7-8 (witness, victualler of the palace; 779). | H.D. Baker |
Kūmurî | — | 637 | Emend his son's name from "[...]-il" to "Hali-il" in the discussion of SH98/6949 I 886 r. 13 (now BATSH 6 65 r. 13). | H.D. Baker |
Kunāia | New individual | 638 | m.⸢ku-na⸣-a.a ND 2627 r. 2 (CTN 5 278-80) (mentioned in a letter to the king). | H.D. Baker |
Kundāia | New individual | 638 | m.kun-dà-a-a Edubba 10 49: 25´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Kundāia | New individual | 638 | [m.k]un-dà-a-a Edubba 10 49: 27´ (witness, father? of Mušallim-ilu; date lost). Probably identical with the homonymous witness in l. 25´. | H.D. Baker |
Kupāia | New lemma | <m>.ku-pa-a-a BATSH 6 38: 9 (neighbouring landowner; 602). | H.D. Baker | |
Kurbānû | New lemma | m.kur-ba-nu-u Ziyaret 1 r. 1 (recipient of barley; 611*). | H.D. Baker | |
Kur-ilāʼī | 22. | 642 | The tablet cited as "A 2655" should be emended to "A 2635" (now StAT 2 25).The date "616*" should be retained (rather than "619*" as given in the edition). Note the recent edition of Radner, SAAB 16 (2007) 220-1 no. 18. | H.D. Baker |
Kurra-[...] | New lemma | MÍ.d.kur-a—⸢x⸣ StAT 2 135: 4 (female slave; 640* [not 633* as given in the edition]). | H.D. Baker | |
Kurru-abaia | New lemma | m.kur-ru—a-ba-ia StAT 2 268 r. 5´ (witness; 644*/629*). | H.D. Baker | |
Kurussû | New lemma | [m].ku-ru-⸢si⸣ StAT 3 42: 2 (father of Ribaia; 618*). | H.D. Baker | |
Kūsāiu | Etym. | 643 | Add the writing m.KUR.ku-sa-a-a. | H.D. Baker |
Kūsāiu | 5. | 643 | Emend his profession to ⸢LÚ*⸣. (ú)-ra-si "brick mason (?)" in DeZ 5663 r. 5 (now BATSH 6 3 r. 5´). | H.D. Baker |
Kūsāiu | New individual? (cf. 3.) | 643 | m.ku-sa-⸢a⸣-a StAT 3 35: V 8´. | H.D. Baker |
Kūsāiu | New individual? (cf. 3.) | 643 | m.KUR.ku-sa-a-⸢a⸣... [URU].ŠÀ.URU-a-a StAT 3 4: 37 (man from Libbali, son of [...]aiu; 630*). | H.D. Baker |
Kusanê | New lemma | m.ku-sa-ni-e ša URU.[...] Edubba 10 19: 13 (witness from the town [...]; 794). Together with Ḫandusu he is said to be under the authority of the governor of the city [...] (l. 14). For the name cf. *Kusani. | H.D. Baker | |
Kutamāiu | New lemma | m.ku-ta-ma-a-a Edubba 10 31: 35 (witness; 754). He is one of two servants of Aḫu-[...] ([P]AB 2 LÚ.ÌR.MEŠ-ni ša PN, l. 36). | H.D. Baker | |
Kutia | New lemma | m.ku-ti-a ND 2605: 2´ (CTN 5 273-5) (mentioned in a fragmentary administrative tablet). | H.D. Baker | |
Kuzub-Issār | New individual | 646 | m.⸢ḪI?.LI—d?.15?⸣ / m.⸢ḪI⸣.LI—[d.15?] StAT 2 218: 1, 4 (sealer of tablet in role of debtor; 612*?). | H.D. Baker |
Ku[...] | New lemma | m.ku-[x x] BATSH 6 201 r. 5´ (date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Ku[...] | New lemma | m.ku-x[x x (x)] Tell Sitak:4´ (dependent individual; date lost, probably late 8th or 7th century). | H.D. Baker |
Heather D. Baker
Heather D. Baker, 'Addenda/corrigenda to fascicle 2/I (2000): Names beginning with K', The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire online, Heather D. Baker, 2019 []