Name | Individual no./item status | PNA page | Addenda/Corrigenda | Contributor |
Ea— | see *Aia— | M. Luukko | ||
Ebūrāiu | 2. | 393 | m.BURU14-a-a StAT 2 149: 10 (witness; 707). This is the envelope belonging with the inner tablet A 2426 (StAT 2 148). | H.D. Baker |
Eda[...] | New lemma | m.e-da-[...] Burmarina 6: 6´ (possibly father of the sellers; date lost). For possible restorations cf. *Ēdâ, *Ēdāia or *Ēdī-Aia, *Edāsu. | H.D. Baker | |
Ēdī-ilu | New individual | 393 | m.DIL—⸢DINGIR?⸣ StAT 2 50 r. 6 (witness; 627*). His name is not preserved on the inner tablet A 2015 (StAT 2 49). | H.D. Baker |
Ēdī-lēšir | 5. | 394 | Emend the individual's date range from "reign of Sennacherib" to "beginning of reign of Assurbanipal". Emend the date of the tablets A 1780 (now StAT 2 70) and SAAB 9 104 to "682" (rather than "644*"). | H.D. Baker |
Ēdī-lēšir | 8 | 394 | He is a confectioner (his name is followed by :. "ditto," referring to LÚ*.SUM.NINDA [karkadinnu] in r. 3) and may therefore be identical with Ēdī-lēšir 9., father of a confectioner. The tablet VAT 8641 is now edited as StAT 1 21. | M. Groß |
Ēdī/Ēdu-[...] | New lemma | m.DIL—[x] StAT 2 5: 5 (joint participant in a trading venture; 644* or 629*). | H.D. Baker | |
Emūqī-Aššūr | 2. | 396 | Emend the name of his son from"Aššur-ṭabu" (bis) to "Aššur-bani" in the discussion of A 1863 (now StAT 2 234). The son is correctly entered as *Aššūr-bāni 2. (p. 158). | H.D. Baker |
Ēnī-Aššūr | 2. | 396 | Emend reading of name to m.e-muq—aš+šur, lemma *Emūqī-Aššūr (p. 396), in VAT 9838 r. 6 (now StAT 3 15 r. 6´). | H.D. Baker |
Ennet-Aššūr | New lemma | m.en-nit—aš-šur SAA 15 325: 2´ (mentioned in a fragment of a letter in connection with barley rations and camels; probably reign of Sargon II). | M. Luukko | |
Enzu | see *Bēl-lēʼi 13. (pp. 320-1) | StAT 2 11: 1. In PNA the name has been read *Bēl-lēʼi where it occurs in other texts from the same archive, apparently referring to the same woman. Her name is not attested with the divine determinative so the syllabic reading MÍ.en-zu (as given in StAT 2 11) cannot be ruled out. Cf. the name MÍ.en-zu-ú, *Enzû (p. 397). | H.D. Baker | |
Epiʼ | New lemma | m.e-pi-iʼ / [m].⸢e⸣-pi-iʼ BATSH 6 200: 4, 6 (seller; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Epšanni-Issār | — | 397-8 | To the description of the individual add "chariot supervisor" (⸢LÚ*?⸣.šá—IGI?—GIŠ.GIGIR, l. 4). Note also that Nabûʼa and Šep-Issar are not both parties to the contract, but rather Nabûʼa is the "third man" of Šep-Issar. | H.D. Baker |
Epšatî | New lemma | m.ep-šá-t[i]-i StAT 2 88: 3 (partner in a trading venture; 621*). | H.D. Baker | |
Epu[...] | New lemma | m.e-pu-[x] StAT 2 215: l.e. 2 (witness; 615*). | H.D. Baker | |
Ēreš-Adad | New lemma | m.KAM—d.IM ... URU.[...] Edubba 10 16 r. 4´´ (witness together with his unnamed wife, from the town [...]; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Ēreš-Adad | New lemma | m.APIN-eš—10 BATSH 6 66 r.9 (father of Buru-salim; 631*). | H.D. Baker | |
Ēreš-Adad | New lemma | m.APIN-eš—10 BATSH 6 62 r.9 (father of [...]-Adad; 639*). | H.D. Baker | |
Ēreš-aḫḫē | — | 398 | In the discussion of A 1823 (now StAT 2 269) emend the name "Burka" to "Bur-Aššur". | H.D. Baker |
Ēreš-Aššūr | 4. | 398-9 | Emend "A 1643" to "A 1843" (now StAT 2 14). | H.D. Baker |
Ēreš-Aššūr | New individual | 398-9 | m.KAM-eš—aš-šur LÚ*.GIŠ.GIGIR BATSH 6 58 r. 12´ (witness, horse-trainer; 638*). | H.D. Baker |
Ēreš-Aššūr | New individual | 398-9 | ⸢m.KAM-eš—aš-šur LÚ*.GIŠ.GIGIR⸣ BATSH 6 43 r. 9 (witness, horse-trainer; 662). | H.D. Baker |
Ēreš-Aššūr | New individual | 398-9 | m.KÁM—aš-[šur] StAT 2 104 r. 11 (witness; 686). | H.D. Baker |
Ēreš-ilu | 1 | 399 | According to the new edition of BaM 24 8 (Edubba 10 3) the "ditto" following his name refers to LÚ*.NAR "singer" (not LÚ*.KAŠ.LUL "cupbearer"). | M. Groß |
Ēreš-ilu | 5. | 399 | Emend "governor"to "eunuch". The edition of ABL 638 (SAA 15 182: 14´) now reads LÚ*.SAG rather than LÚ.šak-ni. | M. Groß |
Ēreš-ilu | New individual? (cf. 8.) | 399 | m.KAM-eš—DINGIR StAT 3 71:12 (657). | H.D. Baker |
Ēreš-ilu | New individual | 399 | m.APIN-eš–DINGIR PAB 3 LÚ*.MEŠ-e EN–ŠU.II.MEŠ ša LÚ Marqasi 5 r. 14–15 (witness and guarantor; 648*). | H.D. Baker |
Ēreš-ilu | New individual | 399 | m.APIN-eš-DINGIR Marqasi 6 r. 7 (witness; 629*). | H.D. Baker |
Ēreš-Issār | New individual? (cf. 2.) | 399 | m.KAM—d.INNIN Edubba 10 47:9´ (witness, brother of the preceding witness whose name is broken; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Ēreš-Issar | New individual | 399 | m.KAM-eš—15 BATSH 6 55 r. 6 (witness; son of Ḫamadi; 641*). | H.D. Baker |
Ēreš-Issar | New individual | 399 | m.KAM-eš—15 BATSH 6 99 r. 6´ (witness, son of [Ḫamadi]; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Ēreš-Issar | New individual | 399 | [m.K]AM-eš—15 BATSH 6 162 r. 3´ (witness, son of [Ḫamadi?]; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Ēreš-Issar | New individual | 399 | m.[KAM-eš—1]5 BATSH 6 144 r. 6´ (witness, son of Ḫamadi; 638*). | H.D. Baker |
Ēreš-Issar | New individual | 399 | [m].KAM-eš—d.15 BATSH 6 33 r. 6 (witness; 612*). | H.D. Baker |
Ēreš-Nabû | New lemma | [m.AP]IN?—d.⸢PA⸣ StAT 3 82: 13 (617*). | H.D. Baker | |
Ēreš-šarru | New lemma | m.APIN-eš—LUG[AL] BATSH 6 152 r. 14´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Ereš-[...] | New individual | 399-400 | m.KAM-eš—[x (x)] BATSH 6 73 r. 8 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Ereš-[...] | New individual | 399-400 | m.KAM-[eš— (d.)x (x)] BATSH 6 88 r. 12´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Ereš-[...] | New individual | 399-400 | m.KA[M]-eš—[x x] BATSH 6 31 r. 8 (witness; post-canonical era). | H.D. Baker |
Ereš-[...] | New individual | 399-400 | m.KA[M-eš—x (x)] BATSH 6 73 r. 11 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Ēreš-[...] | 5. | 400 | Tablet A 2693 is dated 679?, reign of Esarhaddon, according to the edition StAT 2 139. Also,the name of the buyer is given in the edition as Sasâ (?) rather than Ešâ. | H.D. Baker |
Ēreš-[...] | New individual | 399-400 | m.APIN-eš—[x-x] StAT 3 69:16´ (father of Mutakkil-Aššur; 636*). | H.D. Baker |
Erība | New individual | 400 | [m].e?-ri-ba ša É? [x x] Edubba 10 44: 29 (witness, of the [...] house; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Erība-aḫḫē | see *Rība-aḫḫē (pp. 1049-50) | H.D. Baker | ||
Erība-Aššūr | New individual? (cf. 3.-10.) | 401-2 | m.⸢SU⸣—aš+šur StAT 3 51: 8 (680). | H.D. Baker |
Erība-Sīn | — | 402 | Emend reading of name to m.ÌR!—d.30 (tablet: m.ITI—d.30), lemma *Urdu-Sīn, in VAT 8717: 3 (now StAT 3 36: 3). | H.D. Baker |
Erība-[...] | New lemma | m.SU—[x x (x)] BATSH 6 171 r. 4 (witness; date lost). Alternatively the name might be read Su[...]. | H.D. Baker | |
Erība-[...] | New lemma | m.SU—[x x (x)] BATSH 6 174 r. 6´ (witness; date lost). Alternatively the name might be read Su[...]. | H.D. Baker | |
Eridāiu | 1 | 403 | Add his title: "chariot fighter of the chief eunuch" (LÚ.DUMU—SIG5 ša GAL—LÚ.SAG.MEŠ, CTN 2 15 r. 20). | M. Groß |
Ēṣidāiu | New individual? (cf. 6., 9.) | 406 | m.⸢e⸣-ṣi-da-a-a StAT 3 113: 5 (envelope); [m.e-ṣi-da-a]-a StAT 3 113: 3 (inner tablet). | H.D. Baker |
Ēṣidāiu | New individual | 406 | m.e-ṣi-da-a-a Marqasi 2 r. 26 (witness; 668). | H.D. Baker |
Ešarra-ḫammat | — | 406–7 | Add the following reference: MÍ.É.ŠÁR.RA—ḫa-mat MÍ—KUR šá m.AŠ—PAB—AŠ MAN KUR—AŠ ARRIM 5 30 no. 79:1–2 (bead inscribed "[property]of Ešarra-hamat, royal consort of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria"). | R. Whiting |
Ešdu | New lemma | m.eš-di Edubba 10 32: 4 (joint seller; 747). | H.D. Baker | |
Ešidu | New lemma | [m].⸢e?⸣-ši-d[u] BATSH 6 153 r. 6 (witness; date lost). The name could alternatively be read [m].⸢par⸣-ši-d[u] (*Ipparšidu, pp. 559-560). | H.D. Baker | |
Etin-Salmānu | New lemma | [m.ŠITIM]—d.[D]I-man / m.ŠITIM—DI-man BATSH 6 113: 1, 11 (seller, son of [...]; 673). | H.D. Baker | |
Ēṭiranni | New individual | 407 | m.KAR-a-<ni> [S]UM.NÍG StAT 3 35: III 24 (confectioner; 616* or later). | H.D. Baker |
Ezbu | 10. | 409 | Perhaps emend reading of name to m.⸢ak⸣-bu-⸢ur?⸣, lemma *Akbūru (p. 94f.), in VAT 9343:4 (now StAT 3 47: 4). | H.D. Baker |
Ezbu | New individual | 409 | m.ez-bu BATSH 6 18 r. 5´ (witness; 652). | H.D. Baker |
Ezbu? | New individual | 409 | [m.e]z-[b]u? StAT 2 52 r. 6´ (witness; 708). | H.D. Baker |
Ezbu? | New individual | 409 | m.ez-[bu] StAT 2 124: r. 4´ (witness; date lost). Alternative restorations are possible, such as *Ezbu-lēšir (pp. 409-410) or *Isputu (p. 566). | H.D. Baker |
Heather D. Baker
Heather D. Baker, 'Addenda/corrigenda to fascicle 1/II (1999): Names beginning with E', The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire online, Heather D. Baker, 2019 []