Name | Individual no./item status | PNA page | Addenda/Corrigenda | Contributor |
Babaluʼa | New lemma | [m.b]a-bal-u-a BATSH 6 102 r. 5 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Bābānu | 3. | 243 | Emend "Basî" to Buššî". | H.D. Baker |
Bābānu | New individual | 243 |[u] BATSH 6 89: 3 (father of U[...] and Bel-reši-išši; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Babba | see *Aḫ-abi 2. (p. 57) | NL 44: 2 (ND 2677; CTN 5 139-40). | H.D. Baker | |
Bābilāiu | 27. | 245 | Emend "Son of Nabû-kašir" to "Son of Nabû-kaṣir". | H.D. Baker |
Bābilāiu | New individual | 244-5 | [m.K]Á.DINGIR-a-[a] / m.KÁ.DINGIR-a-a Burmarina 1: 1´, 10´ (seller; 673). | H.D. Baker |
Bābilāiu | New individual | 244-5 | m.KÁ.DINGIR-a-a Burmarina 2:3´ (seller; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bābilāiu | New individual | 244-5 | m.KÁ.DINGIR-a-a BATSH 6 187 r. 4 (father of the witness Nuranu; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bābilāiu | New individual | 244-5 | m.KÁ.DINGIR-a-a BATSH 6 138 r. 3´ (witness; 658). | H.D. Baker |
Bābilāiu | New individual | 244-5 | m.KÁ.DINGIR-[a-a] StAT 2 280:5 (one of seven men sealing the tablet as investors in a business venture; 679). | H.D. Baker |
Bābilāiu | New individual | 244-5 | m.⸢KÁ.DINGIR⸣-[a-a] StAT 2 280 r. 1 (witness; 679). | H.D. Baker |
Bābu-šaddûʼa | New lemma | m.BA.Ú—KUR-u-a LÚ*.GIŠ.GIGIR MAN BATSH 6 69 r. 9 (witness, king's horse-trainer; date lost, after 636*). | H.D. Baker | |
Bābu-šaddûʼa | New lemma | m.d.BA.⸢Ú⸣–[KUR-u-a] BATSH 6 148 r. 7 (witness; 626*). | H.D. Baker | |
Bābu-šumu-ēreš | New lemma | [m].d.BA.Ú—MU—KAM?-eš [LÚ*.A].BA ṣa-bit ṭup-pi Edubba 10 28: l.e. 2´-3´ (scribe who drafted [or kept?] the tablet; 793 or 773). | H.D. Baker | |
Bābu-šumu-iqīša | New lemma | m.d.BA.Ú—MU—BA-šá StAT 3 29: 10 (date lost, probably reign of Sennacherib). | H.D. Baker | |
Bab[...] | New lemma |⸢x-x⸣ StAT 3 10:23 (father of Aššur-bani-[...]; 749). | H.D. Baker | |
Bādāia | 5. | 250 | Delete "son of Naza" (bis) in the discussion of A 1852. The signs following the man's name are now read la na-ṣa (inner tablet StAT 2 199: 5; envelope StAT 2 200: 7). Both Badaia (edition: Badâ) and Abdi-Kurra are to be brought by Aḫi-milkati and handed over to Urdu-Aššur. | H.D. Baker |
Bādia | 2. | Emend "A 1643" to "A 1843" (now StAT 2 14). | H.D. Baker | |
Bag-Teššub | see *Ḫu-Teššub (p. 483) | m.bag—te-šup (Bag-Teshup) ND 2439: 2 (CTN 5 113-14) > read rather m.ḫu—te-šub. | H.D. Baker | |
Baḫê | see *Baḫî 6. (p. 252) |ḫe-e BATSH 6 38: 2 (son of Salanî and brother of his co-seller Mannu-ki-aḫḫe; 602). | H.D. Baker | |
Baḫiānu | New individual | 252 |ḫi-ía-a-nu BATSH 6 65 r. 11 (witness, son of Salmanu-ma; 631*). | H.D. Baker |
Baḫiānu | New individual | 252 | [ḫi]-ia-a-nu / ⸢⸣-ḫi-a-nu BATSH 6 20: 2, r. 1´ (612*). | H.D. Baker |
Baḫiānu | New individual | 252 | m.b[a]-ḫi-ía-n[u] BATSH 6 97 r. 10´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Baḫuru | New lemma |ḫ-u-ru BATSH 6 123 r. 4 (witness; 621*). | H.D. Baker | |
Baiâ | New lemma | Ziyaret 1: 2 (responsible for paying an amount of barley; 611*). Other instances of this spelling have been listed under *Bāia (p. 253), but Parpola (SAAB 17 [2008] 29) notes that this article conflates several names. | H.D. Baker | |
Bāia | 2. | 253 | Emend "Son of [...]nunu" to "Son of Banunu". | H.D. Baker |
Bāia | New individual | 253 | MÍ.ba-ia-[a] BATSH 6 185: 1´ (female slave; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Baiadi-il | 1. | 253 | This name is read m.zu-di-ʼi—dingir (Zudiʼ-ili) in the edition of NL 23 (CTN 5 175-7). | H.D. Baker |
Bakā-il | New individual | 254 |—DINGIR BATSH 6 119 r. 15 (witness; 710). | H.D. Baker |
BAL-manni | New lemma | m.BAL?-man-n[i] StAT 2 38 r. 6 (witness; 657). | H.D. Baker | |
Balasî | New individual | 254-6 | StAT 2 283: 3 (joint debtor; 665). His name is not preserved on the envelope StAT 2 284. | H.D. Baker |
Balāssu | 1.b. | 256 | ND 2363: 11 (CTN 5 35-6) (mentioned in a letter to the king). | H.D. Baker |
Balāssu | 1.b. (?) | 256 |⸢si⸣ ND 2723 r. 38´ (CTN 5 38-9) (mentioned in a very fragmentary letter). | H.D. Baker |
Balāssu | 10. | 257 | Emend "son of Nabû-nadin-ahi" to "son of Nabû-ahu-iddin" (bis). | H.D. Baker |
Balāssu | New individual | 256-8 | m.⸢ba⸣-la-si / [] StAT 3 4: 16, 25 (630*). | H.D. Baker |
Balāssu | New individual | 256-8 | [MÍ].⸢ba-la⸣-su StAT 3 4:11 (female slave; 630*). Note: the feminine determinative is restored (cf. p. 22, note ad l. 11), but PNA lists 33 individuals under *Balāssu, none of which is demonstrably female. | H.D. Baker |
Balāssu | New individual? | 256-8 | A.BA StAT 2 280 r. 6´ (witness, scribe; 679). Possibly identical with 21., father of the scribe Etel-pî-Marduk. | H.D. Baker |
Balāssu | New individual? | 256-8 |[la-su] StAT 2 68 r. 5 (witness; 686?). Other restorations of the name are possible. | H.D. Baker |
Balāṭu-ēreš | Etym. | 259 | Add the writing m.TI.LA—KAM to those listed in the etymological section. | H.D. Baker |
Balāṭu-ēreš | New individual | 259 | m.TI.LA—KAM LÚ.MU Edubba 10 24: 31 (witness, cook; 795). | H.D. Baker |
Balīḫāiu | New lemma | ⸢BÀD⸣—šá—m.d.KASKAL.KUR-a-a / ⸢BÀD⸣—šá—⸢m.d.KASKAL.KUR⸣-[a-a] ND 2689: 7, 15 (CTN 5 51-2) (individual after whom the settlement Dūr-ša-Balīḫāiu is named; it features here in a letter from Nabû-balassu-iqbi to the king). | H.D. Baker | |
Balīḫāiu | New lemma | URU.⸢BÀD⸣—KASKAL.KUR-a-a ND 2363: 18 (CTN 5 35-6) (individual after whom the settlement Dūr-ša-Balīḫāiu is named; it features here in a letter to the king). | H.D. Baker | |
Balīḫāiu | New lemma | ⸢URU.BÀD⸣—šá—⸢m.d.KASKAL.KUR⸣-a-<a>ND 2352 r. 26 (CTN 5 67-8) (individual after whom the settlement Dūr-ša-Balīḫāiu is named; it features here in a badly preserved letter). The edition reads [ṣ]i-ḫir šá m.d.x-KUR.A for this line. | H.D. Baker | |
Balliṭ-Aia | New lemma | m.bal-liṭ—ia ú-ba-ru StAT 2 53 r. 15 (witness, 'visitor'; 700). | H.D. Baker | |
Baluku | New lemma | m.b[a]-lu-ku BATSH 6 46 r. 2 (witness; 650). | H.D. Baker | |
Balu[...]ia | New lemma | ⸢m⸣.ba-lu-[x]-ia BATSH 6 32: 2 (father of Araiaʼ; 621*). | H.D. Baker | |
Bamute | New lemma | m.⸢ba⸣-mu-te BATSH 6 115: 8 (buyer; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Bānāia or Bāni-Aia | Lemma | 261–2 | The writings m.DÙ-a, m.DÙ-a-a and m.DÙ-na-a-a more likely represent Ibnaya (as in Neo-Babylonian). This affects individuals nos. 1., 2., 9., 10., 12., 13., 15. and 19. For no. 7. see the following entry. | C. Thissen |
Bānāia or Bāni-Aia | 7. | 262 | In the discussion of SAA 6 59 r. 14, correct the writing of his name (and title) from m.DÙ-a-a to LÚ. : (the "ditto" refers to LÚ*.Ì.DU8 šá É.GAL in r. 12). | C. Thissen |
Bānāia or Bāni-Aia | 12. | 262 | Emend "reign of Esarhaddon" to "after reign of Assurbanipal"; emend date "671" to"624*". | H.D. Baker |
Bānāia or Bāni-Aia | New individual | 261-2 | m.DÙ-a-⸢a⸣ ... LÚ*qur-ZA[G] StAT 3 4: 32 (ša qurbūti, son of Bel-šarru-uṣur; 630*). | H.D. Baker |
Bānāia-Bēl | New lemma | m.DÙ?-a-a—EN / m.DÙ?-a-a—[EN] Edubba 10 13: 2, 7 (joint seller; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Bānât-Esaggil | New individual | 263 | (MI2.)DU3-at—d.sag-gíl? Iraq 41 56 ii 22 (entry in a list of women or of feminine personal names). | J. Llop |
Banbâ | — b. | 263 | m.ban-ba-a Burmarina 37 r. 2 (eponym of the year 676). | H.D. Baker |
Banbâ | — b.4´. | 263 | EGIR m.ban-b[a-a] BATSH 6 15 l.e. 1 (tablet dated 'after Banbâ', eponym of the year 676). | H.D. Baker |
Bānî | 14. | 263-4 | StAT 3 69: 9´ (father of Aššur-šiʼi; 636*). | H.D. Baker |
Bāni-Aia-šarru | — | 265 | Emend the date "reign of Shalmaneser IV" to "reign of Adad-nerari III". The tablet BaM 24 16 is now also edited as Edubba 10 5. | H.D. Baker |
Bāni-Aia-šarru | New individual | 265 | m.DÙ—a-a—L[UGAL?] L[Ú?.x x x] StAT 3 30: 14-15 (634*). | H.D. Baker |
Bāni-lēšir | New lemma | m.DÙ—GIŠ BATSH 6 162 r. 5´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Bania | New lemma | m.DÙ-ni-ia LÚ*.SANGA BATSH 6 116 r. 6 (witness; 828). | H.D. Baker | |
Bānītu-tēreš | New individual | 266-7 | m.DÙ-tú—KAM-eš! StAT 3 62:4 (615*?). | H.D. Baker |
Bānītu-tēreš | New individual | 266-7 | m.DÙ-tú—KAM!-e[š] StAT 3 63: 5´ (615*). | H.D. Baker |
Bānītu-tēreš | New individual | 266–267 |ú–APIN-eš A.BA Marqasi 1:2 (scribe, joint seller of slave; 671 or 666). | |
Bānītu-tēreš | New individual | 266–7 | m.d.DÙ-tú–APIN-eš Marqasi 5 r. 8–9 (witness, son of Sinqi-Issar; 648*). | H.D. Baker |
Bānītu-tēṭir | New lemma | Name formerly read *Bānītu-ummī q.v. | H.D. Baker | |
Bānītu-tēṭir | New lemma | MÍ.ba-ni-tu—KAR-[ir] StAT 3 88: 3 (daughter of Huzirû). | H.D. Baker | |
Bānītu-ummī | 1. | 267 | Emend reading of name to MÍ.ba-ni-tu—KAR-[ir], new lemma *Bānītu-tēṭir, in VAT 20761: 1 (now StAT 3 88: 3). | H.D. Baker |
Bānītu-ummī | 1. | 267 | Emend "Bel-napšati-[...]" (no PNA entry) to "Ḫuzīrû" (StAT 3 88: 4). | H.D. Baker |
Bāni-[...] | New individual | 267 | m.DÙ-[x x x] StAT 2 325 r. 5´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bāni-[...] | New individual | 267 | m.DÙ-x[x x] StAT 2 108 r. 3´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Banūnu | 4. | 268 | Emend "Inurta-gimilli" to"Inurta-gamil". | H.D. Baker |
Bapî | New lemma |[i]-i BATSH 6 34: 6 (buyer; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Baqqu | New lemma | ⸢m⸣.ba-aq-qu ... ⸢A⸣.[BA] StAT 3 69: 10´ (scribe, son of Nabû-šumu-lešir; 636*). | H.D. Baker | |
Bar-Amatāia | New lemma |—a-mat-a-a StAT 2 27: 2 (joint creditor; 618*?). | H.D. Baker | |
Bariku | New individual | 271 | ⸢⸣-ri-ki BATSH 6 45 r. 13 (father of [...]-šarri; 650). | H.D. Baker |
Bariku | New individual | 271 | []-ri-ki BATSH 6 152 r. 3´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Barīku | New individual | 271 | ša Edubba 10 45: 20 (witness from the town Baru; not dated or date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Barīku-Dādi | see *Barīk-Dādi (p. 270) |—U.U StAT 2 140 r. 6. | H.D. Baker | |
Barrittu | New lemma |⸢ar⸣-rit-ti BATSH 6 180: 9 (neighbouring landowner; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Barruqu | New individual | 271-2 | []-⸢ru-qu⸣ BATSH 6 104:1´ (one of several people who are sold; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Barsipītu | Etym. | 273 | To the writings ofthe name add MÍ.bur-si-pi-[tú]. | M. Luukko |
Barsipītu | 1. | 273 | MÍ.bur-si-pi-[tú]SAA 15 263: 2´ (mentioned in a fragment of a letter). | M. Luukko |
BasaGIŠ | — | 275 | Emend "Issar-tariba and another man" to "Mannu-ki-Aššur and Sukki-Aia" in discussion of A 2494 (see now StAT 2 49 [inner tablet], 50 [envelope]). | H.D. Baker |
Basāsu | 4. | 276 | / StAT 2 49: 4, r. 1 (joint debtor; 627*). This is the inner tablet belonging with the envelope A 313 (now StAT 2 50). | H.D. Baker |
Basāsu | New individual | 275-6 |[a-su] StAT 2 65 r. 6 (witness; 689). | H.D. Baker |
Bāssī or Bāssīa | 4. | 276 | StAT 2 19: 5 (inner tablet) / StAT 2 20: 6 (envelope) (he and Aššur-eriba are to be served by Nabûʼa, son of Nabû-kuṣuranni; 629*). | H.D. Baker |
Bāssī or Bāssīa | New individual | 276 | [m.b]a-si-i L[Ú.x x x] Burmarina 1 r. 5´ (witness; 673). | H.D. Baker |
Bāssu | — (?) | 276 | Edubba 10 14: 20´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Baṭṭūṭu | 4. | 278 |ṭu-ṭu StAT 3 78: 3 (son of Pirʼana; 631*). Note: this Baṭṭuṭu, previously attested only in 616*, was considered in PNA p. 278 to belong to a younger generation than no. 2; however, the date of the present tablet makes an equation with 2. more plausible. | H.D. Baker |
Baṭṭūtu | New individual | 278 |ṭu-ṭ[u] Ziyaret 20: 3´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bazu | New lemma | LÚ.SIPA Edubba 10 30:26 (witness, a shepherd; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Bazuku | New lemma | Replaces *Passuku q.v. (StAT 3 76: 7´, rab būrāti). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēaḫilul | — | 279 | Delete lemma. Emend reading of name to [m].pé-e—a-ḫi NAR, new lemma *Pī-aḫi plus profession nuāru 'singer', in VAT 10010:8 (now StAT 3 20:8). | H.D. Baker |
BE-azuni | New lemma | m.BE-a-zu-ni StAT 2 61 r. 5 (witness; 621*). Note that in the near duplicate StAT 2 60, the corresponding witness is m.⸢aš⸣-šur?—ZU-ni? (r. 18). It seems likely that the same individual is intended. | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-abūʼa | New individual | 279-80 | m.EN—AD-u-a ND 2757: 3 (CTN 5 202-3) (sender of a letter to the palace scribe). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-abūʼa | New individual | 279–280 | m.EN—AD-u-a Eponym List 840 (A2 ii 13´) (scribal error for Šamaš-abūʼa, eponym of the year 840). See Millard (1994) 117. | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-abu-uṣur | New individual | 280 | m.⸢EN⸣—[A]D—PAB StAT 3 62: 10 (615*?). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-aḫḫē | New individual | 280-1 | m.EN—PAP.MEŠ BATSH 6 47 r. 5 (father of Rešuaia; 649). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-aḫḫē | New individual | 280-1 | m.EN—PAB.MEŠ StAT 2 91: 2 (father of the woman Urkittu-šarrat who is sold; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-aḫḫēšu | New individual | 282 | m.EN—PAB.MEŠ-šú BATSH 6 8:6, 15 (635*). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-aḫu-iddina | 20. | 283 | Emend "Nabû-naṣir" to m.d.⸢EN*—ŠEŠ*⸣—MU* (ABL 1439 r. 4´). It is not another man but Bel-ahu-iddina himself who greets his sister Šarrâ (SAA 18 97). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-aḫu-uṣur | 1. | 284 | Emend "reign of Tiglath-pileser III" to "reign of Assurbanipal"; emend the year 730 to 635*. | M. Groß |
Bēl-aḫu-uṣur | 8.a.3´. | 284 | m.EN—PAB—PAB StAT 2 25 r. 2 (eponym of the year 616*). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-aḫu-uṣur | 8.a.3´. | 285 | m.EN—PAB—PAB StAT 3 35: IV13´ (eponym of the year 616*). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-aḫu-uṣur | New individual | 284 | m.EN—PAP—PAP BATSH 6 18: 2 (father of Arramu; 652). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-aḫu-uṣur | New individual | 284 | m.EN—PAB—PAB NL 80+ r. 12´ (ND 2380+; CTN 5 104-6) (in a letter to the king Ubru-Libbali urges the king to question B. and Ubru-aḫḫe about a garden). | H.D. Baker |
Bēlāiu | 2. | 285 | In the edition Bēlāiu is now said to be the son of Nabû-nāṣir (StAT 2 234 r. 16) rather than the son of Daian[...] as given in the PNA entry; however, the Index has 'son of Dayan-[...]' (StAT 2 p. 244). | H.D. Baker |
Bēlāiu | New individual | 285 | m.EN-ia-a ša [x x] Edubba 10 43: (witness of/from [...]; date lost). The edition gives the reading Bēl-iaša (m.EN-ia-a-ša?) but perhaps the -ša is better detached from the name. | H.D. Baker |
Bēlāku | New lemma | m.⸢bé?⸣-la-ku StAT 2 190 r. 10 (witness; 644* or 629*). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-ālī or Bēl-ālī | 7. | 285 | Emend "probably reign of Sargon II" to "reign of Adad-nerari III or Shalmaneser IV" and emend "Nabû-tuklatu-uṣalli" to "Nabû-tuklatuʼa". | M. Luukko |
Bēlāni | New individual | 286 | <m>.d.EN-a-n[i] StAT 2 258: 7 (neighbouring landowner; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-aplu-iddina | 3. | 286 | In the description of the individual emend "Royal delegate" to "High-ranking official". Emend "m.EN—A—AŠ LÚ.qe-pa-ni has taken away the grain-tax of Barruqu and Nergal-ašared" to "m.EN—A—AŠ has driven away the royal delegates who were responsible for exacting the corn taxes in the province of Isana". For NL 74+ see now CTN 5 132, 285 (ND 2648 + ND 2658). | M. Luukko |
Bēl-aplu-iddina | 13. | 287 | Emend "A 1643" to "A 1843" (now StAT 2 14). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-aplu-iddina | New individual? (cf. 3-4) | 286-7 | m.⸢EN⸣—A—AŠ ND 2350:11 (CTN 5 47) (mentioned in a letter from Aššur-šallimanni to the king in connection with grain rations). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-aplu-uṣur | New individual? (cf. 1.) | 287 | m.EN—A—PAB Edubba 10 27 r. 3´ (witness, brother of [...]; 777). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-arnāiu | New lemma | m.EN—ár-na-a-a StAT 2 8: 2 (father of Aššur-šarru-uṣur, priest of Belet-nipḫa; date lost). This entry replaces *Arbāiu 9. (p. 128), where the name was formerly read m.LÚ*!.ár-ba!-a-a (A 1857: 2). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-asūru | see *Bēl-asūrī — (p. 287) | m.EN—a-su-ri StAT 2 47: 2 (inner tablet), 48: 4 (envelope). In PNA the *Bēl-asūrī (father of Qibit-Aššur, 639*) is distinguished from *Bēl-asūru (717), while the edition treats them together. It is possible that the same individual is in question since both relevant documents come from the same archive, N12. | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-ašarēd | New individual | 287-8 | Add: m.EN—SAG.[KAL] Edubba 10 40: 27 (witness; 744). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-ašarēd | New individual | 287-8 | m.EN—SAG.KAL Edubba 10 37: 7´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-azūri | 1. | 288 | Emend final sign of name to -ru; perhaps therefore emend reading of name to m.EN—a-sú-ru, lemma *Bēl-asūru (p. 287), in VAT 9352 r. 7 (now StAT 3 53:14.). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-ba[...] | New lemma | [m.E]N—ba-[x x (x)] BATSH 6 178: 2´ (seller; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-daiān | New individual | 289 | [m].EN—DI.KUD [LÚ].A.BA ṣa-bit [ka]-ni-ki Edubba 10 9: 22-4 (scribe who drafted [or kept?] the sealed tablet; 765). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-dān | 6.a.3´. | 290 | m.EN—KAL-an LÚ*.šá-kìn URU.kal-ḫi Edubba 10 40: 28-9 (eponym of the year 744). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-dān | 6.a.4´. | 290 | The tablet A 962 (now StAT 2 101) is assigned to the year 744 with reference to Millard 1994:88f. However, Millard (p. 89) lists this tablet under B.'s eponymy of 734. I see no grounds for choosing between 744 or 734 (nor necessarily for excluding 750, eponymy of the homonymous Chief Cupbearer; see 5., p. 290). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-dān | New individual | 289-91 | m.EN—KAL Edubba 10 31: 19 (joint seller; 754). His name is lost at the beginning of the tablet but he is presumably listed there as a seller from Amedi ([PAB n] URU.a-med-a-a, l. 3). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-dān | New individual | 289-91 | m.EN—KALAG-an BATSH 6 45 r. 20 (father of Ḫanasanu; 650). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-dān | New individual | 289-91 | m.EN—KALAG-an BATSH 6 121 r. 12 (witness; 674). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-dannāia | New lemma | m.EN—KALAG-a-a StAT 2 7: l.e.1 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-dūri | 1. | 291 | Emend "probably early 8th century" to "reign of Sargon II", according to Mattila (SAAS 11, pp. 35-6) who considers this individual to be identical with 10. | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-dūrī | 4. | 291-2 | m.EN—BÀD LÚ*.AGRIG ša MÍ.É.GAL Edubba 10 35: 14´ (buyer, steward of the Queen; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-dūrī | 4. | 291-2 | [m.EN]—BÀD! LÚ*.AGRIG ša MÍ.É.GAL Edubba 10 34: 8-9, m.[EN—BÀD] Edubba 10 34: 20 (buyer, steward of the Queen; 736). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-dūrī | 6.a. | 292 | His name may be restored in the recent edition of NL 88: 2 (ND 2495; CTN 5 173-5), as it was in SAA 1 172: 2. | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-dūrī | 6.a. (?) | 292 | m.EN—BÀD ND 2749: 2 (CTN 5 308) (sender of a letter to the king). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-dūrī | 9. | 292 | Delete individual. Emend reading of name [m.d].EN—BÀ[D] to [m.DI-mu]—EN—la-a[š-me], lemma *Šulmu-bēli-lašme, in CTN 3 100 i 10. | R. Whiting |
Bēl-dūri | 10. | 292 | Considered by Mattila (SAAS 11,pp. 35-6) to be identical with 1. | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-dūrī | New individual | 291-3 | m.EN—BÀD / m.EN—⸢BÀD⸣ StAT 3 108: 2 (inner tablet), StAT 3 108: 1´ (envelope) (644*?). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-dūrī | New individual | 291-3 | [m.E]N—BÀD BATSH 6 91 r. 19 (witness, date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-ēmuranni | 12.-13. | 294 | m.EN—IGI.L[AL-a-ni] BATSH 6 127 r. 16 (eponym of the year 691 or 686). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-ēmuranni | 12.-13. | 294 | [m.]EN—IGI.LAL-a-ni BATSH 6 132 r. 10 (eponym of the year 691 or 686). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-ēmuranni? | 12.-13. | 294 | m.EN—⸢IGI?.LAL?-a⸣-[ni] StAT 2 68: lo.e. 6 (eponym of the year 691 or 686). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-ēmuranni | 13. | 294 | EN–IGI-a-ni ⸢tur-tan⸣ SAAB 9 101 r. 1 (commander-in-chief and eponym of the year 691). | M. Groß |
Bēl-ēmuranni | 21. | 294 | Emend "A 1643" to "A 1843" (now StAT 2 14). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-ēmuranni | New individual | 293-4 | m.EN—ITI-a-ni Edubba 10 8: 5 (slave; 780 or 770). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-ēmuranni | New individual | 293-4 | m.EN—IGI.[LAL]-a-[ni] BATSH 6 99 r. 12´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-ēmuranni | New individual | 293-4 | m.EN—IGI.L[AL-a-ni] BATSH 6 128 r. 12 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-ēmuranni | New individual | 293-4 | m.EN—IGI-a-ni LÚ*.šá—IGI—DI.KUD BATSH 6 108a (envelope) r. 6; m.EN—IGI.LAL-a-ni BATSH 6 108b (inner tablet) r. 6 (witness, court overseer; 663). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-ēreš | New individual | 295-6 | [m.EN—KAM-eš] / m.EN—KAM-eš BATSH 6 122: 1, 9 (seller; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-erība | 1. | 296 | The edition and copy have m.EN—x-[x], *Bēl-[...] (NL 58: 2; CTN 5 317-18). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-erība | New individual | 296 | m.d.EN—S[U] ... ⸢LÚ*⸣.AGRIG StAT 3 10: 21 (masennu 'treasurer', son of Kassupu; 749). | H.D. Baker |
Bēlet-ēreš | 2. | 296-7 | The individual is from Dur-ubriya, not Assur: TA* URU.BÀD—SUḪUŠ?-ia A 2528: 7 (now StAT 2 80). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-ēṭir | 6. | 298 | In the discussion of SAA 10 371 emend "Nabû-zeru-lešir" to "Nabû-šumu-lešir". In the edition (r. 6) the name is transliterated correctly but mistranslated. | M. Luukko |
Bēl-ēṭir | 19. | 300 | Emend "Kudurranu"to "Šadunu". The copy CT 22 1: 1 has m.šá-du-nu, as does the recent edition of Frame & George, Iraq 67 (2005) 280ff. | M. Luukko |
Bēlet-tarība | — | 297 | The tablet A 3216 is now dated to 620* in the edition (StAT 2 6). | H.D. Baker |
Belet-tuta | see *Datâ (p. 381) | bēlet-tú-ta-a NL 38: 1 (ND 2052; CTN 5 234-5) > read rather MÍ.da-ta-a. | H.D. Baker | |
Bēlet-ummi | 1. | 297 | Emend "Qurdi-Aššur" to "Qurdi-Adad". | H.D. Baker |
Bēlet-uṣri | New individual | 297-8 | MÍ.NIN—P[AB?] StAT 3 65: 3´ (female slave; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-gabbu-ileʼʼi | New lemma | m.EN—PAB—ZU StAT 2 95 r. 3 (witness; 650). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-Ḫarrān-aplu-uṣur | New lemma | ⸢m⸣+EN—KASKAL—A—⸢PAB⸣ StAT 3 93: 4 (not dated or date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-Ḫarrān-bēlu-uṣur | 2. | 301–302 | Reade suggests dating the Tell Abta stele to the reign of Shalmaneser V rather than Shalmaneser IV: Reade, J. 1981. "Neo-Assyrian monuments in their historical context." In F.M. Fales (ed.), Neo-Assyrian Royal Inscriptions: New Horizons. Rome, pp. 143–167 with Pls. I–X. | J.E. Reade |
Bēl-Ḫarrān-bēlu-uṣur | 5. | 302 | Emend "Adad-belu-[...]" to "Upaq", following the edition SAA 14 190 (ADD 1181). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-Ḫarrān-bēlu-uṣur | New individual | 301-2 | m.EN—KASKAL—EN—{PAB LÚ}.TÚG.BABBAR Ziyaret 6 (envelope): 5 (bleacher who has a "man-woman" at his disposal; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-Ḫarrān-dabāia | New lemma | [m.EN]—KASKAL—INIM-a-a Burmarina 6: 11´ (one of several dependent individuals who are sold; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-Ḫarrān-issē'a | New individual | 302–3 | [m.E]N—KASKAL–KI-ia Marqasi 2 r. 24 (witness; 668). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-Ḫarrān-issē'a | New individual | 302–3 | m.EN–KASKAL–KI-iá GAL–É Marqasi 3 r. 7 (majordomo and witness; 665). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-Ḫarrān-šaddûʼa | 2.c. | 303 | [m].EN—KASKAL—KUR-u-a BATSH 6 45: l.e. 1 (eponym of the year 650). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-Ḫarrān-šaddûʼa | 2.c. | 303 | [m.EN]—KASKAL—KUR-u-a BATSH 6 46 r. 11 (eponym of the year 650). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-Ḫarrān-šaddûʼa | 2.c.7´ | 303 | m.EN—KASKAL—KUR-u-a StAT 3 112: 8 (eponym of the year 650). This entry is included in PNA (cited as Ass 15087c) but without the reading of the name and with reservations about the text which can now be dispelled (StAT 3 p.170). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-Ḫarrān-šaddûʼa | 2.c.7´ | 303 | m.EN—KA[SKAL—KUR-u-a] StAT 2 95 r. 12 (eponym of the year 650). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-Ḫarrān-uballiṭ | New individual | 304 | [m.EN]—KASKAL—TI BATSH 6 86 r. 11 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-Ḫarrān-[...] | New individual | 304 | [m.EN]—KASKAL—⸢x⸣-[x] StAT 3 89: 2´ (date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-Ḫarrān-[...] | New individual | 304 | m.EN—KASKAL—[x (x)] BATSH 6 9: 1´ (not dated or date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-ḫu-ud | see *Bēl-upāq q.v. | ⸢m⸣[l]—hu-ud ND 2352: 20´ (CTN 5 67-8) > read rather ⸢m.d.EN⸣—ú-paq-⸢qa?⸣. | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-ibni | 9.a.2´.a´. | 306 | [m].EN—ib-ni DUMULÚ.GAL.DÙ pe-ri-iʼ šu-an-na.KI KAL 3 33: 6´ (member of the Rab-bane family, a native of Šuanna, installed by Sennacherib asking of Babylon in 702). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-ibni | 27. | 311 | Emend "Anatu" to "Issetu/e". For ADD 385 see now SAA 14 205. | M. Luukko |
Bēl-ibni or Bēl-bāni-[...] | New lemma | m.EN—DÙ—[ (...)]ND 2456:13´ (CTN 5 82-4) (mentioned in a fragmentary letter concerned with Babylonians). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-iddina | 20. | 312 | Emend "Nisaba-uballiṭ" to "Šellebu" (SAA 18 95: 5). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-iddina | New individual | 311-13 | m.EN—SUM-na LÚ.UŠ.BAR bir-me / m.EN—SUM-na Edubba 10 9: 4, 11 (dependent weaver of coloured cloth; 765). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-iddina | New individual | 311-13 | m.EN—MU? Edubba 10 45: 26 (witness; not dated or date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-iddina | New individual | 311-13 | m.⸢d.EN—MU⸣ / m.⸢d.EN—MU⸣ ND 2352: 5´, 19´ (CTN 5 67-8) (mentioned in a poorly preserved letter; in l. 19´ he features as the father of Bel-upaq [ed.: Bel-ḫu-ud]). NB: the line numbering here follows the copy, not the transliteration. | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-iddina | New individual | 311-13 | m.EN—AŠ ND 2467 r. 6 (CTN 5 268-9) (mentioned in a fragmentary letter). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-ilā'ī | 1. | Ass10275 ES 7075 (Pedersén,DOG 23 [1997] 24). | M. Roaf | |
Bēl-iqbi | 8. | 314 | [m].EN—iq-[bi] BATSH 6 32 r. 5 (eponym of the year 621*). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-iqbi | 8. | 314 | m.EN—iq-bi BATSH 6 123 r. 2 (eponym of the year 621*). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-iqīša | 2. | 315 | In the description of the individual emend "Miscreant" to "Official (?)". The king had not instructed Issar-duri to arrest Bel-iqiša, but rather to supply him with provisions; Issar-duri now confirms that he has done so. For ABL 161 see now SAA 15 11. | M. Luukko |
Bēl-iqīša | 12. | 316 | Emend "7th century" to "reign of Assurbanipal" and "date lost" to "630*" in discussion of tablet ADD 114 (SAA 14 124). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-Isāna-[...] | New lemma | m.EN—URU.i-sa-na—x StAT 2 280: 4 (joint investor in a business venture; 679). For the name cf. *Bēl-Isāna-dūrī (p. 317). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-issēʼa | 2. | 317 | m.EN—KI-a Edubba 10 24: 27 (witness; 795). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-issēʼa | New individual | 317-18 | m.EN—KI-a BATSH 6 122 r. 14 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-kakki-Gula | New lemma | m.EN—TUKUL—gu-la BATSH 6 88 r. 5´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-kakki-šaddûʼa | New lemma | m.EN—TUKUL—KUR-u-a BATSH 6 53 r. 5 (witness; 641*). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-kakki-šaddûʼa | New lemma | m.EN—TUKUL—KUR-u-a BATSH 6 60 r. 8´´ (witness; 637*). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-kakki-šaddûʼa | New lemma | m.EN—TUKUL—ša!-du-ú-<a> BATSH 6 55 r. 17 (witness; 641*). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-kakki-šaddûʼa | New lemma | m.EN—TUKUL—KUR-u-[a] BATSH 6 54 r. 7 (witness; 641*). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-kakki-šaddûʼa | New lemma | m.EN—TUKUL—[KUR-u-a] BATSH 6 145 r. 14´´ (witness; post-canonical era). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-kibsāia | New lemma | m.EN—KI.UŠ-a-a Edubba 10 26:1, 4 (party to exchange of land; 781). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-kūmūʼa | New individual | 319 | m.EN—ku-mu-u-a Edubba 10 45:6, 19 (superior of several men from the town Baru; not dated or date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-Kundi-rēmanni | New lemma | m.EN—kun-di!?—rém-ni LÚ.GAR.KUR.RAḫa!-a-a Edubba 10 53 r. 10´-11´ (cultic transvestite of the town Masihu with 61 harvesters in his charge; 762). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-ku[...] | New lemma | m.EN—ku-⸢x x⸣ LÚ*.Ì.DU8 Edubba 10 32: 27 (witness, door-keeper; 747). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-ladi | New lemma | m.EN—la-di BATSH 6 152 r. 11´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-lāmur | 2. | 319 | Emend "Hurabi" to Hurapu". | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-lāmur | 10. | 319 | The restoration [Bel]-lamur in SAA 6 140 r. 10 is uncertain. Moreover, even if correct, the man cannot be identical with the Bel-lamur who features in ADD 50 (now SAA 14 169, dated 619*), since SAA 6 140 is to be dated to the reign of Sennacherib (cf. *Sīn-šarru-uṣur3., p. 1145). An identification with *Bēl-lāmur 6. is plausible, however. | M. Luukko |
Bēl-lēʼāni | New individual | 320 | m.d.EN—la-a-ni StAT 3 63: 6´ (615*). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-lēʼi | 13. | 320-1 | Alternatively the name might be read *Enzu q.v. | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-lēʼi | New individual | 320-1 | m.EN—ZU Edubba 10 40: 24 (witness; 744). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-lēʼi | New individual | 320-1 | m.EN—ZU Edubba 10 37: 5´ (witness, son of Ilaʼi-Bēl; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-lēšir | New individual | 321 | m.EN—G[IŠ] Edubba 10 55: 1 (letter author; not dated). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-lēšir | New individual | 321 | m.EN—GIŠ ND 2605: 10´ (CTN 5 273-5) (one of two servants of Sin-iddina named in an administrative document). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-lišir-talaktu | ghost name | m.EN—GIŠ—tal-lak-[tú]ND 2606: 2 (Iraq 23: 37). The passage reads rather ša 1-en GIŠ.tal-lak-[tú] ta-ma-taḫ-u-ni, 'which 1 wagon holds' (CAD T 99: tallaktu 4.). The same applies to ND 2651: 2 (Iraq 23:41), where the phrase occurs in a similarly formulated document. | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-mutaqqin | New lemma | m.d.EN—mu-LAL StAT 2 120: 4 (buyer; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-naʼdi | 5. | 323 | [m.EN]—I LÚ*.tur-ta[n] BATSH 6 108a (envelope) r. 1; m.EN—I tur-tan BATSH 6 108b r. 1 (Commander-in-chief, eponym of the year 663). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-nūrī | 2. | 325 | Emend "Isanaiu" to "Isinnaiu". | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-nūrī | New individual | 325 | m.EN—ZALÁG LÚ*.GA[l x] StAT 3 4: 31 (rab [...]; 630*). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-qātūʼa | 1. | 325-6 | The name in CT 53 103: 8 was restored m.EN—ŠU.˹2˺-[u-a] in PNA, while the recent edition has m.EN—ŠU.˹2˺—[ṣa-bat] (SAA 15 259: 8). However, the former reading is preferred here since there is a known individual named *Bēl-qātūʼa (1.) with whom he may be identified, while no contemporary *Bēl-qātē-ṣabat is known (cf. *Bēl-qātīka-ṣabat, p. 325). | H.D. Baker/M. Luukko |
Bēl-rēmanni | 3. | 326 | Emend "Individual from Assur"to "Son of Nabû-tariṣ, from Assur" (cf. p. 896 s.v.Nabû-tariṣ 9). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-rēšī-išši | New lemma | m.EN—S[AG—i-ši] BATSH 6 89: 2 (son of Babanu, joint seller with his brother U[...], from the town Itâ; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-reʼûʼa | New lemma | m.EN—SIPA-u-⸢a⸣ ND 2456:17´ (CTN 5 82-4) (mentioned in a broken context in a letter concerned with Babylonians). The edition has m.EN—šab-š[i] which is less convincing as a Babylonian name. | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-ri/ru | — | 326 | On the inner tablet A 2509: 2 (now StAT 2 153) the name is read m.EN—ru rather than m.EN—ri. This argues against the interpretation of the name as a shortened form of Bēl-rēmanni as tentatively suggested in PNA. | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-rība | New lemma | [m].E[N—r]i-[ba] BATSH 6 91:2 (father of Akburu; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-sākip | New lemma | m.EN—sa-kip BATSH 6 120 r. 7 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-salim | New lemma | m.EN–sa-lim Marqasi 1:9 (joint seller of slave; 671 or 666). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-samaʼ | 1. | 326 | The name m.EN—sa-⸢ma?-aʼ?⸣ (BaM 24 8 r. 2) is read m.EN?—x-ši-x (> *Bēl-[...]) in the recent edition Edubba 10 3: 13. | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šabši | see *Bēl-reʼûʼa (new lemma) | m.EN—šab-š[i] ND 2456: 17´ (CTN 5 82-4) > read rather m.EN—SIPA-u-⸢a⸣. | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-šaddûʼa | 5. | 327 | m.EN—KUR-u-a BATSH 6 68 r. 13 (post-canonical eponym). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šaddûʼa | 5. | 327 | [m.EN]—KUR-u-a! BATSH 6 19 r. 2´ (post-canonical eponym). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šaddûʼa | 5. | 327 | ⸢m.EN⸣—KUR-u]-a BATSH 6 145: l.e. 2 (post-canonical eponym). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šaddûʼa | 5. | 327 | m.EN—KUR-u-[a] BATSH 6 31 r. 13 (post-canonical eponym). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šaddûʼa | New individual | 327 | m.en⸣—[kur-u-a] / m.en—kur-u-a BATSH 6 107: 1, 4 (683). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šallim | 4. | 328 | Emend "Jas (1995)" to "Jas (1996)". | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šamšī | New lemma | m.EN—šam-ši Edubba 10 26: 5 (party to exchange of land; 781). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-šarru-iddina | — | 328 | Emend "Son of Du[...]" to "Son of Mukin-Aia" in discussion of DeZ 6223 r. 15 (now BATSH 6 10 r. 15). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šarru-uṣur | New individual | 328-30 | m.EN—⸢MAN—PAB⸣ StAT 3 4: 32 (father of Banaia; 630*). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šarru-uṣur | New individual | 328-30 | m.EN—MAN—PAB / [m.EN—MAN—PAB] / m.d.EN—MAN—PAB StAT 3 69: 15, 20, 2´´ (son of Qurdi-[...]; 636*). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šarru-uṣur | New individual | 328-30 | m.EN—⸢MAN⸣—[PAB] StAT 3 35: II 32 (616* or later). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šarru-uṣur | New individual | 328-30 | m.EN—MAN—PAP LÚ*.qur-bu-u-te / m.EN—MAN—PAP BATSH 6 109a (envelope): 1, 3; m.EN—MAN—PAP LÚ*.qur-bu-u-te BATSH 6 109b (inner tablet): 3 (party to a lawsuit, king's stand-by; 661). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šarru-uṣur | New individual | 328–30 | m.EN–MAN–PAB GAL–ki-ṣir Marqasi 1:5 (cohort commander, joint seller of slave; 671 or 666). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šarru-uṣur | New individual | m.EN-MAN-PAB Marqasi 6 r. 10 (witness; 629*). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-šumu-iddina | 3. | 330 | Emend year "698" to "781 or 723" for the tablet VAT 9829 (now StAT 3 14). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šumu-iddina | 6. | 330 | Emend "Individual from Nineveh" to "Son of Ilu-ukallanni, from Nineveh". Bel-šumu-iddina acts not as a witness but as a surety, and the transaction concerns not an adoption but rather the purchase of a woman as a wife for the buyer's son. | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šumu-iddina | New individual | 330 | m.EN—MU—AŠ StAT 3 10: 31 (father of Šep-ilani; 749). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šumu-iddina | New individual | 330 | [m].EN—MU—AŠ BATSH 6 144 r. 13´ (witness, son of Pasapâ; 638*). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šumu-iddina | New individual | 330 | m.⸢EN—MU⸣—AŠ BATSH 6 153 r. 2 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šumu-iškun | New individual | 330-1 | ⸢m⸣.[EN—MU—iš-kun] / ⸢m⸣.EN—MU—⸢iš⸣-kun / m.EN—M[U—i]š-kun StAT 3 110: [1], 17, 28 (657). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šumu-iškun | New individual | 330-1 | m.EN—MU—GAR StAT 3 112: 2,3. His name is repeated in l. 3 by means of "ditto" (text: ina IGI m.:.). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šumu-iškun | New individual | 330-1 | [m.E]N—MU—iš-kun BATSH 6 104 r. 2 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-šumu-iškun | New individual | 330-1 | m.EN—MU—GAR-u[n] BATSH 6 128: 7´ (seller; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēlšunu | 8. | 332 | Emend the name "Issaran-eṭir" to "Amurru-ēṭir" and "Issaran-natanu" to "Amurru-natanu". | M. Luukko |
Bēlšunu | New individual? | 331-2 | [m].˹EN?˺-šú-nu SAA 15 254 r. 1 (according to a fragment of a letter, [...]-ahhe son of Belšunu (?) was to be brought to the king by a royal messenger; reign of Sargon II). | M. Luukko |
Bēl-taklak | 2. (see also *Ana-Bēl-taklak). | 332 | m.EN—tàk-lak šá URU.i-⸢sa⸣-[na] StAT 3 22: 12´ (governor of Isana, eponym of the year 758). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-tallatu-dammiq | New lemma | m.EN—tal-la-tu—S[I]G5 BATSH 6 56 r. 17 (witness; 639*). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-tarṣi-ilumma | 1. | 332-3 | m.EN—tar-ṣi—DINGIR-m[a] Edubba 10 24: 26 (superior of the official Sin-[...]; 795). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-tarṣi-ilumma | 1. | 332–3 | m.EN–LAL–DINGIR-ma NABU 2016/50 (inscribed cylinder seal) (superior of the eunuch Adad-nashira; reign of Adad-nerari III). | Z. Niederreiter |
Bēl-te[...] | New lemma | m.EN—te-[x] StAT 2 147 r. 3 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēltī-emūq-qalli | New lemma | m.GAŠAN*—muq—QÀL Ziyaret 7 (inner tablet) r. 5 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-uballiṭ | New individual | 334 | m.EN—T[I.LA] StAT 2 274: 1 (seller; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēlu-lū-balaṭ | 8. | 335 | Emend "reign of Esarhaddon" to "reign of Assurbanipal". | M. Luukko |
Bēlu-lū-balaṭ | 14. | 335 | Emend reading of name to m.ḫu—ba-laṭ, new lemma *Ḫu-balaṭ, in VAT 9759 r. 17 (now StAT 3 3: 32). | H.D. Baker |
Bēlu-lū-dāri | 3.c. | 336 | ⸢m.EN—lu—dà⸣-[ri] StAT 3 99: 9 (eponym of the year 635*). | H.D. Baker |
Bēlu-lū-dāri | 3.c. | 336 | m.U—l[u—dà-ri] StAT 2 171 r. 7 (eponym of the year 635*); reading uncertain. | H.D. Baker |
Bēlu-lū-dāri | New individual | 336 | m.EN—lu—dà-ri [ (ša)] UGU É ša MÍ.É.GAL Edubba 10 20: 13-14 (witness, major-domo of the Queen; 779). | H.D. Baker |
Bēlu-lū-dāri | New individual | 336 | NA4.KIŠIB m.EN-lu–dà-ri / LÚ*.SAG šá m.DI-mu–MAN SAAB 21: 150, G:1–2 (inscription on cylinder seal of questionable authenticity) (eunuch of Šulmu-šarri). | Z. Niederreiter |
Bēl-upāq | New individual | 336-7 | ⸢m.d.EN⸣—ú-paq-⸢qa?⸣ ND 2352: 20´ (CTN 5 67-8) (mentioned in a poorly preserved Babylonian letter (?)). The edition has: ⸢m⸣[l]—hu-ud. | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-uṣalli | New individual | 337 | m.EN—⸢ú⸣-ṣal-li StAT 3 69: 8 (father of [...]-Aššur; 636*). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-zakar | New lemma | m.EN—za-kar BATSH 6 57 r. 15 (witness; 639*). | H.D. Baker | |
Bēl-zēru-ēpuš | Lemma | 340 | Delete this lemma and read instead m.EN—NUMUN—DÙ (the -uš that follows is not part of the name). See now the edition SAA 16 29:4. | C. Thissen |
Bēl-zēru-ibni | New lemma | 340 | Add m.EN—NUMUN—DÙ in SAA 16 29:4 (the name was formerly read *Bēl-zēru-ēpuš). | C. Thissen |
Bēl-zēru-iddina | New individual | 340 | m.EN—NUMUN—AŠ BATSH 6 55 r. 9 (witness; son of Saiani; 641*). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-zēru-iddina | New individual | 340 | m.EN—NUMUN—AŠ BATSH 6 52 r. 4 (witness; 644*). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-zēru-iddina | New individual | 340 | m.EN—NUMUN—AŠ BATSH 6 128:5´ (neighbouring landowner; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-zēru-iddina | New individual | 340 | m.d.EN—NUMUN—AŠ BATSH 6 104: 10´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-[...] | New individual | 340 | m.EN—[x x] Edubba 10 21: 3 (joint seller?; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-[...] | New individual | 340 | m.EN—[x x (x)] BATSH 6 31 r. 9 (witness; post-canonical era). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-[...] | New individual | 340 | m.EN—[x x (x)] BATSH 6 61 r. 10´ (witness; 637*). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-[...] | New individual | 340 | m.EN—[x x (x)] BATSH 6 107 r. 4´ (683). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-[...] | New individual | 340 | m.EN—[x x (x)] BATSH 6 143 r. 1´ (witness; 639*). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-[...] | New individual | 340 | m.EN—[x x (x)] BATSH 6 174 r. 1´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-[...] | New individual | 340 | m.⸢EN⸣—[x x (x)] BATSH 6 169: l.e. 1 (eponym dating the tablet). Possible restorations: *Bēl-Ḫarrān-šaddûʼa (650), Bēlšunu (648), Bēlu-lū-dāri (635*), Bēl-šaddûʼa (post-canonical), Bēl-aḫu-uṣur (616*), Bēl-iqbi (621*). | H.D. Baker |
Bēl-[...]-DA | New lemma | m.EN—x-DA LÚ*.qur-bu-⸢te?⸣ Edubba 10 32: 26 (witness; 747). | H.D. Baker | |
Bennu-adur | New lemma |—a-dúr StAT 2 100: 7 (buyer; 746). For the name type cf. *Miqtu-adur. | H.D. Baker | |
Bēssūʼa | Etym. | 340 | To the writings of the name add m.bé-su-a-a. | M. Luukko |
Bēssūʼa | 2. (sic) | 341 | Replace "2." with "9."in the sequence of numbered individuals. | H.D. Baker |
Bēssūʼa | 9. | m.bé-su-u-a StAT 2 21 r. 6 (witness; 625*). The edition has Bisuwa. | H.D. Baker | |
Bēssūʼa | New individual | 340-1 | m.bé-su-a-a URU.ŠÀ.URU-ia ABL 307 r. 7 (man from Assur mentioned as an informer in a court record; not dated). | M. Luukko |
Bēssunu | see *Bīssunu 5. (p. 348) | m.bé-su-[nu] BATSH 6 11 r. 8 (date lost). In the edition the name is rendered *Bēssunu, but cf. PNA p. 348 for arguments against this reading. | H.D. Baker | |
Bēt-ilāiu | — | 342 | The edition of A 2495 reads the name m.É—DINGIR—a-x[x], Bēt-ili-a[...] (StAT 2 320: 8). | H.D. Baker |
Betuzati | New lemma | ⸢MÍ.be-tú⸣-za-ti BATSH 6 66: 3 (female slave sold with her unweaned daughter; 631*). Aramaic epigraph: b?[xxxx]y? (l.e. a). | H.D. Baker | |
Biʼâ | New individual? (cf. 1) | 342 | LÚ.A.BA Edubba 10 14: 25´ (witness, scribe; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bībāia | — | 342 | To the description of the individual add "prefect"; the signs following the man's namein A 795 are now read LÚ.šak-nu (StAT 2 119: 3´). His name is also partially preserved in r. 1´: ⸢⸣-a-a. | H.D. Baker |
Bibî | New individual? cf. 1.) | 342 | Edubba 10 50: 2 (joint seller of a threshing floor; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bibīa | 13. | 343 | Emend "son of Remanni-Aššur" to "son of La-turamanni-Aššur" (cf. p. 659 s.v.*Lā-turammanni-Aššūr 7). | H.D. Baker |
Bibīa | 14. | 343 | Emend "Pan-[...]" (bis) to "Aššūr-da'iq" in the discussion of A 879 (now StAT 2 2). | H.D. Baker |
Bibīa | 15. | 343 | Emend "son of Aḫu-lešir" (bis) to "son of Aḫu-duri"; emend "date lost" to "679?". | H.D. Baker |
Bibīa | New individual? (cf. 2.-3.) | 342-3 | m.⸢bi-bi-ia⸣-e ND 2373: 5 (CTN 5 244-5) (mentioned in a letter from Nabû-eṭir to the king; he is in charge of some scouts). | H.D. Baker |
Biḫiri | New lemma |ḫi-ri BATSH 6 204 r. 4 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Bil[...]ṣiḫa | New lemma |ṣi-ḫa StAT 2 319: e. 15 (not dated). He is one of two camel-drivers (PAB 2 UŠ—ANŠE.MEŠ, r. 1) named in an administrative document. | H.D. Baker | |
Bināia or Bināia[...] | New lemma |[ (x)] ND 2064: 3 (CTN 5 150-1) (one of two chieftains of the Ekronites mentioned in a letter to the king). | H.D. Baker | |
Biqagu or Biqaṣu | New lemma |⸢qa⸣-g[u] (or⸢qa⸣-ṣ[u]) BATSH 6 124: 2 (father of the seller Zabunu;707). | H.D. Baker | |
Bir-Attār | 1. | 345 | Emend "Father of Ilu-naṣir" to "Father of Ilu-uṣur" (cf. p. 538 s.v. Ilu-uṣur 11.). | H.D. Baker |
Birî | New lemma | LÚ.rak-su Edubba 10 24: 29 (witness, recruit; 795). | H.D. Baker | |
Biriri | New lemma |⸢ri-ri⸣ BATSH 6 9 r. 8 (not dated or date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Bīrtāiu | New individual | 347 | m.ḪAL.ZU-a-a StAT 3 78: 10 (631*). | H.D. Baker |
Biruqu | see *Buruqu | H.D. Baker | ||
Bir-[...] (or Bir[...]) | New individual | 347 | m.bir-⸢x⸣-[x x] LÚ*.GAL–KA.⸢KEŠDA⸣ Edubba 10 21: 5-6 (witness, cohort commander; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Bīssunu | New individual | 348 | [m.b]i-su-nu Tell Sitak:3´ (dependent individual; date lost, probably late 8th or 7th century). | H.D. Baker |
Bisuwa | see *Bēssūʼa (pp. 340-1). | H.D. Baker | ||
Bi[...] | New lemma |[x x (x)] BATSH 6 174 r. 7´ (witness, son of Iddin-aḫḫe; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Būdāia | New lemma | URU.[ŠE—m.bu-d]a-a-a Ziyaret 23: 3 (man after whom a village is named; not dated or date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Budî | New lemma | m.bu-di-i BATSH 6 158 r. 7 (father of the witness Aḫu-ukin; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Būdi-Baʼal | 1. | 350 | Emend "A 2584" to "A2504" (now StAT 2 279); emend the writing of the name to m.bu-du—[ba-al] (rather than m.bu-da—b[a-al]). | H.D. Baker |
Bulālu | ? | Maul 1996: 185. CHECK REFERENCE. | H.D. Baker | |
Bulluṭu | 5. | 351 | m.bu-lu[ṭ] StAT 3 30: 11 (eponym of the year 634*). | H.D. Baker |
Bulluṭu | 5. | 351 | m.bu-⸢luṭ⸣ StAT 3 105: 36 (eponym of the year 634*). | H.D. Baker |
Bulluṭu | 5. | 351 | ⸢m⸣.bu-luṭ BATSH 6 142 r. 9´ (eponym of the year 634*). | H.D. Baker |
Bulluṭu | New individual | 351 | m.bu-l[u?-ṭu?] StAT 3 91: 4 (father of Abdi-[...]; 640*). | H.D. Baker |
Bulluṭu | New individual | 351 | m.bu-luṭ StAT 3 69: 8´ (father of [...]-šumu-ukīn; 636*). | H.D. Baker |
Būnî | New individual | 352 | m.bu-ni-i Edubba 10 13: 16 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Būn-ili | — | 352 | In the discussion of A 1863 (now StAT 2 234) emend the name "Zinizadanu" to "Girgidanu". | H.D. Baker |
Buqaqu | New lemma | m.bu-qa-qu U[RU.x-x-x-a]-a Edubba 10 1: 15 (witness from [...]; 844). | H.D. Baker | |
Būr-Aia | 2. | 353 | In the discussion of A 1820 (now StAT 2 155) emend the date from "reign of Assurbanipal"to "reign of Sennacherib" and the year from "647*" to"697". The name of the eponym dating the tablet is m.d.PA—⸢BÀD?⸣—PAB, Nabû-dūru-uṣur (though thetranslation has Nabû-nadin-aḫi). | H.D. Baker |
Būr-Aššūr | New lemma | m.bur—aš+šur StAT 2 269: 5. Replaces *Burka (p. 354). | H.D. Baker | |
Būr-Aššūr | New lemma | m.bur—aš-šur StAT 2 269: 5 (buyer; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Burka | Deleted lemma | 354 | Emend the reading of the name in A 1823: 5 (now StAT 2 269: 5) from m.bur-ka to m.bur—aš+šur, new lemma *Būr-Aššūr. | H.D. Baker |
Burki[...] | New lemma | m.bur-{ki}-[x x x] Ziyaret 10 r. 4 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Būr-Kūbi | — | 354 | m.⸢bur⸣—ku-⸢bu⸣ StAT3 97: 15 (date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Būr-naṭāru | New lemma | m.bur–na-ṭar-ru Marqasi 2 r. 33 (witness; 668). | H.D. Baker | |
Bursipītu | see *Barsipītu | M. Luukko | ||
Būru-abūʼa | New lemma | [m].⸢d.AMAR⸣—[AD-u-a] / m.AMAR—AD-u-a BATSH 6 62: 1, 10 (seller, 639*). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-aḫu-iddina | New lemma | m.AMAR—ḫa—AŠ BATSH 6 66:1, r. 7, 14 (son of Buru-nadin-aḫḫe, father of Buru-rapaʼ and Adda-ḫata; 631*). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-bēlu-uṣur | New lemma | m.AMAR—EN—PAP BATSH 6 47 r. 7 (witness, son of Tukultu-šarru; 649). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-erība | New lemma | [m.AM]AR—SU BATSH 6 22 r. 4 (date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-iababa | New lemma | [m.A]MAR—ía-ba-⸢ba⸣ BATSH 6 134 r. 4 (father of a witness; 669). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-iaḫir | New lemma | m.AMAR—ia-ḫi[r] BATSH 6 119 r. 11 (witness; 710). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-ibni | New individual | 355 | m.AMAR—DÙ BATSH 6 182 r. 11 (father of a witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Būru-idrī | New lemma | m.AMAR—id-ri BATSH 6 157: 5´ (witness, son of [...]; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-lāmur | New lemma | m.AMAR—IGI.LAL BATSH 6 78 r. 9 (witness; son of Adda-ḫari; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-naʼdi | New lemma | m.AMAR—I BATSH 6 47 r. 8 (father of Ḫam-ili; 649). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-naʼdi | New lemma | m.AMAR—I BATSH 6 202 r. 5 (witness; 692). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-nādin-aḫḫē | New lemma | m.AMAR—AŠ—PAP.MEŠ BATSH 6 66 r. 7 (father of Buru-aḫu-iddina, grandfather of Buru-rapaʼ and Adda-ḫata; 631*). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-nāṣir or Būru-uṣur | New lemma | m.AMAR—PAP BATSH 6 78 r. 8 (witness, son of Seʼ-[...]; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-natanu | New lemma | m.AMAR—na-ta-[nu] BATSH 6 88:5 (father of Ḫala[...]; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Buruqu | New lemma | m.bu-ru-[qu] BATSH 6 128 r. 8 (father of the witness Ḫuzalum; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Buruqu | New lemma | m.bu-ruq BATSH 6 133: 3 (father of the sellers Nabû-eṭir and Ḫazalum; 670). | H.D. Baker | |
Buruqu | New lemma | m.⸢bi-ru-qu⸣ BATSH 6 47 r. 10 (father of Ḫazala; 649). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-rapaʼ | New lemma | m.AMAR—ra-pa-aʼ BATSH 6 66:1 (seller, son of Buru-aḫu-iddina, brother of Adda-ḫata, grandson of Buru-nadin-aḫḫe; 631*). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-salim | New lemma | m.AMAR—DI BATSH 6 66 r. 9 (witness; son of Ereš-Adad; 631*). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-salim | New lemma | [m].AMAR—sa-[lim] BATSH 6 19:1 (seller; 630*). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-sūrī | New lemma | m.AMAR—su-[r]i BATSH 6 111 r. 12 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-sūrī | New lemma | m.AMAR—su-ri BATSH 6 43 r. 14 (witness; 662). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-šumu-iddina | New lemma | m.AMAR—MU—AŠ BATSH 6 62 r. 6 (father of [...]-uṣur; 639*). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-tabbi | New lemma | m.AMAR—ta-bi BATSH 6 47 r. 14 (witness, son of Inurta-uṣur; 649). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-tabbi | New lemma | ⸢m.AMAR⸣—ta-bi! LÚ*.šá—UGU-ḫi—URU BATSH 6 62 r. 5 (witness, city overseer; 639*). | H.D. Baker | |
Būru-upaḫḫer | New lemma | m.AMAR—NIGIN-er BATSH 6 62 r. 7 (father of [...]aia; 639*). | H.D. Baker | |
Bur-Zināni | 2. | 355-6 | m.bur—z[i]-na-nu LÚ*.A.[Z]U? Edubba 10 24: 28 (witness, physician; 795). | H.D. Baker |
Busāsu | New individual | 356 | m.bu-sa-si Edubba 10 1: 3 (joint seller of slave; 844). | H.D. Baker |
Būsî | 3. | 356 | m.bu-si-i / m.bu-ši-i / m.bu-si-i StAT 2 60: 1, 12, r. 3 (seller, son of the mayor Issar-naʼdi; 621*). This tablet is a near duplicate of the badly preserved A 2554 (now StAT 2 61). These attestations have been treated s.v. *Buššî 1. (p. 357); they are to be combined with Būsî 3. | H.D. Baker |
Būsi-ilī | — | 356 | Add his title: ša!—IGI—de-na-ni // LÚ.ša—IGI—de-[na]-a-ni ADD 153 = SAA 14 74 // ADD 154 =SAA 14 73 (ša-pān-dēnāni, "president of the court"). | M. Groß |
Buṣānu | New lemma | m.bu-ṣa-a-nu ND 2073: 1. The edition has *Puzānu. | H.D. Baker | |
Buššî | see *Būsî (p. 356) | H.D. Baker | ||
Butanaḫte | New lemma | m.bu-ta-na-aḫ-te StAT 2 167:8 (joint heir in an inheritance-related tablet; 646*). He is preceded in the text by a man named *Batu-naḫti (pp. 277-8). | H.D. Baker | |
Butinaḫ | New lemma | m.bu-ti?-na-aḫ : StAT 2 207 r. 17 ( witness, Egyptian; 618*). The "ditto" following his name refers to [L]Ú.mu-ṣur-a-a "Egyptian" in r. 16. For the name cf. *Butanaḫte. | H.D. Baker |
Heather D. Baker
Heather D. Baker, 'Addenda/corrigenda to fascicle 1/II (1999): Names beginning with B', The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire online, Heather D. Baker, 2019 []