Image: BM 40090 + (Copyright of the British Museum; photo: R. Da Riva)
This open-access project intends to present up-to-date editions of Divine Love Lyrics (DLL) of 1st-millennium BCE. The project was intiated in November 2017 and is led by Rocío Da Riva [] (Professor of Prehistory, ICREA Academia Research Prize Awardee 2014, Departament d'Història i Arqueologia, Universitat de Barcelona) and Nathan Wasserman [] (Professor of Assyriology, Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem).
Rocío Da Riva
Nathan Wasserman
The contents of this website, except where noted below, are the intellectual property of the LoveLyrics Project. They are released under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike [] license.
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Clay plaque depicting a richly dressed goddess lying on a wedding bed, probably Ištar, the goddess of love and war. This 2nd millennium-BCE Babylonian object (87.160.796) was a bequest of Joseph Ternbach, New York, to American Friends of the Israel Museum. Photo © The Israel Museum, Jerusalem. Digital presentation of this object was made possible by: The Ridgefield Foundation, New York, in memory of Henry J. and Erna D. Leir.
Rocío Da Riva & Nathan Wasserman
Rocío Da Riva & Nathan Wasserman, 'About the Project', LoveLyrics, The LoveLyrics Project, 2019 []