AUWE 19: Bibliography Updates

This page includes full citation information for abbreviations introduced since the 1994 publication of AUWE 19, as cited in AUWE 19 2.0 and in R. Wallenfels, Parthica 24 (2022) 41-64. Additional bibliographic references, including some published prior to 1994 that subsequently came to Wallenfels' attention, are listed below.

AUWE 20 G. Lindström. 2003. Uruk: Siegelabdrücke auf hellenistischen Tonbullen und Tontafeln. Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka Endberichte 20. Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philipp von Zabern.
CBCY 5 R. Wallenfels. 2016. Hellenistic Seal Impressions in the Yale Babylonian Collection: Ring-bullae and Other Clay Sealings. Catalogue of the Babylonian Collections at Yale 5. Bethesda, Md.: CDL Press.
CM 12 R. Wallenfels. 1998. Seleucid Archival Texts in the Harvard Semitic Museum: Text Editions and Catalogue Raisonné of the Seal Impressions. Cuneiform Monographs 12. Groningen: Styx.
FLP Sigla of tablets in the Free Library of Philadelphia.
Iraq 59 M. Jursa. 1997. "Neu- und spätbabylonische Texte aus den Sammlungen der Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery," Iraq 59: 97-174.
JANEH 2 72ff. R. Wallenfels. 2015. "Seleucid Babylonian 'Official' and 'Private' Seals Reconsidered: A Seleucid Archival Tablet in the Collection of the MacKenzie Museum, Regina," Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History 2: 55-89.
Mesop. 49 H. Hameeuw & S. Van Overmeier. 2014. "The Seleucid Bullae from Uruk in the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels," Mesopotamia 49: 113-42.
NBDM E. W. Moore. 1939. Neo-Babylonian Documents in the University of Michigan Collection. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
NISABA 28 S. Altavilla & C. B. F. Walker. 2016. Late Babylonian Seal Impressions on Tablets in the British Museum, Part 2: Babylon and its vicinity. In collaboration with J. C. Fincke. NISABA 28. Messina: Di.Sc.A.M.
RIAA2 T. Boiy. 2003. "RIAA2 293–300. Hellenistic Legal Documents from Uruk in the 'Royal Museums of Art and History' (Brussels)," Akkadica 124: 19-64.
SIS I V. Messina & P. Mollo. 2004. Seleucia al Tigri: le impronte di sigillo dagli Archivi. I. Sigilli ufficiali, ritratti. Missione in Iraq II, Mnème 3. A. Invernizzi, ed. Alessandria.
SIS II A. Bollati & V. Messina. 2004. Seleucia al Tigri: le impronte di sigillo dagli Archivi. II. Divinità. Missione in Iraq II, Mnème 3. A. Invernizzi, ed. Alessandria.
SIS III A. Bollati & V. Messina. 2004. Seleucia al Tigri: le impronte di sigillo dagli Archivi. III. Figure umane, animale, vegetali, oggetti. Missione in Iraq II, Mnème 3. A. Invernizzi, ed. Alessandria.
SS III T. C. Mitchell & A. Searight. 2008. Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum. Stamp Seals III: Impressions of Stamp Seals on Cuneiform Tablets, Clay Bullae, and Jar Handles. Leiden & Boston: Brill.
STUBM P. Corò. 2018. Seleucid Tablets from Uruk in the British Museum: Text Editions and Commentary. Antichistica 16. Studi orientali 6. Venezia: Edizioni Ca' Foscari.
YOS 20 L. T. Doty. 2012. Cuneiform Documents from Hellenistic Uruk. Edited by R. Wallenfels. Yale Oriental Series 20. New Haven & London: Yale University Press.

Additional Bibliography:

Bloch, Y. 2018. Alphabet Scribes in the Land of Cuneiform: Sēpiru Professionals in Mesopotamia in the Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenid Periods. Gorgias Studies in the Ancient Near East 11. Piscataway, N.J.: Gorgias Press.

Boiy, T. 2005. "Collations of BiMes 24," Nouvelles assyriologiques brèves et utilitaires, p. 62, no. 55.

Frazer, M. 2013. "Nazi-Maruttaš in later Mesopotamian Tradition," KASKAL 10: 187-220.

Landergott, J. 1983/1984. Review of G. J. P. McEwan, Priest and Temple in Hellenistic Babylonia. Freiburger Altorientalische Studien 4. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1981, Archiv für Orientforschung 29/30: 121-25.

Monerie, J. 2014. D'Alexandre à Zoilos: Dictionaire prosopographique des porteurs de nom grec dans les sources cunéiformes. Oriens et Occidens 23. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner.

Pearce, L. E. & L. T. Doty. 2000. "The Activities of Anu-bēl-šunu, Seleucid Scribe." In J. Marzahn and H. Neumann, eds., Assyriologica et Semitica: Festschrift für Joachim Oelsner anläßlich seines 65. Geburtstages am 18. Februar 1997. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 252. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, pp. 331-41.

Wallenfels , R. 2006. "Anu-aḫ-tuqqin reconsidered," Nouvelles assyriologiques brèves et utilitaires, pp. 7–8, no. 8.

Wallenfels, R. 2015. "Seleucid Babylonian 'Official' and 'Private' Seals Reconsidered: A Seleucid Archival Tablet in the Collection of the MacKenzie Museum, Regina," Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History 2: 55–89.

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