Hellenistic Seal Impressions in the Yale Babylonian Collection. Ring-Bullae and other Clay Sealings, volume five of the Catalogue of the Babylonian Collections at Yale (CBCY 5, published 2016), complements Ronald Wallenfels' 1994 volume, Uruk : Hellenistic Seal Impressions in the Yale Babylonian Collection, published as volume nineteen in the Ausgraben in Uruk-Warka: Endberichte series. Whereas AUWE 19 presents the seal impressions on legal cuneiform documents, CBCY offer descriptions the seal impressions made on clay ring-bullae, which surrounded and secured documents written on perishable supports.

As with the entries for AUWE 19 2.0, each of the numbered entries here reproduces the metadata in CBCY 5. As of Summer 2023, the descriptions that appear in CBCY 5 of each seal impression have not been incorporated. Each entry does include the "bulla map", a hand-drawn representation of the bullae were they unrolled and flattened out. The bullae maps afford the viewer the opportunity to perceive the relative positions of all the impressions to each other, something that is difficult to perceive from a photograph, which can only present one-half of the round object at a time. The numbers appearing as links below each bulla map enable the viewer to see Wallenfels 1:1 scale photographs of each impression. Of course, on a web site, the images scale as the user zooms in and out. Thus, to appreciate the actual size of each impression, the reader should consult the metadata above the bulla map.

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The HBTIN Project, 2022-.
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