Metal Inscriptions
B 10-1
B 10-2
B 10-3
B 10-1
Bronze shield with votive inscription (votive offering to the god Haldi) of one line. The text is highly damaged, the transliteration and translation are unsure. Provenience: Karmir-blur, now kept in the Armenian History Museum in Erevan.
Access the edition [/ecut/Q007857/] of B 10-1.
Piotrovskij, Boris B. (1952): Karmir-blur II. Rezul'taty raskopok 1949-1950 gg., Erevan 1952, 53
Piotrovskij, Boris B. (1955): Karmir-blur III. Rezul'taty raskopok 1951-1953 gg., Erevan 1955 28.
Piotrovskij, Boris, B. (1960): Urartskie nadpisi iz raskopok Karmir-blura 1939-1958 gg. (Obščij obzor), EV XIII, 1960, 107 (N° 50-133).
Piotrovskij, Boris B. (1970): Karmir-blur. Al'bom, Izdatel'stvo "Avrora", Leningrad 1970, fig. 38.
Seidl, Ursula (2004): Bronzekunst Urartus, Mainz 2004, 39f. (G.13 and G.14).
Salvini (2008 and 2018): CTU B 10-1 = Melikišvili (1960): UKN 269 = König (1955-1957): HchI 120a = Arutjunjan (2001): KUKN 396. Seidl, Ursula (2004): Bronzekunst Urartus, Mainz 2004, 39 (G.12).
B 10-02
Bronze cup with proprietary note. Provenience: Karmir-blur.
Access the edition [/ecut/Q007858/] of B 10-2.
Salvini (2008 and 2018): CTU B 10-2 = Melikišvili (1960): UKN 274 d = König (1955-1957): HchI 130 B
B 10-03
Three bronze cups with proprietary note running in a circle; inside: lion's head surmounted with the sketch of a tower and a tree. Provenience: Karmir-blur. Cup A is kept in the Hermitage (17760) in Saint Petersburg.
Access the edition [/ecut/Q007859/] of B 10-3.
Piotrovskij, Boris B. (1951): Klinoobraznye nadpisi na bronzovych čašach iz raskopok na Karmir-blure v 1949 g., EV V, 1951, 111 fig. 7.
Piotrovskij, Boris B. (1952): Karmir-blur II. Rezul'taty raskopok 1949-1950 gg., Erevan 1952, 20, 61 (fig. 32.1).
Piotrovskij, Boris B. (1954): Urartskie nadpisi iz raskopok Karmir-blura 1952 g., EV IX, 77.
Piotrovskij, Boris B. (1955): Karmir-blur III. Rezul'taty raskopok 1951-1953 gg., Erevan 1955, 9f.
Piotrovskij, Boris, B. (1960): Urartskie nadpisi iz raskopok Karmir-blura 1939-1958 gg. (Obščij obzor), EV XIII, 1960, 106 N° 49-125, insb. 106-107.
Vanden Berghe, Luis and Leon De Meyer (1982): Urartu. Een vergeten cultuur uit het bergland Armenië, Gent 1982, 191 N° 148.
Seidl, Ursula (2004): Bronzekunst Urartus, Mainz 2004, 39 (G.1), fig. 14a.
Medvedskaja, Inna. N. and Juri Ju. Piotrovskij (2011): Urartskie drevnosti v Gosudarstvennom Ermitaže. Katalog kollekcij, Sankt Peterburg 2011, 629, 653.
Salvini (2008 and 2018): CTU B 10-3 = Melikišvili (1960): UKN 270-274a-c = Arutjunjan (2001): KUKN 397-405, = König (1955-1957): HchI 130 B = Seidl, Ursula (2004): Bronzekunst Urartus, Mainz 2004, 39 (G.1-G.9).
Birgit Christiansen, 'Metal Inscriptions', Electronic Corpus of Urartian Texts (eCUT) Project, The eCUT Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2024 [,sonofSarduriIIA10andB10/MetalInscriptions/],sonofSarduriIIA10andB10/MetalInscriptions/