eCUT A 10-04 (CTU A 10-04)

o 1’o 1’

[x x x]-bi MAN [x x] MAN? [...]

(o 1’) [...] the king [...] the king(?) [...] for Haldi, the lord 1 sheep [is to be offered ...]

o 2’2’

[x x x] dḫal-di-e EN 1? UDU? [ŠUM-ṣi? x x]

o 3’3’

[x x x]-e?-ni-e [x]-ni-a x x [...]

(o 3’) untranslatable

o 4’4’

[x x x] ni?/ir?/sa? [...]

o 6’6’

[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] ú? [...]

o 1’’1’’

[x x x] du?/bi? x ru? [x x] šá x ŠUM-ṣi [...]

(o 1’’) [...] ... [...] of(?) ... is to be offered [...] ... [...] ... [...]
(r.e. 1’) [...] . [...]
(r.e. 2’ - r.e. 5’) I enlarged the territory [of the Bi]a [lands], [I] restrict[ed] the [ene]my [land].
(r.e. 5’ - r.e. 10’) The gods gave to me joyful [da]ys, innumerable (lit. ten thousands?) [favorable] days [...]

o 2’’2’’

[x x] x di? x [x x] a? [x].MEŠ? a [...]

r.e. 1’r.e. 1’

[x x x] x [x x]

r.e. 2’2’


r.e. 3’3’


r.e. 4’4’


r.e. 5’5’


r.e. 6’6’

ar--me DINGIR.MEŠ-[še]

r.e. 7’7’


r.e. 8’8’


r.e. 9’9’

[SILIM pi]-ṣu-ši-[ni]

r.e. 10’10’

[a-ti]-bi -[-x]

r 1’r 1’

[x x x x x x] x [x x] x [x] x [x]

(r 1’) [...] ... [...]

r 2’2’

[x x ana]ṣa-ṣir ú-bi-lu-ú-[ni]

(r 2’) [that I?] brought [to] Muṣaṣir

r 3’3’

[x x x ina] ŠÀ URU.e-a-ú-[x]

(r 3’) [... in] the city Eau [...]

r 4’4’

[x x x] AN.NA ka-ap-pi UDU.ḪI..A.MEŠ x [...]

(r 4’) [ . . . ] bowls of lid, sheep ... [...]

r 5’5’

[x x x] ina ŠÀ [x]

(r 5’) [ . . . ] in the city Arziqil ... [ . . .]

r 6’6’

[x?] gab-bu mru-sa-a .ARAD šá dḫal-[di-a]

(r 6’) [ . . . a]ll. I (am) Rusa, the servant of the god Ḫal[di].

r 7’7’

[ana d]ḫal-di-a [EN-šú] u₄-me il-tam-mu-[ú]

(r 7’) [who] listened [to the god Ḫa]ldi, [his lord].

r 8’8’

[x ana]-ku DÙG.GA [šá ana] UGU-ia i-re?-[ú?]

(r 8’) [ . ] As for me, I am I am good at [wat]ching(?) over.

r 9’9’

[x x x ki]-li-ú na!-ṣir e--[ti]

(r 9’) [ . . ] . the guard of the ēqūtu-offering.

r 10’10’

[x MAN].MEŠ .AD.MEŠ-ia maḫ-ru-ti šá x [x]

(r 10’) [ . the king]s my forefathers and predecessors, who [ . . ]

r 11’11’

[x x] an-ni-[e ana]ṣa-ṣir la ú-[x]

(r 11’) did not c[arry] these [gifts to] the city Muṣaṣir

r 12’12’

[x? a]-na-ku [ina ŠÀ 1] KASKAL a-a ú-bi-lu-[ni]

(r 12’) [ . . . ] I carried (them) [in only one campai]gn

r 13’13’

[x] gab-bi MAN.MEŠ [ana URU].mu-ṣa-ṣir at-ta-[rad]

(r 13’) [more than] all the (previous) kings. I [wen]t [down to the city M]uṣaṣir

r 14’14’

[x x MAN] GIŠ.IG šá É [DINGIR].MEŠ ina IGI-ia e-[dil]

(r 14’) [but the king] clo[sed] the door of the house of [the gods] in front of me

r 15’15’

[ù? ana KUR.-šur] ZÁḪ dḫal-di-a EN IG.MEŠ-šú BAD [x]

(r 15’) [and] he fled [towards the land Aššur]. The god Ḫaldi, the lord, [reopened] his doors [of the] ci[ty wall]

r 16’16’

[x ina ŠÀ] -šú EGIR m[ur]-za-na-a su-[qu?-x]

(r 16’) [inside of which I performed (rituals). Against Urzana I [ . . ],

r 17’17’

[x e-mu-] mur-za-na-a ana UGU-ia na-[a-x]

(r 17’) Urzana lined up [his military forces] in battle against me.

r 18’18’

[ina -bi]-it dḫal-di-a ana-ku mru-[sa-a]

(r 18’) [By the comm]and of the god Ḫaldi I, Rusa,

r 19’19’

[ana šá-de]-e a-ta-[la-ak]1

(r 19’) we[nt to Mou]nt Andarutu.

l.e. 1’l.e. 1’

[x x] x /ina [x x]

(l.e. 1’) . . . (untranslatable)

l.e. 2’2’

[x x] x ḫu-[x x]

l.e. 3’3’

[x x x] lu [x]

l.e. 4’4’

[x x x] di [x x]

l.e. 5’5’

[x x] x x [x x]

l.e. 6’6’

[x x] x DINGIR x [x]

l.e. 7’7’

[x] x GAL [x]

l.e. 8’8’

[x] x NUMUN-šú NUMUN.[NUMUN-šú]

l.e. 9’9’


l.e. 10’10’

[x] x ana TI [x]

l.e. 11’11’

[x] x ḫur-ba [x?]

l.e. 12’12’


1: end of Mergeh Karvan reverse, Assyrian version.

Based on Mirjo Salvini, Corpus dei Testi Urartei (CTU), Volume I–V, 2008–2018: Adapted, revised, lemmatized, and translated into English, by Birgit Christiansen (2016-) for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as