eCUT A 08-07 (CTU A 08-07)
Obverse | ||
11 | [dḫal-di-ni uš-ta]-bi ma-si-ni šú-ri ka-ru-ni KUR.tar-i-ú-ni KÚR ka-⸢ru⸣-[ni] | (1) [The god Ḫaldi se]t off with his weapon, he defeated the enemy land Tariuni, he defeated [the land . . . ] and subjected it to Argišti. |
22 | [KUR.x x x x] ⸢te⸣-qu-ni mar-giš-ti-i-ka-i dḫal-di ku-ru-ni | (2b) Behind(?) the god Ḫaldi,(and) behind the wea[pon of the god Ḫaldi] as well, Argišti, son of Minua set off, [the god Ḫald]i march[ed] (ahead of the troops). |
33 | [dḫal-di-ni GIŠ.šú]-ri KI.MIN uš-⸢ta⸣-bi mar-gi-iš-ti-ni mmì-nu-a-ḫi ú-lu-⸢uš⸣-[ta-i-bi] | |
44 | [dḫal-di]-⸢ni⸣ mar-gi-iš-ti-še a-li ḫa-ú-bi KUR.tar-a-i-ú ši-li a-šá-a-[di?] | (4b) Argišti says: I conquered the land Tariu . . . I set o[ut] to the land of [ . . . ], I came to the land Ḫuša and to the land Bia. I went [ . . . ] towards the land Ašqalaši. |
55 | [x x x x]-ni KUR-ni-e ku-ṭi₅-a-di pa-ri KUR.ḫu-šá-ú-e pa-riú-e ši-a-[di] | |
66 | [x x x] ⸢KUR⸣.áš-qa-la-ši-e-di dḫal-di-ni-ni ba-ú-ši-ni mar-gi-iš-ti-še a-[li] | (6b) By the command of the god Ḫaldi, Argišti sa[ys: The king of the] Diaueḫi showed up in front of me, he to[ok(?)] the city Aḫuria; I pushed (him) back [i]n [battle] and over[whelmed him] near the city Qa[. . .]ni. |
77 | [MAN m]di-ia-ú-e-ḫi-⸢e⸣ a-ri-bi-ri-da-bi ka-i-ú-ki URU.a-ḫu-ri-a a-su-[ni-ni] | |
88 | [gu-nu-ši]-⸢ni⸣ su-ú-i-du-lu-bi za-⸢šú-ú-bi⸣ú-ni a-su-ni za-[šú?-bi?] | (8b) I capt[ured(?)] there 72080 young men, 7000[+ x . . . ], 11[thousand? . . . ]. Some I ki[lled], [s]ome I deported alive. [I destroyed] 96 fortresses, I burnt down 50+[x] settlements. |
99 | ⸢iš⸣-ti-ni 70 LIM 2 LIM 80 ⸢ub⸣-še 7 LIM [x x x x x]-e 11 [x x x x x x a-li]-ki za-⸢áš⸣-[gu-bi] | |
1010 | [a]-li-ki TI.MEŠ ⸢a-gu-bi⸣ 96 É.GAL.MEŠ [ḫar-ḫar-šú-ú-bi] 50+[X?] ⸢URU.MEŠ⸣ a-ma-áš-tú-⸢bi⸣ | |
1111 | [m]ar-gi-iš-ti-ni [mmì]-⸢nu⸣-[a-ḫi MAN DAN-NU MAN]-i-⸢na⸣-e a-lu-si URU.ṭu-uš-⸢pa⸣ [URU] | (11) I am Argišti, son of [Min]u[a, strong king, king of the [Bia] lands, lord of Ṭušp[a]-[City]. |
1212 | [a]-lu-še i-ni ⸢DUB-te⸣ tú-li-e ⸢tú⸣-[ri-ni]-ni dḫal-di-še dqu-e-ra-a-[še] | (12) (As for the one) who destroys this inscription, may the god Ḫaldi and the god Quera, anni[hilate] him under the sun (or, resp., the Sun-God) ... (rest untranslatable) |
1313 |
Based on Mirjo Salvini, Corpus dei Testi Urartei (CTU), Volume I–V, 2008–2018: Adapted, revised, lemmatized, and translated into English, by Birgit Christiansen (2016-) for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as