eCUT A 08-03 (CTU A 08-03)
Obverse | ||
Column i | ||
i 1i 1 | a-li-⸢e⸣ [x x (x)] ⸢i⸣-ni [x x e-di]-ni-e a-zi-⸢i⸣-bi-e | (i 1) [... Argišti] says: ... (unintellegible) ... Argišti says: |
i 22 | ||
i 33 | (i 3) I prayed to the god Ḫaldi, the Lord, the Weather-God and to the Sun-God. Through the greatness of the Lord what I asked for – the same year once again I mobilized the troops. | |
i 44 | ||
i 55 | i-ku-ka-a-ni MU ši-[šú]-ḫa-ni LÚ.ḫu-ra-di-ni-li ú-e-li-du-bi | |
i 66 | uš-ta-di mdi-a-ú-e-ḫi-ni-e-di MAN mdi-a-ú-e-ḫi MAN-nu-du-ú-bi | (i 6) I set off against the Diaueḫi, I dethroned(?) the king of the Diaueḫi; I conquered the land Šeriazi, I burned down settlements and I destroyed fortresses. I came to the city Puti. On the left side(?) I subdued the land Bia |
i 77 | ḫa-ú-bi KUR.še-ri-i-a-zi URU.MEŠ GÍBIL-bi É.GAL.MEŠ ḫar-ḫar-šú-bi ku-ṭi₅-a-di | |
i 88 | pa-⸢ri URU⸣.pu-ti-e sal-ma-at-ḫi KUR.ḫu-šá-ni ʾa-al-du-bi an-da-ni KUR.tar-i-ú-ni | |
i 99 | uš-ta-a-diḫa-a-e-ú-e e-di-i-a ḫa-a-ú-biḫa-a-e ši-i-li | (i 9) I set off towards the land Zabaḫae. I conquered the šili |
i 1010 | ku-ṭi₅-a-di pa-a-ri-e URU.ú-zi-na-bi-tar-na-a pa-ri | |
i 1111 | an-da-niú-ni KUR.i-ga-ni-ni ʾa-al-du-bi ši-a-di me-ri-a-ḫi-ni-ni-e KUR-ni-e-di | (i 11) On the right side(?) I subdued the city Maqaltuni and the land Igani. I went to the land of the Eriaḫi, I set off to the land Apuni, I conquered the city Urieiu, royal city of the land Uiṭeruḫi. |
i 1212 | uš-ta-di KUR.a-pu-ni-i-e-di ḫa-ú-bi URU.ú-ri-e-i-ú-ni URU MAN-nu-si ⸢KUR⸣.ú-i-ṭè-ru-ḫi-ni-i | |
i 1313 | 10 LIM 9 LIM 2 ME 55 ub-še 10 LIM 1 ME 40 LÚ.ÉRIN.MEŠ še-e-ḫi-e-ri-e 20 LIM 3 LIM 2 ME 80 MUNUS.ú-e-di-i-a-ni | (i 13) 19255 men, 10140 alive soldiers, 23280 women, altogether 52675 people (in one) year, some I killed, some I deported alive. I carried away 1104 horses, 35015 oxen 10000(+x thousands), (and) 1829 sheep. |
i 1414 | PAP 5 a-ti-⸢bi⸣ 2 LIM 6 ME 75 LÚ.ta-ar-šú-a-ni MU a-li-ki za-áš-gu-bi a-li-ki še-ḫi-e-ri a-gu-bi | |
i 1515 | 1 LIM 1 ME 4 ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ pa-ru-bi 30 LIM 5 LIM 15 GU₄.pa-ḫi-ni 10 a-ti-bi [x LIM] 1 LIM 8 ME 29 UDU.šú-še.MEŠ | |
i 1616 | mar-giš-ti-še a-li-e dḫal-di-a iš-ti-ni-e i-na-ni-⸢li⸣ ar-ni-ú-ši-ni-li 1 MU za-du-bi | (i 16) Argišti says: in favor of the god Ḫaldi I accomplished these undertakings in one year. The god Ḫaldi set off with his weapon, he defeated the land of the Abilianiḫi, he subjected the land Aništergae (and) the land of the Qubzaini (and) the land of the Ultuzai to Argišti. |
i 1717 | dḫal-di-⸢i⸣-ni uš-ta-bi ma-si-⸢ni⸣-e GIŠ.⸢šú⸣-ri-e ka-ru-ni ma-bi-li-i-a-ni-e-ḫi KUR.e-ba-ni-⸢e⸣ | |
i 1818 | KUR.a-ni-iš-⸢te⸣-er-ga-e mqu-ub-za-ni-i-ni mul-tú-za-i-ni KUR-ni-e te-qu-a-li mar-giš-ti-ka-i | |
i 1919 | dḫal-di-i ⸢ku⸣-ru-ni dḫal-di-ni GIŠ.šú-ri-i ku-ru-ni dḫal-di-i-ni-ni al-[su-ú]-⸢i⸣-ši-ni | (i 19) Behind(?) the god Ḫaldi, behind(?) the weapon of the god Ḫaldi, through the gr[eat]ness of the god Ḫaldi Argišti, son of Minua, set off. The god Ḫaldi marched (ahead of the troops). |
i 2020 | uš-ta-bi mar-gi-iš-ti-i-ni mmì-nu-ú-a-ḫi dḫal-di-i-ni ú-lu-[uš-ta]-a-i-bi | |
i 2121 | mar-giš-ti-še ⸢a⸣-li-e ḫa-ú-bi KUR.e-[ti]-ú-ni-ni ku-ṭi₅-⸢a⸣-di pa-ri-e KUR.⸢iš!⸣-[qi-gu-lu]-ú-e | (i 21) Argišti says: I conquered the land E[ti]uni, I came to the land I[šqigulu] (and) to the Uduri (and) the land Etiuḫi. I deported men and women. Argi[šti sa]ys: I prayed to the god Ḫaldi, the lord, the Weather-God (and) the Sun-God. |
i 2222 | pa-ri mú-du-ri KUR.e-ti-ú-ḫi-ni ʾa-šeú pa-ru-bi mar-gi-⸢iš⸣-[ti-še a]-⸢li⸣-[e] | |
i 2323 | ḫu-ti-a-di dḫal-di-e-di EN-⸢di⸣ dIM-di dUTU-di a-lu-si-ni-ni ⸢al⸣-[su-i-ši-ni] | |
i 2424 | a-li a-ba-a-di i-ku-ka-a-ni ⸢šá-a⸣-li-⸢e⸣ uš-ta-a-di KUR.ú-lu-[a-ni-e-di] | (i 24) Through the greatness of the lord what I asked for – |
i 2525 | ḫa-a-ú-bi KUR.ur-ia-ni KUR.ṭè-er-⸢ṣu⸣-bi ḫa-a-ú-bi mmu-⸢ru-zu-qa?-i?⸣-[ni KUR.e-ba-ni-e?] | |
i 2626 | ma-ri-ni qar-bi a-gu-nu-ni ma-[nu] gu-nu-šá-a ḫa-ú-bi ʾa-še MUNUS.[lu-tú LÚ.ub-še? pa-ru-bi] | (i 26b) I conquered it in battle (and) I deported men, [women (and) children(?)]. I conquered the city Ubarugildu, royal city [...]. |
i 2727 | ⸢ḫa⸣-a-ú-bi URU.ú-ba-a-ru-gi-il-du-ú-[ni] ⸢URU⸣ MAN-⸢nu⸣-[si x x x x] | |
i 2828 | [ku]-⸢ṭi₅-a⸣-di pa-ri KUR.⸢ku⸣-[x?]-ru-pi-ra pa-ri KUR.tar-ra-[x x x] x [x x x x x] | (i 28) I came to the land Ku-x-rupira (and) to the land Tarra-[x . . . ]. |
i 2929 | [uš-ta]-⸢di⸣⸢qi⸣-a-ú-ni-e-di NA₄.a-⸢la?⸣-[x x x x x x x x] | (i 29) I set off to the city Idqiauni . . . [ . . . ], . . . [I deported] men and women [. . . ]. |
i 3030 | ʾa-še MUNUS.ú-e-di-a-[ni pa-ru-bi x x x x (x)] | |
i 3131 | ḫa-a-ú-bi[ú-ni-ni x x x x x x x x (x)] | (i 31) I conquered the land Irki[uni . . . ], I came [to . . . ]. |
i 3232 | ku-ú-ṭi₅-a-⸢di⸣ [pa-ri x x x x x x (x)] | |
i 3333 | uš-ta-di[x x x x x x (x)] | (i 33) I set off to the land Artarmu-x [ . . . ]. I expe]lled [him] in battle. [I burnt down] settlements, |
i 3434 | ||
i 3535 | URU.MEŠ [a-ma-áš-tú-bi x x x x x x x x x] | |
i 3636 | ku-ṭi₅-a-⸢di⸣ [pa-ri x x x x] | (i 36) I came to [ . . . ]. |
i 3737 | pa-a-ri [x x x x x x] | |
i 3838 | x [x x x x x x x x ʾa-še].MEŠ | (i 38) x [ . . . . . . me]n and 10000+[x wom]en, all together 20279 |
i 3939 | 10 LIM x [ME x MUNUS.ú-e-di-a]-ni | |
i 4040 | PAP 20 LIM 2 ME 79 LÚ.UN.[MEŠ MU] | |
i 4141 | ||
i 4242 | ||
i 4343 | ||
Column ii | ||
ii 1ii 1 | 1 LIM 2 ME 80 [x ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ pa-ru-bi x x (x) GU₄.pa-ḫi-ni].MEŠ | (ii 1) [I deported] 1280[+ x horses, x ox]en (and) 126000[+ x sheep. Argišti says:] |
ii 22 | 12 a-ti-bi 6 LIM [x x (x) UDU.šú-še.MEŠ mar-giš-ti-še a-li-e] | |
ii 33 | dḫal-di-a iš-ti-[ni-e] ⸢i⸣-[na-ni-li ar-ni-ú-ši-ni-li 1 MU za]-⸢du⸣-bi | (ii 3) For the god Ḫaldi I [accom]plished th[ese undertakings in one year]. (I am) Argišti, str[ong king, great king, lord of] [Ṭušpa]-City. |
ii 44 | mar-gi-iš-ti-ni [MAN] DAN-[NU MAN al-su-i-ni a-lu-si URU.ṭu-uš-pa] URU | |
ii 55 | dḫal-di-i-ni uš-ta-[bi ma-si-i-ni-e GIŠ.šú-ri-e ka-ru-ni] KUR.ḫa-a-te | (ii 5) The god Ḫaldi set off [with his weapon], he defeated the land Ḫate (Ḫatti, territory of the Neo-Hittite states), he defeated Ḫilaruada, [he subjected the land] to [Arg]išti. |
ii 66 | ka-ru-ni mḫi-la-ru-a-da-ni [KUR-ni-e te-qu-a-li mar-giš]-ti-i-ka-i | |
ii 77 | dḫal-di-i ku-ru-ni dḫal-di-ni [GIŠ.šú-ri-i ku-ru-ni dḫal-di-ni-ni al]-su-i-ši-ni | (ii 7) Behind(?) the god Ḫaldi, [behind(?) the weapon] of the god Ḫaldi, through the [gr]eatness [of the god Ḫaldi] Argišti, son of Minua, sa[ys: I prayed] to [the god Ḫal]di, the Lord, the Weather-God, the Sun-God, (and all) the gods [of the land of the [Bi]a lands. |
ii 88 | mar-giš-ti-še mmì-nu-a-ḫi-ni-še a-[li-e ḫu-ti-a-di dḫal-di-e]-di EN-di | |
ii 99 | ||
ii 1010 | a-lu-si-ni-ni al-su-i-[ši-ni a-li-i a-ba-di] ḫa-ši-al-me DINGIR.MEŠ | (ii 10) Through the greatn[ess] of the lord what I asked for] the gods listened to me. Argišti, son of [Minua], says: The god Ḫaldi marched (ahead) [of the troop]s, (and) I set off to the land Ḫate (Ḫatti), I conquered the Niriba valley, the land [. . . ; the city x-]urma, which was fortified. I conquered it in battle, (and) I conquered the city [x x x ] on the right(?) side(?) of [the city . . .]. |
ii 1111 | ||
ii 1212 | ú-⸢lu⸣-uš-ta-i-bi dḫal-di-ni [LÚ.A.SI].MEŠ uš-ta-di KUR.ḫa-ti-na-i-⸢di⸣ | |
ii 1313 | ḫa-[ú]-bi ḫu-bi KUR.[x-x-x URU.x-x]-ur-ma-ni a-gu-nu-ni ma-a-⸢nu⸣ | |
ii 1414 | ⸢gu⸣-nu-ú-šá-a ḫa-a-ú-bi URU.[x x x x x x] a-da-ni URU MAN-nu-si ḫa-ú-[bi] | |
ii 1515 | dḫal-di-ni-ni al-su-i-ši-[ni uš]-ta-a-di KUR.ḫa-ti-i-na-a-ṣi-e | (ii 15) Throu[gh] the greatness of the god Ḫaldi I [s]et off to the Hittite lands (i.e. the territory of the Neo-Hittite states). On the right(?) side(?) I subdued the land of the Tuate, on the left(?) side(?) I came to the city Miliṭia (Malatya). |
ii 1616 | an-da-ni mtú-a-te-ḫi-ni-i KUR-ni [ʾa-al]-du-bi sal-ma-at-ḫi URU.mì-li-ṭi₅-a-ni | |
ii 1717 | ku-ṭi₅-a-di pa-ri URU.pi-la-⸢i⸣-[x x x]-ni-pi-ni ⸢pa⸣-ri ki-ri me-li-a-i-ni ÍD | (ii 17) I went to the city Pilai[-X. . .] . . . river. From the land Marmua (and) the land Qa-x[-x-x]-a I carried away men and women, [I] destroyed fortresses (and) I [bur]nt down settlements. 25[3]9 children(?), 8298 men alive, 18057 women, [altogether 2]9284 people (in one) year. So[me I kil]led, some I deported [a]live. [(Moreover) ...] horses, 17964 oxen, 10002 [. . . s]heep. |
ii 1818 |ú-a-ni[x]-a-ni ʾa-šeú ši-i-ú-bi | |
ii 1919 | É.GAL.MEŠ ḫa-ar-ḫar-šú-ú-[bi] URU.[MEŠ GÍBIL]-bi 2 LIM 5 ⸢ME 39⸣ ub-še.MEŠ | |
ii 2020 | ||
ii 2121 | [PAP 20] LIM 9 LIM 2 ME 84 LÚ.UN.MEŠ MU a-[li-ki za]-áš-gu-bi a-li-ki [še]-ḫi-ri a-gu-bi | |
ii 2222 | [x x] x ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ 10 LIM 7 LIM 9 ME 64 [GU₄].⸢pa⸣-ḫi-ni [a]-ti-bi 2 [x x x UDU].⸢šú⸣-še | |
ii 2323 | [mar-giš]-⸢ti⸣-še mmì-[nu-a-ḫi]-⸢ni⸣-še a-[li-e dḫal]-⸢di⸣-[a iš]-ti-ni-e | (ii 23) [Argiš]ti, [son of] Mi[nua], sa[ys: [f]or [the god Ḫal]di I [accom]plished [these] und[er]takings in one year. |
ii 2424 | [i-na-ni-li] ar-[ni]-ú-ši-[ni]-e-li šú-si-⸢ni⸣ MU [za]-⸢du⸣-ú-bi | |
ii 2525 | [dḫal-di-i-ni uš]-⸢ta⸣-[a-bi ma-si]-ni-e GIŠ.šú-ri-e [ka-ru-ni] KUR.e-[ti-i?]-⸢ú⸣-ni-ni | (ii 25) [The god Ḫaldi s]et off with his [wea]pon, he defeated the land E[ti]uni, [he defeated the land [of the city Qiḫuni], he subjected it to Ar[gišti]. |
ii 2626 | [ka-ru-ni URU.qi-ḫu-ni] KUR-ni-e te-qu-ni [(m)]ar-[gi-iš-ti]-ka-a-i | |
ii 2727 | (ii 27) [Behind(?) the god Ḫaldi], behind(?) [the weapon of the god Ḫaldi], through the greatness of the god Ḫaldi Argišti, son of Minua, set off. [The god Ḫaldi marched (ahead of the troops). Argišti say]s: | |
ii 2828 | [dḫal-di-i-ni-ni al-su-ú-i-ši-i-ni uš-ta-bi mar-gi-iš-ti-ni m]mì-nu-ú-a-ḫi | |
ii 2929 | ||
ii 3030 | (ii 30) [I conquered the city Qiḫuni (and) the land Siluni, on the side of the lake. I came to the city Alištu], I [de]ported [men and women]. | |
ii 3131 | [ku-ṭi₅-i-a-di pa-a-ri-e URU.a-li-iš-tú-ú ʾa-šeú pa]-ru-bi | |
ii 3232 | [dḫal-di-ni-ni ba-ú-ši-ni mar-gi-iš-ti-še mmì-nu-a-ḫi-ni-še] a-li-e | (ii 32) [By the command of the god Ḫaldi Argišti, son of Minua], says: [I built the city Erbuni] as protection [of the Bia lands (and) for the intimidation of the enemy country. The land] was [deser]ted, [nothing had ever been built] the[re before]. I accomplished there [mighty undertakings]. |
ii 3333 | [ú-ni-ni ši-i-di-iš-tú-ú-biú-e] uš-ma-še | |
ii 3434 | [ú-i na-a-pa-a-ḫi-i-a-i-di qi-i-ú-ra-a-ni qu-ul-di-i]-ni ma-nu | |
ii 3535 | [ú-i gi-e-i ši-i-da-a-ú-ri] iš-[ti-ni DAN-NU.MEŠ ar-ni-ú-ši-ni-li za]-du-bi iš-ti-ni | |
ii 3636 | [6? LIM 6 ME LÚ.MEŠ] ⸢gu⸣-nu-⸢ši⸣-[ni-i e-er-ṣi-du]-ú-bi iš-ti-ni | (ii 36) [6600 men of the b]attle (= soldiers) I [(re-)sett]led there [from(?) the land Ḫate and from the land Ṣupa. Through the greatness of the god Ḫaldi Ar]gišti, [son of] M[inua], sa[ys: I pr]ay[ed to the god Ḫaldi, (my) Lord], to the Weather-God, to the Sun-Godandto (all) the gods of the land Biai[nili]. |
ii 3737 | [KUR.ḫa-a-te-e KUR.ṣu-ú-pa-a-ni] d[ḫal-di-i-ni-ni al-su-ú-i-ši-i-ni mar]-gi-iš-ti-i-še | |
ii 3838 | m⸢mì⸣-[nu-a-ḫi-ni]-še a-⸢li⸣-[e ḫu]-ti-[a-di dḫal-di-i-e-di EN-di d]IM-di dUTU-di | |
ii 3939 | DINGIR.[MEŠ-áš-te][na-áš-te a-lu-si-ni-ni al-su-i]-ši-ni a-li a-ba-di | (ii 39b) Through [the great]ness [of my lord] what I asked for, the gods listen[ed to me]. In the sa[me year I set off] towards the land Uburda. I captured [X-]lubura, king of Uburda. I conquered the land and the city Irdua, royal city, I punished(?) the land Uišuši. |
ii 4040 | ḫa-ši-[al-me] DINGIR.MEŠ i-ku-[ka-ni MU uš-ta-di] KUR.ú-bur-da-ú-e e-di-i-a | |
ii 4141 | mx-[x]-lu-bu-ra-a-ni [MAN KUR.ú]-bur-[da]-al-ḫi ḫa-a-ú-bi KUR.e-ba-a-ni-i-e | |
ii 4242 | [URU].ir-du-a-ni URU MAN-[nu-si] ḫa-a-ú-bi KUR.ú-i-šú-ši-ni nu-lu-uš-tú-ú-bi | |
ii 4343 | [LÚ].ʾa-šeú ši-ú-bi iš-ti-ni-ni uš-ta-⸢di⸣ [KUR].ḫa-ḫi-a-ú-e e-di-a | (ii 43) Men and women I deported from there. I set off towards the land Ḫaḫia, I destroyed fortresses, I burnt down villages, I burnt down the city Bi-[x]-ḫauzuni, the (fortified) city, together with (its) people. 7648 children(?), 2655 men, 8497 women, all together 19790 people (in one) year. Some (of them) I killed, some (of them) I deported alive. 232 horses [... thousands]+803 [oxen I carried away(?), and 10?]thousand+1626 sheep. |
ii 4444 | É.GAL.MEŠ ḫar-ḫa-ar-šú-bi URU.MEŠ GÍBIL-biḫa-ú-⸢zu?⸣-ni-e URU-e | |
ii 4545 | LÚ.ta-ar-šú-a-na-ra-ni GÍBIL-bi 7 [LIM 6 ME 48 ub-še.MEŠ] 2 ⸢LIM⸣ 6 ME 55 LÚ TI.MEŠ | |
ii 4646 | 8 LIM 4 ME.MEŠ 97 ⸢MUNUS⸣.[ú]-e-[di-a-ni PAP 10] ⸢LIM⸣ 9 LIM 7 ME 90 ⸢LÚ⸣.UN.MEŠ MU | |
ii 4747 | a-li-ki za-áš-gu-[bi a-li]-ki [še-ḫi]-ri a-gu-bi 2 ME 32 ANŠE.KUR.RA | |
ii 4848 | [x x LIM] ⸢8⸣ ME ⸢3 GU₄⸣.[pa-ḫi-ni]-e [pa-ru-bi 10?] LIM 1 LIM 6 ME 26 UDU.šú-še.MEŠ | |
ii 4949 | (ii 49) [Argiš]ti [sa]ys: for the god Ḫaldi I accomplished t[hes]e undertakings. The god [Ḫald]i set off with his weapon, he defeated the troops of the land Aššur, he defeated the land of the (tribe) ’Arsita, he subjected the land to Argišti. | |
ii 5050 | ||
ii 5151 | ||
ii 5252 | ||
ii 5353 | ||
ii 5454 | ||
ii 5555 | (ii 55) Argišti, son [of] Minua, says: I added(?) the land Ašš[ur] (and?] its troops to my land. I mobilized the troops. I prayed to the god Ḫaldi, (my) Lord, the Weather-God, the Sun-God (and all) the gods of the land Biainili. Through the greatness of my lord what I asked for the gods listened to me. | |
ii 5656 | ||
ii 5757 | ||
Column iii | ||
iii 1iii 1 | KUR.e-ba-ni-[ú]-ki áš-du LÚ.ḫu-ra-di-ni-e-li ú-e-li-du-ú-⸢bi⸣ | |
iii 22 | ḫu-⸢ti⸣-a-di [d]⸢ḫal⸣-di-e-di EN-di dIM-di dUTU-di DINGIR.MEŠ-áš-te⸢a⸣-na-áš-[te] | |
iii 33 | a-lu-⸢si⸣-[ni]-ni al-su-i-ši-ni a-li a-ba-a-di ḫa-a-ši-al-⸢me⸣ DINGIR.MEŠ | |
iii 44 | mar-giš-[ti-še a]-⸢li⸣-e dḫal-di-i ku-ru-ni dḫal-di-ni GIŠ.⸢šú-ri⸣-i ku-ru-ni | (iii 4) Argišt[ti sa]ys: Behind(?) the god Ḫaldi, behind(?) the weapon of the god Ḫaldi, through the greatness of the god Ḫal[di] I marched to the land of Qilašini, mountainous land. |
iii 55 | dḫal-[di-ni-ni al]-⸢su-i⸣-ši-ni a-ri-bi-⸢ri⸣-da-di ka-i KUR.qi-la-ši-ni | |
iii 66 | su-[ṭu-qu-bi?] 20 LIM [x x x] 11 LIM 4 ME 39 ub-še iš-ti-ni za-⸢du⸣ | (iii 6) . I captured(?) 20000[+ x . . . ], I gained 11439 young man(?) there. I [mobiliz]ed the troops, I took them away from my land. In the sa[me year I set off] to the city Menabšuni and the city Duduma, |
iii 77 | ||
iii 88 | i-[ku-ka-ni MU uš-ta-di]šú-ni-e-di URU.du-⸢du!⸣-ma-a-i-[di] | |
iii 99 | [ḫa-ú-bi URU.x-x-x URU] MAN-nu-si KUR.e-ba-a-ni-i-e ḫa-a-ú-bi | (iii 9) [I conquered the city ...], royal [city] of the region. I conquered [ . . . . . . . . . . . ] the city Šurḫarara in the land of Buštu. [ . . . . . . . . . I set off] to the land of the city Babiluini. |
iii 1010 | [x x x x x x x x x] x URU.šur-⸢ḫa⸣-ra-ra-a KUR.bu-uš-tú-ú-e | |
iii 1111 | [x x x x x x uš-ta-di] ⸢URU⸣.ba-bi-lu-i-ni-e KUR.e-ba-ni-e-di | |
iii 1212 | [x x x x x x x]-ú-a-ta-i-di KUR.pár-šú-a-i-di | (iii 12) [ . . . . . . . ] to [the land of Baru]ataandthe land Paršua (territory of Persion population groups). I devastated the territory of the land [Paršu]aandI bu[rn]t down settlements. [ . . . . . . . .x+]5140 people in one year, |
iii 1313 | [x x x x x x x KUR.pár-šú]-a-i KUR.e-ba-ni a-tú-bi URU.MEŠ ⸢GÍBIL⸣-bi | |
iii 1414 | ||
iii 1515 | [x x x x x x x x a-li]-ki za-⸢áš⸣-[gu-bi] a-li-ki TI.[MEŠ] a-gu-[bi] | (iii 15) [ . . . ] some (of them) [I] kil[led], some (of them) [I] deported alive, [ . . . . . . . x horse]s [ . . . x+]987 bovines, [ . . . . . . . . . x+]5 sheep. |
iii 1616 | [x x x x x x x ANŠE.KUR].⸢RA⸣.MEŠ [x x x] 9 ME 87 GU₄.pa-⸢ḫi-ni⸣-[e?] | |
iii 1717 | [x x x x x x x x x x] 5 UDU.šú-še-e | |
iii 1818 | (iii 18) [Argišti sa]ys: For the god Ḫaldi I acc[omplished] the[se under]takings in one year. The god Ḫal[di set off with h]is weapon, he defeated [the soldier]s of Ašš[ur], he defeat[ed] the land Buštuandthe land Tariu, he subjected them to Argišti. | |
iii 1919 | ||
iii 2020 | ||
iii 2121 | ka-ru-ni KUR.aš-⸢šur⸣ [LÚ.ḫu-ra-di]-⸢e⸣ ka-ru-[ni] KUR.bu-uš-tú-ni | |
iii 2222 | ||
iii 2323 | (iii 23) Through the greatness of the god Ḫaldi Argišti says: I built fortresses, I controlled(?) the land Šurišili; (I) x-ed the soldiers of the land Aššur in front of my land. | |
iii 2424 | É.GAL.MEŠ ši-du-ú-ú-li KUR.šú-ri-[ši]-li-[ni]-i iš-pu-ú-i-ú-bi | |
iii 2525 | ||
iii 2626 | (iii 26) I prayed to the god Ḫaldi, my Lord, the Weather-God, the Sun-God, (and all) the gods of the land Biainili. Through the greatness of (my) lord what I asked for the gods listened to me. Argišti, son of Minua, s[ay]s: | |
iii 2727 | DINGIR.MEŠ-áš-teáš-te a-lu-si-ni-ni ⸢al⸣-su-i-ši-ni a-[li] ⸢a⸣-ba-di | |
iii 2828 | ḫa-ši-al-me DINGIR.MEŠ mar-gi-iš-ti-še mmì-nu-a-ḫi-ni-še a-[li]-e | |
iii 2929 | (iii 29) Behind(?) the god Ḫaldi, behind(?) the weapon of the god Ḫaldi, through the greatness Ḫaldi I mobilized the au[a]raši men, I expel[led] the land Aššur, [I] kill[e]d [. . . ] from my land; Dadaniandthe auaraši men. [. . .] and I burnt down. | |
iii 3030 | dḫal-di-ni-ni [al]-su-i-[ši]-ni LÚ.a-ú-[a]-ra-ši-li ki-da-nu-bi | |
iii 3131 | KUR.aš-šur su-ú-i-[du]-bi za-⸢áš⸣-[gu]-⸢bi⸣ [x x x] KUR.e-ba-ni-ú-⸢ka⸣-ni | |
iii 3232 | mda-a-da-ni LÚ.[a-ú]-a!-ra-[ši-li x x x x]-x-be a-mu-⸢ú⸣-bi | |
iii 3333 | i-ku-ka-ni MU uš-ta-di KUR.⸢ḫa⸣-[x-x-x-di KUR.x-x-x]-i-e-⸢e⸣-di | (iii 33) That same year I set off to the land Ḫ[a-x-x-x and the land x], to the land Arḫau [ . . . . . the city x], royal city, and 60 villages together with the men [and the women] I deported. |
iii 3434 |ḫa-ú-e ⸢e⸣-di-[a x x x x x x URU.x-x-x]-ni ⸢URU⸣ [MAN]-nu-si | |
iii 3535 | 60 URU.MEŠ-e LÚ.UN.MEŠ-ra-[niú.MEŠ ta]-áš-⸢mu-ú⸣-bi | |
iii 3636 | uš-ta-di KUR.bu-uš-tú-ú-e-⸢di⸣ [x x x x x x x x URU].⸢šur⸣-ḫa-[ra]-⸢ra⸣-[a] | (iii 36) I went to the land Buštu [ . . . . . . . . the city] Šurḫa[ra]ra, the city Aburzani, the city [. . . . . . . . . . .] . . . , the city Qaduqaniu of the land [. . . . . . . . .] I conquered. |
iii 3737 | URU.a-bur-za-ni-ni URU.[x x x x x x x x x]-gi-[ni] | |
iii 3838 |ú-ni KUR.[x x x x x x x x] ḫa-ú-[bi] | |
iii 3939 | mar-gi-iš-ti-še a-li-e [x x x x x x x x x x x]-tú-ú-[bi] | (iii 39) Argišti says: [ . . . . . . . . . . . . I bur]nt(?) down(?), I came to Ma[na], mountai[nous] land. 18827 pe[op]le in (one) year, some (of them) I killed, some (of them) I deported alive, (together with) 606 [hor]ses, 184 camels, 6257 oxen, 33203 sheep. |
iii 4040 | ||
iii 4141 | 10 LIM 8 LIM 8 ME 27 LÚ.ta-[ar-šú]-a-[ni].MEŠ šá-a-[li]-e | |
iii 4242 | a-li-ki za-áš-gu-bi a-li-ki še-ḫi-e-ri [a-gu]-bi 6 ME ⸢6⸣ [ANŠE].KUR.RA | |
iii 4343 | 1 ME 84 ANŠE.A.AB.BA.MEŠ 6 LIM 2 ME 57 GU₄.pa-ḫi-ni 30 LIM 3 LIM 2 ME ⸢3⸣ UDU.⸢šú⸣-[še] | |
iii 4444 | mar-giš-ti-še mmì-nu-a-ḫi-ni-še a-li-⸢e⸣ dḫal-di-a ⸢iš⸣-ti-ni-i-e | (iii 44) Argišti, son of Minua, says: for the god Ḫaldi I accomplished these undertakings in one year. |
iii 4545 | ||
iii 4646 | (iii 46) The god Ḫaldi set off with his weapon, he defeated the land Ijani, he defeated the land Manaandthe land Buštu, he subjected them to Argišti. Through the greatness of the god Ḫaldi Argišti says: I mobilized šurḫani soldiers. | |
iii 4747 | ka-ru-ni [KUR].i-ia-a-ni-ni KUR-ni-e ka-ru-ni KUR.bu-uš-tú-ni | |
iii 4848 | ||
iii 4949 | mar-giš-ti-še a-⸢li⸣-e šur-ḫa-a-ni LÚ.A.SI.MEŠ ú-e-li-du-ú-li | |
iii 5050 | (iii 50) I prayed to Ḫaldi, my Lord, the Weather-God, the Sun-God, (and all) the gods of the land Biainili. Through the greatness of my Lord the gods listened to me. | |
iii 5151 | ||
iii 5252 | ||
iii 5353 | (iii 53) Argišti, son of Minua, says: Behind(?) the god Ḫaldi, behind(?) the weapon of the god Ḫaldi, through the greatness of the god Ḫaldi I set off to the land Ijani. I conquered the land, I de[str]oyed fortresses and burnt down settlements. | |
iii 5454 | ||
iii 5555 | ||
iii 5656 | ||
iii 5757 | ||
iii 5858 | (iii 58) The city Era[-X . . . the city] Erateli uli I conquered; [menandwomen I] deported from [the]re. | |
iii 5959 | ||
iii 6060 | (iii 60) The sa[me year] I set off to the land Mana [ . . . and to the land B]uštu. The river Zatura[ni? . . . . .] . . . was fortified with gari rock, I conquered it in battle; men and women I deported from there . . . [. . .] . . . [. . .] I came to . . . | |
iii 6161 | [x x x x KUR.bu]-uš-tú-ú-ni Íú?-ra-[ni?] | |
iii 6262 | [x x x x] ⸢ga⸣-ri-ni qar-bi [a-gu]-nu-ni [ma-nu] | |
iii 6363 | ||
iii 6464 | ||
iii 6565 | x [x x x x]-⸢ni?⸣ a ni [x?] | |
iii 6666 | [x x x x] ta ni [x?] | |
iii 6767 | [x x x x] a?-me-ri ⸢i?⸣ [x] | |
iii 6868 | [x x x x]-⸢še⸣ mu-ur-⸢mu⸣ [x x] | |
iii 6969 | [x x x x x x x x x] | |
iii 7070 | ||
iii 7171 | mú-⸢e?⸣-[x-x-x] | |
Column iv | ||
iv 1iv 1 | (iv 1) 18243 people in (one) year. Some (of them) I killed, some (of them) I deported alive. 790 horses, 100 donkeys, 11 x-tuni oxen, 22529 oxen, 36830 sheep. | |
iv 22 | ||
iv 33 | ||
iv 44 | ||
iv 55 | 7 ME.MEŠ 90 ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ | |
iv 66 | ||
iv 77 | 20 LIM 2 LIM 5 ME 29 GU₄.pa-ḫi-ni | |
iv 88 | ||
iv 99 | (iv 9) Argišti says: For the god Ḫaldi I achieved these undertakings in one year. | |
iv 1010 | ||
iv 1111 | ||
iv 1212 | ||
iv 1313 | ||
iv 1414 | (iv 14) The god Ḫaldi set off with his weapon, he defeated the land Mana, he defeated the land Irkiuni and he submitted them to Argišti. | |
iv 1515 | ||
iv 1616 | ||
iv 1717 | ||
iv 1818 | ||
iv 1919 | ||
iv 2020 | ||
iv 2121 | (iv 21) Through the greatness of the god Ḫaldi Argišti, son of Minua, says: I prayed to Ḫaldi, my Lord, the Weather-God, the Sun-God (and all) the gods of the land Biainili. Through the greatness of (my) lord what I asked for the gods listened to me. | |
iv 2222 | ||
iv 2323 | ||
iv 2424 | ||
iv 2525 | ||
iv 2626 | ||
iv 2727 | ||
iv 2828 | ||
iv 2929 | ||
iv 3030 | (iv 30) Argišti, son of Minua, says: Behind(?) the god Ḫaldi, behind(?) the weapon of the god Ḫaldi, through the greatness of the god Ḫaldi I set off against the land Mana, I conquered the land Irkiuni, I came to the pass of the land Aššur; | |
iv 3131 | ||
iv 3232 | ||
iv 3333 | ||
iv 3434 | ||
iv 3535 | ||
iv 3636 | ||
iv 3737 | 6 LIM 4 ME 71 LÚ.UN.MEŠ ⸢MU⸣.a-li-ki za-áš-gu-ú-bi | (iv 37) 6471 people in one year, some (of them) I killed, some (of them) I deported alive, (together with) 286 horses, 2251 bovines, 8205 sheep. |
iv 3838 | ||
iv 3939 | 2 LIM 2 ME 51 GU₄.pa-ḫi-ni.MEŠ 8 LIM 2 ME 5 UDU.šú-še.MEŠ | |
iv 4040 | (iv 40) Argišti says: For the god Ḫaldi I achieved these undertakings in one year. The god Ḫaldi set off with his weapon, he defeated the land Mana, he defeated the land Buštu,andhe subjected it to Argišti, son of Minua. | |
iv 4141 | ||
iv 4242 | ||
iv 4343 | ||
iv 4444 | ||
iv 4545 | ||
iv 4646 | (iv 46) Through the greatness of the god Ḫaldi Argišti, says: I prayed to Ḫaldi, my Lord, the Weather-God, the Sun-God (and all) the gods of the land Biainili. For the greatness of (my) lord what I asked for the gods listened to me. | |
iv 4747 | ||
iv 4848 | ||
iv 4949 | ||
iv 5050 | (iv 50) Argišti, son of Minua, says: Behind(?) the god Ḫaldi, behind(?) the weapon of the god Ḫaldi, through the greatness of the god Ḫaldi I went to war against the land Buštu, | |
iv 5151 | ||
iv 5252 | ||
iv 5353 | ||
iv 5454 | (iv 54) I conquered the valley of Ašqaia,andthe land Šatiraraga. On the right(?) side(?) I subdued the land Ugišti,andon the left(?) side(?) the land Uši. I came to the land Alaṭi, mountainous land. | |
iv 5555 | ||
iv 5656 | ||
iv 5757 | ||
iv 5858 | (iv 58) I burnt down the land, I destroyed the settlements, men and women I carried away from there; [7]873 people in one year. Some (of them) I killed, some (of them) I deported alive. I carried away [2]90 horses, [101] camels, [4909 bovines], [1]9550 sheep. | |
iv 5959 | ||
iv 6060 | [7] LIM 8 ME 73 LÚ.ta-ar-šú-a-[ni šá-a]-⸢li⸣ | |
iv 6161 | ||
iv 6262 | [2?] ⸢ME⸣ 90 ANŠE.KUR.⸢RA⸣.MEŠ [pa-ru-bi] | |
iv 6363 | [1 ME 1] ANŠE.A.AB.BA.MEŠ [4 LIM 9 ME 9 GU₄.pa-ḫi-ni.MEŠ] | |
iv 6464 | [10 LIM] ⸢9 LIM⸣ 5 ME ⸢50⸣ [UDU.šú-še.MEŠ] | |
iv 6565 | (iv 65) [Argi]šti says: For [the god Ḫaldi] I achieved [th]ese [under]takin[gs in one year]. The god Ḫaldi set off [with] hi[s we]apon, he defeated the land Mana, he [sub]jected (its) soldiers to Argišti, son of [Mi]nua. | |
iv 6666 | ||
iv 6767 | ||
iv 6868 | ||
iv 6969 | ||
iv 7070 | (iv 70) Through the greatness of [the god Ḫal]di [Ar]gišti, son of Minua, says: when edificai Argištiḫinili I dug a caal from the river (Arasse) in the land of the (tribe) ’Aza. | |
iv 7171 | ||
iv 7272 | ||
iv 7373 | ||
iv 7474 | (iv 74) I [hear]d that the land Mana intended to conquer the city Sirani. | |
iv 7575 | ||
iv 7676 | ||
iv 7777 | ||
iv 7878 | (iv 78) Argišti says: with a single(?) contingent(?) of troops (šeptusinaṣi) I besieged the city Sirani,andI came to the land Mana. | |
iv 7979 | [LÚ].A.SI.MEŠ-ṣi-e LÚ.ú-e-li šú-si-ni-e [x-x-x]-⸢di?⸣ | |
iv 8080 | ⸢URU⸣.si-ra-ni qa-ab-qa-ru-⸢lu⸣-bi nu-na-bi⸢a⸣-[ni KUR]-ni | |
iv 8181 | (iv 81b) Through the greatness of the god Ḫaldi Argišti sa[ys: I] expelled [the land Mana] from the frontier [ . . . ] the fortress. I took/conquered [. . . . . ], in the place [ . . . . . ]. I devastated the land, I burnt down settlements, 3270 peopl[e in one year]. Some (of them) I killed, some (of them) I [deported] ali[ve]. I carried away 170 horses, 62 cam[els], 2411 bovines, 6160(?) [sheep]. | |
Column v | ||
v 1v 1 | ||
v 22 | ba-di-ni-ni su-ú-i-du-[lu-bi x x x x] | |
v 33 | ||
v 44 | ||
v 55 | 3 LIM 2 ME 70 LÚ.ta-ar-šú-ú-[a-ni.MEŠ MU?] | |
v 66 | ||
v 77 | 1 ME 70 ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ pa-ru-bi 62 ANŠE.A.[AB.BA.MEŠ] | |
v 88 | 2 LIM 4 ME 11 GU₄.pa-ḫi-ni.MEŠ 6 LIM 1 ME 60? [UDU.šú-še] | |
v 99 | (v 9) Argišti says: for the god Ḫaldi U accomplished these undertakings in one year. Ḫaldi set off with his weapon, he defeated the valley of the land Ṭuaraṣini up to the land Gurku, he defeated the land Mana,andhe subjected its troops to Argišti. | |
v 1010 | ||
v 1111 | ||
v 1212 | ||
v 1313 | ||
v 1414 | ||
v 1515 | (v 15) Argišti says: Ḫaldi granted me both bravery(?) and pugnacity. From the river Dainalitini I dug a canal, I created prosperity(?) for the land. | |
v 1616 | ||
v 1717 | [x x x] ÍD.da-i-na-⸢li-ti⸣-ni-ni PA₅ a-gu-bi | |
v 1818 | ||
v 1919 | (v 19) Argišti, son of Minua, says: I prayed to Ḫaldi, my Lord, the Weather-God, the Sun-God (and all) the gods of the land Biainili. Through the greatness of (my) lord what I asked for the gods listed to me. | |
v 2020 | ||
v 2121 | ||
v 2222 | ||
v 2323 | (v 23b) I mobilized the troops, I set off to the land Mana, I devastated the land, I burnt down settlements. I came to the city Uiamka in the land Buštu. | |
v 2424 | ||
v 2525 | ||
v 2626 | (v 26) Menandwomen I deported from there, 13979 people in (one) year. Some (of them) I killed, some of them I deported alive. 308 horses I carried away, 8221 bovines, 32538 sheep. | |
v 2727 | 10 LIM 3 LIM 9 ME 79 LÚ.ta-ar-šú-a-ni.MEŠ MU | |
v 2828 | ||
v 2929 | 3 ME 8 ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ pa-ru-bi 8 LIM ⸢2⸣ ME 21 GU₄.pa-ḫi-ni | |
v 3030 | 3 a-ti-bi 2 LIM 5 ME 38 UDU.[šú-še].MEŠ | |
v 3131 | (v 31) Argišti says: for the god Ḫaldi I achieved these undertakings in one year. The god Ḫaldi set off with his weapon, he defeated the land Mana, he defeated the land Etiuniandhe subjected them to Argišti. Behind(?) the god Ḫaldi, through the greatness of the god Ḫaldi Argišti, son of Minua, says: | |
v 3232 | ||
v 3333 | ||
v 3434 | ||
v 3535 | ||
v 3636 | ||
v 3737 | ||
v 3838 | (v 38) I set off to Mana, I devastated the land, I burnt down settlements. The city Simeriḫadirini, royal city, was fortified; I took it in battle and carried away from there men and women. | |
v 3939 | ||
v 4040 | gu-nu-šá-a ḫa-ú-bi ʾa-šeú iš-ti-ni-ni pa-⸢ru⸣-[bi] | |
v 4141 | (v 41) Argišti says: I heard that the land Etiuni wanted to loot aštiuzi of the city Ardini. In the same year once again I mobilized the troops. I prayed to the god Ḫaldi, my Lord, the Weather-God, the Sun-God, (and all) the gods of the land Biainili. Through the greatness of (my) lord what I asked for the gods listened to me. | |
v 4242 | ||
v 4343 | ||
v 4444 | ||
v 4545 | ||
v 4646 | ||
v 4747 | (v 47) I set off to the land Etiuni, I conquered the land of the (tribe) Eriaḫiandthe (tribe) Katarza. I came to the land Išqigulu, men and women I carried away to the land Biainili. | |
v 4848 | ||
v 4949 | ||
v 5050 | ||
v 5151 | (v 51) Argišti says: through the greatness of the god Ḫaldi I set off to the land Uiṭeruḫi, [I conquered] the land Uiṭeruḫi, I devastated the land Uiṭeruḫi, I [burnt down] the settlements, I [conquer]ed(?) the city Amegu[. . . . . . . . the land] Uiṭeruḫi [. . . . . .] | |
v 5252 | ||
v 5353 | ||
v 5454 | [x x x x x x]-ú-bi URU.a-me-⸢gu⸣-[x x] x [x] | |
v 5555 | [x x x x x x KUR].ú-i-ṭè-⸢ru⸣-[ḫi x x] x x [x x] | |
v 5656 | a-⸢li⸣ [x x x x x] x nu-ni-⸢ri⸣ [x x x x x] | (v 56) x[. . . . . . ] . . . [ . . . ] I [s]et up an inscription [there(?)]. [I came?] to(?) [. . . .] . . . [. . .] king of the land U[-x . . .] . . . [. . .] . . . [. . .] . . . [. . .] |
v 5757 | DUB-[te iš-ti-ni? te]-ru-⸢ú⸣-bi [x x x x x x] | |
v 5858 | ||
v 5959 | ||
v 6060 | bi-du-⸢ia?⸣-[še? x x x]-li a-[x x x x] | |
v 6161 | [x x x x x x x x]-x-di [x x x x] | |
v 6262 | [x x x x x x x x]-⸢di?⸣ e-ni-[x x x] | |
v 6363 | [x x x x x x x x x x x x] | |
v 6464 | [x x x x x x x x].⸢MEŠ⸣ e-[x x] | |
v 6565 | (v 65) so[me] (of them) [I killed s]ome (of them) [I deported] alive, 1200[+ x horses], 29504 [bovines], 60000 + x and 305 sheep I car[ried away]. | |
v 6666 | 1 LIM 2 [ME x x ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ] 20 LIM 9 LIM 5 ME ⸢4⸣ [GU₄.pa-ḫi-ni] | |
v 6767 | 6 a-ti-[bi x x x] 3 ME 5 [x] UDU.šú-še.MEŠ pa-[ru-bi] | |
v 6868 | (v 68) Argiš[ti] says: fo[r] the god Ḫaldi I accom[plished] these [un]dertakings in one year. The god Ḫaldi set off with his weapon, he defeated the land [Tar]iuni, mountai[nous] land, he defeated the land Urme(?) and subjected them [to] of Argiš[ti]. | |
v 6969 | ||
v 7070 | ||
v 7171 | ||
v 7272 | ||
v 7373 | (v 73) Behind(?) the god Ḫaldi, through the great[ness] of the god Ḫaldi Argišti say[s]: I set off to the land Tari[uni], 11 fortresses . . . fortified. I took it in battle. | |
v 7474 | ||
v 7575 | 11 É.⸢GAL⸣.MEŠ x-ri-a-x a-gu-nu-ni gu-nu-šá-[a ḫa-ú-bi] | |
v 7676 | dḫal-di-e-⸢i ṭè-ra-i⸣-ni iš-ti-ni i-a-x-[x x x] | (v 76) The ṭeraini of the god Ḫaldi here/there . . . . . . Argišti, son of Minua, [says]: Ḫal[di] granted me both bravery(?)andpugnacity. . . . I burnt down and dist[royed] x fortresses, [I set up] an in[scription there], I carr[ied away] from there men and women. |
v 7777 | ||
v 7878 | dḫal-[di-iš-me] ⸢uš-ḫa⸣-nu-ni ⸢e⸣-ʾa ḫu-ṭu-tú-ḫi e-⸢ʾa gu⸣-[nu-še] | |
v 7979 | ni-x-x-li pa-ḫi a-e x É.GAL.MEŠ GÍBIL-bi ḫar-[ḫar-šú-bi te-ru-bi] | |
v 8080 | ⸢DUB⸣-[te iš-ti]-⸢i⸣-ni ʾa-šeú iš-ti-ni-ni ⸢pa⸣-[ru-bi] | |
v 8181 | (v 81) Argišti says: in the same year once ag[ain I mobilized the troops]. I prayed [to the god Ḫaldi, my Lord, the Weather-God, the Sun-God] ( and all) the gods of the land Biainili. Through the greatness of (my) lord what I asked for the gods listened to me ... I set off to the land Urme, [I conquered the land Urme]andI devastated the land. I came to the land [. . .]; | |
Column vi | ||
vi 1vi 1 | ||
vi 22 | ||
vi 33 | DINGIR.MEŠ-áš-[teáš-te a-lu-si-ni-ni al-su-i-ši-ni] | |
vi 44 | ||
vi 55 | ||
vi 66 | [KUR]-ni-e KUR-ni a-tú-bi ku-ṭi₅-⸢a⸣-[di] ⸢pa⸣-ri [KUR.x-x-x] | |
vi 77 | [x] URU.MEŠ GÍBIL-bi ʾa-šeú a-gu-bi[a-na-i-di] | (vi 7) I burnt down x settlements, I deported men and women to the land Bi[ainili], all together 24813 people in (one) year, some (of them) I killed, some (of them) I [deported] alive; 25 horses, [x thousands +]744 bovines and 48825 sheep. |
vi 88 | ⸢PAP⸣ 20? LIM 4 LIM 8 ME 13 LÚ.UN.MEŠ MU a-li-ki za-áš-gu-bi a-li-ki TI.MEŠ [a-gu-bi] | |
vi 99 | 25 ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ [x LIM x] LIM 7 ME 44 GU₄.⸢pa⸣-ḫi-ni 40 LIM 8 LIM 8 ME 25 UDU.⸢šú-še⸣ | |
vi 1010 | mar-giš-ti-še mmì-nu-a-ḫi-ni-še a-li-[e] dḫal-di-a iš-ti-ni-e | (vi 10) Argišti, son of Minua, says: for the god Ḫaldi I accomplished these undertakings in one year. Through the greatness of the god [Ḫaldi] Argišti says: when I became king the god Ḫaldi gave me not aldinie 7566 [bo]vines, 51878 sheep. Argiš[ti] says: this happened(?) (during these?) years. |
vi 1111 | ||
vi 1212 | ||
vi 1313 | i-ú MAN-nu-a-di [x-x]-li-e-me d[ḫal]-di-še a-ru-ni ú-i al-di-ni-e | |
vi 1414 | 7 ⸢LIM⸣ 5 ME 66 GU₄.[pa]-ḫi-ni.MEŠ 50 LIM 1 LIM 8 ME 78 UDU.MEŠ | (vi 14b) Through the greatness of the god Ḫaldi Argišti says: when I besieged the city Biḫurani, I destroyed the city Biḫurani and the nearby land Bamni murumuriaḫininani up to the sun. I destroyed the land Bamni, I conquered the city Biḫurani. |
vi 1515 | ||
vi 1616 | ||
vi 1717 | ||
vi 1818 | ||
vi 1919 | ||
vi 2020 | ||
Column vii | ||
vii 1vii 1 | [dḫal-di-ni-ni al]-⸢su⸣-i-⸢ši-ni⸣ [m]ar-⸢giš⸣-ti-[še mmì-nu-a-ḫi-ni-še a-li-e] | (vii 1) Through the [great]ness of the [god Ḫaldi] Argišti, [son of Minua, says:] |
vii 22 | [x x x x x]-⸢bi ni?⸣ [x x x x x x] ⸢za⸣-du-[ú-bi] | (vii 2) [. . .] . . . [. . . I] accomp[lished] . . . [. . .] . . . [. . .] iron, mound of ruins [. . .] . . . [. . .] . . . the land Ḫ[uša(?) . . .] . . . |
vii 33 | [x x x x x x x x x x x x] a? [x x x x x x x x] | |
vii 1’1’ | [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]-⸢ru⸣-na-gi | |
vii 2’2’ | ||
vii 3’3’ | [x x x x x x x x x x x x]-ú-ri-⸢ni⸣ | |
vii 4’4’ | [x x x x x x x x x x x x]-⸢ri⸣-e ni-[x] | |
vii 5’5’ | [x x x x x x x x x x x x]-a-še KUR.⸢ḫu?⸣-[šá?-ni?] | |
vii 6’6’ | [x x x x x x x x x x x x]-ra-ku-ni | |
Column viii | ||
viii 1viii 1 | (viii 1) Argišti says: (as for the one) who destroys this inscription, (as for the one) who damages it, (as for the one) who makes anyone else do these thingsand says ‘destroy’, (as for the one) who says ‘I made (this)’, (as for the one) who takes away something from this place, (or) x-ses, may the god Ḫaldi, the Weather-God, the Sun-God, (and all) the gods, destroy him and (his) offspring and his offspring's offspring under the sun . . . (rest of curse formula impossible to translate). | |
viii 22 | ||
viii 33 | ||
viii 44 | ||
viii 55 | ||
viii 66 | ||
viii 77 | ||
viii 88 | ||
viii 99 | ||
viii 1010 | ||
viii 1111 | ||
viii 1212 | ||
viii 1313 | ||
viii 1414 | ||
viii 1515 | ||
viii 1616 | ||
viii 1717 | ||
viii 1818 | ||
viii 1919 | ||
viii 2020 |
1 The geographical name "land Bia " here obviously does not refer to the land Urartu which in Urartian are called "Bia lands ", but to a different land.
2 The term šili probably denotes a part of the land or a group of people belonging to the land.
3 Usually the relative clause "what I asked for " (ali abadi ) is followed by the main clause "the gods listed to me " (hašialme DINGIR.MEŠ ), cf ., e.g ., col . ii 39-40 and col . iii 27-28 . Here , however , the main clause is ommitted.
4 The meaning of the word mari (or marini ?) is unclear . The context , however , suggests that it denotes a kind of protective barrier of rock . Cf . also Salvini (CTU I : 334 and CTU V 202 ) who leaves the word untranslated : "marinini roccia era fortificata".
5 CTU I : 334 and CTU V : 202 erroneously 22279.
6 For a discussion of lines 72-74 see Mirjo Salvini “Nuovi confronti fra hurrico and urarteo” , SMEA 29 , 1992 , pp . 217-225 : especially p . 218.
Based on Mirjo Salvini, Corpus dei Testi Urartei (CTU), Volume I–V, 2008–2018: Adapted, revised, lemmatized, and translated into English, by Birgit Christiansen (2016-) for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as