Citing Oracc URLs online and in print

This page describes how to refer to Oracc web pages online or in print, using short, stable URLs. A wider range of options, described in more technical language, is given on the Oracc URI patterns page. | Projects | Single texts | List of texts | Whole glossaries | Glossary entries

Whether you are linking to Oracc from a web page or another online resource, or citing Oracc resources in print, you should not cite the server directly. Instead, use the hostname Then append the relevant part of the URL as given in the examples, which are designed to be permanent. The hostname will always redirect to the current Oracc server, wherever it is hosted.


Decide whether you want to link to the home page of a project (which is likely to include a text-based description of its aims and scope), or directly to the corpus outline. Always the lower-case project abbreviation, and remember to include the final /. For instance:

Project home page
Corpus home page

Some projects have subprojects:

Subproject home page
Subproject corpus home page

If a project (or subproject) does not have a separate home page, the home-page URL defaults to the corpus home page. For instance, is equivalent to


There are various different ways of linking to single or several texts in a corpus. For instance:

Single texts

To link directly to a single text in a project, for instance to embed it in another web page, use the the text's ID (i.e., P-, Q- or X-number) and add /html. For example:

We don't recommend this method for print citations. In this case, use the text ID alone, as described below.

Lists of texts

There are a few different ways of generating a list of one or more texts in a project:

Using text IDs
List the IDs P-, Q- or X-number(s) ) of one or more texts, separated by commas (but no spaces) and no final .html or /. For example:
Using keywords from the catalogue
Sometimes it is useful to provide a list of texts as if they were the results of a catalogue search. Use a question mark ? before the search term. For instance:


Whole glossaries

Give the lower-case abbreviation for the glossary or subglossary, without a final /. For example:

Glossary entries

You can also give lists of one more glossary entries, using Sumerian, Akkadian and/or English keywords. For instance:

Further information

The range of citation patterns, described in more technical language, is given on the Oracc URI Patterns page.

10 Aug 2020 osc at oracc dot org

Steve Tinney & Eleanor Robson

Steve Tinney & Eleanor Robson, 'Citing Oracc URLs online and in print', Oracc: The Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus, Oracc, 2020 []

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