The Oracc command

This page documents the various project management tasks you can carry out using the oracc programme on the Oracc server.

Before you begin

Log in to Oracc with Putty or Terminal.

To carry out any of these commands type oracc OPTION and press return, where OPTION is any one of the options listed below. For instance, oracc config puts into effect any changes you have made to your project configuration file.

In general, commands send the project or part of it to the build server, then check the build server occasionally (usually every 10 seconds) to see if it is done. When the build server is done, it sends back a log file, oracc.log, as well as any processed files such as merged glossaries. If any of the returned files need to be put in particular places, the oracc command takes care of that for you. It writes oracc.log to the screen for convenience, but you can also review that file as necessary.

To review the oracc.log file, type less oracc.log at the command line and press return. Scroll up and down the file with the arrow keys and quit the file by typing q.

The oracc programme must be run in your project's main directory; if you are in a subdirectory such as 00atf it will not work. (The prompt and/or the window header of the terminal will tell you where you are in the directory structure; for instructions on moving between directories see the list of Unix commands.)

Program options

The oracc programme understands the following commands:

build [COMMAND]

oracc build
rebuilds any project of any type, doing all the work required for that project's rebuilding
oracc build clean
erases all project files on the build server, then rebuilds the corpus and portal
oracc build corpus
rebuilds only the corpus
oracc build portal
rebuilds only the portal
oracc build full
rebuilds everything, including TEI

check [COMMAND]

oracc check dups
checks for duplicate P-numbers in the corpus.
oracc check gloss
checks that the glossary files are loadable.
oracc check links
checks that the links are correct.
oracc check texts
checks that the corpus ATF files are correct.

colors or colours

Updates the colours used by the web display after you have changed them in the configuration file. Note that at present this only updates the colours used by the pager, not by the portal.


Collects new words from the corpus and places them in 01bld/new/[LANGUAGE].new; the new material can be reviewed but corrections *MUST* be made in the ATF files and/or in 00lib/[LANGUAGE].glo (the main glossary file). See this description of harvesting for more information.

merge [LANGUAGE]

Redoes the harvest and then merges the 01bld/new/[LANGUAGE].new file with the main glossary file. See this description of merging for more information.


Copies the contents of the 00res folder to the build server; this must be done any time the contents of 00res changes, and it should then be followed by oracc build portal.


Copies the contents of the 00res folder to the build server; this must be done any time the contents of 00res changes, and it should then be followed by oracc build portal.

New subprojects can be created by project managers with the oracc subproject command. This looks like: oracc subproject Subproject This is a Sub-project, where Subproject is the abbreviation and This is a Sub-project is the full name; e.g., oracc subproject babylon7 The Inscriptions of the Neo-Babylonian Dynasty.


Rebuilds the lemmatization data, mostly useful if you are working on correcting glossaries and lemmatized texts and want to get quick feedback on changes.

18 Dec 2019 osc at oracc dot org

Steve Tinney & Eleanor Robson

Steve Tinney & Eleanor Robson, 'The Oracc command', Oracc: The Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus, Oracc, 2019 []

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