This document explains how to create Oracc once you have installed the prerequisites.
create the directory where the Oracc installation will live; until path handling is abstracted out into a library routine the only paths that will work in practice are:
/usr/local/oracc /var/local/oracc
create a user 'oracc' with home set to /usr/local/oracc:
/usr/sbin/useradd -d /usr/local/oracc oracc
set a password:
/sbin/passwd oracc
create a group 'oracc' if necessary:
/usr/sbin/groupadd oracc
change ownership of /{usr,var}/local/oracc to oracc:
chown oracc:oracc /{usr,var}/local/oracc
set /usr/local/oracc to be non-world-readable:
chmod o-r /usr/local/oracc
log in as root and create necessary directories:
mkdir -p /deleted_home /oraccbak
log in as oracc and create necessary directories:
mkdir -p 00/sys mkdir -p /var/tmp/oracc/{atfserver,pager} chmod o+w /var/tmp/oracc/*
obtain the Oracc distribution from github [].
put the current Oracc distribution in 00, and unpack it, then link it to src (let's say you've downloaded it to /tmp):
cd ~/00 cp /tmp/oracc-2010-06-23.tar.gz 00 tar zxf ~/00/oracc-2010-06-23.tar.gz ln -sf ~/00/oracc-2010-06-23 ~/src
edit src/misc/admin/
for your environment. If you are not going to host the webservices
yourself you can set ORACC_HOST to
edit src/sys/skel/.bash_profile
if necessary; depending on
the system, it may be necessary to copy the system skel
files (e.g., from /etc/skel) and add the following line to
the end:
. /usr/local/oracc/bin/
The path to bin/
should be the the same as ORACC in
copy the skeleton files to the oracc user home:
cp src/sys/skel/.* ~
source the environment so the build will work:
. src/misc/admin/
Note: if you log out and log in before the installation has at least reached the point of copying the misc/admin files, you will need to source this file manually each time.
Now build everything:
cd ~/src ./
After the build completes, you should review the log files in ~/00/tmp/install*.log; this will tell you if everything has installed successfully.
Now that Oracc is installed, you need to finish up the installation of the root-only tools:
cd ${ORACC}src/sys ./ cd ${ORACC}/00 su chown root:oracc sys chmod go-rx sys
Finally, edit the root-only script to set a default password for new project accounts. Change the line:
## echo -n ******** /usr/bin/passwd --stdin $project
To uncomment it, and replace ******** with the default password. The root ownership and restrictive permissions will ensure that no one is able to see this.
After saving the file and exiting your text editor, use `exit' to logout of being root.
18 Dec 2019Steve Tinney
Steve Tinney, 'Creating Oracc', Oracc: The Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus, Oracc, 2019 []