About Oracc

The Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus (Oracc) is an international cooperative which provides facilities and support for the creation of free online editions of cuneiform texts and educational 'portal' websites about ancient cuneiform culture.

Licensing | History | Methods | Steering Committee | Liaisons | Hosting


Because we believe that the free reusability of data is essential for scholarly progress, we strongly recommend the use of Creative Commons [http://creativecommons.org/about] licensing for Oracc projects, and by default Oracc projects are placed under the CC "Attribution Share-Alike" [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/] license. Read more about Oracc's licensing here.


Oracc emerged from The Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative [http://cdli.ucla.edu] (CDLI). Oracc is a natural complement to CDLI's central archival role as a catalogue and image database of the entire cuneiform corpus and a repository for reference transliterations of that corpus. Oracc transliterations are automatically supplied to the CDLI repository.


Oracc enables groups of texts to be sliced out of the entire corpus and studied intensively within what we call 'projects'. A project's functions can include building signlists, glossaries and prosopographies of these subcorpora. Multilingual translation support is built in to the system, and projects can be turned into Word files, PDFs, and books using the ISO OpenDocument [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDocument] standard. Project data can also be exported to the data format defined by the Text Encoding Initiative [http://www.tei-c.org/index.xml]. TEI export may be used by external projects for further analysis.

Steering Committee

The Oracc Steering Committee (OSC) currently comprises Jamie Novotny [http://www.ag.geschichte.uni-muenchen.de/personen/mitarbeiter/novotny/index.html] at LMU Munich, Eleanor Robson [http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/people/robson/] at the University of Cambridge, Steve Tinney [http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/anch/faculty/tinney.htm] at the University of Pennsylvania, and Niek Veldhuis [http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~veldhuis/] at the University of California Berkeley. The OSC is responsible for ensuring the continuity and documentation of the Oracc system and its permanent web presence, and for assisting with the creation and maintenance of projects. The committee is non-hierarchical and all of its members have equal status.


In general, Oracc projects have one OSC member assigned to them as the Oracc liaison. We are here to help set up and develop projects. For new projects we can provide technical appendices for inclusion in grant applications and other input and feedback into that process as requested.


For ongoing or completed projects using other systems, and for individuals who would like to put their text editions permanently online, we can provide help with converting the text editions to our standards and putting them on the web. Contributors can simply pass their work on to us and have no further involvement, or they are always welcome to continue working with their material under the Oracc umbrella and become managers of their own project.

For more details, see the page on Contributing Corpora to Oracc.

18 Dec 2019 osc at oracc dot org

Steve Tinney & Eleanor Robson

Steve Tinney & Eleanor Robson, 'About Oracc', Oracc: The Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus, Oracc, 2019 [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/doc/about/aboutoracc/]

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Released under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0, 2014. [http://www.facebook.com/opencuneiform] [http://oracc.blogspot.com] [http://www.twitter.com/oracctivity]
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