OB Nippur Izi
1see BBVOT 3, 63 Ugumu Larsa
2See M. Green, JAOS 104 279. For the reading see the gloss in Nabnitu O 156 (MSL 16 291).
3MSL gives gloss naqbu, but no exemplar gives this gloss
4See Civil, FI, 93.
5= sēt dūrim in HS 1461
6MSL 13 gives a line mur ša₄ ak following this line in two sources; the line could not be found in either source
7Attinger 2005 ZA 95, 221
8See Civil 2011 CUSAS 17, 264
9Presumably, the Sumerian is a variant of dilur = MA₂.MUG. Both words are translated akû, which is homonym of akû 'crippled', the translation of the preceding line.
10see Attinger ZA 95, 211
11MSL reads a₂ gaz; in HS 1802, it is clearly da-kum; in CBS 2145 it is clearly a₂-kum, but the latter also gives a₂-ga-an and a₂-ra-an-šub for da-ga-an and da-ga-an-šub; see Crisostomo 2014, 424-25
12See Erica Couto-Ferreira Etnoanatomia (2009) 288.
13Akkadian rapādu or itpuṣu(< napāṣu), both suggesting uncontrolled movements.
14Written ur₂-pa-at in HS 1461 i 25 (Krebernik, ZA 94, 2004, 226-249) and equated with itpuṣu (see previous entry).
15See lum = šu-tu-hu-um (OB Aa 347:1) and hum = na-tuh-hu (AaV/1 28). The reading it-ta-hu-um is uncertain; perhaps ṭābihum = slaughterer
16Where bala is translated būdu (or pūdu) the word does not refer to 'shoulder' but rather to the religious ceremony. See the references collected in M.P. Streck, SAD 1 41f. Bilingual references include Lu₂-azlag A 407 and AO 23996 (P333169) i 22; see also A. George, The Babylonian Gilgameš Epic II, 833.