OB Nippur Ura 03
1See Steinkeller BSA 8: 52.
2See Steinkeller BSA 8: 51.
3See Steinkeller BSA 8: 56.
4See Sallaberger Klein FS 236, 242-244, 253.
5Later ur₅-ra tradition furnishes this entry with two distinct meanings, good quality (Akkadian dummuqu) and goring (Akkadian muttakpu).
6See Steinkeller BSA 8: 56. akk kurkurr=anu
7See Balke Dietrich FS 43 and Heimpel Mari Letters (2003) 202 n. 88.
8See Steinkeller BSA 8: 56.
9See Van de Mieroop BSA 7: 168, Attinger ZA 95: 237-238.
10See Heimpel BSA 7: 122-123, Steinkeller BSA 8: 54-55.
11For this auxiliary construction, see Attinger ZA 95: 216. or compare perhaps the udu nam-a-a-ak of YBC 4679 o i 31, etc.
12Some sources have nesaŋ for entries 71-72 instead.
13According to see Sigrist Drehem 102, this expression is used to establish equivalencies between different kinds of animals.
14The later translation immer ašipi suggests that |KA×LI| probably involves incantations in this context. + mu ša[to go baa]
15See Sallaberger Klein FS 236, 242-244, 253.
16See Civil in CUSAS 17, 264-265.
17See Heimpel BSA 7: 122-123, Steinkeller BSA 8: 54-55.
18See Heimpel BSA 7: 125-126, Steinkeller BSA 8: 54-55.
19Entries 143, 145 and 146 occur together in Lugalbanda Hurrim 314: see Hallo JAOS 103: 177-178, Hallo Veenhof FS 167. Akkadian miqq-anu, afflicted by a parasite?
20Note contexts like Tree and Reed 75 (quoted and discussed by Karahashi PhD 95-96). Hallo JAOS 103: 175: translates "fatty." Akkadian tahlapanu
21Compare the uzud sila₄ 2, 3 = ša tu-ʾa-a-mi, tak-si-i of MB Animals Nippur CBS 14064 ii 17'-18' and perhaps Lugalbanda Hurrim 320-321, 325.
22See Heimpel BSA 7 131-133, Steinkeller BSA 8 49.
23See Heimpel BSA 7 131-133, Steinkeller BSA 8 49.
24See Heimpel BSA 7: 122-123, Steinkeller BSA 8: 54-55.
25See Robertson PhD 214, who suggests the possible definition “male kid.”
26See Heimpel BSA 7: 125-126, Steinkeller BSA 8: 54-55.
27See Heimpel BSA 7: 125-126, Steinkeller BSA 8: 54-55.
28See Heimpel BSA 7: 123-125, Steinkeller BSA 8: 56, 69.
29See Heimpel BSA 7: 123-125, Steinkeller BSA 8: 56, 69.
30See Stol BSA 7: 191.
31See Stol BSA 7: 175.
32See Sallaberger Klein FS 236, 242-244, 253.
33Entry is glossed as zubi in later ur₅-ra.
34According to see Sigrist Drehem 102, this expression is used to establish equivalencies between different kinds of animals.
35See Stol BSA 7: 181.
36See Veldhuis JCS 54: 69f.
37See Krebernik ZA 74: 168-169, Civil NABU 1988/42. This designation occurs in the Suen eršema BM 13930 (CT 15: 16-17) line 15.
38See Civil FI 141f.
39Restore di or si-il?
40See Zarins JCS 30: 16-17.
41See Zarins JCS 30: 14f.
42Compare contexts like Gilgameš, Enkidu and the Netherworld 42/85/129.
43For the vocalizations of {u₂}|KI.KAL|, see Civil Reiner FS 48 and Molina and Such-Guitierrez JNES 63: 14.
44Compare perhaps {ŋeš}KWU 459/460, for which see Molina and Such-Gutierrez JNES 63: 14-15.
45A variant orthography muš kar ŋestin-na is known: see Heimpel Tierbilder 499f.
46See Peterson PhD 217-224.
47See Steinkeller BSA 8: 50.
48This entry does not constitute a faunal term in extant contexts.
49See Peterson PhD 472. Akkadian atudu
50See Steinkeller BSA 8: 50.
51See Steinkeller BSA 8: 50
52See Civil JCS 50: 11f.
53Note the reservations of Veldhuis JCS 54:69 n. 20.
54See Veldhuis JCS 54: 71f.
55Note, for example, the variety of animals described as u₂-ma-am ki bad-ra₂ in Curse of Agade 21.
56This entry is also possibly another name for this division of Ura (see Two Scribes 4, 53, Eduba D 14) and perhaps only later is a Sumerogram for textual commentary. See Civil Birot FS 74.
57Cavigneaux and al-Rawi ZA 92: 43 n. 110 suggest that this section may indicate variant vocalization eh/ah/ih/uh, but it may just correspond to 4 different Akkadian translations (see Veldhuis EEN 110).
58The item corresponds to nim SIG₇-SIG₇ = ša₂-as-su-ru in Ura 14 314 (also Emar; and see the variant nim SIG₇-SIG₇-a in IM 58670 + ). The element IGIg-EN-IGIg-EN relates to the writing SIG₇-EN-SIG₇-DUG₃ for mothergoddess in Enki and Ninmah, read se₁₂-en-{sa₇}sar₂ by Lambert 2013 (CM 16, 504).
59Compare Proverb Collection (2+)6.43.
60See Veldhuis JCS 54: 67f.
61This section is discussed by Veldhuis in De la domestication au tabou ... (2006) 27f.
62See Steinkeller NABU 2007 no. 18.
63See Sjöberg Pettinato FS 270, Peterson PhD 569 n. 2190.
64Note the range of Akkadian terms (eqbum, kutallum, qinnatum) associated with ma-sila₃ in the Šumma Izbu commentary ROM 991: 10-11 (Leichty TCS 4: 233).
65Or does this involve the juncture between the horn and the head? Compare perhaps Temple Hymns 172.
66Perhaps read ma-sila₃ ib₂, part of the hip?
67This entry also occurs in the pre-OB lexical text CBS 7269 rev. 10.
68See Foxvog Sjöberg FS 171, Civil Biggs FS 22.
69See Steinkeller Sigrist FS 186-187.
70See 2006 M. Jaques, AOAT 332 241-242.
71See 1970 Ȧ Sjöberg, OrNS 39, 91 for a context attestation of uzu šag₄ lu-ub₂ (SLTNi 131 r ii 8). MSL 9, 42-46: 40
72See Foxvog Sjöberg FS 172 for the possibility that this entry pertains both to the lung (mur) and liver (ur₅).
73See Foxvog, Sjöberg FS 172 and n. 10, Hallo Veenhof FS 164. This term occurs in Lugalbanda Hurrim 381 along with the preceding entry.
74Compare ŋeš-kun gud: see Hallo Veenhof FS 162.
75This body part occurs as part of Huwawa in Gilgamesh and Huwawa (A 102, B 92) and as part of a humn in the "appendix" to UHF Ni 630 143'. Akkadian šitiq irti
76Compare Bird and Fish 59 and Edubba D 221.
77Compare the incantation subscript ŋir₃-pad-ra₂ hul-gig-ga-kam of YBC 5625 (YOS 11: 76).
78Read perhaps tun₃, stomach?
79See CAD T 83. Akkadian takmīsu
80For the verb šeŋ₆ in conjunction with meat, see Steinkeller Sigrist FS 196.
81Compare perhaps the uzu su KAD₅ of the pre-OB lexical text CBS 7269 rev. 11.
82See Foxvog Sjöberg FS 173. Akkadian puttû MSL 9, 42-46: 72
83Literally "house of the lung" or "debtor's prison"?
84This term elicits the divergent Akkadian translations šaššaṭu (SB List of Diseases 82) and ṣeru (OB Nigga bilingual B 270). The placement of the entry implicates it as a kind of tendon in the current context. Akkadian ṣēbru
85See Foxvog Sjöberg FS 172-173.
86See Foxvog Sjöberg FS 172. Akkadian paršu
CBS 06434 (SLT 051) [OB Nippur Ura]
CBS 07035 (SLT 256) [OB Nippur Ura]
Obverse | ||
o 1'o 1' | braying donkey | |
o 2'2' | young male donkey | |
o 3'3' | one year old male donkey | |
o 4'4' | snorting donkey | |
o 5'5' | donkeys hitched in a pair | |
o 6'6' | pack donkey | |
o 7'7' | saddled donkey | |
o 8'8' | choice donkey | |
o 9'9' | ||
o 10'10' | type of donkey |