TCL 15, 10 [God List]
1BA possibly marked as erased by smudge in center of sign.
2see RlA s.v. {d}nin-BÀD-<bar?>-ra
3The handcopy has {d}nin-x#-KI, possibly reflecting a piece now missing.
4The handcopy has {d}nin-x#-[...], possibly reflecting a piece now missing.
5-ga not on copy; looks OK from photo but needs collation.
6ga! not on copy; collated from photo.
7The handcopy has {d}en-zi-kalam-ma, possibly reflecting a piece now missing.
8The handcopy has {d}nin-x-UNUG{ki}, possibly reflecting a piece now missing.
9A chip containing much of entries 20-21 apparently fell off after Genouillac's copy.
10RlA s.v. Lugal-NÍG.X.