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CMAwRo 2 presents online the text editions and translations from Tzvi Abusch, Daniel Schwemer, Mikko Luukko and Greta Van Buylaere, Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-witchcraft Rituals, vol. 2 (Ancient Magic and Divination 8/2, Brill: 2016).
The volume was lemmatized by Mikko Luukko and Greta Van Buylaere as part of the DFG-funded research project "Corpus babylonischer Rituale und Beschwörungen gegen Schadenzauber: Edition, lexikalische Erschließung, historische und literarische Analyse", directed by Daniel Schwemer (University of Würzburg).
You can view the project's content here [/cmawro/cmawr2/pager].
An explanatory website on Mesopotamian witchcraft and magic can be found on [].
Buy the book [] from Brill