Antiochus I 1

11man-ti-ʾi-ku-us LUGAL GALu₂

(1) Antiochus, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Babylon, king of the lands, provider for Esagil and Ezida, foremost heir of king Seleucus, the Macedonian, king of Babylon, am I.

33za-ni-in E₂.SAG.IL₂ u₃ E₂.ZI.DA
44IBILA SAG.KAL ša msi-lu-uk-ku LUGAL
55lu₂ma-ak-ka-du-na-a-a LUGAL Eki
66a-na-ku i-nu-ma a-na e-pe₂-eš₁₅

(6) When I decided to (re)build Esagil and Ezida, I moulded the bricks of Esagil and Ezida in the land of Hatti (=Syria) with my pure hands, using the finest oil, and for the laying of the foundations of Esagil and Ezida I brought them.

77E₂.SAG.IL₂ u₃ E₂.ZI.DA
88lib₃-bi ub-lam-ma SIG₄-ḪI.A
99E₂.SAG.IL₂ u₃ E₂.ZI.DA
1010ina kurḫa-at-ti₃ ina ŠU-MIN-ia₂ el-le-ti
1111i-na I₃.GIŠ ru--ti al-bi-in-ma
1212a-na na-de-e -šu ša E₂.SAG.IL₂
1313u₃ E₂.ZI.DA ub-bi-il ina itiŠE U₄ 20-KAM

(13) In the month of Addaru, on the twentieth day, in year 43 (= 27 March 268 BC), I laid the foundations of Ezida, the true house, the temple of Nabû which is in Borsippa.

1414MU 43-KAM -šu ša E₂.ZI.DA
1515E₂ ki-i-ni E₂ dNA₃ ša₂ qe₂-reb BAR.SIP₃ki
1616ad-de-e -ši-šu dNA₃ IBILA ṣi-i-ri

(16) Nabû, supreme heir, wisest of the gods, the proud one, who is worthy of praise, firstborn son of Marduk, offspring of Erua the queen who forms living creatures, look favourably (upon me).

1717IGI.GAL₂.LA DINGIR-MEŠ muš-tar-ḫu
1818ša a-na ta-na-da-a-ti
1919šit-ku-nu IBILA reš-tu-u₂
2020ša dAMAR.UTU i-lit-ti de₄-ru₆-u₂-a
2121šar-rat pa-ti-qat₂ nab-ni-ti
2222ḫa-diš nap-li-is-ma
2323i-na qi₂-bi-ti-ka ṣi-ir-ti

(23) At your supreme command, whose command is unalterable, may the downfall of the land of my foe, the achievement of my successes, triumphant victory over my enemies, a just rule, a prosperous reign, years of happiness and the full enjoyment of great old age, be a gift for the kingship of Antiochus and king Seleucus, his son, forever.

2424ša la in-nen-nu-u₂ qi₂-bit-su
2525šu-um-qu-ut ma-a-ti a-a-bi-ia₂
2626ka-ša₂-du er-ni-it-ti-ia₂1
2727UGU na-ki-ri u₂-šu-uz-zu i-na li-i-ti
2828LUGALu₂-tu mi-ša₂-ri pa-le-e
2929bu-a-ri MU.AN.NA-MEŠ ṭu-ub lib₃-bi
3030še-be₂-e lit-tu-tu lu ši-ri-ik-ti
3131LUGALu₂-ti ša₂ man-ti-ʾi-ku-us
3232u₃ si-lu-uk-ku LUGAL DUMU-šu₂
3333a-na da-ra-a-ti DUMU ru-be₂-e

(33) Son of the prince, Nabû, heir of Esagil, firstborn son of Marduk, offspring of Erua the queen, when with rejoicing and jubilation you enter Ezida, the true house, the house of your supreme divinity, at your true command, which cannot be annulled, may my days be long, my years many; may my throne be secure, my reign lengthy, on your exalted tablet which preserves the boundary of heaven and earth.

3535bu-kur₂ dASAR.RI reš-tu-u₂
3636i-lit-ti de₄-ru₆-u₂-a šar-rat
3737a-na E₂.ZI.DA E₂ ki-i-ni
3838E₂ da-nu-ti-ka šu-bat ṭu-<ub> lib₃-bi-ka
3939i-na ḫi-da-a-tu₂ u₃ ri-ša₂-a-tu₂
4040i-na e-re-bi-ka i-na qi₂-bi-ti-ka
4141kit-ti ša la -tam-sa-ku li-ri-ku u₄-mi-ia₂
4242li-mi-da MU.AN.NAti-ia₂
4343li-kun gišGU.ZA-u₂-a li-il-bi-ir
4444pa-lu-u₂-a i-na gišDA-ka ṣi-i-ri2
4545mu-kin pal-lu-uk-ku? ANe u KIti₃3
4646i-na pi-i-ka el-li liš-tak-ka-nu

(46) In your pure mouth may my good fortune be constantly established.

4747du-un-qi₂-ia₂ KUR.KUR-MEŠ TA ṣi-it dUTUši

(47) May I conquer the lands from the rising to the setting of the sun; may my hands inventory their tribute and may I bring it to perfect Esagil and Ezida.

4848a-di e-re-eb dUTUši lik-šu-du4
4949ŠU-MIN-a-a man-da-at-ti-ši-nu lu-us-ni-iq-ma
5050a-na šuk-lu-lu E₂.SAG.IL₂
5151u₃ E₂.ZI.DA lu-bi-il dNA₃

(51) Nabû, supreme heir, upon your entry to Ezida, the true house, may the good fortune of Antiochus, king of the lands, king Seleucus, his son, and Stratonike, his consort, the queen, be established in your mouth.

5353E₂ ki-i-ni i-na e-re-bi-ka
5454SIG₅ti₃ man-ti-ʾi-ku-us LUGAL KUR.KUR
5555msi-lu-uk-ku LUGAL DUMU-šu₂
5757ḫi-rat-su šar-ra-at
5959li--ša₂-kin i-na pi-i-ka

1Although ka-ša₂-ad is expected grammatically and transliterated by previous editors, the sign bears little resemblance to the first sign of i.16. On close inspection, this is DU (cf. ii.17), inscribed over another partially erased sign. The traces of the original sign look like IR, which follows DU in the line; probably the scribe originally wrote IR and then corrected his omission.

2The penultimate word was previously read as haṭ-ṭa-ka, ‘your sceptre’. However, the first sign is GIŠ, not PA, and so we must read giš.DA, i.e. lē’û, ‘writing tablet’, which is of course more traditional for Nabû.

3The writing of pallukku (for pulukku, ‘boundary’) is problematic. Kuhrt and Sherwin-White read pal-lu-uk-ki, whereas van der Spek and Stol transliterate pal-lu!(KU)-uk-ku!(LU), with inversion of LU and KU. However, there is considerable variation in the writings of KU and LU throughout the cylinder, and sometimes they are written very similarly. The sign after PAL can certainly be read as LU, as there are parallel writings of the sign elsewhere in the text. The final sign is more difficult; it is definitely KU or LU but no writing of KU provides a clear parallel. Possibly this should still be read as an erroneous LU.

4Kuhrt and Sherwin-White’s original reading is correct here; the final sign of the line is DU and not DA, as read by van der Spek and Stol. We therefore have a masculine plural verb instead of expected feminine plural for the dual subject.